Poison Pie's page
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. 37 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I have just recently read through the Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 3. For whatever reason (maybe I was just paying closer attention), this seemed like the best bestiary Paizo has released in years, especially in terms of the illustrations. Usually, I find two or three or four favorites in a Pathfinder or Starfinder Bestiary. However, in 2nd Edition Bestiary 3, it seemed like somewhere between a quarter and a third of the illustrations were in competition for favorite bestiary entry illustration! There were so many excellent entries. A few I especially liked were the adlet, arboreal archive, blood painter, aghash div, grimple gremlin, blood hag, toshigami kami, Lovecraft's nightgaunt and yithian as well as ordinary creatures like the seahorse. I love this bestiary.
The bestiary appears as the 307th entry in the poorly named Survey of One Hundred Bestiaries at the blog of the Poison Pie Publishing House.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Folks at Paizo:
I tried again today. This time it worked. So I have it now.
But I still don't understand why the 68 page Starfinder Adventure Path #32 is 338 MB when the 100 page Pathfinder Adventure Path #159 is 34 MB, when both products were released at the same time. It makes no sense. A 338 MB pdf is unnecessarily unwieldy on a tablet.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I checked again today.
The download for Starfinder Adventure Path #32: The Starstone Blockade (The Devastation Ark 2 of 3) Single File still results in a 0 KB *.zip file without any content. There appears to be a problem with this download.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The download for Starfinder Adventure Path #32: The Starstone Blockade (The Devastation Ark 2 of 3) Single File results in a 0 KB *.zip file without any content. There appears to be a problem with this download. I had no trouble with the Pathfinder Adventure Path #159 Single File download.
Also, can someone explain why the last two Starfinder Adventure Paths have been outrageously large in size, over 300 MB? These books have fewer pages than the Pathfinder Adventure paths but the files are six times as larger. Where is the quality control in digital content?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Well, I saw the message that they were looking into split shipping issues, so I waited for my two shipments to be combined. Today, I got two emails that my two subscriptions were shipped separately, so in fact nothing was done and I was charged double shipping. At this point, messages posted in this forum don't seem to reach customer service at all. There is no reason to ship two paperback books to the same address on the same day in two separate packages.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Paizo Customer Service:
I received an email stating that the next issues in my subscription of Pathfinder (#155) & Starfinder (#28) adventure paths were pending. However, for the first time in the years that I have had these subscriptions, my bill states that the two books will be shipped separately and I will be charged double for shipping. I checked my status on the subscriptions and I have never changed any shipping instructions. Please ship my subscriptions in one package and please alter my bill to reflect this change. Thanks.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
This looks interesting and I have supported previous Paizo Humble Bundles but the "charity" is Rancho Obi-Wan. I don't care what its legal classification is, but Rancho Obi-Wan is not a charity. Make the International Red Cross an option next time. I am passing on this one.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Does anyone know if the interior art in the 2ed bestiary is all new or if some of the interior art is recycled from 1e bestiaries? Thanks.
At this point, between adventure paths, campaign settings, player's companions and core rulebooks, I must have about 300 1e PF books. Don't feel compelled to move to a simplification of rules. But if the books have new art, I am probably in for more than just the adventure paths.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Where is the cover image? Issue 4 of this AP already has a cover.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
There are two instances in this book that call for knowledge (streetwise) checks. As far as I know that's not a Pathfinder skill. Based on the context, I presume that they mean knowledge (local). Is there some special rule for streetwise?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
There are two separate stat blocks in this book that reference Bestiary 7. I couldn't find any news about a new bestiary. Is this a typo, twice? Thanks.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Pathfinder-compatible Librarian Class at the Poison Pie Publishing House has been expanded over the past year. Numerous additional dissertations have been added, for a current total of nineteen. These dissertations give variety to the librarian as mysteries do for oracles. Also the list of libraries on Golarion through which librarians can travel via the Portable Library has also been updated. The link remains here: Librarian Class.
Since the librarian is a divination-focused caster class, it may be worth mentioning that the Poison Pie Publishing House has also published a couple months ago a treatise on the tools of cleromancy. That link is here: Cleromancy: An Introductory Guide. Some visitors to this forum may enjoy it.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The staff at the Poison Pie Publishing House have continued to update their "Survey of One Hundred Bestiaries". Since the first hundred or so entries, they have added a new bestiary for every weekend in 2017 and 2018. The survey recently surpassed 200 entries, exploring texts published between the thirteenth and twenty-first century. Bibliophiles beware! There are hours to be squandered in perusing the variety of approaches to creating a bestiary (in a totally ad-free environment). The link is here:
A Survey of One Hundred Bestiaries.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I posted reviews of two of my favorite Pathfinder RPG books that I encountered in the year 2017. One is from 2017 and the other one is a few years old but is relevant again because of the current release of the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path.
