Tentacle Monster Painting

Penguin_Witchdoctor's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 31 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

@Harad Navar

The Settlement Overlay has Forgeholm as Rogue/Wizard, but the GW maps have them as Cleric/Fighter.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I am hoping that from an RP stand point if you lose the use of the ability through whatever circumstance. Example (Paladin hunting goblin children) That said Paladin maybe Rping on his way to anti-Paladin, and once his alignment gets to CE he can trade the Paladin abilities in for Anti-Paladin abilities. Example (Detect good for detect Evil)
The part for factions being able to trade abilities I could only see fitting if you so outrage your original faction the enemy faction would do the same thing, but at a reduced amount like maybe 50% of your previous faction. This being because they are leery of you maybe being a double-agent.
The best example of faction dropping I can thing of is Eando Kline. He found a serpent burial chamber while on a pathfinder mission, and saw it was to dangerous for anyone to explore further. He lied to the Decemvirate, and was actually found in the Serpent Skull adventure I do not remember why though. I know he does not join the Aspis Consortium though. He has just made it his mission to stop anyone from unleashing the serpents.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Considering the difference in ability recharge rate between MMORPGs and PnP games a typical gaming group of 4 can really clean out an MMORPG dungeon where as in PnP they usually have to rest the caster after every few battles. I would like to see most small dungeons set for a typical 4 person team. A large dungeon with some really nice artifact should take most of chartered group to take down with like portable alchemist labs and forges maybe to support.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I just am wondering if they will put in blocks. say if you train Bloodline: Dragon it blocks you from training any other Bloodline: x. Then again you might be able to find a quest that will allow you to awaken another bloodline if you have a specific bloodline to begin with.

I am wondering about cross-classing/multi-classing in a classless system. Considering some of the prestige classes in Pathfinder allow you to combine a multitude of abilities. I just hope they do not allow some of the later 3.5 supplemental prestige classes.

The multiple low-level abilities will not make a very powerful character at any point. Dipping into each ability chain will make you the jack of all trades, but the specialist will bypass you. I just hope if players are jack-of-all trades that they get a title for it. That way I know I am not getting a true fighter or wizard in my group.

The Ranger/Druid animal companion could be based on if it was one of the first things you train like a druid, or if you trained somethings prior to it. It could be based on your level of experience when you started to train the ability. Say you started training animal companion at 0xp. Then you would have the maximum benefit of it compared to someone who starts training it at say 4000xp.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Back to the Ecology thing I would like to see the wolves preying on the rabbits if my survival and stealth skills are high enough. Then there is the owlbear quest, and maybe you actually stumble on it hunting a wolf. Heck maybe a farmer can actually see a wyvern swoop in and grab his livestock starting the next town quest. Of course if a player was not within visual range it should all be non-rendered. I know in EQ the Sarlaks and the lizard folk would actually fight with no player intervention.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Well, with the confirmation of real time skill advancement, maybe they could makes Golems require a certain amount of in-game time spent on the crafting of the Golem and nothing else.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

You just got me thinking of something else. If you have said Cayden Cailean church in your settlement. Will the common folk begin to request a church from another deity? Will it kind of be like Sim city where your common folk get restless because they do not have access to a temple of Gozrah?

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Yes, the repair costs, and time to repair the Golem. Not including Make Whole as a spell would increase the repair cost.

/quote In an MMO where 50+ golum creators could all work for one side and create a virtually unattackable city in which they don't even have to be present to defend./quote

Still for this that is a lot of resources required. Let us say that you get together 50 level 8 Golem makers and decide to make Flesh Golems. (Wood Golems are a 2,000 GP cost cheaper but require lv 12 just like Ice) Well, Flesh Golems cost 10,500 GP to make, and each one requires six different bodies. (one for each limb, torso, and brain) So, 50 *10,500 = 525,000 GP. 6 bodies* 50 Golems = 300 bodies if each body can only be used on one Golem, and 8 1/3 bodies if all of them have all the parts needed to contribute to 6 Golems. Note none of these bodies could have been raised by a necromancer and then destroyed. Lastly you need to be neutral, evil, or willing to take an alignment hit to make one.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I was just reading the gold farming thread, and thought of something else that is fun about Golems. If it is not a Shield Guardian the maker can resume control any time he/she is within range of the Golem.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I want to see the Golems in the PFO. Eventually I want to have my city guarded by Golems. The biggest thing I like about them in the PFRPG is no upkeep. The problem I see is people cranking out Golems and going city stomping. Sure Golems have a large time and monetary resource drain, but this is an MMO where people do not age in game and time only matters to those with a life. I say put a limit on the number of Golems you can control. This is beyond the normal you must work on the Golem 8 hours a day for 20 days or more. Therefore no adventuring for 20 or more days. Most Golems you run into in PFRPG have lost their masters and are just following the last orders given to them, or they are any of the low-level ones that went berserk.

