
Queen_Cannon's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 15 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

Yes, I am aware that it does not have to be in one session in order to count for PFS credit. It is simply difficult to corral people together for two separate sessions or get their undivided attention for more than 5 hours. I also did not realize that the requirements for what needs to be run for PFS was provided via the chronicle download. That will solve most of my dilemma.

I suppose what lent to the confusion is that I have played the first 3 books of Reign of Winter in their own individual section of PFS before, so I had a preconception of the requirements roughly fitting that time frame. But now that you mention it, level 13-15 will undoubtedly take longer than 5 hours.

Thank you for all the help, guys!

Dark Archive

Hello All,

Recently, I began running Skull and Shackles in campaign mode for a few players, but we stopped after playing through only the first three books. Now a different group has asked me to GM the 6th book solely for PFS credit. Naturally, the entirety of a single book would take much more than 5 hours to complete.

This may be a silly question, but I have having difficulty finding a PFS legal way to condense the scenario so I can run it in a 4-5 hour time slot. Does such a standard exist and if so, where?

I have looked in the PFS season 7 guide and on the forums and have not found much, though admittedly, I am not the most adept at navigating the forums. Any help offered would be great and thank you in advance.


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