
Pholtus's page

Organized Play Member. 220 posts (223 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

So I am starting Way of Wicked today with a party of 7 players and I was wondering if anyone that has run the full adventure path encountered any pitfalls or hiccups. Since it is a larger party I figured I would see what challenges other GM's ran into or if anyone had recommendation as far as adjusting Encounters given the size of my party.


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I couldn't find a Sub Forum for Cons so hope it is cool to post this here.

Anyway I am planning on going to Gen Con BUT there is no way I can really swing the cost of a (near by) room all by myself and figured I would see if any other gaymers are going and want to split crash space.

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So I had a Terrible experience today with the Pathfinder Society. The Game Day event at Gamer Empire in San Diego was a disorganized cluster today. It was suppose to start at 11:00 AM, the Captain didn't show up until 11:05 AM, there were more players then tables reserve, and these are players that signed up ahead of time so they should they should have capped the sign ups or reserved more tables. The captain didn't attempted to marshal anyone or organize the table, that task was left up to the players. There were also not enough judges for the players that showed up. When it because clear that there were not enough judges, or tables even if there were enough judges for me to get into the event that I signed up weeks ahead of time for I left disgusted.

Yes I understand that stuff happens and that sometimes there are extra walk ins that you can't account for. But I feel comfortable saying that 95% or more of today’s crowd had signed up ahead of time so that does not excuse the lack of judges or organization at today’s event. And if this had been the only time that the Monthly game day was such as mess I would have written it off as bad day. Unfortunately every game day event I have been to at Game Empire has be this disorganized, and today’s was by far the worst experience I have had at an event.

(please feel free to move if this belongs better in another area)

So noticed the ENnies 2009 Dream Date Auction annoucement. I was wondering shouldn't there be a note or something what the money is for? If it's just to help Paizo pay bills that is cool, but if it's for something else (charaity) I think that should be pointed out.

So my hubbie is about to start running Ruins of Greyhawk. Since I'm normally the DM and I'm looking for suggestions to help round out my character.

I'm going to be playing a human Wizard, and was hopeing to "theme" the character with his selection of spells. I want to avoid the the elements (we've done that twice in my group), but like Isaid I normally the DM So I'm having a tuff time focusing on just one character (normally I can play with "all the toys").

My character is also going to have loose ties to the Circle of Eight, adn I've also got to narrow to one of them (been told that it can't be Mordy either). So I figured I would turn here. To the "kewlest Kids" on the internets.

I was wondering if any one took pictures at Gen con.

I know that I took a lot of them, but then I lost my camera sometime Saturday. SO I was hoping that someone else also took some that they wouldn't mind sharing

Getting ready to go to my last shift of work before I offically Start my vaction. Almost a full 2 weeks, durning which I hope to meet a few of you at Gen Con.

just very excited and had to share.

I'm sure that this has been talked about before but suggestions are welcome

I've got some good players, but looking at ways to speed up our night. Since we are older and all have full time jobs. We can only play on Monday nights from 6/6:30 to 10. So we are luck to get though 2 encounters a night (generally one combat, one RPG). The Players really enjoy talking to/interacting with the colorful NPC's they meet. SO I don't want to cut that, and they enjoy rolling that 20 and putting the smack down on evil, so can't cut down on the combat to much

hoping for hints on speeding up combat.

As a way to speed things up some. We are handling going to the shop and talk up the shop keep for a better deal, etc on a forum, between games.

Wondering if you could carry (if it's still out there). Coming Full Circle, it was a Call of Cthulhu book by Pagan (I think). Looked at the other places I order stuff from, and they don't have it.


So I'm planning on start a new Larp using the old World of Darkenss setting and the current rules. It's a Mortals Game and I'm planning on using Hedge Magic (and Ghouls/ Kinfolk Etc much later).

So my Question is would it be better to convert the old rules for Numina, or to use the new Second Sight Book?

So here's the deal, my players are working (being Pawns) for the Black Cult of Ahm from Fiendish Codex 1. They think it's a good guy group, "The Order of Ahm" (Cause I'm an evil DM).

Recently thye were all gifted with Rings as a thank you for services rendered to the Order. I want to make these cool magic items but havn't decieded what they do yet. Want to avoid "ring of Protection + Whatever". Want to make them items that the players will talk about for a long time to come.

So I'm totally open to suggestions.

As the Subject line Says

I'm looking for a cool (or better yet a "KEWL") map that I can use for a Modern Secret Lab, boesn't have to be really big, just something nice that I can buy (book) or that I can (buy)download and print out, hopfully with a 1" grid on it. Found lots of Offices and even a Diner. I suck at map.

Rather it be Color but B/W would be okay also. If anyone can point me towards one

THANKS ahead of time

I wanted someone else to look at this character and let me know what they thought. As a DM my knee jerk reaction is NO Way can you play that.

