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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 56 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

are you still accepting applications for this?

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dotting for interest I will be back with my character later.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello fellow southwestern MI gamers! I am looking to roll some dice together with friends in person once again. I am willing to travel(Kalamazoo/Holland/Muskegon/Big Rapids/Lansing is kind of my willingness to travel grid) or host(I live in Grand Rapids). I am free after 5 PM Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday and anytime on the weekends. I am open to either 1E or 2E and can GM if needed, though it would be nice if we could rotate those duties so I got a chance to play.

A little about me:

I am 37 years old and am recently divorced and looking to restart my social life after taking a year to restart my life and focus on myself. I have recently undergone weight loss surgery and have lost over 130 pounds total from my highest weight so while I won't frown upon beer and pizza being at my gaming table please respect my decision to not partake.

I have been playing role playing games for over two decades and have dabbled in many different systems(D&D, BESM, Arduin, Final fantasy table top rpg, etc) before becoming pathfinder exclusive about 10 years ago. I have run several campaigns before including but not limited to: Rise of the Runelords, Carrion Crown, GiantSlayer, Serpents Skull, and KingMaker.

If your interested in joining please feel free to reply here or send me a PM.

And do you guys want me to throw up a quick Roll20 map for this or do you think we can operate theater of the mind?

Archivist Malik Zell wrote:
Lazarus the Undying wrote:

@ Zell If you really want to go Poison King; this really seems to lean itself to specializing in Poisons, as Debuffing.


Zell could be a Debuffing machine, assuming that the Target is not immune to Poison;

Well in P2E poison isn't inherently evil. and doesn't carry much more risk of accidental killing than any other offensive spell or action in the tournament style event. Presumably they're either to the death; or there are a team of medical healers

I had looked at Toxicologist, and poisons in general. The DC would be my class DC (30). Most poison debuffs are stage 2 onward. But I'm also worried about the To Hit and the Fort. Thats two points of failure compared to bomb's "to Hit"
The main upside would be pepetual infusions. As he could poison every single weapon in the morning, and reapply after every combat. Don't think I'd do that though. Simply because of the sheer number of rolls needed due to exposure. But would be a tactic for an "opener"

As far as debuffs go. Poisons would last longer-assuming they did fail. Bombs are shorter but they only need to hit. I'm unaware of any methods to lower fort saves reliably.

Incapcatiated poison I could get from my archetype is what I referred to earlier w/ incapacitated. Makes sense given it knocks folks out. but functionaly unless they roll a 1-3 they're going to get at least a success (i.e. no effect). I dont think its for PCs even if you can get it. Since the level you get it is much higher than the item level.

The biggest lost would be that bomb splash area could not be removed so I could not use bombs if allies are nearby w/out splash damage (3-5..not much). Would still carry poison bombs and tanglefoot bombs but less of the other kinds. and of course the reliability might be an issue. I wouldn't use the Aid action in battle either-but currently we have other Circ...

I'm sure that I'll regret this but for now, I'm leaning towards wanting to see how poisons work but I'll let the party weigh in as well.

Zephyr amir wrote:

and for that matter, I could "course correct" too.

Stick with Charisma, but go like Bisexual Slut Witch Sexworker, because it took so long for my parents to get their act together when we were all separated that, well, you do what you have to do. (think Seducer archetype from 1e)

With a good familiar, a bunch of enchantments, and plain old fashioned social opportunism, Zeph could deliver the toxicology agents totally non-confrontationally and the competition could just gently eliminate itself when it started to "not feel well".

Say the word, I am ALL over it.

I kind of like the sex worker idea...kind of like a Vreva Jhafae type build.Bonus points if you know who I'm talking about

See the spoiler below for the rules of the tug of war. Please hold off on any rolls until I have all your strength mods and inits in the discussion thread(see my post there requesting them).

