Luonim the Vast

Qualzar's page

89 posts. Alias of Paladin of Baha-who?.


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Sorry for the delay! I would like a spell and an item 1. Did anyone else want either of those?

That was confusing. Not sure which of the two posts we should go by?

Sorry, I didn't realize it wouldn't be noticeable. I think we've almost got this!

Qualzar investigates the Tombs further to make sure they're safe. Turns out they're not -- he encounters an undead priest! Pointing his fingers, he sends two beams of force at the monster. Using Force Missile.

arcane 10: 1d10 + 3 + 2d4 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (3, 1) = 10

Arcane 6 to recharge: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

The creature is just barely defeated. After wiping sweat from his brow, Qualzar sacrifices a scroll he found to seal the tombs, and walks away with a sigh relief. Burying Remove Curse to close Peasant Tombs.

Ending turn; monster is shuffled into 1d5 ⇒ 1 Precious Mine.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Ubashki, Crown of Charisma, Blessing of the Gods 1, Lightning Touch, Codex, Black Spot,

Deck: 5 Discard: 9 Buried: 1
Notes: Use Black Spot or Blessing as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Erasmus, I gave you a +1 flaming pick.

I have no weapons in my discard pile, and the armor is unimportant. Aric/RR can use it if needed. I can probably close the Tombs on my next turn, as the remove Curse card counts as divine.

Using the Djinn Favor amulet to reduce the damage, and since it's fire, that will let me recharge a card from discard. Random card is Jinx Eater.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Ubashki, Remove Curse, Blessing of the Gods 1, Force Missile, Codex,

Deck: 7 Discard: 9 Buried: 0
Notes: Use Remove Curse or Blessing as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Finishing up: Drawing 4 more cards.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Ubashki, Remove Curse, Blessing of the Gods 1, Force Missile, Codex, Djinn Favor Amulet,

Deck: 5 Discard: 10 Buried: 0
Notes: Use Remove Curse or Blessing as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Deciding that Erasmus might make better use of it than he, Qualzar hands him the flaming Pick.

Giving Erasmus the +1 Flaming heavy Pick.

Qualzar heads back to the Peasant Tombs, and runs into the Dog Soldier.

He focuses his mind and attacks the Dog Soldier with mental force.

Discarding Leather Armor to use class power.

Arcane 11: 1d10 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 3 + (4) = 17 Crap, overkilled too much to close the location, although at least it wasn't by 7 or more.

Qualzar prays to the elemental lords and continues to explore the Tombs. Discarding BotE to explore.

He encounters a Lightning Storm and shields himself as best he can against the weather.

Well, that didn't work so terribly well.

Shuffle monster into: 1d5 ⇒ 2 Quarry. Again. Damnit.

Qualzar is no longer at that location.

Arcane 6 to recharge Black Spot: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Ok, Peasant tombs has fewer cards and Raz could probably use a rescue.

Qualzar heads over to the Peasant Tombs. As he approaches, a bird of fire swoops down out of the sun at him. He points a finger and sends several force missiles at it!

Arcane 11: 1d10 + 3 + 2d4 ⇒ (4) + 3 + (4, 4) = 15 Does not trigger overkill.

Arcane 6 to recharge: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11

Discarding Jinx Eater to explore.

As Qualzar attempts to enter the tombs, a tengu acquaintance of his arrives to inform him that entry is being blocked by Falto, a roguish local. Qualzar goes to investigate, and tries to talk the fellow into letting him pass.

Charisma: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

With no success, Qualzar heads elsewhere for now.

random location: 1d4 ⇒ 2 He arrives at the Quarry.

Ending turn. Monster shuffles into: 1d5 ⇒ 1 Precious Mine.

Drawing Surgeon, BotE, and Crown of Charisma. That could have been useful in the previous turn!

Using Surgeon immediately at the beginning of the next player's turn. Shuffling Codex into the deck, and recharging Surgeon.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Remove Curse, Blessing of the Elements, Leather Armor, Flaming Heavy Pick +1, Djinn Favor Amulet,

Deck: 10 Discard: 8 Buried: 0
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Don't forget to use my Black Spot spell! Overkill doesn't matter if you close the location.

You need to roll for random monster. Also, as a reminder, you can use my Black Spot to reduce a check to defeat a monster by 2.

Erasmus has the best chance without any blessings available. We seem to be in a bit of a drought about those. However, if anyone else takes a turn we run the risk of a monster being shuffled into the catacombs.

Ok If you're willing to let me do that, that'd be fantastic. 1d5 ⇒ 2 => Monster goes to Quarry instead.