Underworld Races & Classes (Adventure-A-Week Games, 2017)
Cerulean Seas: Beasts of the Boundless Blue (Alluria Publishing, 2013)
If you are interested, the link to the blog is located at
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
My copy of the Paizo Exclusive Pathfinder Worldscape Comics Collection Hardcover Volume 1 arrived in the mail today! It looks great. I had already read all six issues from the Humble Bundle digitally, but I like the feel of the Hardcover and I really appreciate that the Paizo exclusive version contains all the variant covers.
Somehow I didn't realize that there was a second volume of Pathfinder Worldscape Comics underway until I discovered the recent Pathfinder Worldscape Humble Bundle.
According to the Dynamite website, the first four of these one-shot issues, including the "King of the Goblins" featuring Seltyiel, will be collected in Pathfinder Worldscape Comics Collection Hardcover Volume 2 to be released next month (November 15, 2017).
So, my question is, will there be a Paizo Exclusive version of Volume 2, as there was with Volume 1. If so, I will wait for it.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Gilfalas wrote:
Poison Pie thank you for pointing this out. I should have the correction up momentarily.
Got it! Thanks.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I was one (of many) who complained about the dreadful download process during the first Pathfinder Humble Bundle offering. But I also want to recognize when something goes right.
I took advantage of this recent Pathfinder Worldscape Humble Bundle offering. The download process for all the Dynamite and Paizo content was painless!
So, great job, folks at Paizo, fixing the process!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dynamite is advertising the Pathfinder Worldscape Comics Collection Hardcover with a release date next month (August, 2017).
All the other Pathfinder comic collections have also had a Paizo.com Exclusive version of the Hardcover release. The exclusives are what I have picked up for all the previous releases. I would prefer to wait for the Paizo.com Exclusive version of Worldscape if one is planned.
Is there such a version in the works? If so, will it be released a few months after the non-exclusive version, as was the case with Hollow Mountain last year?
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
In "Legacy of the First World", the spell "Threefold Form" is listed as a spell from the school of Divination. However, the text says that it functions as "Bilocation" (OA 158), which is from the school of Conjuration. Since the caster is conjuring images of himself/herself, presumably there is a typographical error in "Legacy of the First World" and in fact "Threefold Form" is also from the school of Conjuration. Is this correct?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ciaran Barnes wrote:
Your class table includes class features that do not have a write up, such as research, dissertation, and guests. If these are details further down in the document, then please write an brief overview of the class feature along with the other class features and then reference where the rest of the class feature can be found.
All spells from a single school of magic is too narrow. I encourage you to find or create spells from other schools. You might have spells to reconstruct destroyed documents, for words to be written as you dictate, summon writing implements or reference books, make book stronger or resistant to damage, ways to reuse a scroll, to create or dispel glyphs, bring to life a creature from a story, etc. I could keep going, but its your class. Don't make the mistake of limiting this to one school of magic.
The spells per day table notes bonus spells from a specialized school of magic. I would encourage you to do away with this. Would you be open to a point pool that is used to spontaneously cast certain spells and to use librarian-specific magical abilities? There are only so many divination spells that can be used in one day, and I think you have loads of creative room to make other unique abilities.
The entry for bonus languages says that the librarian "chooses" not to learn secret languages. This should be changed. Such a choice should not be made for the librarian. Use the langauage from another class's similar class feature and just say that the librarian cannot learn such languages.
Expand the number of items that can be used for an arcane bond, and remove the requirement for applying for it. A book, monocle, or quill would make a suitable object, and instead of applying, say that the librarian has the ability...
Thanks for your extensive comments. I will read them again in the coming days and think about them. What follows today is only the logic behind some of the decisions that I made that you question.
I used the class pages as http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ as a template. So, every class feature has a write up (of course). In the table, there is a hyperlink directly to the explanation of research, dissertation and guests. There is no scrolling. Just click the hyperlink.
You say that "all spells from a single school of magic is too narrow". Of course, this is a serious restraint. That's why the base classes of Pathfinder don't do this. The librarian class is an experiment in a single-school caster and not just for any school but for divination, arguably the least offense-oriented school! It's part of the fun of playing a librarian.
The spells per day for the specialized school of magic is exactly the same bonus that a wizard would receive for specializing. I didn't alter those rules. The difference is that the librarian can only cast for the specialty school.
