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![]() So I just started a new campaign with a brand new DM (who did a kick-ass job.) His world is a dark forest where about five years prior to the campaign darkness consumed the forest. The forest since has been cut off from the outside world. The only light in the forest comes from the two moons, that usually give off low-light. Most of the residents of the forest died when the darkness came. The only town is a ramshackle outpost called Brightwind Village. Creepy demons, and like undead, and all this other hair-standing up on the back of your skin reminiscent of the moon from majora's mask are filled in the forest... So I'm super pumped for this setting and want to dive into books out there similar to this setting. Are any good horror/fantasy books set in like a creepy forest setting out there? ![]()
![]() So I've been a tabletop gamer for about 5-6 years now (and a fantasy nerd since I was born). I've played 3.5, 4e, Pathfinder, Star Wars RPG, and both Warhammers. Through my travels at old gaming stores I've picked up the three books I need to start playing first edition AD&D. I don't have the reprints, I have just old copies that had been in a gaming store's basement for thirty years and I've poured over the rulebooks, but I'm still pretty confused about a lot of things. So far I understand that all dice rolls for combat and non-combat encounters run off of tables that are augmented by ability scores, class race, etc. What I guess is how does morale work (I've seen hints of it in the rulebook but I haven't really done any digging)? How does initiative work, is there a modifier, and how does weapon speed factor com into play? Is there just like a free guide out there that gives me the basics on character creation and gameplay? If so can someone send me a link? ![]()
![]() Hi, so a few of my friends have asked me to DM a D&D for them. They have played a few games of 4th edition or no games at all. I suggested we play Pathfinder and they're on board. This will be the whole group's first time playing Pathfinder and I've DMed for a while, I'm just a little curious because all the people I've played with are veterans. What should I do for a first level adventure of inexperienced players to kind of teach them the game? ![]()
![]() So I've been in a little Sci-Fi kick for the past few weeks (been watching "How the Universe Works" on the Science channel) and I want to find a good Sci-Fi RPG to try. I don't care what rules system it encompasses I just need somethign fun and cheap to try. I already tried STAR WARS: SAGA EDITION and didn't like it. What are some good Sci-Fi RPGs? (P.S. Next Summer I'll probably buy "Numenera" when it comes out next summer, but I'd like to try som high-tech stuff too.) ![]()
![]() Okay so I just got RotRL for my birthday and we might be running it soon and I'm wondering: "What the heck am I supposed to do before the Adventure?" I usually homebrew all my campaigns so I'm used to having to prepare whole mods, but now since everything is done for me what should I do to prep for my adventure? I thought about adding some villains and some extra encounters, but I don't want the PC's to get too high of a level. Should I switch them to slow progression to give me some stuff to make or should I just make props and things like that? What do you guys do to prepare for a mod that's already been written? ![]()
![]() So as my title suggests I'm thinking about making a Human Rogue with a two level dip in Fighter (for the feats) and I would like some feedback. He would be Human using a heavy repeating crossbow and I'd probably take the sniper archetype for the rogue becuase he would be more of a combat rogue than a skillmonkey. So here's the guy: Garen Glendor
Here are all the Feats I'm going to be taking (using combat trick as my talent until at least level 7) Level (Fighter) 1: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Repeating Crossbow), Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot
Any ideas on how to make him better? Thanks. ![]()
![]() I wrote this based off of a previous thread I wrote a while ago. (found here!) I really just want to know if my build or if there's anyhting I can do to tweak it. Okay this is what I've created so far. Russel Furfoot
Russel loves music. He is usually never without his signature Dobro guitar that he uses to play the blues while sitting around the campfire. His favorite songs mainly feature Treants and other fey creatures which he hopes to stumble across in his travels. The Elvish Wizard in his party frightens and fascinates him all at once. Magic is something he is very interested in and he'd like to learn a lot more about it. Russel is someone easily underestimated. With his small stature and cheerful disposition he can bring a smile to anyone's face. All the little Halfling wants is to bring good into this world and protect the brother he so deeply cares about. Russel may be small, but he is the unlikely hero in a time of great troubles. Okay here is my concept and here is what I want to do with him: I want to go every level Rogue, Bard, Rogue, Bard until I reach eigth level (Rogue 4/Bard 4) then I'll start taking levels as an Arcane Trickster. I picked Bard because of the Dobro and the buffing the bard does, But I'll be getting my sneak attacks very slowly. I kind of want to take the Elven Curved Blade and go finesse two weapon two-handed fighting plus buff either myself or my party members with wands and junk, plus my Dobro. What spells should I use? is my build too crappy? what magic items should I go for? and what feats should I take? Thanks ![]()
![]() I have many issues with the weapon "scythe" in Pathfinder. First off it's a martial weapon. How the hell is a farming tool a martial weapon? If a commoner wanted to harvest wheat he'd have to take a feat just to use a basic piece of farming equipment. It should be at best simple if not improvised. It's just a big sickle.
