Fire Giant Queen

Phana Hartsong's page

24 posts. Alias of rungok.


Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

I had a big emotional hit this week and im finding getting the energy to post few and far between. Its best i bow out of this game. Im sorry.

Ive got to pare down a few of my other games too.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

me? Sure ill do it when im at my pc.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Getting frustrated that her abilities aren't effective, Phana resorts to a more direct means of ending the conflict. She casts Flaming Sphere, targeting the closest tower archer that shot at her.

DC 18 reflex save for no damage.
Fire damage: 3d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 4) = 11

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Okay, I'd move 10 feet south to B7, and my spell targets the corner between L5 and M6

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

I can't find the link to the map.

Phana will move to be able to see the bulk of the guards inside and throw another Hypnotic pattern where she can hit all of them in its radius.

2d4 + 5 ⇒ (2, 2) + 5 = 9
Save DC 21 or be fascinated. Again, their hit dice each count as 6 lower than normal.

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Phana decides to let her hypnotic pattern run its course, and instead moves close enough that she can take care of the guard that shot at her.

Hypnotic pattern should remain for 2 more rounds, while I move closer to the gate as my move action and Cast Burning Disarm on the enemy.

Burning Disarm:

This spell causes a metal object to instantly become red hot. A creature holding the item may attempt a Reflex save to drop it and take no damage (even if it is not their turn), otherwise the hot metal deals 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). Circumstances that prevent the creature from dropping the item (such as a locked gauntlet) mean the creature gets no saving throw. The heat does not harm the item, and it does not get hot enough or last long enough to ignite flammable objects. The item cools to its previous temperature almost instantly. If cast underwater, burning disarm deals half damage and boils the surrounding water.

5d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 1, 1) = 7 fire damage

TL:DR=They take damage unless they make a DC 17 reflex save to Drop Their Weapon

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

^That's what I thought too. So yes? If not, I'll gladly take another action.

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

-Posted with Wayfinder

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Was not expecting a nat 20, but hey, it happens.

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Can I be within 150 feet of the front door?

"Those guards won't notice you approach." she says. "But take them out once you're in best range. I'll handle the Strix when she comes to investigate."

Phana will wave her free hand and point at the space in between the two by the door. A pattern of swirling, hypnotic colors spins out from that location, enthralling the guards at the gate.

Hit Dice Check: 2d4 + 5 ⇒ (4, 4) + 5 = 13 So 13 hit dice worth of enemies in the area will get fascinated (DC 21 Will save). Reminder: All creatures affected by this spell consider their hit dice-6 as their effective hit dice for my spell.

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

I can distract/incapacitate the guards at the door, and then we can walk in like a boss?

"Ready." Phana declares, pulling a wand out of her pack and holding it in her off hand.

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

"Sure." Phana says with a wink.
Anyone got a better idea? I can literally do that.

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Yep. There might be an interesting story there, if she weren't about to become cannon fodder, right? :)

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

"if they're all within 20 feet of each other, potentially all of them." she says. "But it'll just keep them occupied till we can take them down."

Hypnotic Pattern. 2d4+5 hd worth of creatures get fascinated (dc21 will save). Did i mention each person affected by my pattern spells counts as their hd-6?

-Posted with Wayfinder

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

"I think I can disable the flyer, and anyone near her." Phana offers. "But it's going to be obvious as hell to anyone I don't catch with it."

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

"True. I haven't been here long enough to garner any other roses, other than you, of course." Phana adds. "I'm capable of providing a decent distraction since my pattern spells are second to none, but I can't really wield weapons."

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Indeed. Sunset Raid!

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

"Night raid, of course." Phana replies. "The miners would all be in the same place, and easier to spring. Of course the guards are also all there, and if we take out or disable them, that deals a blow to thrune's reputation as well."

I take it this rebellion is not a 'by the law' kind of revolt? :)

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

"Definitely going to want to wear gloves at the salt mine!" Phana declares. "Let's go."

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

"If we hit the opera house, will we find Thrune there?" Phana asks.

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Phana stretches her legs and adjusts her breastplate. "I'm ready." she says. She holds up a wand. "Brought some fresh healing, just in case we get tapped out kicking Thrune's ass."

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

"That would work just fine for me!" She says with a smile.

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Phana looks down at her hands. "Can I at least wear gloves?" She asks. "Grit really hurts to clean out."

Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5; Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12; AC 19; hp 43/43; Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; +1 trait bonus vs. illusion effects, +2 vs. [evil];

Reporting in! :)

Phana Hartsong recently joined the rebellion but has worked hard to be of use, even harder than some considering the damage to her hands. The woman's hands, wrists, and forearms are almost entirely covered in serpentine burn scars, and though they look long-healed, they seem painful.

She has healing abilities, fire spells, and strong illusion magic. She is interested in helping out direct actions of the rebellion since she's a worshiper of Milani, and doesn't want others to let her injuries stop her from contributing.




1 HD






Orc, Common, Infernal

Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 13
Intelligence 7
Wisdom 10
Charisma 11

About Gabbor

Init: +1; Perception: +4; Darkvision
Spd: 30 ft. HP: 11

AC 13, T 11, FF 12
CMD 15
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2

Offense & Weapons:
Melee:Bite +4 (1d8+3/20)
Clawsx2 +4 (1d6+3/20)
CMB: +4

•Improved Damage (Claws) 1-point
•Bite 1-point
•Improved Damage (Bite) 1-point

Total Points:3/3

•Power Attack

Special Abilities:
•Share Spells

•Climb +4 (1 rank, 3 str)
•Perception +4 (1 rank, -1 wis, 3 class)
•Stealth +5 (1 rank, 1 dex, 3 class)
•Swim +4 (1 rank, 3 str)

A strange creature stands before you. He is tall, and wide. Red fur covers his entire body. His teeth are long and sharp. Two small horns sit atop his head. His long hands end in giant claws. He has a small tail that moves lazily as he shifts his weight.