Rules for tug of war:

Each team attempts an initiative check each round; the PCs with the highest initiative modifier should roll for the PCs’ team, while the opposing team has an initiative modifier of +2. The team with the highest result gains a +2 bonus on the opposed Strength check for that round. Determine the total Strength modifier for the PCs’ team by combining the Strength modifiers of the PCs with Ruby’s Strength modifier of –1. Kurst and Rodrik’s team has a total Strength modifier of +7. As a full-round
action each round, each team attempts a Strength check opposed by the other team’s Strength check. The winning team pulls the rope (and the opposing team) 5 feet toward its side. For every 5 points by which the winning team exceeds the opposing team’s check, the winning team pulls the rope an additional 5 feet. A team can take 10 on the opposed check, but cannot take 20. The opposed checks continue each round, with a new initiative check each round, until the first member of a team is pulled
across the center line 15 feet away from the teams line, at which point that member’s team loses the match.

Okay, can I have everyone post their strength modifiers and initiative modifiers, please?

A hush falls over the crowd as Grobradon starts to play his lute and then breaks into song at the arrival of the others. After the song a cheer of "Trunau forever" rings out once more and then Helgra clears her throat on the stage.

"As is tradition, we will now select players for the tug of war." she pauses to turn and address Ruby "Ruby, is there anyone specific you want to be on your team?" The girl looks up for the first time since coming on stage, her cheese flush with embarrassment. It is very clear that while technically an adult she still had quite a lot of growing up to do and was not a fan of being the center of all this attention. She her voice cracked as she spoke.

"Mr...Mrs. Clover would you please do me this honor? Aaand Mr. Gro...Grob..." Her nerves get the best of her and she points over at Grobradon. "aaaand" she pauses, her eyes going wide as she sees the immense man that is Tornfinn come into view. "I choose him" She says a grin creasing across her face for what seems like the first time this evening. "And his traveling companions as well."

A voice calls out from the crowd, and some of you recognize it as Roderick Grath, the son of the head of the guard. "That's not fair, a green skin and a mountain of a man, how am I suppose" Helgra cuts him off swiftly.

"It is what Ruby wants and it will be what she has. Now will all the competitors please make their way onto the stage."

sorry guys to post and run I will get rules up for the tug of war when I get home

Okay guys I don't think I'll get a reply up by the time I get out of work in 40 min but I'll get something up tonight probably.

mittean wrote:


- Do you allow Flaws for Feats?
- I'm assuming you are not using Wound Points, correct?
- Are Traits unrestricted, or are they still limited by race requirements?

I will allow flaws for feats

Correct I will not be using wound points
And traits are still limited by race requirements, sorry

Varys of Kaer Maga wrote:

Re: Elephant in the Room: cool!

In that case, I want to ask for clarifications on two things that this changes for Varys. I'm putting my long, hopefully transparent explanations in spoilers, with a brief summary at the end.

** spoiler omitted **...

I will allow deft maneuvers and Inspired Blade can be applied to weapon groups.

Okay thats perfectly fine :)

Lazarus the Undying wrote:

Depending on GM's approval; Lazarus will be dumping Diplomacy and Intimidate for Arcana and Society.

Not a problem at all

Archivist Malik Zell wrote:

Also. I did not know this existed. Repeating Hand Xbow
Might be drow only.
If I knew it was a thing. I think I would've built using that intead of Shurikens. While it takes a hand it would fit things better probably, while avoiding the reload problem.

I wonder how you can get advanced weapon profiency? I might look at retraining for that. (Or if GM is fine with it soft rejigger as we've only RP'd not combated. Depending on how one gets Advanced Weaponry)

Go ahead and rejigger for the hand crossbow

I apologize for my absence I will get caught up here and should have responses up to any questions shortly. Its been a crazy week and very little got done on my days off Thursday and Friday.

Just to clarify my posting schedule, my goal is to post at least once on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday if there are things that need my attention. I do check the threads every day on my phone but might not have time/energy to reply. If there is anything that needs DIRE attention please PM me because I'll most likely respond to that first.

