
Pavlovian's page

Organized Play Member. 146 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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LoreMaster GM wrote:

Strangely, no one has brought this up. RAW, it would seem that Hobji knocks players out as a free action if he hits them with their fist. It says the target begins suffocating and the rules for suffocating say

AoN on drowning and suffocation wrote:
"you fall unconscious and start suffocating. You can’t recover from being unconscious and must attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save at the end of each of your turns. On a failure, you take 1d10 damage, and on a critical failure, you die. On each check after the first, the DC increases by 5 and the damage by 1d10; these increases are cumulative. Once your access to air is restored, you stop suffocating and are no longer unconscious (unless you’re at 0 Hit Points)."

This means suffocation starts after you are already out of air and that is what Strangling Grasp says it does. I have to believe that the writer meant to start the holding breath aspect rather than suffocation.

Lastly, it isn't clearly defined how he keeps suffocating people. I am ruling he needs to successfully hit the victim once per turn with his fist attack to trigger the free action again or else the victim is free.

Yeah, that seems a bit harsh. This fight is going to come up in one of the next sessions at my table, so I'm gonna houserule it as this:

Strangling Grasp (Free) Trigger as RAW; Effect: Hobji grapples the target and starts to strangle it, trying to suffocate it. The target has 5 + Constitution modifier in rounds worth of air before they lose consciousness. Any attempt to break free subtracts one round from their air supply, and any attack, spell or similar use of an ability subtracts two rounds from their air supply. Any time Hobji uses his free Strangle attack, he subtracts one round of his victim's air supply as well.

This still makes it a nasty ability, but it will cause Hobji to have to focus on one foe, with the rest of the party trying to free his victim.

In the book, it says that the players can spend 2 days worth of reconnoiter near the Grandparents to scout for Ardissa's camp, with each roll of Survival/Perception taking one day.

I find this very confusing. Do they either:

- reconnoiter and roll once each 2 days, or;
- reconnoiter for 2 days but roll each day?

This is the text from the book, p. 38

Spotting the Trophy Hunter: When the Broken
Tusks enter this hex, the following sets up camp
before reaching the pass, giving the characters time
to Reconnoiter the hex to make sure it’s safe before
moving on. Because this hex is primarily hilly terrain,
it takes the characters 2 hexploration activities (thus,
2 days) to Reconnoiter the hex. To spot Ardissa
before she can ambush the following, one character
in the party must attempt a DC 16 Survival or DC 20
Perception check each day the party Reconnoiters.

Pavlovian wrote:

So, next Wednesday, me and my party will have a session 0 for this campaign. I have created a Session 0 preparation journal on Foundry and we will discuss the country, the ancestries in it, and the main lore and faiths in the area.

I have made a selection of ancestries that I would like to see:
- humans: Kellid, Erutaki, Tian, Ulfen
- elves: Ilverani
- half-elves: snowcaster elves (Ilverani descendants)
- frost goblins
- catfolk: Mitzkeni
- Frozen Wind Kitsune
- Icerender Kobolds
- Nanut orcs
- Ulfen Leaper ratfolk
- snow may descendant Changelings
- Undine (Rimesoul)
- Beastkin

Other ancestries are allowed but I will try to steer them in the direction of these...

Classes: any, except the Investigator (Player's guide expressly advises against it) and the Inventor and Gunslinger (due to lack of trade/loot/crafting)...

I am excited to find out what my players are going to create!

So my players have created the following characters:

Renard, a goblin magus (starlit span) who is the product of a bet between two wizards (Can we teach magic to anyone or not?)

Waltherum 'Walt', a Varisian warpriest of Sister Cinder, who fought in the fifth crusade and is also a Songsinger in training.

Cayde Thalen, a bearkin Cavern Elf Barbarian with animal instinct, who fled a haunting, repressed memory of a fiery attack, and now seeks solace with the tusks. His current interest lies in hunting megafauna prey.

Yuki, a frozen field kitsune and his beast Eidolon, Garm, who is a mammoth herder with the Broken Tusk following.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, next Wednesday, me and my party will have a session 0 for this campaign. I have created a Session 0 preparation journal on Foundry and we will discuss the country, the ancestries in it, and the main lore and faiths in the area.

I have made a selection of ancestries that I would like to see:
- humans: Kellid, Erutaki, Tian, Ulfen
- elves: Ilverani
- half-elves: snowcaster elves (Ilverani descendants)
- frost goblins
- catfolk: Mitzkeni
- Frozen Wind Kitsune
- Icerender Kobolds
- Nanut orcs
- Ulfen Leaper ratfolk
- snow may descendant Changelings
- Undine (Rimesoul)
- Beastkin

Other ancestries are allowed but I will try to steer them in the direction of these...

Classes: any, except the Investigator (Player's guide expressly advises against it) and the Inventor and Gunslinger (due to lack of trade/loot/crafting)...

I am excited to find out what my players are going to create!

Ok, thanks guys. I am building a character on Pathbuilder and the app gives me a second spellbook, which made me wonder. Thanks!