I frontloaded the feats because...a spellcaster that can only use divination spells is at an inherent disadvantage to other casters. The front loading of spell focus and spell specialization feats tries to provide balance.
The arcane bond being a library card is important because many of the class features are tied to the Major Artifact, the Portable Library. Without the card, a librarian can't access the Portable Library. Reference to other non-essential but relevant magic items--spectacles, book plates, quills, etc appears later on.
Keep the comments coming. I know that the class is not perfectly balanced. Some doctoral dissertations are clearly more powerful than others...
Thanks again.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Bohdan Maksymenko wrote: Try posting the exact code (the content of the <body> container, specificly) afterall the site supports some text formating tags (like <i>).
Trying doesn't hurt, and some of us have incompatibility issues, especially people with older mobile devices.
Okay. I tried. I previewed what it would look like and it looks like raw html. These forums do have some formatting capabilities for posts but they are not html compliant. However, if you have a device that can handle these forums, you can handle the librarian page, because that was built exclusively with html. There's no scripts of any kind, no style sheets, etc. The page was carefully formatted with html. Try it and let me know.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Bohdan Maksymenko wrote: Please post the text as a post.
Otherwise, i realy like.
Thanks for the suggestion. There is a fair bit of HTML encoding used to format the Librarian class page (tables, etc.). I don't think I can reproduce that as text in a post in the forums. I had better leave it as a link:

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hey Homebrewers:
For those who may be interested, I have uploaded a page for stats for an alternate class, the librarian, for the Pathfinder RPG. The librarian is an experiment in several aspects of player character making. First, the librarian is essentially a wizard who is limited to spells from the school of divination. This in itself presents two challenges. There weren't any offensive divination spells until Occult Adventures delivered Mind Thrust I through VI and Synapse Overload. Also, there aren't many high-level divination spells. If I did my research right, I found only one ninth-level divination spell: Foresight.
The second experimental feature of the librarian class was tying the class to a faction, "The Community of Librarians", dedicated to a Major Artifact, "The Portable Library". Like other extraplanar repositories of knowledge referenced in Pathfinder (the Akashic Record and Mnemovore), the Portable Library houses an extensive array of information. However, it is unique in two features. It is a work-in-progress, created by mortals rather than gods or outsiders and it possesses a door to every other library in the multiverse. Thus a librarian can use the Portable Library not only for research but also to move from library to library as a druid uses "tree stride" to move from tree to tree, except there is no finite range.
The obvious challenge to the use of the Portable Library as a practical in-game resource was library access. Fortunately, Pathfinder is a game in which libraries frequently appear in Adventure Paths and Modules. To illustrate this point, I compiled (an admittedly incomplete) list of more than 200 libraries pulled from Pathinder Adventure Paths, Modules, Player Companion and Campaign Setting books. Again, the purpose of this list is to illustrate the utility of libraries for transport around Golarion and through-out the planes. It is not intended to provide a complete listing of libraries. I may add to it in the future.
To add personal flavor and diversity within the class of librarians, I relied on their role as information-content generators for the Portable Library. As adventuring librarians progress, they compose a doctoral dissertation, which has five chapters and which will eventually be submitted to the Portable Library. As each chapter of the dissertation is completed (at 2nd, 6th, 10th... level), a new class feature is gained. The feature is unique to the librarians field of study. I put eight sample doctoral dissertations (including phrenology, metaphysics, and material dialectics) on the page as examples. This listing too is incomplete. People write doctoral dissertations about all sorts of diverse and rarefied topics.
Anyway, the class page is located on my blog:
The Librarian class is provided on a free and anonymous basis for players of the Pathfinder RPG system. If you have constructive comments, please post in this forum. If you think the librarian is a poor idea, then I encourage you to exercise your better nature and move onto other topics of more interest to you.
Thanks. Enjoy!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I also cannot download pdf files that I have paid for. I don't even reach the "Perzonalizing...please check back in 30 seconds" link. I tried from two computers, before I saw this thread and saw that many people are experiencing the same problem.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I just got my copy of Bestiary 6 in the mail. First I flipped through it, admiring the pictures. One feature of the Pathfinder Bestiary series that I especially like how is how the staff at Paizo credits the individual artist of each illustration in the margin. It makes it appear as if Paizo is not some giant corporate entity (cough, cough, Hasbro) in which recognition of individual effort is beneath their level of interest. I wish the staff at Paizo did this in all their publications, including the Player Companions, Campaign Settings and Adventure Paths. A fair number of these illustrations are familiar to me (especially, if memory serves, from Book of the Damned volumes) but, at least in some cases, the artists were not previously credited (individually).