Encountering the Gnoll slaver, Qualzar considers the situation before realizing discretion is the better part of valor. He dazes the gnoll, scoops up his mummified cat and stuffs it in his backpack, and runs away.

Gnoll Slaver is now on the top of the Catacombs deck.

Retconning the draws: I would not have discarded the pick, so I would only get three new cards. Jinx Eater, Black Spot, and Force Missile. No Surgeon for me.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Jinx Eater, Remove Curse, Black Spot, Force Missile, Flaming Heavy Pick +1, Djinn Favor Amulet,

Deck: 9 Discard: 8 Buried: 0
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Start of turn: revealing handy haversack. Look at top card of deck: Ubakshi! Discarding haversack to draw Ubakshi.

Qualzar also heads for the Catacombs.

Qualzar discovers an icy longspear! He tries his best to use it, but it's like trying to wield a caber in battle -- just too long and heavy. I could in theory bury a card to get another die, but the chances aren't high for getting it.

As he's trying to pick the spear up, he is discovered by a gnoll hyenamaster! he drops it and defends himself with a flaming pick!

strength 9: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 5) + 1 = 10 As hoped, that does not exceed the check to defeat by 7 or more.

Driving back the gnoll's initial assault, he casts a lightning touch.

arcane 9: 1d10 + 3 + 2d4 ⇒ (9) + 3 + (4, 3) = 19 This overkill doesn't matter since it's not the first check.

This one finishes the gnoll, leaving it a smoking heap of scorched, smelly flesh.

arcane 6 to recharge: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 Success!

Qualzar summons his apprentice, a halfling lass, to help him delve into the catacombs. Discarding Incanter to explore.

A gnoll slaver strikes out at him from a shadow. His mummified cat jumps out, selflessly taking the blow for him, and is momentarily stunned. Recharging Ubakshi.

Discarding pick to fight the monster.

combat 10: 3d6 + 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 4) + 1 = 11 Got 'em!

Well, here goes wisdom... only a d6, not a high chance of succeeding.
Wisdom 5: 1d6 ⇒ 2 Nope. Oh well.

Monster shuffles into: 1d5 ⇒ 4 Peasant Tombs

Resetting hand. Using Surgeon at first opportunity: Shuffling Blessing of the Gods2 into deck, and Recharging Surgeon.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Jinx Eater, Remove Curse, Black Spot, Force Missile, Djinn Favor Amulet,

Deck: 10 Discard: 8 Buried: 0
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

In hindsight, I should have used my power to evade the henchman and put it on top of the deck.

I'm going to go to the Catacombs on my next turn.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If I had thought about that, I could have done something different. I'll keep it in mind for the future. I discarded Blessing of the Gods to get another d6 for strength.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Incanter, Remove Curse, Helpful Haversack, Lightning Touch, Flaming Heavy Pick +1, Djinn Favor Amulet,

Deck: 11 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Qualzar turns the corner in the mine and runs into a human adventurer -- but a very dangerous, disreptutable-looking one. He tries to talk to him and calm the situation down.

Charisma 8: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 I would avoid this check if I could to reduce the chance of overkill in combat, but it doesn't appear to be optional.

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you," says the rogue as he draws a curved dagger.

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die," Qualzar quips as he backs away and prepares to defend himself.

To avoid overkill, I'm going to not use a spell, and instead use Blessing of the Gods and, if it's alright, discard Erasmus's light crossbow for an additional 1d6+1d4.

combat 12 reduced to 8 by above check: 2d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (2, 4) + (4) = 10 Got it!

Qualzar lures the rogue out of the mine into view of the scorched ruins, and sends Erasmus a frantic message pleading for help. A crossbow bolt flies from the distance and sticks the human in the chest, causing him to gasp and clutch at the injury. Qualzar takes the opportunity and grabs the dagger, forcing it into the rogue's abdomen. Thanks, Erasmus!

"What a waste," he mutters as he looks to make sure the Mine contains no further dangers.

Closing this area is really important so I'm going to use a blessing of the Gods from Raz.

Strength 7 to close: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

He finds the rogue's campsite and loots it for gear.

Done. Drawing an item: Healer's Kit.

OK so with the text of the henchman, and the text of the scenario, I can shuffle all allies in this location into my deck, and draw any boons I want to. So I will draw all the boons except for allies, and shuffle the allies into the deck.

Drawing: Helpful Haversack, Flaming Heavy Pick +1, Djinn Favor Amulet. Shuffling: Ubashki.