If you have multiple spellbooks from different classes, such as magus and wizard, both arcane, do you use the same spellbook for both classes or do you have to use one spellbook to prepare your slots for one class and the other for the other class?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just a fun thing my party came up with as an alternative use for Huntergate,

after passing through it for the first time. Three party members critically failed their saving throws, so they were impressed.

They now want to throw food into the Huntergate in a iron bowl with a chain attached, so they have a BBQ set in their basement.

I love my players.

Zapp wrote:

Innate spells that list a level operate on that level (so "no, they don't auto-heighten").

Cantrips and focus spells follow the rules for cantrips and focus spells (so "yes, they auto-heighten") whether innate or not.

Or did I misunderstand your query?

To what level do the innate cantrips heighten? Is that depending on the level of the creature?

Thanks for the speedy reply :)

If monsters have multiple levels of innate spells, do they automatically heighten to the highest level they can cast.

For instance, if a monster has 3rd level innate spells and cantrips, are the cantrips automatically heightened to 3rd level?

Or is it according to their level?


Some use power from within, projecting the force of their personality to channel arcane powers. Others are vessels for divine forces, becoming agents of any gods that share the same interests. Conduits are extraordinary people who wield powers both within and without. They learn to cast arcane and divine spells in unison and develop powers that tap into both their divine and arcane source of power.

Role: Some conduits believe their arcane might is another manifestation of a divine gift (or curse). They tend to see themselves as agents of beings far beyond the mortal realm, and act as such. They might travel to spread the word of aligned gods, actively seek out those that oppose her divine patron, or aid temples or allied cults in communities or even cities.

Others see their inner arcane powers as a reason why they were blessed by an unknown patron. These individuals see their divine gifts as a curse more often than not, fearing these gifts will come at a price – their own personal freedom. While most enjoy their divine powers, they try to focus on increasing their arcane strength out of a burning desire to remain in control. These conduits tend to travel a lot, seeking out places of learning, ancient crypts, or other sources of lore. Others become paragons of their people, leading them to new heights of power.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: D8


To qualify to become a conduit, a character needs to fulfill all the following criteria:

Skills: Spellcraft 5 ranks.
Spells: Able to cast spontaneously 2nd-level divine spells and 2nd-level arcane spells.

Class Skills

The conduit’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are features of the conduit prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Conduits gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day
Each level, a conduit gains new spells per day as if she had gained a level in any one arcane and any one divine spellcasting class she belonged to before taking levels in conduit. Once she makes this choice at first level, those two classes become her parent classes. She effectively adds her conduit levels to both parent classes to determine spells known, spell slots per day, and caster level, but not to determine any other abilities of those classes.

Conduit Spell (Su)
At 1st level, a conduit learns to draw power from both arcane and divine spells. She can cast two spells, one of each spell list of the two parent classes (see above) simultaneously, as long as they use the same action. This uses a slot of a level equal to the highest level of the two spells cast. This slot may come from either parent class. She may make any choices of the spell, such as targeting, independently of each other. A conduit cannot use metamagic feats with conduit spells (but see conduit surge later).

A conduit can cast a conduit spell once per day at 1st level, plus an additional time at 3rd level and every 2 levels therafter, up to 5 times per day at 9th level.

Slot Conduction (Su)
At 1st level, a conduit becomes a bridge between her inner and outer gifts. She is able to use her arcane spell slots to cast divine spells and vice versa, but only for spells one level below the slot used. For instance, she could use a 4th level divine spell slot to cast any of her known arcane spells of 3rd level or lower.

Conduit Surge
At 2nd level, a conduit learns to increase his powers. She chooses one of the following benefits, thereby increasing the power of one of her parent classes, or her conduit abilities. At 4th, 6th, and 8th level, she gains another power from an expanded list. Any time she chooses a new power, she can choose one of any list she had previously access to. For instance, a 6th level conduit could pick a power from the 2nd, 4th, or 6th-level list. Unless noted differently, you can only select a surge once. Conduit surges emulating class abilities always use Charisma to determine their saving throw DC.

Arcane Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her arcanist levels to determine the effects of her exploits, and her total arcane points. She does not gain any exploits this way. Only conduits with arcanist as a parent class can take this surge.

Blood Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her sorcerer levels to determine the effects of her bloodline abilities, including bloodline spells known. She does not gain new bloodline powers or bloodline feats this way. Only conduits with sorcerer as a parent class can take this surge.

Eldtritch Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her magus levels to determine the effects of her bloodrage abilities, bloodline spells, and her eldritch pool points. This does not grant bloodrage abilities or eldritch pool abilities. Only conduits with the eldritch scion magus as a parent class can take this surge.

Inspiring Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her bard levels to determine the effects of any of his bardic performances, as well as her total rounds per day of bardic performance. Only conduits with bard as a parent class can take this surge.

Hunter’s Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her hunter levels to determine the abilities of his animal companion. Only conduits with hunter as parent class can take this surge.