(note all the other Characters are 9th or 10th level and I'm starting EttDWP)

Level 5 Harssaf (from MM3) /Tiefling Monk

Str 20
Dex 26
Con 22
Int 17
Wis 16
Cha 11

Fort +15
REf +22
Will +15

Int +8
Ac 29

BAB +8 (14 Melee, +17 Range)

SR 22
Dr 4/Lawful 5/Bludgening

• Darkvision 60 feet.
• Resistance to Cold 5, Electricity 5, and Fire 5.
• +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Hide checks.
• Darkness(Sp): You can use darkness once per day.
• Burrow 10
Blind sense 30ft
Special Attacks Flaming Aura (at Will +1d6 Fire damage) and Sand Pluse (1/day 3d6 damage 30 ft radius + Blindess (DC 15 Reflex for half))
Fast healing 3
Immunity to Blindness & Fire
• Proficient in light armor, and all shields(except tower shields)
• Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with Kama, Nunchaku, Sai, Shuriken,
• Armor Restriction: If wearing ANY armor or carrying a shield, you lose
your Wisdom bonus to AC, fast movement and flurry of blows abilities.
• AC Bonus(Ex): Add +4 AC; this bonus is not lost unless you are
immobilized or helpless, wearing armor, carrying a shield or carrying a
medium/heavy load.
• Flurry of Blows(Ex): As a full attack, you may make one extra attack(s) All
attacks made in the round suffer a –1 penalty.
• Unarmed Strike: You gain the Improved Unarmed Strike feat as a bonus
• Evasion(Ex): On a successful Reflex save against a magical attack, you
take no damage.
• Fast Movement(Ex): Your speed increases when unarmored.
• Still Mind(Ex): +2 to save against Enchantment spells and effects.
• Ki Strike(Su): Your unarmed attacks are treated as magic weapons.
• Slow Fall(Ex): As long as a wall is within arm's reach, you take damage
from a fall as if it were 20 feet shorter.
• Purity of Body(Ex): Immune to all diseases except supernatural and
magical diseases.
–– FEATS ––
• Alertness
• Improved Grapple
• Stunning Fist
• Lightning Reflexes
• Weapon Finesse
• Improved Natural Attack()
• Abyssal - Natural Armor (+2 AC)
• Abyssal - Dam Reduction (+3/Lawful)
• Abyssal - Claws (+3 Damage)

Wondering if anyone on these Boards played, and if anyone would feel like helping me flesh out a new game I want to start

I have a suggestion, as my gaming group knows I haunt the boards and this web site a lot, and for my birthday last year they got me a Dragon subscription and for the holiday they got a Dungeon Subscription, (I'm a lucky DM). Anyway I thought having a Wish list fuction would be very helpful since they always get me gaming stuff for whatever the gift giving event. With a wish list option then they would know what I would really want, (or more importantly what I don't already have). I know that the holidays are a long way off but I just thought of it and figured it might be something complex to merge into the system. So I posted it now, any way just a thought.

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Would really like to see a preview of the art of soemthing from this before I decied to buy it

Are you going to be selling this and if so is there a ETA?

Hey gang,

Was wondering if anyone else played this and if anyone had thoughts on a different magic system for it

I like the idea of a Customized summoning list, but I need help putting one together for one of my PC's He is playing a Favored Soul of Keoghtom

"In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Keoghtom is the god of Secret Pursuits, Natural Alchemy, and Extraplanar Exploration.
A jack of all trades, Keoghtom has mastered hunting, alchemy, and the Old Lore of the bards. He has traveled throughout the Flanaess and now walks the boundaries and trails of the Outer Planes.

Keoghtom is believed to have been born sometime around the 2nd century BCY in the Sheldomar Valley, some 300 years following the Great Migrations. As a mortal, Keoghtom dabbled in the Old Faith, the Faerie Mysteries, and the secrets of the Silent Ones, yet never became fully indoctrinated by any of them. His travels eventually brought him into the service (and friendship) of Fharlanghn, and into an adventuring band led by Zagig Yragerne. After Zagig attained godhood, Keoghtom retreated to the Celadon Forest, and then from Oerth entirely."

The Player and I would like to play up the planer part of that, but wanted to stay away from Celestial and Fiendish stuff, he's Neutral and feel that the stuff he summons should feel more neutral then Celestial and Fiendish stuff would.

Thanks ahead of time guys (and gals)

IF you had to write up Johydee (from Greyhawk) as a mortal how would you do it? CLasses etc?

WotC is following the same model that is has been following for years now, computer companys.

(in the case of Dragon Mag)
In this case I strongly believe that it is following the MMO market. A low monthly fee for "new and Fresh" online contian. things like errate (ie patchs) will still be free, and some web enhancements (ideally) but for the "golden ticket" level content you will pay a small fee.

(coming future)
I also think that this is leading up to 4th Ed. Core Books sell Lots more then add ons (complete [fill in the blank])

What made me think this. This year we are getting a new Core Star Wars book they start of the "reboot".

I FEEL (no facts to back this up) that next year we will get a new D20 Modern book (notice that they aren't releasing any new d20 Modern books this year), and the following year we will get 4th ed (would fall on the 40th Anniversy that way).