I apologize for my absence I will get caught up here and should have responses up to any questions shortly. Its been a crazy week and very little got done on my days off Thursday and Friday.

Just to clarify my posting schedule, my goal is to post at least once on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday if there are things that need my attention. I do check the threads every day on my phone but might not have time/energy to reply. If there is anything that needs DIRE attention please PM me because I'll most likely respond to that first.

I see you guys took the initiative to post some backstory/roleplay and I REALLY appreciate that and love what i have read so far! I am ready to start the game play thread but if you guys want to wrap up what you have going on first that is fine with me, as I said this has been very enjoyable to read.

Zephyr amir wrote:
PathfinderPlayer35 wrote:
Archivist Malik Zell wrote:

Oh.. Zell went with the Batch of Gold instead of the leveled items method. As he spent over 700 on just formula. (I bought as if I was buying over the course of a career I actually played), and some random mundane items etc.

He still has 140ish gold left.. So if anyone who does peek happens to know something that I missed that would be good to own let me know.

Malik's finished generally. but I'm sure I've forgotten something here or there. Loremaster is an archetype I think I love though. It'll be fun to fiddle with notes and random knowledge. Loremaster Lore working on almost anything is pretty neat. Though it can't be raised past expert ever.

I don't think its needed in a tournament but it'd be pretty easy to slightly lean a few things towards more stealthy/theivy if need be. He has some stealth/survival since he's gotta find and observe creatures in their natural habitat before

Edit edit: Ah. I know what I've forgotten Langauges. I apparently have 5 or 6 to choose I think. Need to look up and chose a few.
GM, are there any languages to the area that would be useful? Given travel time to get here, Zell would have time to learn a little in preparation.

Tien might be helpful and then there are other local languages(Minkaian, Minatan, etc.) that you might consider. Otherwise, you can go with nonhuman languages such as Aklo, Aquan, Draconic, and Jotun.
So to clarify, the Common of our sheets from Avistan means we speak Taldan, and we should try to learn Tien?

Yes however if you don't want to take Tien then an interpreter has been provided to your team.

mittean wrote:

I would actually advise anyone who has NOT listened to Glass Cannon's flagship to NOT listen to it. It is an in-depth telling of the story we are about to run, and if you want to avoid spoilers and have all the fun surprises, this will remove that for you.

Once we FINISH the story, then I would 100% advise listening to it. It is the singular best Actual Play podcast out there.

Asher (and all of his archetypes...I notoriously love them, just to get something different than what everyone else plays) is a single weapon, unarmored melee type. He can use unarmed strikes and his Katana.

BTW PathfinderPlayer35, we should sort out how he gets his katana. This will become his black blade. Does he start with it?

He should still have a high AC, as I tend to fight defensively and use Combat Expertise. PathfinderPlayer35, are we using the Elephant in the room Feat taxes rules? They're generally accepted to remove some of the most boring Feat taxes in Pathfinder.

I move through combat actually trying to provoke NPCs to attack me...banking that they'll miss, and that provokes Retaliatory strikes for me. So I tend to be pretty mobile. Any buffs to help me hit and do damage will go a long way.

For VTT's, I have used Roll20 to a lot of "meh" (It never clicked with me). My roommate and I have used Foundry and enjoyed that. The hard part will be leaving it up and hosted so anyone can access it whenever. Because of that, I am up for any solution, including Roll20.

I'll get my character up today. He'll likely be a local who traveled abroad and has come home. I find it easier (ESPECIALLY in a slower PBP) to just have the characters established as friends, so we skip the 100 posts that take 6 weeks of "who are you and why should I care" BS. Lol.