The difference between the Conjurer and the Golem maker or Necromancer is that the Conjurer's minions disappear after a duration. The Golem and undead stay till they are destroyed. Yes, the undead you can create are weak, but 50 skeletons is tough to deal with on your own.

Liberty's Edge

I am in Atsugi, Japan, and am looking for a group to possibly run through a campaign. I am in the U.S. navy. Hence the at sea. I will be going out with the George Washington. so, looking for players that will be on there also. please reply here, or email me at Penguin_witchdoctor@yahoo.com . Game ON!!


Liberty's Edge

I have been trying to figure this out too, but it looks like we are going to need the beastiary. It really sucks they are not going to redo classic monsters or dungeon monster revisited.

Liberty's Edge

I prefer the die roll.

That being said. I have never gotten a bad set of stats with die roll. Always played 4d6 kick lowest reroll 1's. Heck I even had a DM that said if you got 4 6's you got a 24, and that was in a 2nd ed game. I pulled 2 24's a 16, 2 12's and a 13. He made me reroll one of the 24's. Anyway. I feel that die rolling is a lot more organic. Otherwise everyone has a fighter with 18 strength, and 6 charisma. I have seen poepl beat the odds on many occasions. I have also seen people get screwed by the odds everytime. I happen to be one of the lucky ones who beats the odds sometimes. I have one character with 2 18's, a 17, 2 16's and a 12. Anyway. Some people beat the odds some lose to the odds, and others are the odds. It is why Vegas makes so much money. Unless your beating the odds your paying the house. In reference to the first post. I do believe that anything over 4d6 is overpowering. 4d6 is a good average when you were expected to only roll 3d6. I mean are we heroes, or are we slithgly improved townsfolk? Considering 10 is the average score. I would like to see heroes whos average is atleast 12. All those stats I mentioned above are what I think of when I hear about a hero.

Alright have fun all!

Liberty's Edge

I figured since the playtest ones were closed we could add ones we thought of here.

Charge Breaker
Requirement: be charged by an enemy 15 times
Benefit: Whenever you are charged by an enemy you gain a free action against that character.

Improved Charge Breaker
Requirement: Charge breaker, Be charged by an enemy 30 times.
Benefit: Whenever you are charged by an enemy you gain an action against that character. Either a move action or attack action.

Greater Charge Breaker
Requirement: Charge breaker, imp. charge breaker, and be charged by enemies 45 times.
Benefit: Whenever you are charged by an enemy you gain a full-round action against that character. You also gain the benefit of your weapon being set for a charge even if it was not set for a charge.

Liberty's Edge

I just double-checked, and I am missing modules s1, and J4. Companions Into the darklands, guide to absalom, and second darkness map folio. I also noticed these along with the pathfinder #16, 17, and 19 came out while I had my subscriptions suspended. does that mean I need to buy the Pdfs seperatly? thank you very much.

Liberty's Edge

I just went into my download section looking for the second darkness last 3 chapters. I am missing 16, 17, and 18. If I need to buy them that is no problem. Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

The occult slayer, and the 3 mage slayer feats. With Alkenstar, Numeria, and the magic nations of Geb and Nex this could be a great prc. Other then that Order of the bow initiate, ghostwalker, chain master, and weapon master from 3.0 sword and fist.

Liberty's Edge

Goblin Slayer [achievement]

Prerequisite: You must deliver the killing blow to 25 different goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, goblindogs, barghests, or minions of Lamashtu.

Benefits: As long you carry a trophy of your kills. You gain a +2 competence bonus to the attack and damage rolls against goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, goblindogs, barghests, and minions of lamashtu. You also get a +5 bonus to intimidate checks against Goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears, goblindogs, barghests, and minions of Lamashtu.

I figures the minion of Lamashtu because of the couple of side dungeons.

Liberty's Edge

The mechanincs sound pretty good. If it is going to be just a template. The bonus feats can get rediculous. I mean a human/Deva Fighter has 3 feats to start? that could get a good many powergamer halfway into a few differnet feat trees. I was first looking at Whirlwind attack as that one is really hard to get too, and the Great cleave. I would say adjust that a bit. I mean take a look at the half-clestial, and half-fiendish templates. They are +4 with bonuses to every stat a chance for wings, and a spell-like ability at every couple of levels.