(stray thoughts)
As a side note I think that FR is getting the Ax as of this year, they have learned that they can kill a game line and still make lots off of the books (Dragonlance) and at the end of the year they are releasing "Anauroch: The Sundering of the World" & "Grand History of the Realms"

If they wanted to bring some old hold out back in with 4th e, this would be a great time to bring back Grayhawk IF they do it on the 40th anniversy "ie Bigger, Better and Back to it's Roots"

Either that or it will be the finial nail in the coffen and it will all be Ebberon by then, but hey there's no telling

Yes I know just how gay that sounds, but they are as cute as they are evil looking. Need one, so PLEASE make them

Wanted to say thanks to Lisa, Eric, and everyone else at Paizo. I know there is a lot of post like this and there will be lots more, but this totally bummed me out today. I got the call from the hubbie on the way to work, cause he know that I would want to know right away. I’ll miss Dragon and Dungeon mags a lot, cause I knew that if there was a way to slip some cool Greyhawk stuff in Eric would do it, so it made me feel like the mag was run by some friends that “got it”, (mind you not really close friends, more like Con Friends but friends no the less).

Hell the fact that I went to Gen Con (So Cal, which sadly is also gone), and Lisa rang me up for some back issues, she commented on my screen name (that popped up at the POS system), she made small talk and made me feel like a valued member of the Pazio community (working retail I sort of get jaded about that sort of thing but it did really make a big deal to me, [and my hubbie that was standing near by, who also noted how big of a deal that meant to me]) So any way I’m rambling, Thank you for…well being Paizo, and the best to you with Game Mastery, and Pathfinder.

I’m sure that the new stuff will be cool and great, and I’m looking forward to the new stuff, but I’ll miss Eric’s and Jason’s nods the setting that got me into gaming and the setting that got me back into D&D.

I know that the new Path Finder will have some players stuff in it, but I've always got more use out of Dragon then Dungeon (I'm a DM and my players got me a subscription to both, on e fore my bithday and one for Christmas).

But I really would love a players Mag, that wasn't tied to Pathfinder, even if it's 6 or 4 times a year.

I noticed that you are putting out a special Ecology issue of Dragon. I would like to voice that a a Demonmicon issue would be great as well as a Core Beliefs issue (I know that one would have to wait until you got a few more done), maybe even adding a few not so Core belifes (Rao- Pholtus ).

Just a thought

Has anyone done or knows where updates to this 2nd ed adventrue to 3.5 are (if there is any)?

I would like ot run it, but don't have a lot of time to write/convert stuff.


I just got my issue of Dragon with the Ancient Pc's write up, and it's perfect for my current GH campaign. Currently I have a god as a player Character (well... Hero God...Well sort of). I killed off one of the Greyhawk gods and fragments of his soul are being reborn as differnt characters at differnt points in history. Any way rambling, Thanks for a great article.

Does anyone know if there is anything like Evil Hero Gods in GH -In my current campaign there are going ot feature a heavy role so I was wondering if there were any evil ones.

I'm posting this here since there seems to be a lot of GH fans on these boards.

So I got an odd question. Lots of people say that Greyhawk is very generic fantasy, and it seems a lot like other settings. Wither that is true or not, or a good or bad thing is not the point of this post. For the sake of this thread we will consider it true and a neutral thing.

Taking that as the viewpoint, what would you do to push the setting into feeling more unique and unlike other settings, while still being GH? What elements would you build upon and what would you play down.

I normally have something playing in the background during the game. Tonight I expect that the players will make it to the gypse camp for the card reading, suggestions?

Sort of a odd thought, But I just got the new Castel Ravenloft adventure (loving it) and would love to get maps for it, but they don't make them. It would be great if Pazio could. Since the Woct site does not sell stuff maybe you guys could partner with them and do them. for the new adventure that Wotc is putting out. maybe even as a pdf. I would be great to have color maps of the cool encounters with out the DM info on them. Just as thought

I'm runnning a very tweaked version of Legends on the 5 Rings. Having moved Rokugan to the west of the GH (so I have Elves/Dwarves etc) wondering if anyone had suggestions for Dungeon adventures that might work good for this setting.

Just wondering if any thought has gone into making PDF subscriptions avaible. Looking at the 2 and 1/2 bookselves of D&D (1-3.5) books that I own. PDF subscriptions would be easier on the bookselves. Just a thought

Fell like I got a little screwed over by Paizo. Preordered the D&D board game from them, and it didn't ship until I was leaving for Origins and then went to hte show and saw that I could have bought it for $25 LESS. (was $50 less then I paid but some of that 23 and change was shipping) so even if I bought it at Origins and had to mail it home because of room on the airplane I would have saved $25.

Feel like I got the short end of the deal, which is a shame since I generally like Dragon Mag.

Currently building to the end of my current campaign using this as part of the ending. As the well is sucked dry children are being still born (yeah kind of Dark), but was wondering on average how many children are born in a given day?

As a side note, there are a few kids that will be Dead Born meaning they will live even though they don't have souls, (as such) part of the next huge game I'm running.

As a second side note the Bastion of Souls was used on Buffy season 7 - they just sold the map for it on Ebay p;sspagename=S%20TRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1#ebayphotohosting