That leaves me with 9 cards in hand. Discarding: codex, osirion history guide, Healer's kit. I'll update my deck handler when I get home and post a full status.

Random monster shuffles into: 1d5 ⇒ 2 Quarry.

I just realized I rolled a d20 instead of a d10 in one of my earlier posts. Let's fix that:

Arcane 8: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 OK, still successful.

I don't believe any of us have divine, do we?

No worries at all, I understand the situation.

Qualzar sends his pet crow out to look for trouble. Unfortunately, it seems like trouble finds him instead. Discarding crow to explore. Encountering alchemical gas. Recharging BotE for another die.

intelligence 7: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 4) = 11

As the acidic gas begins to fill the mining tunnel, Qualzar mutters a prayer to the elemental lords and holds his breath as he runs. He manages to get past this pocket of gas without harm.

Ending the turn there. Drawing up to 6 cards. Monster shuffled into:: 1d5 ⇒ 4 Peasant Tombs.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Incanter, Remove Curse, Codex, Lightning Touch, Blessing of the Gods 3, Osirion History Guide ,

Deck: 9 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Qualzar walks into the Mine, only to stumble over something. He looks back and finds a book written in Osiriani. Knowledge 3 -- I literally cannot fail this check. "A history of Osiron! How interesting. This might be useful," he mutters as he stows it in his pack.

Using Blessing of the Gods as Blessing of the Ancients to examine then explore.

Qualzar finds a scroll tucked into the pages of the book. He reads it carefully to try to discover what it is.

Arcane 8: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

"Another lucky find!"

Since I'm playing BotG as BotA and the latter says I can recharge it if the top card has the Basic trait, which it has, can I recharge BotG? Pausing here to wait for the answer, since I may change what I want to do next depending.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Elements, Blessing of the Gods 2, Codex, Lightning Touch, Blessing of the Gods 3, Crow,

Deck: 8 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Black spot can be used to reduce the difficulty of combat checks by 2. Please use Blessing of the Elements if you can recharge it.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

I think I'll go to the sunburst market too, get a Blessing of the Elements again. Need to update my deck handler with the Ally 1 I earned last time.

I haven't played since the earlier scenario we played here, so I am fine to continue.

Ally 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 267
Spell 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 859
Weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 496

1d20 ⇒ 18

Might as well try for a few extra cards. Revealing Surgeon to shuffle a random card from discards into my deck.

Qualzar thanks Erasmus for disabling the toxic Geyser, and continues in to explore. He finds a pair of fine bracers.

Intelligence 6: 1d10 ⇒ 5

Unfortunately, he can't quite see what makes them special, and abandons them.

Discarding Hyaenadon to examine the deck, revealing a Blasphemous Priest. Ok, I'm into it. Exploring, then discarding Lightning Touch to attack.

Arcane 10: 1d10 + 3 + 2d4 ⇒ (8) + 3 + (4, 3) = 18 Well, that shuffles a new monster into the deck.

Arcane 6 to recharge: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

There are 10 cards left in the location, with 1 newly shuffled monster. Of those, 1 is a blessing, 1 is an item, and 2 are a weapon. I don't like my odds, especially with only three cards left. I would have to keep or recharge at least one of them to survive. Alright, guess I'm done. Feel free to use my blessings and Black Spot spell on your turns since I won't need them again.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Crown of Charisma, Force Missile, Blessing of the Gods 3, Blessing of the Elements, Black Spot, Sebti The Crocodile,

Deck: 2 Discard: 10 Buried: 1
Notes: Black spot can be used to reduce the difficulty of combat checks by 2.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Do we get upgrades if we don't beat the scenario?

Better get working on the Peasant tombs then.

Qualzar heads over to the Tombs, looking around cautiously. He encounters Sebti the Crocodile, and works to try to convince her to help. Recharging Crown of Charisma to succeed.

Sebti joins his travels through the Tombs.

Discarding Sage to explore.

Qualzar encounters a porcupine. Discarding codex to add a die.

Wisdom 7: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5 Fail.

Intelligence 10 to recharge: 1d10 ⇒ 1 Fail

Recharge Sebti to look at top 2 cards. Toxic Geyser and Burglar's Bracers.

Have to be cautious, can't blow through cards like when we had a healer.

Shuffle monster into: 1d6 ⇒ 3 => Scorched Ruins

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Lightning Touch, Force Missile, Hyaenadon, Blessing of the Elements, Black Spot, Surgeon,

Deck: 3 Discard: 9 Buried: 1
Notes: Black spot can be used to reduce the difficulty of combat checks by 2. Please use Blessing of the Elements if you can recharge it.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Weird that the fire hydra isn't immune to fire.

