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Name: Frangelica, 6th level Swashbuckler
Adventure: Encounter at Blackwall Keep
Location: Basement of the Keep
Catalyst: Nasty worms and a scared barbarian

After returning from the lizardfolk lair, completeing all of the tasks with ease, the group finds the guards at the keep scared of what's lurking in the basement. Realizing that there were 3 undead thingy's downstairs, the group asked for a map and descriptions. After fireballing the bottom of the stairs, hoping to catch them off guard, they decended the stairs after a small delay. The spawn made their reflex save and fast healing brought them back to normal by the time they entered the room.

Severod, the barbarian entered first, failed his fear save and high tailed it out of there. Frangelica was second and made her save and moved to attack, dealing 12 points of damage. Jack, the rogue3/cleric3, made his save and also entered battle. Morgan the warlock failed his fear save, as did Ren the wizard.

Fran and Jack were left alone vs. 3 spawn of kyuss. It was the spawns turn. The injured undead made his slam attack, dealing 12 points of damage and transfered a worm onto her arm. The second and third spawm moved but missed their attacks on Jack.

Fran's turn. She ignores the worm and attacks the injured undead, and kills it. Jack misses his attacks.

The worm gets inside her and start moving toward her brain. the other spawn miss on their attacks. 3 more rounds happen and another worm enters Fran's body. The spawn are finally defeated. The next round, Fran gets a cure light from Jack, but the worm starts its feast.

2 points of Int damage. They don't have any potion or spell that can help fran. Jack makes a heal check and removes the 2nd worm. 2 points of int damage. 10 successive failed heal checks later and fran is dead. The group cuts off her head and kills the worm that entered her.

She died with full hit points.