Oracular Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her oracle levels to determine the effects of any revelations she knows, as well as to determine the bonus spells from her mystery. She does not gain new revelations this way. Only conduits with oracle as a parent class can take this surge.

Patron Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her witch levels to determine the effects of any hexes she knows, as well as bonus spells from her patron. Only conduits with ley line guardian witch as a parent class can take this surge.

Ragesong Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her skald levels to determine the effects of any of his ragesongs, as well as her total rounds per day of ragesong. Only conduits with skald as a parent class can take this surge.

Summoning Conduit (Su): The conduit adds her class levels to her summoner levels to determine the abilities of her eidolon. Only conduits with summoner as a parent class can take this surge.

A 4th level conduit adds the following options to her conduit surge list.

Arcane Surge: The conduit learns one magus arcana for which she meets the prerequisites. Only conduits with magus as a parent class can take this surge. You can take this surge more than once.

Aspect Surge: The conduit learns the aspect ability of a 10th level summoner. Only conduits with summoner as a parent class can take this surge.

Bloodline Surge: The conduit learns the 9th level power of her bloodline. Only conduits with sorcerer as a parent class can take this surge.

Companion Surge: The conduit gains the raise companion ability of a 10th level hunter. Only conduits with hunter as a parent class can take this surge.

Conduit Metamagic (Su): A conduit with this power can add one metamagic feat to her conduit spell. This metamagic feat affects both spells independently. As usual for using metamagic feats with spontaneous spellcasting, this conduit spell has its casting time increased and uses a higher spell slot, as indicated by the metamagic feat used. For instance, a conduit casting an silent (+1 spell slot) conduit spell uses a spell slot one higher than the highest level of both spells. If both spells use a standard action, the silent conduit spell becomes a full-round action to cast.

Performance Surge: The conduit adds either dirge of doom or inspire greatness to her known bardic performances. Only conduits with bard as a parent class can take this surge. Alternatively, conduits with skald as a parent class can choose this option, but are limited to dirge of doom.

Revelation Surge: The conduit learns one revelation granted by her mystery. She must meet the prerequisits for that mystery. Only conduits with oracle as parent class can take this surge. You can take this surge more than once.

A 6th level conduit adds the following options to his conduit surge list.

Focus Surge: The conduit gains the second animal focus ability as a 8th level hunter. Only conduits with hunter as a parent class can take this surge.

Hexing Surge: The conduit learns one major hex. This counts as having the major hex ability. Only conduits with witch as a parent class can take this surge.

Exploit Surge: The conduit learns one greater exploit. This counts as having the greater exploit ability. Only conduits with arcanist as a parent class can take this surge.

An 8th level conduit adds the following options to his conduit surge list.

Bloodline Surge: The conduit learns the 15th level power of her bloodline. Only conduits with sorcerer as a parent class can take this surge.

Conduit Overload (Su): This ability allows a conduit to cast conduit spells without using her daily conduit spells, by spending two slots of the required level, each from another parent class. Using this ability counts as using a metamagic feat for the purposes of determining casting time of the conduit spell.

Empathic Surge: The conduit gains the greater empathic link ability of a 14th level hunter. Only conduits with hunter as a parent class can take this surge.

Performance Surge: The conduit adds either soothing performance or frightening tune to her known bardic performances. Only conduits with bard as a parent class can take this surge. Alternatively, conduits with skald as parent class can gain song of the fallen if they choose this surge.

Lifebond Surge: The conduit learns the life bond ability of a 14th level summoner. Only conduits with summoner as a parent class can take this surge.

Perfect Conduit (Su)
At 10th level, a conduit perfects the balance between arcane and divine magic. Whenever she casts a conduit spell, she increases the DC to save against both spells by 2. Furthermore, she combines her levels in both parent classes and her conduit classes to determine the caster level for both spells. Whenever she uses slot conduction, she no longer has to use slots of a higher level to fuel spells from the other list.

New Feat Options

Extra Surge (Surge class ability): You gain one additional surge you meet the prerequisites for. You can take this feat more than once.

Hi all

In my second run of Curse of the Crimson Throne, one of my players (rakshasa bloodline sorcerer) wants to add some oracle levels to help with healing in a 6-man party that at this point have no healing save wands (swashbuckler, ninja, stonelord paladin, hunter without healing spells, sorcerer, and magus).

We discussed Mystic Theurge but since it hamstrings his sorcerer and oracle abilities greatly and delivers not much bang for its yuck, I played around with the idea of a spontaneous mystic theurge.

At this point, we are also thinking about just using wands and later Leadership to attract a healbot cohort, but I wanted to float this new prestige class to the hivemind.

What do you guys think?

If I apply a template to a monster, to make an undead fey, and it specifically says:
- change HD to 'd8' (from d6 fey HD)
- change type to 'undead' (from fey type)

Do I leave the BAB from racial HD as is, because it doesn't specifically mentions it?

Or do I change it because if I look up the rules for 'Undead' it says it has another BAB progression?

I have a question about the following feats and how they interact:

Vital Strike (Improved, Greater): Standard action, one attack highest bonus, double (triple, quadruple) weapon dice.