In any case, it looks great! In the upcoming months, it will be included in the "Survey of Bestiaries" blog. In 2017, the staff at the Poison Pie Publishing House have been adding one bestiary each weekend to the survey. As of today, the survey currently includes 149 bestiaries.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
There are 100 days from June 1 to September 8. Everyday for each of those hundred days we looked at a different bestiary and uploaded a short entry into our "Survey of One Hundred Bestiaries". We included the cover, some publishing info, a graphic for one creature from each bestiary and an excerpt of the text corresponding to the creature. The purpose was to give a flavor for the kind of content in each bestiary.
So we did it--one hundred bestiaries. I remember when the Pathfinder Bestiary 5 came out, someone on these forums asked, "Do we really need five bestiaries?" Of course, the answer is, "We need at least one hundred!"
We have collected the links to all one hundred bestiaries on this page:
A Survey of 100 Bestiaries at the Poison Pie Publishing House.
For the record, only two of the bestiaries featured in this survey are products of the Poison Pie Publishing House.
p.s. There are a few more bestiaries of which we are fond but which we did not yet include in the survey. We plan to add more entries as late additions on a more intermittent schedule.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
As part of our survey of bestiaries, we posted an entry for a different bestiary for every day of June (30), July (31) and August (31) for a grand total of 92 bestiaries. We still have more bestiaries on the shelves, so we decided to post eight more entries for the first eight days of September to round out the total at a neat 100.
The link to the first entry of September is here.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
We posted an entry for a different bestiary for every day of June and July (61 books) but we still have more bestiaries on the shelves, so we are continuing our survey through August.
The link is here.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Well, we posted an entry on a different bestiary for every day of the month of June, as originally planned. These entries are drawn from all over, including the Pathfinder universe. The June entries are here: http://tinyurl.com/golthbt
The blog proved sufficiently popular that we are continuing it for the month of July. As it is July 2, we have added the second entry today. The July entries are here: http://tinyurl.com/jtuygjy
If you have a little bit of time and you like bestiaries, you may enjoy these blog entries.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I thought some of the folks on these messageboards might be interested in checking out my blog, "The Poison Pie Publishing House", where for the month of June, we are high-lighting a different published bestiary for each day of the month. Today, June 14, we added the first Pathfinder entry to the survey. More are sure to follow. The link to the blog is here:

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I am going to revive this thread that has been inactive for three years!
I love pretty much everything about the Pathfinder Adventure Paths, including the plots, the art and the bestiary at the back. I also like the covers. For my own viewing pleasure, I assembled a page containing a gallery of the covers from the Pathfinder Adventure Paths. For those interested, it is here:
Then I thought about making a gallery of the Adventure Path alternate covers that we see all over the internet (including amazon). So I spent a couple hours scouring the internet and assembled an analogous page here:
I found the alternate covers for every issue except #3!
Does anyone have an old jpg of #3 lying around on their harddrive? If so, post it!
I also found the third alternate cover of #13 mentioned in the previous post (but there was no place to post it given the grid format of these pages).
I also noted that curiously, the alternate covers for The Serpent's Skull had two different backgrounds (unlike all the other adventure paths, which had only one).
These covers are beautiful. Paizo should make a big coffee table book with both sets of adventure path cover art!

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
CBDunkerson wrote:
"At this point, anyone still having trouble getting files, even with the many workaround options posted in this thread, should probably post the particulars. It could be an issue already discussed or even something unrelated to the traffic spike."
There are more than one thousand posts in this thread. The "many work around options" need to be summarized on the first post or some place obvious. It is ridiculous to ask us to search through 1000 posts, especially when the server is so slow that there is a lag even in the forums.
Telling people to install a different browser on their computer is not a reasonable solution. In February, 2016 Chrome was used for 69% of all page accesses.
(source: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp )
This market share continues to grow. Like it or not, chrome is now the browser standard.
In response to the comment to post particulars, the particulars are simple.
I click on the link, it says personalizing.
I wait much longer than the suggested 60 seconds.
If I am lucky, I get to the message at the top of the page that says "If the download doesn't start in 5 seconds, click this link".
The download doesn't start.
I click the link, Chrome eventually times out.
Tomorrow when I come back here, this file will be marked as having been downloaded yesterday, when no such thing happened.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I have never had a problem with Humble Bundle before. Paizo failing to provide contributors books for more than a week after they purchased them is a sure way to cause people to steer clear of Humble Bundle in the future. Because of Paizo, Humble Bundle should now make sure that clients have the technical capability to deliver their products before allowing them to participate.