Qaballa's page

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willfromamerica wrote:
I personally switched it to a 3rd-level Wand of Magic Missiles since I had the same thought, and it wasn’t too powerful of an item to hand my players.

That was my first thought but no one in the group can use it so selling a lvl 7 wand would net more cash for them. Ended up changing it to Sound Burst, so the divine caster could use it.

But that doesn't alter the inquiry.

Why does Jafaki have a wand of magic missiles heightened to 2nd-level? As well all know Magic Missile is a 1st level spell and it requires heightening by 2 levels to get the next iteration, so 3rd to get 2 missiles per action. As far as I can tell it shouldn't do anything more than a 1st level wand apart from be more expensive.
Maybe as a 5th level item it could be a wand of manifold missiles (1st).
What's the intention here, any ideas anyone?

eirip wrote:

Let me start off by saying I love love love the pathfinder adventure path. The quality of your products, particularly the adventure path's is second to none!

That being said, please Paizo get rid of the set piece adventure and please return to giving us 10 pages of material that is directly related to the storyline. I know we have the option of running this material in our campaign but I would rather have material that is directly related to the story and not have to come up with an idea of why my pc's would bother going on Captain Grudge's ship.

Agreed, I'd also much rather have the same length of adventure as the first 2 AP's were rather than the shorter ones of Second Darkness with the 'optional' extra

Just about to arrive in Magnimar

Human Fighter
Elf Rogue
Half-Orc Wizard (will multiclass into prestige Bard)
Elf Ranger
Dwarf Cleric
Human Monk / Duskblade (multiclassing into Enlightened Fist)