Blooded Arcane Strike: During bloodrage, arcane strike is always on, and arcane strike damage bonus is doubled (tripled, quadrupled) if you use Vital Strike (Improved, Greater)

All-Consuming Swing: When you use Cleave or Great Cleave, you may add the damage you would gain from Vital Strike (Improved, Greater) to the damage dealt to your initial target. You receive that bonus damage as well. This damage ignores DR.

If I use All-Consuming Swing, do I use Vital Strike (and can I multiply Arcane Strike damage), or do I just add the bonus damage (and the Arcane Strike damage is not multiplied). Or am I overthinking it?

RAW would indicate the latter, but RAI might be otherwise?

Ok, this clears things up. Thanks :)

Hey all, I have a few questions regarding the spell 'Blessing of the Watch'.

"This spell functions like bless, except as noted (1 hour per level). It works only in the caster's home city, and in areas under the jurisdiction of the city watch. For example, if the watch patrols a shantytown outside the city walls but not the ruined subterranean tunnels that lie beneath the city, the spell works in the former area but not the latter."

Question One: does the spell only works in the areas under the jurisdiction of the city watch in the caster's home town, or does it work in both the caster's home town, and in areas under the jurisdiction of the city watch in all other communities?

Question Two: Can you only cast it in those areas, gaining the effects of the spell wherever you go; or can you cast it anywhere, but you only gain the effects of the spell when you enter the mentioned areas; or can you only cast it in those areas, and you only gain the effects in those areas?

Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I got confused by how the spell works.

Deuce wrote:
LazarX wrote:
No... it's the spell that moves you, not you moving yourself. You can choose one or the other.

So the PC has to move in a straight line with no obstructions? what about through a friendly square?

I ruled that the spell does not trump the need for a skill check, but on a personal level , it seems like a lvl 2 spell should not be that powerful if it allowed the PC to go through occupied squares.

I think the 'straight line' is the only limiting factor, but yes, it's a great spell, AND compatible with spell combat, making it an arcane pool fueled pounce or spring attack...

You can move through a friend's space unless charging, so you can do it with this spell. You can move past enemies without needing to roll acrobatics or even fear aoo's, because this spell wards you against them.

Interestingly, moving through enemy spaces is another thing, I guess. Bladed Dash protects you against attacks of opportunity during your move, so you do not need to roll Acrobatics for that. But to move through enemy spaces (something the spell does not mention anything about), you must make an Acrobatics check (DC 5 + CMD), so I think you still need to do that if you want to Bladed Dash through an enemy-occupied space.

Anzyr wrote:
Pavlovian wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
Uh, he actually can't have an imp familiar. Not to mention I see nothing there that would change a CG to CN. Sacrifice of animals is definitely not Evil, unless you presume most...

Third, his alignment change came to pass when he learned what had happened to his fellow adventurer's soul, and that it was his familiar who had arranged the deal. He just brushed it off as 'his choice, his problem.' Imo, the fact he seeks out power by taking an imp familiar, and bringing that Evil in the world, the alignment shift could happen.

Uh, it was his fellow adventurer's choice and it is his problem. Apathy is a Neutral reaction not an Evil one. Also associating with an Evil creature or character or even seeking one out isn't really an alignment issue at all, though the motive might make it so. But "seeking power" isn't Evil, so seeking an Evil person "for power" is pretty neutral.

Hence him becoming chaotic neutral and not chaotic evil :)

Anzyr wrote:
Uh, he actually can't have an imp familiar. Not to mention I see nothing there that would change a CG to CN. Sacrifice of animals is definitely not Evil, unless you presume most...

First off, I know of how IF works. I have chosen to ignore RAW in this, as the rp aspect of having a familiar corrupt its master is a very fun concept.

Secondly, sacrificing animals might not be inherently evil (that's a debate for theologists and philosophists), but you could make a point that killing anything for any reason is not a good thing. The reason the imp asks this monthly favor is to 'teach' its master that killing something 'lesser' than you is ok, hoping he will learn to see others the same way.

Third, his alignment change came to pass when he learned what had happened to his fellow adventurer's soul, and that it was his familiar who had arranged the deal. He just brushed it off as 'his choice, his problem.' Imo, the fact he seeks out power by taking an imp familiar, and bringing that Evil in the world, the alignment shift could happen.

Lastly, on the whole 'changing rules without their agreement'-remark: I am sure my players are outspoken enough to express their greavances, should there be any. So far, however, they have all (especially the tiefling) said that they are thoroughly enjoying the game and the familiar's antics. And about your RAW-worship, I see RAW more as guidelines than strict rules.

Snowblind wrote:
Doesn't the Magus need to be either LE,NE or LN to have an Imp Improved Familiar?

Yes, but in this instance, the Imp has offered the deal, hoping to corrupt the master to LE alignment... So far, I have had trouble getting them to act more lawful, but he is no longer Good because of selfish behavior and power hunger, but he is also being aware of the spot he put himself in and trying to get out of the deal and atone.

