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![]() Unfortunately, due to miscommunication with my roommate and a hectic work schedule, I wasn't able to post this until now. On Saturday, March 29, at around 8:40 pm pst, I tried to purchase the pdfs for Blood of the Moon, Magical Marketplace, and Champions of Balance using a prepaid Emerald Mastercard (the things H&R Block uses for tax refunds). I plugged in the information and when I tried to check out my card was declined. Less than a minute later, I received a text stating that my card had been charged for the $25.76. I double checked and found that this was in fact true. The pdfs were not in my downloads. ![]()
![]() Okay, Studied Combat and Studied Strike aren't nerfs, they're two sledgehammers to the kneecaps! The investigator ability to participate in combat (let alone contribute) has been completely crippled. Yes, Studied Strike and Studied Combat are more thematic then Sneak Attack, but at least Sneak Attack doesn't just stop working after one decent hit. For comparison at 20th: Studied Combat: +10 to attack for at most (assuming 36 INT from 18 starting, 2 racial, 6 enhancement, 5 inherent, and 5 from level up) six rounds. Requires a standard action to set up (move with talent, swift with talent and inspiration point). Only useable once per enemy per day. Only one enemy at a time. Studied Strike: One attack at +9d6. Requires and immediately ends Studied Combat. Versus Sneak Attack: +6d6 per attack (at most 6 attacks with dual wield) whenever flanking or enemy is denied DEX to AC. I know that the investigator has tons of utility. But so do the alchemist and rouge; and at least both of them can do something to help the party when the bad guys decide that diplomacy/bluff/intimidate/etc. isn't going to stop them from attacking. ![]()
![]() Quick question: Some of the bloodline powers are worded as "when you enter a bloodrage" and some aren't. Was that intention (i.e. I can grow draconic claws whenever I want, but can only grow wings when I rage) or is there text that I'm missing stating that you can only use powers while raging? And if the latter, why the distinction on some of the powers? Edit: didn't read further up. my bad. ![]()
![]() Icyshadow wrote:
Remember, to the best of your abilities, all who have fallen to your blade. Remember their faces, your actions, and contemplate how you acted in accordance with Law. A hell of a lot less convoluted than offing a provable wrongdoer on a daily basis. Edit: Dang ninja leshy. ![]()
![]() Awesome book, but two problems.
![]() In order:
Ultimate Equipment has a very extensive set of tables in the back for this very scenario. Also the scroll generators you found probably weren't designed with Pathfinder in mind given that there's only one spell per scroll/potion. |