If its okay I am going to have you earn your katana a little later in book 1. And I will be allowing Elephant in the Room feat tax rules

Zephyr amir wrote:
Ukagi, Ryushi wrote:

Ryushi's got Air Walk, Boots of Bounding, and slippers of spider climb so that's all good. In my mind he's a bit of a sneaker head and those are the only thing's he's really bought for himself. Everything else is a gift or something.

I'll have to redo my 500 gold spend with all the free goodies coming from Malik.

LOL I was just sitting here doing the same thing, and thinking, the last Djinni-like thing Zeph needs is invisibility. So he is going to buy a 2nd lvl wand (which he has to trick because his tradition is actually Primal not Arcane or Occult)

and like for planning purposes, where/when does currency become a factor, or does it ever? Like I cannot believe the dinosaurs care, but eventually we leave the island for civilization again, right?

Yes you guys leave the island at the end of book 1

Thorfinn Aelfson wrote:

Camris here, thanks for the selection!

-Your characters will all start out in the town of Trunau.

Do we need to know anything about it beforehand?

You know that Trunau is in the Holds of Belksen and is protected by an order called the Blackened Blades. They try their best to hold off the waring orc tribes that often try to take control of the city. Because of this tension between the citizens of Trunau and the Orcs, there is a lot of tension between the half-orc citizens of the city and other citizens. You also know that the city is run by a city council that is headed by the head of the Blackened Blades, Helga. Other city council members are Councilor Agrit Staginsdar, Councilor and Banker Lessie Crumkin, Councilor Sara Morninghawk, High Priestess Tyari Varvatos, Master of Stores Kessen Plumb, and Patrol Leader Jagrin Grath.

Jagrin is set to retire soon as Patrol Leader and the clear successor to the position is his son, Roderic, who is seen as somewhat of a local hero(think of him as the star quarterback in high school). Other members of the town guard are Roderic's brother, Kurst Grath, and Omast Frum.

threw up the gameplay thread so you guys can dot in if you guys want.

just throwing up a post so you guys can dot in if you want. it was requested in the other game i'm running so I thought I'd do it here to.

Zephyr amir wrote:
Lazarus the Undying wrote:

@ PatherfinderPlayer35 Much gratitude! May Irori grant you 1 Moment of Clarity for a

...meaning that he has the sense to see our Team; and throw in the White towel!

@ Archivist the Witch archetype idea seems to lend itself to the Alchy a bit? Lab Assistant

Really nice flavor!

The Snare Feats are cool; when you can prepare a Battlefield. Our Rogue in AoA does it; although we really only capitalized on it twice in 15 levels. I mostly blame them the pcs' stubbornness of refusing to believe we are not playing PF1e...hehe.

Lazarus wouldn't mind that our Team Name be: Irori's Revenge Against the Pathfinder Murderhobbos!; but...welll...that may seem a bit a on the nose for
He has the Second Chance Champion Background.

The Endless Sky seems cool. We do have a bit of a Lightning motif going.
Lazarus can't Fly; but, he will be taking Cloud Jump at the most opportune moment!

So; who do we want to hold the Phoenix necklace? Seem that there may be a chance of it disappearing....Hmmm...

The Endless Sky is what natives call the Plane of Air; seemed reasonably sexi to me

Lazarus can't Fly; but, he will be taking Cloud Jump at the most opportune moment! - well I was just about to DM GM and ask for a ruling on Heightend Fly spells: Zeph has it as a signature spell: while 4th level is 5 minutes, and 7th is 60 minutes, there isn't anything for 5th & 6th. Seems like there should be some increase in duration (or not).

Obvi, I think flight can be a differentiator for us.

LOL @ pathfinding
Team Name (alt) - Pathfind THIS!!!

I'm thinking 5th the duration goes up to 30 min and 6th the duration goes up to 45 min.

While I catch up on posts I just wanted to let you guys know that the game thread is up and live. Feel free to make your initial posts. If you have any questions let me know.

