PhysicsWolf's page
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oldcoast wrote: Well I have a weird conundrum with the Ilthane’s black egg. My PC’s took the egg and carefully placed inside the Handy Haversack. (which I allowed after they stated how carefully they picked it up and even having them make a series of rolls to see if they fumbled or dropped it. They somehow passed them all) They have been now carrying it with them for over 2 weeks.
They showed it to Allustan who told them to get it out of his house, and if they were smart would destroy it. Not taking the hint, the PC's are currently in line waiting to enter the Free City, and are planning on selling the Egg, thinking it’s a normal dragon’s egg and it’s quite valuable. Since nothing happening with Egg, left the finale of the Twisted Branch lair, somewhat anti-climatic. I am trying to come up with something exciting, that won’t get them immediately thrown in jail. For instance I thought about the Gate guards, declaring it contraband, seizing it and having it abruptly shatter all over everyone at the gate. Not the best way to start out, their adventures in the Free City. Has anyone else had similar problems with this? How did you handle the Egg?
The egg must hatch sometime. Have it hatch in the bag. Next time the open it for anything, SURPRISE!
My group was VERY reluctant to go in egg chamber.
The shamen surrendered and told them of the king and his association with Ilthane. THe shamen didn't trust Ilthane and wanted to move to another part of the mistmarsh. However, The last thing my group wanted to do was incur the wrath of a black dragon that would kill them easily. They had done their job to rescue the hostages. They ignored the pleas to help them move the eggs. Luckily though, they needed the rest and decided to leave at first light.
The lizardfolk decided to move the eggs without their help. Late in the evening, the egg started to hatch and the kobolds kicked all of the lizardfolk out, killing one in the process. THe group only went in to escort the remaining Lizardfolk out. Once the kobolds were disposed of, they saw the treasure chests at the opposite end of the room and decided to loot them. They set up a trap to due subdual damage to the dragon baby. they were not expecting the worms to come out.
On a side note, for this encounter, I created a map of the egg chamber ahead of time and sprinkled m&m mini's around to represent the eggs and used a large black jellybean for the dragon egg. My group loved it.
Stop! Drop! and Roll! wrote: I learned a new word today: Triptych. It means "a work consisting of three painted or carved panels that are hinged together", which isnt at all how its used in Richard Pett's "The Prince of Redhand". I love the adventure and it is without a doubt one of (if not the) absolute best adventures in the Adventure Path. But still, I wonder...why Triptych?
Was the Well initially supposed to be three-sided, mirroring the idea of it being built for a group consumed with the idea of a Triad. Was it an author error? Or maybe Im missing something.
Either way, its certainly another thing I can actually say Ive learned solely because a play D&D. Can anyone else say they actually knew the word "Triptych" before reading this?
Triptychs are very common in Eastern Orthodox Cathlic churches. Most classical art museums have at least 3 of them around somewhere...
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Name: Frangelica, 6th level Swashbuckler
Adventure: Encounter at Blackwall Keep
Location: Basement of the Keep
Catalyst: Nasty worms and a scared barbarian
After returning from the lizardfolk lair, completeing all of the tasks with ease, the group finds the guards at the keep scared of what's lurking in the basement. Realizing that there were 3 undead thingy's downstairs, the group asked for a map and descriptions. After fireballing the bottom of the stairs, hoping to catch them off guard, they decended the stairs after a small delay. The spawn made their reflex save and fast healing brought them back to normal by the time they entered the room.
Severod, the barbarian entered first, failed his fear save and high tailed it out of there. Frangelica was second and made her save and moved to attack, dealing 12 points of damage. Jack, the rogue3/cleric3, made his save and also entered battle. Morgan the warlock failed his fear save, as did Ren the wizard.
Fran and Jack were left alone vs. 3 spawn of kyuss. It was the spawns turn. The injured undead made his slam attack, dealing 12 points of damage and transfered a worm onto her arm. The second and third spawm moved but missed their attacks on Jack.