Fun had by all, in any case :)

In my Carrion Crown campaign, the Tiefling magus uses Infernal Healing while being Chaotic Good. I have no problem with him using the spell, and have not intended changing his alignment.

However, now that he has the Familiar arcana, and the Improved Familiar feat, he has been contacted by an imp and has agreed to a contract (a Familar contract, not an Infernal one), binding the imp to his will in exchange for minor animal sacrifices, monthly.

So far, the imp has already orchestrated a contract (Infernal, this time) between his superior in Hell and another PC who died and needed a resurrection :)

So yeah, the cost is sometimes paid by others. The Magus, since he is not seeing what's wrong with damning a party member's soul, had his alignment shifted to Chaotic Neutral. His imp is trying to get him to Lawful now, and Evil is only a few selfish acts away...

Nearyn wrote:

Hello Pavlovian.

Since the spell uses devil's blood and has the [Evil] descriptor, you could let a person who has been a repeat recipient of this spell have a -2 penalty to will-saves against mind-affecting spells used by devils.

I'm not gonna pretend I'm a fan of letting spellcasting affect the magus' alignment, but since you're going with it, I'll applaud that you're trying to add flavour based on the spell description, rather than jerk around your players.


That's a good idea as well. I'm hoping actually that the character will come to his senses and see that his quest for power has too high a cost, but time will tell.

First off, thanks for the input and the brainstorming. I can see many good ideas that I will use in the future (and future campaigns).

Secondly, an update. The tiefling magus, Malak, has now attracted the attention of an imp (when he got the Familiar arcana and Improved Familiar feat) who offered him a deal of servitude, complete with additional free infernal and arcane knowledge, in exchange for monthly offerings of lesser beings (animals).

He accepted, thinking he would be able to keep the imp from corrupting him further, knowing that so far, his soul was still his own (except for some fineprints that damn his soul if he doesn't make his monthly offering or plots against Hell). The imp disguised himself as a raven familiar when out in public (or even around the party).

Last session (during the end of ToTB, at Shloss Caromarc), the CG Cayden-following swashbuckler, Valero, died at the claws of the Aberrant Promethean, in one of the most epic fights I had ever seen. The cleric of Pharasma was lying on the floor one level lower, bleeding out.

Valero then stood in line to await his judgement at the Boneyard, the Raven (Imp) familiar appeared there, claiming to be able to help. He offered him a contract for a Wish, to resurrect him. The swashbuckler, devoid of any Knowledge skills, accepted (mostly because the line was too long, and he hates waiting), only to be informed after the fight was done what his price was (Wisdom 7 and Intelligence 10 meant for him to be unable to read the fineprint of the contract)...

So, the magus discovered he was right when he thought his soul was safe. He also discovered the souls of his party members weren't...

His alignment is now Chaotic Neutral, and slightly shifting towards Neutral (because of his strict adherance to the contract with his familiar).

I'm currently DMing a Carrion Crown campaign, and one of my players plays a tiefling magus, who uses Infernal Healing quite a lot, even though he is Chaotic Good. He plays his character according to his alignment, but a bit aloof and 'damaged' because of a bad youth. He sees the spell as a 'means to an end', which is a very interesting point of view.

I wanted the use of the spell to have a more lasting and somewhat dramatic effect on him, other than changing his alignment. The way I see it, by using that spell, you summon power from Hell into this world, or even into the target of the spell (mostly him, but sometimes party members as well).

I don't want to punish him for using the spell, or force him to NOT use it just because he is good-aligned. I just want to drive home the fact that repeatedly using an evil spell comes with a price...

The price of detecting as evil for the duration of the spell seems somewhat... fleeting.

The Blodeuwedd (fey plains creature, sort of plain dryad) has too high a concentration score, I think:

Spell-like abilities (CL 12th, concentration +21)

Their spellcasting ability is Charisma, according to the spell DCs (Cha 18 for a +4), and they have Combat Casting, but that's normally not added into the concentration score as it only applies to defensive casting.

They have 7 HD, but that should not matter, right?

Am I missing something, or shoud they have concentration +16?

Hey, sorry to bring this thread up again. In my homebrew campaign, I have a female human NPC with natural lycanthropy, who is a ranger, and has trapper as archetype as well.

Have above questions ever been officially answered?

Wild Stalker gains nothing from: Quarry (level 11), Improved Quarry (level 19), and Master Hunter (level 20).

Should I give her Greater Rage (level 11), Tireless Rage at level 19 (normally level 17), and Mighty Rage (level 20)?

Does this seem broken to anyone?

Changes I have made as a house rule for a friend's character in my homebrew campaign:

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with a verbal component and no somatic or material component, you treat your caster as if it were one higher.
Additionally, you gain Bardic Performance, which works the same as the bard ability, except you can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 2 plus your Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st, the sorcerer gains 1 additional round per day of bardic performance. Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but maintaining it is a free action each round. Changing between effects is a standard action as well. Note that the maestro sorcerer does not gain any performances except those granted by the bloodline itself or those gained through feats.