All in the small village of Trunau have gathered in the Commons, a large amphitheater
in the center of town, to celebrate the birthday of Ruby, the youngest daughter of the town’s leader, Chief Defender Halgra of the Blackened Blades. It is not just
any birthday for Ruby, though—it is her twelfth birthday, which means she has come of age and will receive her very own hopeknife. An early autumn breeze blows through the gathered crowd, bring a slight chill to the air.

There is a buzz of excitement working its way through those gathered and a very short figure is seen trying to make her way through the crowd. A closer inspection reviles a halfling carrying a tray of drinks. "Excuse me...pardon me..." she says as does her best to make her way through the throng of people and not spill any of her drinks. She makes her way to a group of gruff-looking half-orcs, one of which has a tattoo on his face around his eye and a clean-shaven head. The smell of wolves hangs thick on his clothing. "Your drinks," She says to the man and offers up the tray of drinks. He grunts his thanks and flips her a copper piece and takes the drinks off the tray, handing them out to the other orcs around him. "Excuse me...your tab is mo..." Her words are drowned out by the thunderous crack of a thunderstone. A hush quickly falls over the gathered crowd.

A weathered and war-tested woman who, despite her clear many battles, manages to beam with pride makes her way to the stage, followed in toe to a very nervous looking little girl wearing a simple tunic a pair of sandals. She looks down at her feet as she followed her mother up the stairs and onto the stage. Once there the older woman turns to address the crowd.

“Thank you all for joining us this night. I take immense pride in my responsibility as Chief Defender, especially when it comes to the honor of the hopeknife ceremony. It is always a great privilege to bequeath Trunauan youths their hopeknives as they
come of age.” Halgra stops speaking long enough to open an ornamental case and retrieve a slender, ornately decorated dagger hanging from a silver chain. “But tonight is a special occasion, for the recipient of this hopeknife is none other than
my youngest daughter.” Once again, Halgra pauses, but this time she turns to talk to the child beside her. “Ruby, by the traditions of our town, you have come of age. This hopeknife represents your responsibilities as an adult and defender of Trunau.
You must be willing to use it on yourself, your fellow Trunauans, and your family—even me, should it come to that. It will be a far quicker death than that which the orcs will offer, and providing it is your duty. Do you swear to guard Trunau from all comers, and to use your hopeknife only for its intended purpose?” Ruby—dusky skinned, black haired, and painfully shy—nods her head in response to her mother’s question. “If the orcs come, and there is no other option, this is where you cut—here, here, and here.” Halgra demonstrates which arteries to sever while Ruby watches. When she is finished, Halgra sheathes the hopeknife and places the necklace around Ruby’s neck before turning back to address the crowd. “Tonight, Ruby becomes a full member of our community! Let us welcome her, and celebrate her passage into adulthood! Trunau forever!” The crowd echoes Halgra’s last words in unison, signaling the end of the ceremony.

Any other ideas on team names?

polyfrequencies wrote:

Howdy all! Thanks for choosing Varys, GM.

I will make Varys' alias later today or sometime this weekend when I have a moment.

The posting schedule works for me. I keep strange hours and will probably post as often as others want to have character interactions.

I tend to like Roll20 for VTT, at least better than Google slides. I haven't tried too many other systems, but I'm open. (I have heard good things about Foundry, but it costs money.)

I have listened to the Glass Cannon Podcast, but it sounds like the GM has changed a lot over the years. It's also been so long since the beginning that I think it will be pretty easy for me to avoid metagaming.

It looks like we have an interesting party! A half-orc bard, a human? monk with all of the archetypes crossing into magus, a half-elf swashbuckler progressing as an antiquarian investigator, a halfling oracle, and a human barbarian.

As I finalize things, I wanted to check on some possible options with the fellow players.

