
Quintuss's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.



we are about to launch our first Starfinder session and there are first details in which we have at least 2 opinions, if we are lucky.

Most current is Solarian mote/armor/weapon emanating energy.
When it comes to light, it is clear that the mote emanates dim light(red, white, yellow, blue...) in certain area, but what about the black hole? Does it emanate darkness? And I do not mean just some dim fog around pitch black material of the mote/armor/weapon. Does it providing cover, concealment, is it changing visibility etc.?

I hope to hear your opinions soon, like, before fridays session soon.

Regards and long live the Infernal Majestrix,