Fran's turn. She ignores the worm and attacks the injured undead, and kills it. Jack misses his attacks.
The worm gets inside her and start moving toward her brain. the other spawn miss on their attacks. 3 more rounds happen and another worm enters Fran's body. The spawn are finally defeated. The next round, Fran gets a cure light from Jack, but the worm starts its feast.
2 points of Int damage. They don't have any potion or spell that can help fran. Jack makes a heal check and removes the 2nd worm. 2 points of int damage. 10 successive failed heal checks later and fran is dead. The group cuts off her head and kills the worm that entered her.
She died with full hit points.
My group is finishing up the Encounter at Blackwall keep and has only put one post in the obituary thread during the TFoE. That was a tough one for them. One encounter left 4 unconcious and one warlock clinging to the roof trying to finish off the bad guys before everyone went to -10.
I am worried though about my party's ability to heal/detact traps. The medic is alternating rogue/cleric levels. These rolls are not being filled by anyone else in the group and the DC's will go up faster than his abilities. (let's not forget about turn undead!) I have a feeling that if a couple of PC's die, they will not be raised, and true clerics/rogues join the group.
“I move 10 feet and scratch my ass, I have proficiency” Ren
Ren is a dwarf wizard with a 6 charisma.
Goth Guru wrote: Add in a Wand of Identify with 20 charges somewhere and
you should be good.
Thanks for the idea. A wand of identify would have a market value of 750*spell level* level of caster + material components = (750)*2/5 +2000 = 2300, giving a sell value of 1150. I might add in a bit more cash to help out more.
True, it doesn't say that they succeeded, but I made it possible to keep the pc's on their toes. The door was too much of a choke point for the numerous Lizardfolk to get through. they would just walk into the PC's. Having a real threat from the other side of the keep forced the PC's to split up and freed up the door a bit.
To get to the top, the Lizardfolk had to make dc 15 climb checks (the Lizardfolk would have 2 aiding one trying to get up.) Once up, if available, they would secure a rope to help others get up. My PC's were able to get there and get AoO's as they climbed, but even so, 3 were able to get up.
Crust wrote: *BUMP* Come on, people. This information doesn't exist? Is this question too easy to be bothered with? Maybe I'll just guess... Hey Crust,
In the description of the battle, it says the LF break into two groups. One goes for the door, one goes to the other side and "boost allies onto the balcony". I played it about 15 ft. high.
Have Fun,
P. Wolf
Hey everyone, I am a newbie DM guiding 4 very experienced and 1 newbie characters through the age of worms adventure path.
I am concerned about the treasure amounts in EBK. I went through every encounter, totaling up all of the gp that the characters could receive (gp and items) and I have them receiving about 9000gp/char when all is said and done. That is about 5000 gp/char less than standard as listed in DMG for characters advancing from 5th to 7th level. That seems quite significant to me. Even if there were only 4 pc's, it would only be 11000gp/char. 3000gp less than expected.
Should I be concerned? Should I add a money rich side quest to bring them up to snuff?
I quickly read through the Hall of Harsh Reflections and it seems like a very rich/encounter heavy module. Would that compensate for this deficiency? Is something that experienced DM's are concerned about?
Add in the fact that they negotiated with the Shamen, so her treasure, of which the bulk was in magic items on his/her person, is still ON his/her person.
Thanks in advance,
P. Wolf.
Is it possible for a caster to ready an offensive spell, then cast it when another caster begins to cast a spell, resulting in a damage based concentration check?
Arguments for allowing it: 1)if you have somatic and or verbal components, you could start them and just do them slowly/halt before the end. Do they have to be done at a certain cadence?
2)ready action helps gather and focus your energies so it gets complete before your opponent's spell can be.
Arguments against: There has to be a certain cadece/timing in the somatic/verbal components and there for, the casting time is non-negotiable.
