
PhysicsWolf's page

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Hey everyone, I am a newbie DM guiding 4 very experienced and 1 newbie characters through the age of worms adventure path.

I am concerned about the treasure amounts in EBK. I went through every encounter, totaling up all of the gp that the characters could receive (gp and items) and I have them receiving about 9000gp/char when all is said and done. That is about 5000 gp/char less than standard as listed in DMG for characters advancing from 5th to 7th level. That seems quite significant to me. Even if there were only 4 pc's, it would only be 11000gp/char. 3000gp less than expected.

Should I be concerned? Should I add a money rich side quest to bring them up to snuff?

I quickly read through the Hall of Harsh Reflections and it seems like a very rich/encounter heavy module. Would that compensate for this deficiency? Is something that experienced DM's are concerned about?

Add in the fact that they negotiated with the Shamen, so her treasure, of which the bulk was in magic items on his/her person, is still ON his/her person.

Thanks in advance,
P. Wolf.

Is it possible for a caster to ready an offensive spell, then cast it when another caster begins to cast a spell, resulting in a damage based concentration check?

Arguments for allowing it: 1)if you have somatic and or verbal components, you could start them and just do them slowly/halt before the end. Do they have to be done at a certain cadence?

2)ready action helps gather and focus your energies so it gets complete before your opponent's spell can be.

Arguments against: There has to be a certain cadece/timing in the somatic/verbal components and there for, the casting time is non-negotiable.

I think it should be allowed, but I wanted to get other peoples opinion.

Thanks in advance,

seems a bit low for a location that is the center of the first 5-6 levels of a game. is anyone actually enforcing this?

After a few delays, The PC's finally made it around to the Citadel of Hextor and took down Theldrick. But they took a SERIOUS beating in the process. 4 out of the 5 characters went unconscious during the 2 hour epic battle. 2 to -9 before being stabilized and -5, and -4 respectively for the others. (This was mainly due to to inability of the barbarian and cleric/rogue to hit the broad side of a barn from the inside.

Here is my problem.
The Ebon Aspect starts churning at this point and is supposed to start coming after the party in 10 minutes. The cleric/wizards are out of every tactically useful spell and need to rest. Most of them will die if they face the aspect at this time. Do I let them rest and set up the final battle in the dark cathedral the next day? Or, do I have the aspect come after them as written...

The party is as follows (all 4th level):
Morgan: a spiderclimbing warlock
Fran: An AoO oriented spiked-chain wielding swashbuckler
Sevored: A half-orc barbarian
Jack: cleric 2/rogue 2
Ren: Dwarf Wizard using the spell point system.

My inclination is to wait, let them rest, maybe send a few straggeling fanatics with a level or 2 of fighter to taunt them while the cleric/wizard rest.

Thanks in advance

I am running the Three Faces of Evil and my group will enter the temple of vecna tomorrow (assuming they follow the left hand rule) and I want to know how the labyrinth went for everyone. My group approaches dungeons like a bull in a china shop, so I am assuming they are going to miss most of the secret doors. It seems very tight and without Precise Shot, it seems that the kenku's are at a severe disadvantage. I also don't have a lot of room, so keeping my own version of the labyrinth to keep track of groups of kenku's is not feasible.


I am starting the Age of Worms campaign with TFoE. This is my first Dungeon Magazine module and I have noticed alot of small typographical errors that make prep time a bit longer than usual. Examples: Greataxes list at 1d8 damage w/o str. mod., heavy flail dealing 1d8+str instead of 1d10, The citadel of Hextor tactics has all the room numbers off by one.

I am new to dm'ing, and while these are minor problems, it takes away from preparing for the complicated combat rules that will be tested that week by my spiderclimbing warlock and enlarge happy spike chain wielding swashbuckler.

Is this a common occurence with dungeon magazine? I am really enjoying the story and look forward to running other modules in the series.

Just wanting to know if future modules will require the same prep time.

Thanks in advance.