Qualzar heads for the Catacombs. The first thing he finds is a divine scroll. Wisdom 6: 1d6 ⇒ 2 "Not my school of magic," he says with a shake of his head.

Displaying Surgeon and shuffling a card from discard into deck.

Discarding Porcupine to explore.

Qualzar sees a nice halfling-style sling staff hanging from a high ledge. He sends his favorite crow to go try to retrieve it. Recharging crow to add 1d6.

Dex 8: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5 It's too heavy for the crow.

He sits down against the wall to rest.

Random monster: 1d6 ⇒ 5 => Catacombs

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Crown of Charisma, Force Missile, Hyaenadon, Blessing of the Elements, Sage, Codex,

Deck: 4 Discard: 7 Buried: 1
Notes: Use blessings as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Had no weapons in hand. Monster shuffle: 1d6 ⇒ 6 => Tarworks.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Crown of Charisma, Force Missile, Porcupine , Blessing of the Elements, Crow, Surgeon,

Deck: 4 Discard: 7 Buried: 1
Notes: Use blessings as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Qualzar confusedly wanders around. 1d5 ⇒ 2 He ends up at the Quarry.

One monster was shuffled into the quarry, so there's 13 cards there. 13 is the new monster. 1d13 ⇒ 11 Desert Trapper! Discarding Shock glaive to use Qualzar's power.

arcane 7: 1d10 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 3 + (4) = 12

Discarding Marrn to explore. 12 is the new monster. 1d12 ⇒ 4 Voices of the Spire! Discarding Blessing of the Gods 2 to get an extra die.

charisma 7: 2d10 + 1 ⇒ (4, 10) + 1 = 15 Success! Now to close. Discarding Blessing of the Gods 3 to get another die. Since I've just got a d4, I better get a third. Using Blessing of the Gods from Erasmus.

3d4 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) = 7 Did it! Quarry is closed! Searching for allies: Hyaenodon and Porcupine. Shuffling them into my deck. I will update my deck handler and post my new hand shortly.

Wisdom 6 to banish Echos: 1d6 ⇒ 6 Success!

Qualzar heads for the catacombs. The mysterious passages start to lead him into confusion, however.

Charisma 8: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Curse is now displayed. Discarding Blessing of the Gods as Blessing of Nethys to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location. I see Alchemical Gas and Shock Glaive. Putting Shock Glaive on top.

His pet crow caws at him, drawing his attention to a fine weapon hidden in the catacombs. Recharging crow for a d6.

Strength 11: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11 Got it!

It's a little unwieldy for him, but maybe someone else can use it. Ending turn.

Shuffle monster into: 1d6 ⇒ 5 => Catacombs

Wisdom 6 to try to banish Curse: 1d6 ⇒ 5 Failure, curse is still displayed.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Gods 3, Force Missile, Mad Dog Marrn , Blessing of the Gods 2, Crow, Shock Glaive,

Displayed: Echoes of Confusion ,
Deck: 7 Discard: 3 Buried: 1
Notes: Use blessings as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

I can't succeed on that roll, so I'll just take the damage. 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2. Burying Leather Armor to reduce damage to 0.

Qualzar sets off into the Scorched ruins.

His friend, a sage, notices the trap just before he does. With her help, he avoids it. Recharging Sage to add 1d6.

Intelligence 5: 1d10 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (5) = 6

He asks the twin brother of the tengu assassin who died yesterday to help him look around. He encounters a crazed-looking halfling. Discarding codex to add 1 die.

charisma 9: 2d10 + 1 ⇒ (5, 9) + 1 = 15

Intelligence 10 to recharge: 1d10 ⇒ 2

The Halfling joins him for a respite.

Ending turn.

Random monster location: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Random monster gets shuffled into the Precious Mine.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Gods 3, Force Missile, Blessing of the Gods 1, Mad Dog Marrn , Crow, Leather Armor,

Deck: 7 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Notes: Use blessings as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Ouch, that leaves us with no healer. Gotta play carefully this time.

Qualzar will start at the Scorched Ruins. Trader: Swapping out a Blessing of the Gods for Blessing of the Elements again.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Gods 3, Force Missile, Blessing of the Gods 1, Jinx Eater, Sage, Codex,

Deck: 8 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Use blessings as needed. Black spot can be used to reduce any combat check by 2.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Is the player of Grazzle joining us with a new character for the next scenario?

