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* Starfinder Society GM. 1 post. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.

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Good scenario overall


Just ran this scenario yesterday. Very nice to run, a lot of background details, relevant to the story (so you don't need to check corebook for lore every time a new name pops up), very easy to incorporate all presented information in the world for PCs to discover. Encounters are good, challenging, although the final one seems to be a bit off for players (I think, personally, there should be some challenges, that are not in favor of the PCs). Party ended up surrendering, but managed to sleight'o handed the objective just before the bad guys left. So, clever thinking yet again prevailed.

4 stars just for the trap in the end, which IMO looks like a screwjob and have too much impact on the final scene without much telegraphing options or ways to avoid (except spot and disarm).

P. S. They showed VC Arvin face finally!