I think it should be allowed, but I wanted to get other peoples opinion.
Thanks in advance,
Sean Mahoney wrote: Not from how I read it. If the PCs were to learn the knock code it would only activate those skeletons who open the door and have bells on. However, I guess the difference would be less skeletons and the folks inside would think it was a normal entrance of a visitor.
Sean Mahoney
I think it could be done with a knock spell. (atleast to catch them a bit off guard) However, my group couldn't get to the last tiefling guard before he sounded the alarm. They waited a bit, but the hextorites were too well disiplined to let down their guard.
seems a bit low for a location that is the center of the first 5-6 levels of a game. is anyone actually enforcing this?
This death happened about 2 weeks ago, but with the hectic holiday schedule, I am a bit delayed in the posting.
Death: Sevored Fromnock: 4th level Half-Orc Barbarian
Location: Dark Cathedral: The Three Faces of Evil
Executioner: Ebon Aspect
Reason: Too many attacks, not enough healing.
The Barbarian was raging and engaged in melee with the aspect while the rest of the party tried to hit from a distance. Sev was lucky that the aspect was only hitting with 2 claws at a time and didn't realize what would happen if the bite and claws connected together. He was whittled down to 11 hp and called for healing, but it was too late. It took 2 rounds for anyone to get within range and the aspect cut him down, hitting with every swipe and bite.
This is going to be interesting. The party read the handouts and quickly noticed the part about the Ebon Aspect stirring in the pool and a traumatic event would be final piece of the puzzle. This was confirmed by some "subtle" clues. After Grallak was slain (1st to go), I mentioned a funny smell in the dark cathedral and the pool was a bit darker. After the faceless one went down, the pool was bubbling and the smell was almost nauseating.
If they try to run, I will let them (after a fort save or two). If they decide to rest, I could be updating the obituary thread.
After a few delays, The PC's finally made it around to the Citadel of Hextor and took down Theldrick. But they took a SERIOUS beating in the process. 4 out of the 5 characters went unconscious during the 2 hour epic battle. 2 to -9 before being stabilized and -5, and -4 respectively for the others. (This was mainly due to to inability of the barbarian and cleric/rogue to hit the broad side of a barn from the inside.
Here is my problem.
The Ebon Aspect starts churning at this point and is supposed to start coming after the party in 10 minutes. The cleric/wizards are out of every tactically useful spell and need to rest. Most of them will die if they face the aspect at this time. Do I let them rest and set up the final battle in the dark cathedral the next day? Or, do I have the aspect come after them as written...
The party is as follows (all 4th level):
Morgan: a spiderclimbing warlock
Fran: An AoO oriented spiked-chain wielding swashbuckler
Sevored: A half-orc barbarian
Jack: cleric 2/rogue 2
Ren: Dwarf Wizard using the spell point system.
My inclination is to wait, let them rest, maybe send a few straggeling fanatics with a level or 2 of fighter to taunt them while the cleric/wizard rest.
Thanks in advance
Achilles wrote: Apart from totally screwing up the adventure by running and getting the militia, I'm wondering how other DM's are handling this scenario when it comes to the party resting. As mentioned in other posts, the only real way I can see going through this adventure is a non-stop blitz. What's to stop the adventurers from running up to the militia after they find an evil cult? If the party attacks then retreats to town to rest, wouldn't the jig be up for the cultists? They'd right leave the area, or at least the mines. It would be pretty hard to tell the party to 'hey, stock up on a lot of healing potions, you won't be able to rest at all once you give your surprise element away' and maintain a sense of the unexpected. It also surprises me that these cultists really don't have a way to tell each other they are being invaded, short of the other temples finding bodies...and if you don't give thema hint about potions of healing and the like, won't they get their ass beat when the Aspect pops up? "Hey, those three temples were tough, I got like 18 hp after I chugged my two potions of Cure lt. wds" "Me too......hey...what's THAT?" <I>(SLAUGHTER ENSUES)<\I> My group started the Age of Worms Adventure with the 3FoE. On the way through the mine, they failed to bribe a group of miners and were subsequently surrounded by guards. After disposing of them, they descended and started going through the caves. There presense is known and there will be reprocussions when they return to the surface.