Since Jinx Eater is basic, I'm putting it back in. Item 1 is Crown of Charisma.

Power feat is "When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([X] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits."

So, I had to banish a card that was in my deck already. Do I just replace it with a basic card?

1. Item 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 592

2. weapon 1: 1d1000 ⇒ 998

3. Ally B

Pretty sure we can do this. Quarry has 4 cards left, so we can likely find and defeat the villain or henchman there within a few turns. We need someone at the Passages first, though, in case it turns out to be the villain and we need to temp close it.

I'm getting low on cards, but this turn will have to be a single exploration only because there's just the henchman/villain left.

Qualzar knows he's closing in on the troublemaker here at the brickworks. He gets a little healing first before continuing. Revealing Surgeon to recharge a random card from discard. Deck handler says: Crow. Recharging Surgeon.

Sure as he thought, there's a gnoll slaver in the center of the brickworks! A tomb raider that was walking with him yelps and runs out of the room. Recharging Tomb Raider. Qualzar releases his fire gecko to attack, and sends a flurry of force missiles into the henchman. Revealing fire gecko, and discarding Force Missile.

arcane 10: 1d10 + 3 + 2d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (1, 4) + (1) = 10 Whoa, that was close, but I got it!

The gnoll slaver falls over, defeated.

Arcane 6: 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 Recharged.

Attempting to close. Discarding Blessing of the Gods 2 to get an extra die.

Strength 5: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9

The brickworks cleared, Qualzar walks outside and breathes a sigh of relief. He looks up and sees a sniper on a rooftop. He quickly conjures a magical shield, just in time to stop a missile from hitting him, then ducks behind a barrier.

Charisma 6: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

Ending turn, resetting hand.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Fire Gecko, Blessing of the Gods 1, Blessing of the Elements, Black Spot, Crow, Surgeon,

Deck: 2 Discard: 7 Buried: 2
Notes: Use blessings as needed. Black spot can be used to reduce any combat check by 2.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([ ] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Isn't a check to try to banish a barrier a check to defeat?

Oh, that would have been nice to know -- my first attempt at the turn had me get the first one, and it was better than the fire gecko. Made the rest of the turn go worse.

Sorry, took longer than I expected.

Cursing his failure, Qualzar continues through the brickworks. He asks his friendly sage to help him scout. Discarding Sage to explore.

The sage screams and runs as a huge Shock Toad zaps Qualzar painfully. Discarding Blessing of the Gods as damage.

Qualzar focuses his mind on the toad, trying to destroy it. Discarding Lightning Touch to use his power.

Arcane 8: 1d10 + 3 + 1d6 ⇒ (10) + 3 + (5) = 18 Not the first check to defeat this turn.

The toad defeated, Qualzar slumps down in exhaustion.

Charisma 6: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Resetting hand:

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Fire Gecko, Surgeon, Blessing of the Elements, Blessing of the Gods 2, Tomb Raider, Force Missile,

Deck: 2 Discard: 7 Buried: 2
Notes: Use blessings as needed.
Sideboard cards:

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Dexterity d6 [ ]+1 [ ]+2
Constitution d4 [ ] +1
Intelligence d10 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [ ] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3
Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [ ] +2 [ ] +3 [ ] +4
Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([ ] +1) ([ ] +2) and add the Attack, Magic, and Mental traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([ ] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.

Ah, I see.



The card of the blessing deck turns out to be Liberty's Edge Favor, so I get an ally. 1d5 ⇒ 2

A representative of Liberty's Edge stops by to hand Qualzar a gilded cage containing a Fire Gecko. "Thank you for the... pet?"

Shrugging, he makes his way further into the brickworks. He notices a gas trap and quickly disables it. Adding a d4 from the Liberty's edge Favor.

Intelligence 7: 1d10 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (4) = 9 Success. First check to defeat: this is less than 7 more.

Lightning bolt: 1d4 ⇒ 2 A sudden bolt of lightning strikes nearby and the sound sends shockwaves through his body. Discarding Blast Stone and codex.

Exploring the brickworks, he meets a handsome young man. "Nefti, and you are?"

Charisma 8: 1d10 + 1 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 1 + (3) = 5

Qualzar accidentally mentions his membership in the pathfinder society and the bard frowns and shakes his head. "I will have nothing to do with you, and take an ally of yours on my way!" Banishing Jinx Eater.

Need to pause this turn and resume on a different PC. I'll post within 30 minutes.

Hmm. I had a post written up and then the server burped and it's gone. *sigh* I'll have to post later, these take a long time to write.

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