  • I currently have my Skill Focus in Linguistics with the anticipation of taking the Orator feat. However, between the oracle and the bard, it looks like we have face stuff covered. I could stic with the plan and eventually serve as a good back-up for all of our lying, coercing, and making-nice needs, or I could go in a completely different direction. Acrobatics will eventually help while fighting giants, moving in and out of spaces more safely. Or Perception will make it even more likely to find traps. Are our charismatic types planning to continue to lean into the face skills, or should I sink some resources in there?
  • Once I level into investigator, I'll be picking up both Use Magic Device and Disable Device, so I should be able to cover our rogue-ish needs soon.

    A question for the GM:
    For those of us who are multiclassing, do you want us to use fractional base bonuses or just add things up exactly as they are on...

  • We will not be doing fractional base bonuses. Just add things up exactly as they are on the class charts.

    Archivist Malik Zell wrote:

    Whats the rules on challenging teams? Can you refuse? do you have to declare? or is it just ambush if you want sort of deal.

    I assume if we set a trap, or leave something hazards and the like, and a Emissary trips it.. thats on them not the contestents?
    unrelated rules question. The island reminded me of an original trick I had for this character. Since he often lived out studying ecology and such.
    Trick Magic item[/ulr] in order to trick a wand of [url=]cozy cabin

    but I realized that that skill feat only allows you to sucessfull use the item that round. So, that means I can't use a wand that casts a spell with a 1min casting time yea?
    Anyone else happen to know of a way for a non caster to use a wand or 1/day spell like that?

    I thought about dropping my Snare stuff in order to get it via Witch archetype. Snares are funny, a few cantrip, and utility. Ultimately both are just choices made for his story though. I liked the wand one since that meant I could enjoy him being incomptent at magic itself and keep with his tool style

    Challenging other teams must be done in front of an Emissary. And setting traps would not be a great way of going about it because catching an Emissary in the trap could result in loss of feathers depending on how the Emissary reacts. I'd let you guys try to talk you way out of it but it depends on the Emissary's mood that day lol.

    Grobradon wrote:

    First, thanks for GMing this and picking us! Looks fun

    Second, no worries about a slow pace. RL comes first and you forewarned us :)

    Third.. I really don't use VTT's much myself but will try whatever works for you and others.

    Fourth, haven't heard of that podcast :)

    As for questions... I don't think I named Grobradon's parents, but as they are locals, do you want to do that or should I?

    You can do that.

    Archivist Malik Zell wrote:

    Oh.. Zell went with the Batch of Gold instead of the leveled items method. As he spent over 700 on just formula. (I bought as if I was buying over the course of a career I actually played), and some random mundane items etc.

    He still has 140ish gold left.. So if anyone who does peek happens to know something that I missed that would be good to own let me know.

    Malik's finished generally. but I'm sure I've forgotten something here or there. Loremaster is an archetype I think I love though. It'll be fun to fiddle with notes and random knowledge. Loremaster Lore working on almost anything is pretty neat. Though it can't be raised past expert ever.

    I don't think its needed in a tournament but it'd be pretty easy to slightly lean a few things towards more stealthy/theivy if need be. He has some stealth/survival since he's gotta find and observe creatures in their natural habitat before

    Edit edit: Ah. I know what I've forgotten Langauges. I apparently have 5 or 6 to choose I think. Need to look up and chose a few.
    GM, are there any languages to the area that would be useful? Given travel time to get here, Zell would have time to learn a little in preparation.

    Tien might be helpful and then there are other local languages(Minkaian, Minatan, etc.) that you might consider. Otherwise, you can go with nonhuman languages such as Aklo, Aquan, Draconic, and Jotun.

    So here is a little bit more information about the qualifying round.

    -Right now 32 teams have been chosen for the qualifying round but only 8 will make it to the actual tournament.

    -The adventure begins on the isle of Bonmu which was part of the fallen civilization called Taumata. The island itself is rumored to be inhabited by dinosaurs but little is known what true dangers lie ahead of you.

    See the spoiler for the general rules for the qualifying round.