They rested within the caves on the archers ledge and made it through the night without incident. The other temples will be a bit more interesting for them however. My group is usually very creative when it comes to this sort of thing so I don't think they will have to come back to the surface before all is said and done below ground.
Thanks everyone. I think I am ready now. I have a feeling I'll get to add to the obit page tomorrow :)
Someone's gone negative 2 weeks running. Time to take it to the "next level"
I am running the Three Faces of Evil and my group will enter the temple of vecna tomorrow (assuming they follow the left hand rule) and I want to know how the labyrinth went for everyone. My group approaches dungeons like a bull in a china shop, so I am assuming they are going to miss most of the secret doors. It seems very tight and without Precise Shot, it seems that the kenku's are at a severe disadvantage. I also don't have a lot of room, so keeping my own version of the labyrinth to keep track of groups of kenku's is not feasible.
Jarjaxle wrote:
I have been buying Dungeon for around 10 years now and I can say that the editing errors in The Three Faces of Evil is the exception rather then the rule. I rarely see see any mistakes in the magazine and it, more often then not, correctly shows stat blocks for creatures even when the sources are incorrect. Such as the Mind Flayer Sorcerer where Dungeon gets the CR correct even if it is listed incorrectly in the Monster Manual. I would like to encourge you to keep buying Dungeon, it is great resource.
Thanks. My gaming group and I have enjoyed this module so far. We will definitely continue on with the series. It's good to hear that this is the exception instead of the norm.
I am starting the Age of Worms campaign with TFoE. This is my first Dungeon Magazine module and I have noticed alot of small typographical errors that make prep time a bit longer than usual. Examples: Greataxes list at 1d8 damage w/o str. mod., heavy flail dealing 1d8+str instead of 1d10, The citadel of Hextor tactics has all the room numbers off by one.
I am new to dm'ing, and while these are minor problems, it takes away from preparing for the complicated combat rules that will be tested that week by my spiderclimbing warlock and enlarge happy spike chain wielding swashbuckler.
Is this a common occurence with dungeon magazine? I am really enjoying the story and look forward to running other modules in the series.
Just wanting to know if future modules will require the same prep time.
Thanks in advance.
All third level:
Frangelica: Female Human Spiked-chain wielding swashbuckler
Morgan: Male Human Warlock aka baneful spiderman
Sevored: Male Half-orc Barbarian ""ugggh...."
Jack: Male-Human cleric 2/rogue 1 "Back in Cormanthor..."
Ren: Dwarf Wizard "don't talk to me"
I haven't brought the Free City Trio in yet. The Whispering Cairn overview was brought in convieniently with a new player in our gaming group.
I was going to set up a humorous encounter when the party rests for an evening inside the temple.
Rexx wrote: A suggestion: have the Free City Trio have the items in question and set up an appropriate confrontation between the PCs and them. Then the items can fall into the PCs' possession.
You're missing out on a fun scenario skipping The Whispering Cairn though.
Good luck with your game.
That's a good suggestion.
I didn't do the Whispering Cairn because the party I run is already @ 3rd level. I am new to dm'ing and brought the group up to level 3 w/ a bunch of small side adventures that I could run for practice.
This is the first major story that I am running and I didn't want to adjust the encounter level for every module following this one, given my inexperience.
Quick Question,
I am running the Age of Worms adventure path, leading off with TFoE. I read through the Whispering Cairn as background and also noticed the artifacts that will have a role later on. Should I add these to the "treasure" found in TFoE, or can I wait until later in the campain. I haven't read through any of the modules after TFoE.