Tentacle Monster Painting

Penguin_Witchdoctor's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 31 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Liberty's Edge

I am in Atsugi, Japan, and am looking for a group to possibly run through a campaign. I am in the U.S. navy. Hence the at sea. I will be going out with the George Washington. so, looking for players that will be on there also. please reply here, or email me at Penguin_witchdoctor@yahoo.com . Game ON!!


Liberty's Edge

I figured since the playtest ones were closed we could add ones we thought of here.

Charge Breaker
Requirement: be charged by an enemy 15 times
Benefit: Whenever you are charged by an enemy you gain a free action against that character.

Improved Charge Breaker
Requirement: Charge breaker, Be charged by an enemy 30 times.
Benefit: Whenever you are charged by an enemy you gain an action against that character. Either a move action or attack action.

Greater Charge Breaker
Requirement: Charge breaker, imp. charge breaker, and be charged by enemies 45 times.
Benefit: Whenever you are charged by an enemy you gain a full-round action against that character. You also gain the benefit of your weapon being set for a charge even if it was not set for a charge.

Liberty's Edge

I just double-checked, and I am missing modules s1, and J4. Companions Into the darklands, guide to absalom, and second darkness map folio. I also noticed these along with the pathfinder #16, 17, and 19 came out while I had my subscriptions suspended. does that mean I need to buy the Pdfs seperatly? thank you very much.

Liberty's Edge

May I get you guys to suspend my subscriptions until I change my address. I am gonna be moving a lot for the next 3 months. Thank you