I just got hung up on one comment you made though.

Nighttree wrote:
Why doesn't my Elven/Aasimar have anything that actually makes him appear elven, and why does my Tiefling Ogre seem short changed ???

The reason for this is becasue the Assimar, and tiefling, are "human" with fiendish or celestial blood taininting them. The Forgotten realms made a few of the base races into the tainted ones. Like the Tanaruck is the Orc fiend. Sorry, just bugged me that someone tried the I am an Elf/Aasimar. Being a powergamer myself. I hate when the rest tweak rules so much.

Liberty's Edge

Do I need to order everything I missed? Or, will you guys send it?

Liberty's Edge

The PostMonster General wrote:

This should be a way to fix some of the old impossible combinations: Halfling Barbarians, Gnome Fighters, Half-Orc Bard... you come to a table with something like that and people just moan because the combination is almost designed to fail.

aww, but I love my gnomish Barbarian, Occult Slayer, Bear Warrior who wielded a halbred. Some of the most fun I have had in 1 session.

edit "2 feet tall and bullet proof" Yes I did have a great back story for him. I wish he had been in the Pathfinder setting even more though there are easliy 3 countries that would casue people to go Occult Slayer. edit

Liberty's Edge

Ok, First question was how does Golarion feel about gnolls. I went to one of my favorite books for the pathfinder setting Classic Monsters revisited. In there the Gnoll is mentioned. I will paraphrase the "Gnolls in golarion" section Most gnolls of Avistan live underground or in the more unsavory regions of Razmiran, river kingdoms, Kyonin and Galt. Osirion looks to be the only place with outright hunting parties for them. the PC would be in big trouble heading there. Otherwise they do not roam very much besides. the Jungle and deserts of Garund. They are a slaving race. Not very good at it, but they usually have 1 slave per gnoll that is more likely human or dwarf. So, depending how far the stories of Gnoll raiding parties move. You may have trouble, and you may not. The traveling with humans who are vouching for him will be the best thing. Also as someone said go to magnimar, and get your "GOOD" gnoll card.

Question 2 about HD and LA. You do not get the HD with the spell. the HD is showing that you have lived as that monster from the beginning. Showing you have endured adolesence in that body. It just does not feel right to give someone the HD anyway. Especially since BAB, save, and Hit Points do not change. Which they would if you got HD. Adding in the extraplanar is a good idea. It does say uses the natural surroundings would be fun to have the spark of that plane in the character. Could also be fun to have him "dismissed" back there. Which is why your PC's should keep there mouths shut about each other dying if they can.

Liberty's Edge

The only reason you have had bad experiences with Dwarf and Gnome players. Is because of the players. I have been a Dwarf most of my career. Minotaur is my next. Then Gnome of the tinkering type. Most of the groups have been bland and unimagined. Oh I am a brooding human who is the black sheep of his family even though he is a good guy. Ooh I am the Elf who tries to bend time and space to his will all while trying to save the trees. I play my dwarf to have fun, and be a really tough cleric. How come I always gotta be the cleric? Can I for once be the whimpering wizard running away from stuff trying to hit it with an 8d6 fireball? My Halfing Ranger was just broken. I am so glad they fixed "Farshot" Shooting a bow a mile is actually kind of tough. Back to Dwarf. I wonder if you could actually find a cave system with a straight 1 mile to shoot a crossbow down. Yes more dwarf Alehouses. Oh yeah we are dying woohoo and ansty dwarf always worried if his race is going to survive. Get ready for this one people. Dwarf for the Win!!!!!!! Elf will be ok. Only met a few good players of elves. Though how do you play a character who doesn't have the mental and physical maturity of a human until they are older then the longest lived humans in history. Maybe they should just hack everyones ages back to middle ages, and say humans die at 35, and elves die at 100. Dwarf for teh win!!!! By the way why do the tree huggers always get there books first? Was there ever a Dragon the talked about Dwarfs? I can count atleast 3 that were all about elf.

Liberty's Edge

ok now everything is up to date. Please send everything I missed.

Liberty's Edge

Yuyp everything is good. I will update teh credit card by next week.

Liberty's Edge

Please unsuspend me, and use the newest address. the CNATTU one. thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you for that.

Liberty's Edge

May I get you guys to suspend my subscriptions until I change my address. I am gonna be moving a lot for the next 3 months. Thank you

Liberty's Edge

Yes thank you. 4E is like MMLRPG. multiplayer massive live role-playing game. It is too restricted for me. It looks more restricted than Ad&D. in character creation/ growth. Though this is for a different thread.

Again thank you for improving and keeping D20 alive.