Fascinate (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain the ability to use a Perform skill to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with you. This acts as the fascinate bardic perform ability, except the save DC is 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma bonus.

Inspire (Sp): At 15th level, your artistic magic can inspire your allies to great accomplishments. You can use your bardic performance to grant a greater heroism effect to yourself or one ally within 30 feet. At 18th level, you can choose to affect two targets with this ability.

I would allow the fascinate ability of the maestro bloodline to apply to the 'bardic performance' prerequisite for lingering spell and spellsong but then it gets more tricky:

1) conceal the activity of casting a spell by Perform: uses up 1 round of bardic performance, which a Maestro sorcerer does not have.

2) maintain the concentration of a spell by performing: uses up 1 round of bardic performance, which a Maestro sorcerer does not have.

The maestro bloodline should get bardic performance as the bard with a diminished number of rounds per day: like 2 + Cha modifier + 1 round per maestro bloodline sorcerer level (about half what a bard would get). Then change the fascinate ability so it works like the bard ability and takes up bardic performance rounds. You can use those rounds for the Spellsong feat as well.

Maybe you could change the Inspire ability as well to grant Greater Heroism to one ally plus 1 per 3 levels after 15th, using up rounds of performance as well.

The tiefling origins (demon, oni, devil, etc...) have other spell-like abilities than the standard darkness ability.

How do I get the DC?

I have made a demon-blooded tiefling barbarian. He gets shatter as a spell-like ability 1/day. Is the DC 10 + 1/HD + Cha?

Nice, that right there helped me a lot just to 'get' the feel of the oracle. Ok, I think I can help my player now. Thanks all for the advice.

Ok, that clarifies some things already. Thanks. He took the clouded vision curse. We decided already that he was born from a human mother and then abandoned by resentful villagers in a Varisian ruin, where Brodert Quink, archeologist and historian found him and took pity on the baby half orc. He took him in.

He named the half orc Nathan, purposefully a human name, but still the boy was shunned by most other children. So Nathan didn't really do anything else than listen to Brodert's stories of ancient Thassilon. When he was a boy, he started dreaming of a cave, or underground space. Mvashti deducted from a reading that he dreamt of the ruin he was abandoned in as a baby.

When he went there, with Brodert, the ruin collapsed and he was stuck underneath the debris, dust and earth in his mouth, and his eyes. After initial panic, he noticed he could see perfectly in the dark. He noticed the rocks, the earth around him, and he could almost see the ruin as it used to look, when it was not yet old and collapsed, as a spectral tower in his mind's eye. But he also noticed he could not see further than a few feet.

Brodert, an old man at that time, could not find the strength to dig the boy out, but when the boy heard him shouting his name, the rocks seemed to come alive, filling him with a power as natural as breathing. He lifted one hand and a rock bigger than his frame propelled upward with his arm, shattering in pieces, and creating a shaft to climb out of.

And now we are kinda at a loss what this means for the boy. He is blind now, or as good as blind, and he has this newfound power coursing through his body. But he doesn't really have a purpose yet.

I was thinking of the following options :
- The ancestors of the Shoanti and Varisians feel the Runelord Karzoug awaken and filled an unlikely hero with the power to stop him.
- His interests in Thassilon and ruins (buried in the earth, built from rock) made him a vessel for the lore and memories stored in the rock waiting to be exhumed from oblivion.

Any other ideas for this.

Hey guys, I have a bit of a problem with the Oracle as a class. In my view, a cleric (as priest) devotes himself to his church; a druid protects and reveres nature; a wizard studies arcana to increase his power and reach immortality or other obscure secrets.

But with an oracle, I just don't know what they actually do... Or stand for... They are not aligned with any church, they are aligned to a Mystery and the gods that share that interest. Because of this, I have never considered playing one. Just because I did not know how to play the character.

Now, one of my players, who also is very new to RPG in general, wants to play a half-orc oracle of stone in the Rise of the Runelords campaign, which seems a fun character since you deal with ancient ruins, stone giants, and so on... So I have some nice ideas to get him involved into the story. But I'm at a loss to help him find a focus for his character. What does an oracle of stone do? Talk to rocks? Revere mountains? Need some help so I can help my player.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

As DM, I would rule the Cha to AC is not limited by max Dex, because of the wording of the power. I have been wrong before, however. :)

The AVP spell Instant Enemy, which I like very much, is an Enchantment spell that is not Mind-affecting... I understand this is because otherwise it could not be used on undead, vermin, plants, and so on... But in the Core Rulebook, it states that every Enchantment is a Mind-affecting spell.

How would you solve this? Make it Mind-affecting, making it a significantly worse spell, or change the spell to Evocation or Transmutation instead?

dreddwulf1 wrote:
Lyrax wrote:
Mojorat wrote:
Whoops, I missed the lance being x3.

That it is, when used with Spirited Charge. Also note that the multiplier math is being used here as well:

Normal mounted lance charge: x2
Normal spirited charge: x2
Spirited charge + lance charge = x3
God help your enemy should you actually crit with a lance on a spirited charge!