![]() Okay I keep seeing in the forums something about a "Dervish Dancer". I've been playing Pathfinder for about a year and I feel silly asking because it seems everyone knows about this. I've checked the Core, APG, UC, and UM and found nothing. Is this a Golarion specific thing? (I dont really know anything about Golarion. The people I play with are in a homebrew campaign with Forgotten Realms deities). Somebody please help me out without making me feel like an idiot. ![]()
![]() So I'm starting up a new campaign and I want to make a Halfing with the simmilar personality and fighting style as Samwise Gamgee. He's my favorite character from LOTR and I want to play that style character. I care more about the character than his abilities, but I don't want him to suck the big one. I'm willing to compromise a little bit, I just need a build that can keep up and not die. ![]()
![]() I'm making an Elvish Wizard Conjurer and I'm not sure where to take an arcane bond or a familiar. I like the idea of an arcane bond, plus I have a really good backstory idea for the bond. Familiars are a little complicated, but I'm afriad I'll lose my bonded item. Treantmonk's guide to Wizards said familiars are better. What should I pick? ![]()
![]() I just came back from playing a great pathfinder session, and it made me think of all of the fun times I had roleplaying. Post your favorite RP-ing memory from any edition. One of my favorite's is when I was playing a rogue. We had a low level party (like level 3-4) and we were escorting a chick through a dungeon. She was strong and could handle herself (I think she was actually like level 10 or something), but she didn't want to follow us deeper in the dungeon, so I decided to cut her hands off... I got stabbed, my friend got stabbed; both attacks had poison, and we were like 2 HP from dying until we were thrown into this pool of healing. I also never cut her hands off, but in the end my character went by the mysterious alias "The Severed Hand". It was just a really fun mod. with a memorable ending that has left me with a massive inside joke for a very, very long time. ![]()
![]() I just came back from playing a great pathfinder session, and it made me think of all of the fun times I had roleplaying. Post your favorite RP-ing memory from any edition. One of my favorite's is when I was playing a rogue. We had a low level party (like level 3-4) and we were escorting a chick through a dungeon. She was strong and could handle herself (I think she was actually like level 10 or something), but she didn't want to follow us deeper in the dungeon, so I decided to cut her hands off... I got stabbed, my friend got stabbed; both attacks had poison, and we were like 2 HP from dying until we were thrown into this pool of healing. I also never cut her hands off, but in the end my character went by the mysterious alias "The Severed Hand". It was just a really fun mod. with a memorable ending that has left me with a massive inside joke for a very, very long time. ![]()
![]() I have been playing pathfinder for about 8ish months. I ran with one DM who only played published mods. Once he finished DM-ing I asked if I could DM a few games. My whole campaign is in a Norse-based setting because my players wanted to start as viking slaves. I created factions, religion, social structure, and a starting town then I realized "How do I write my first mod?" I have its basic structure but I'm having trouble with the details. I DM-ed 4e for about a year so I have no problems with mod ideas, but I'm not sure how many monsters to put into the dungeon. What's a hard CR for level 1 characters? How do I determine CR if there is more than one monster. What types of treasure is appropriate for lvl 1 characters? We have 2 magusi (not sure with the spelling), 1 rogue, 1 cleric, and 1 undecided. How do I determine ad-hoc for each class? I'm a bit confused by the books. I need some help! ![]()
![]() So I was creating a sorcerer with the aquatic bloodline for a backup character incase mine dies. As I was perusing spell lists I found that aquatic sorcerers get the fifth level "Geyser" at ninth level. The problem is sorcerer's cannot cast 5th level spells at ninth level. Am I able to cast only that spell once per day? Or do I just have to wait until I level up? ![]()
![]() My Gm said we were playing a monstrous creature campaign so I asked, "Can I make my own race?" but after thinking of these ideas I couldn't find a race idea I liked. So I decided to make a template I could put over a race. A Soulscarred is a person who has died and resurrected, but the resurrection went wrong so he lost all his/her levels and cannot remember most things about his/her past life. They replace racial benefits with knowlege of their old life and they add bonuses and minuses to their ability scores from the resurrection. Please tell me what you think. :) Soulscarred
Soulscarred Template
All Soulscarred must replace two racial benefits with two new benefits. They may replace more than two benefits though. They cannot replace base land speed, size, vision, or what race you can be regarded as.
![]() I play a chaotic neutral Human thief who is obsessed with money. He has one goal, to fill a tub with gold coins and bathe in it. He wants a mansion, respect, and most importanly, gold! There is a local thieve's guild in a semi-wealthy city that he wants to take over. My thief plans to take over this guild by acting as a mystical urban legend named "The Severed Hand" who kills the bullies and baddasses of the slums as well as pulling a Robin Hood and stealing from the rich and giving to the poor (and himself). He plans to do this so he can overhtrow the guild and be a theif guild leader. My question of ethics is that would killing all the bad guys in the slums a good act? He is doing it to get power and money but he is also ridding the world of injustice, and helping the poor. Is that a good act, a neutral one, or possibly evil because he lies to the commoners. Once he gets the power he will try to keep the people happy so he can overthrow the government in the city, then other cities, then the country; so he can get a pool filled with gold in a rich mansion, and be the wealthiest man ever. Thanks for your input. :) |