![]() So I am starting Way of Wicked today with a party of 7 players and I was wondering if anyone that has run the full adventure path encountered any pitfalls or hiccups. Since it is a larger party I figured I would see what challenges other GM's ran into or if anyone had recommendation as far as adjusting Encounters given the size of my party. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hey Gang, I think I should chime in here. Couple things, I could have worded the original post better (for that I would like to blame blame lack of sleep and caffeine) In the past I have run into some issues at Cons with some straight players (one even left a game a game I was running only because he noticed I was wearing a rainbow necklace). SO I really didn't want drama with someone I was crashing with because of it. That being said, one of the main reason I posted on the Paizo boards about looking for a roommate for the Con in because it has some of the greatest (and level headed) people and I had nothing but am amazing time the last Gen Con I went to running games for Paizo. ![]()
![]() Irranshalee wrote:
If you don't see how someone's sexual orientation could make someone uncomfortable while sharing a hotel room then you need to get out in the world more often. Would you have made that comment if a Girl posted that she was looking for other Girls to split a room at a Con? ![]()
![]() Let me clear a few things up. I am a gay male and I figured that it would easy finding another gay guy to split a room with since crashing with straight guys (unless you are already good friends with them) can be uncomfortable as hell for them and for me. If I was looking for a hook up at Gen Con this is Not the place I would be doing it. That being said if there are any gay friendly gamers that are also looking I am okay with that. ![]()
![]() I posted this because the VC did not come across across as being overwhelmed or frazzled but came across as though he didn't give a crap. My schedule doesn't permit me a lot of time for gaming and so I was rather pissed off by the experience I had. When I brought up the fact that I was displeased with how things turned out, I got a pretty much “sucks to be you” attitude from the guy. ![]()
![]() So I had a Terrible experience today with the Pathfinder Society. The Game Day event at Gamer Empire in San Diego was a disorganized cluster today. It was suppose to start at 11:00 AM, the Captain didn't show up until 11:05 AM, there were more players then tables reserve, and these are players that signed up ahead of time so they should they should have capped the sign ups or reserved more tables. The captain didn't attempted to marshal anyone or organize the table, that task was left up to the players. There were also not enough judges for the players that showed up. When it because clear that there were not enough judges, or tables even if there were enough judges for me to get into the event that I signed up weeks ahead of time for I left disgusted. Yes I understand that stuff happens and that sometimes there are extra walk ins that you can't account for. But I feel comfortable saying that 95% or more of today’s crowd had signed up ahead of time so that does not excuse the lack of judges or organization at today’s event. And if this had been the only time that the Monthly game day was such as mess I would have written it off as bad day. Unfortunately every game day event I have been to at Game Empire has be this disorganized, and today’s was by far the worst experience I have had at an event. ![]()
![]() "So there you have it: the 10 factions available for play in Season 3 of Pathfinder Society Organized Play! Next week, we'll take a look at the revised Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play and go over a few of the more notable rules changes or clarifications you can expect to find within. See ya next Monday!" Ah man that is a real shame since SDCC is THIS weekend. ![]()
![]() Personally I did use the Flip maps for the areas in Scenarios that matched what I was running. Areas that didn't have flip maps, I pre drew them on 1" graph paper (weren't as nice as I would have liked but oh well). As for mins I don't bring them to Cons, for space reason and to keep them from getting broken. I used flat counters with magnet bases to go with my Alea tools. ![]()
![]() Highlights - in no kind of order Pathfinder RPG hardback!!! Lilith Cookies! Geist Core Book! Running one of the first slots for PFS Season 1 at the Gen CON! The Table that I ran through #32: Drow of the Darklands Pyramid The drunken Dwarfs (and Gnome) that I ran through #24 Decline of Glory Meeting AJ from White Wolf The WW Succubus Club party and B.S.ing with AJ out front as it ended Getting to Thank Sean K Reynolds and John Wick in person for thier support against Prop 8 Getting to meet others from the Forums in person, hang out and run some cool games with them. "OH so you are Pholtus!" (heard that a couple times- still not sure if I should be worried about that :P ) "Jones, Steve Jones MI6" about a billion other things I'm forgetting at the moment And against COOKIES! plus I'm pretty sure that Lilith used "+25 teh Awesome on me for the last table I ran at the Con without telling me :P ![]()
![]() JediSoth wrote:
Thanks for the reply - I think that should be called out on the Ebay page since it shows what Auction is for and may help those that are iffy go ahead and bid. ![]()
![]() (please feel free to move if this belongs better in another area) So noticed the ENnies 2009 Dream Date Auction annoucement. I was wondering shouldn't there be a note or something what the money is for? If it's just to help Paizo pay bills that is cool, but if it's for something else (charaity) I think that should be pointed out. ![]()
![]() yoda8myhead wrote: If we have a PC that is on the verge of leveling and still has an available 3.5 scenario that he could play in, can we choose not to convert that PC and not play them until that scenario is done and then convert to play all future games? Or must all PCs be converted on the 13th, even if they're playing through non PFRPG scenarios? As of the 13th. 2.0 is live, even if your playing older scenarios ![]()
![]() David Marks wrote:
It effects things like GR's Freeport, meaning that they can make a companion book for it in True20, 3.5 but not 4th ed. Which was Green Ronin's original plan, by not putting any stats in the main Freeport book ![]()
![]() WitchCraft is a game of modern magic and dark secrets. Player characters are the Gifted. Feared for their unique powers, they have been hounded for centuries, and forced to practice their Arts in secret. The time for hiding is over. A Time of Reckoning draws near. It marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one or the destruction of all things. The choices the Gifted make will determine what our future will be like. And the First one is FREE :) http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product_info.php?products_id=692&it=1 for the recorded I do not own stock or work for them. I just love it ![]()
![]() deathsausage wrote: So... My fiancee and I are working on our wedding registry, and we need a place to put our gaming needs on the internet. (We are registering at the FLGS, but not everyone is in town). I couldn't find a registry or wishlist here. Did I miss it, or do you guys not have the capacity? No you didn't miss it, they currently do not have a wish list function. But I believe that is on the very long list of things they would love to add. but I'm guessing that they computer gnomes are working overtime as it is. ![]()
![]() Mike McArtor wrote:
This makes me a SAD PANDA! :( ![]()
![]() Neithan wrote:
Except a Wizard, he can be killed by a kid with a rock ![]()
![]() DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Yeah but since WW nuked the oWoD I know a lot us like to play D&D. Which is why we stick to Paizo :) they do a much better job of making us feel welcome (with our double income no kids). If WotC saw our gaming collection they might change their minds about going after the gaymers. ![]()
![]() pres man wrote:
I think they were planning for everything, just in case. Since WotC has still to let any developers see the 4th ed rules. I think this might have forced their hand. BUT I don't honestly think they lied.