A crit with a lance from horseback, with spirited charge:


Is this correct?


And the witch and inquisitor are definitely on my to play list...

I had that same problem in the old days (pre-pathfinder) but that's because I wasn't good at making optimized characters. On the other hand, my characters tended to have a deeper, richer background....

Damn, optimization DOES have down-sides, it seems...:p


I like to play clerics, healers most of the time. For a combat cleric, just go two-hander, coz then you can easily free one hand for casting spells. Plus, your damage output will be better.

If you want to go for combat and healing, channel positive energy goes a long way to ensure you get your buff spells.

Then, a cleric is not as gear-dependent as other classes, because of their buffs. From lvl 4-5 spells you get x hours a day magic armor and weapon, so you can put your money in other gear.

My suggestions:
Stats as you put them (cha for the channeling, wis for casting, 14 str for damage and PA)

Lvl 1: Power Attack
Lvl 3: Furious Focus
Lvl 5: Selective Channeling
Lvl 7: Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Lvl 9: Toughness / Improved Initiative / other... (Leadership)

Buff and utility at all times

Lvl 1
Protection from Evil/Shield of Faith/Divine Favor (becomes good later)/ Magic weapon (looses efficiency around lvl 4 coz of magic items

Lvl 2
Align Weapon / Bull's Stength / Lesser Restoration

Lvl 3
Dispel Magic / Invisibility Purge / Magic Circle vs Evil /Magic Vestment / Protection from Energy

Lvl 4
Death Ward / Divine Power / Freedom of MOvement / Greater Magic Weapon / Restoration

Lvl 5
Breath of Life / Righteous Might / Spell Resistance

Protection: gives you a free cloak of resistance that scales with your level (+3 all saves at lvl 10) and a lot of domain spells that are in above list

Healing: domain spells are mostly useless but all your cure spells are empowered (x1.5 healing) from lvl 6

Travel: gives you the ability to ignore difficult terrain and you gain an automatic freedom of movement effect at lvl 8 (very handy!) Plus gives you teleport spells

War: gives you free feats x times a day from lvl 8 plus gives you good domain spells...

God: Abadar is the only to combine two of above domains (protection and travel) and these two work well together, certainly as a fighting cleric (better saves and mobility)

I also advice you to put stat points in Strength, rather than Wisdom, to get your damage output up. Wisdom will be not as critical for you as you do not use spells with saves, only buffs. The only difference Wis makes for you is one or two lesser spell around lvl 4...

Once there was a man named Bartholus
Who called himself Sir Knight
And firmly stood where darkness fell
As a defender of the Light

It was in one such dark places
he found himself on a moonless night
and cursed for his lack of planning
to only pick tools to fight

Then suddenly his eyes saw shimmers
of globes of eerie, blue, and bright
so giddily he ventured forth
ignoring wisdom with all his might

Seconds later, sinking in thin sand
He was contemplating his every plight
and suddenly came to realize
It's not all good piercing the night.


I'm preparing a Linnorm Kings/Irrisen campaign and was making a random encounter table. As my players often take Knowledge skills to make it easier for themselves, I am trying to make it easier for myself by writing down all the information with appropriate DCs so I have all the information in one file.

But then I started adding extra information such as tales for bards (of werewolves, hags, and will-o'-wisps so far) and handy tidbits of information on crafting and prices for fur and stuff...

Can't wait to see if those pieces of information will inspire more roleplaying in my group (not that that's such a big problem, they have their great moments) :)

I'm truly sorry for your loss.

Uhm, maybe I'm oversimplifying but...

Normal summon spell: full-round action / 1 round casting - with the characteristic that it's effects appear after the spell is cast, so in the beginning of the next round.

Quicken spell: turns any spell casting of full-round or standard action into a free action.

So, I think that Quicken summon makes it a free action and the creatures appear immediately. The creatures appear after the spell is cast, as with ALL spells. It makes no sense to have it cast as a free action and then still wait for a turn.

could work, no lvl 9 spells though... But you can take the extra revelation feat several times to gain new revelations...

Matthew Morris wrote:

Lie with pointless mechanics
The large slime covered creature raises its eyestalks, it's alien expression unreadable. The humanoid like creature next to it says "My Master wishes to speak to you directly."
"Make a will save."
"What? Oh crap!" *rolls die, sweating*
*no matter the roll* The creature's alien thoughts swarm into your mind, leaving you with the feeling of being washed away by some great tidal wave of alien madness. Your psyche desperately clings to an eroding pillar of identity in your mind. "You stand before Abalatharaha" your mind finally comprehends from the alien language echoing in your head, "What do you dry ones seek in my domain?"

Better to ask "how high is your Will save?", roll it yourself behind your DM screen, because if the player rolls a 20 you're bluff is revealed. OR you let them roll themselves and declare a success, tell them you feel an alien mind entering theirs but they are able to keep the madness at bay as the creature speaks directly into their minds...

I have a question:

Every calendar of Golarion I have seen so far has 30 days per month. With 12 months, this should be 360 days..

But in the Campaign Setting it says 12 months (no days per month) and also 52 weeks with 7 days per week for a total of 364 days...

So there should be 4 months with 31 days.

I have a few questions on varying situations using a charge attack.

1) Can a caster with a held charge of a touch spell, charge an enemy to gain +2 attack bonus to the touch attack?

2) If you charge an enemy, can you use the Acrobatics skill to ignore parts of difficult terrain by jumping towards the enemy? If so, does the charging character need a running start?

3) If three medium character, standing next to each other, charge a medium opponent, can they all charge, or do they need to choose the same square as their destination point? (in the rules it says, closest to the enemy from their point...)

4) RAW says the only Combat Maneuver where you gain the charge bonus to attack rolls is Bull Rush. Does this also mean Bull Rush is the only CM you can perform with a charge. Trip is a melee attack for instance; can you charge and still make a trip without taking the +2 attack bonus?

EDIT: added question 4

In my group, we alternate between sessions in which we have a lot of combat and sessions in which we do a lot of social stuff and story development. Due to that, most of us have allies walking around and traveling with us. Sometimes this means that combat gets cluttered, especially if the big bad has minions of several types running around, or if someone starts summoning.

Previously, i tried to fix this by limiting the number of non-cohort NPCs could be taken into battle (similar to max group size in console and computer games) to have the combats NPC-action-light...

But I have another idea now: Ally points

In combat, all NPCs (cohorts not included) present roll initiative. On their initiative, they take no actions unless someone spends an ally point, except for moving with the party somewhat. (if all melee PCs move forward, the melee NPCs will also take a move action as to be able to take an action when called for)

Every PC has a pool of Ally points, which has a number of points equal to the level of that character or 3, whichever is lower. Spending an ally point is a free action that can be taken if not dead, unconscious, or otherwise physically removed from the combat (e.g: imprisonment, maze)

Spend an ally point to:
- activate one ally: that ally does a chosen activity on his or her next turn. The player spending the point can ask for a general or specific action (buff me, or magic missile on that enemy for example). If the action is one that takes multiple turns, that NPC is locked in that action until finished or until unable to finish it. An NPC that is locked cannot be activated by spending an ally point.

Gain an ally point:
- at the start of the first round or surprise round of combat
- when you have a meaningful roleplay encounter with one of your allies. e.g.: When an ally discovers the big villain is actually family of his or her, help him or her get to terms with the new situation... Only the PCs who help with this get the ally point
- when you do something heroic to help an ally (even in combat) at some cost to yourself

Leadership Special Rules:
- Ally point pool is increased by 2 or by Cha modifier, whichever is lower. Negative Cha modifiers do not deduct points from this pool.
- Spend an ally point to give your cohort one of the benefits of spending a hero point (spend 2 ally points to save cohort from death)
- Spend an ally point to enter a group of 1d4+Cha bonus followers into combat. They can do a group attack (one attack with several aid anothers) and leave combat again.
- Gain an ally point when your cohort gains a level.

I would like some feedback on this... I just got this idea while thinking how to manage NPCs in the next campaign I will lead.

If you think it would not work, try to explain your thoughts why not.
Any changes that would make it better, streamline it etc...

You could give him negative levels? -1 penalty to all rolls, 5 less max hp, and level-dependent abilities -1 per two levels, such as sneak attack or so...

Or you could see the part in the bestiary to advance monsters by adding HD and reverse that...

Or you could add the young template...

Or you could decrease size...

That's a strange FAQ response. I would have gone with Grick's logic... because it is logical mostly. But if the game designers have this intended effect, I am happy with it...

In our rp group, one of the players keeps on playing rogues... She plays a diplomatic rogue in one AP, a poisoner in another, a burglar type in another, and a combat rogue in a homebrew campaign.

The combat rogue has two-weapon fighting, and powerful and deadly sneak. Her combat performance is off the charts. We use the standard 20pt buy for attributes for all campaigns. And still, her combat rogue does a lot more damage than her other rogues (with the diplomatic rogue being the least combat-worthy).

We found that deadly sneak really boosts her damage output. So yeah, it was worth taking actually.

Somewhere in another thread on this topic (don't ask me which one, they are legion) it was said by one of the designers that the Eidolon gains nothing from the Augment Summon spell, with the reason posted with it. Forgot why, but it made sense...

You know what... every AP has something a group will have difficulty with. A good DM (and this is not meant to bash DMs or players) will be able to predict what the trouble will be and do something about it...

For instance, I'm currently playing the CotCT campaign and the Scarwall bit is too much dungeon crawl for my group, so I inserted some social interaction with the two clerics of Zon-Kuthon, which overshadowed in a good way the massive amount of encounters... I partially succeeded and we got through it without the campaign suffering.

Other groups will love that part and that's just fine. You must be able as a DM to foresee problems and deal with them. I think it's unfair to claim Paizo created a 'bad' AP. Maybe some are overall better than others, but they are all generally good. You just have to take the time to prepare and have the guts to change stuff and stray from the (adventure) path :p

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