    Rules for the qualifying round:

    • The commands of the emissary and his agents are to be obeyed at all times, and the emissary’s word is final. None shall take violent action against the emissary or his agents.

    • The emissary employs a number of enforcers to maintain order on the
    island. The enforcers are agents of the emissary and so have the authority to declare unique challenges and matches.

    • To qualify for the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, a team must collect a total of 10 silver feathers. A team can attempt to earn feathers by challenging another team to a match and wagering feathers.

    • All teams must be able to readily present their phoenix necklace (page 75) and at least 1 silver feather to the emissary or his enforcers. Failure to do so will result in immediate disqualification.

    • No contestant may leave Bonmu, for any reason, until the conclusion of the qualifying round, unless they are disqualified or lose all of their
    silver feathers.

    • The qualifying round lasts a total of 3 days. On the third day, any team with a complete set of silver feathers can visit Mount Haminabu
    to confirm their entry into the tournament by presenting their necklace and 10 feathers. Once eight teams have qualified for the tournament,
    the qualifying round is over, and all remaining teams are immediately disqualified.

    You will start the game with 1 silver feather and your first quest will be to earn your Pheonix neckless but more on that once the game starts.

    Any questions?

    Lazarus the Undying wrote:

    @ Pathfinderplayer35 I almost forgot! If you noticed, Lazarus has the Cunning Rune etched onto his +2 Greater Striking, Ghost Touch, Cunning Handwraps of Mighty Blows.

    Unfortunately, Cunning may only be placed on Slashing, or Piercing weapons; because of the bleeding for knowledge aspect.
    I would like to be allowed to ignore that particular requirement (getting punched in the nose does cause some blood to appear) with your permission? I feel that Recall Knowledge aspect really fits his backstory.
    If not; I may fiddle around a bit with his Ability Stats and Skills/Feats to get him there.

    Apologies; off to work (looking at you, To be fair; I just started the job Tuesday!).

    EDIT: Alternately, I could just place it on his +1 Striking, returning Shuriken. He could open with a Ranged Strike....maybe...that may not work. I think only 1 rune per +1?

    I will overlook you putting the cunning on your handwraps

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hello Ryushi, Lazarus, Zephyr, Malik, and Zanthra and welcome to my Fist of the Ruby Pheonix campaign. Please take a moment and get to know your fellow players and work out any details that you all want to work out before gameplay starts. Being that this campaign is starting at 11th level I think I'm going to give you guys a few days to get details sorted before we jump in fully into game.

    Here are a few things I want to point out before we begin:

    -Those of you who are not familiar with how this tournament works, you will be competing as a team against other teams of combatants.

    -The tournament will not fully start until book 2 of the adventure path. This first book is designed to be qualifying rounds for the tournament. It is possible for our team of players to be eliminated before you even start the tournament officially.

    -It's up to you if you've adventured with each other before or if you are all strangers or have heard of each other but never worked together before. Take some time and talk about how familiar you want to be with each other.

    -I am only requiring 2 posts per week from my players, though more will not be frowned upon if you wish to do so. I work very long hours and do not have time to be on the boards constantly responding to posts(hence selections being late) and I don't think it would be fair to hold my players to different standards.

    -I have been thinking about using a VTT for combat as I find play-by-post combat, especially with my limited posting schedule, to be really clunky. What are your thoughts on the matter and if we do go in that direction do you have a VTT you prefer?

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask and I look forward to playing with everyone here.

    Gameplay will commence once everyone lets me know they are ready to get started and all starting details and character details are sorted out. I don't have a deadline on this so take as much time as you need.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Okay, guys so there weren't that many submissions probably due to the lack of time to build high-level characters so I have made my selections.

    Will the following people please join me at the table and post in the forthcoming discussion thread:

    Malik Zell
    Zephyr Donir

    Thank you to everyone who applied and I look forward to gaming with those that didn't make it at some point in the future.

    Those selected will be receiving a PM from me shortly just in case you don't see this post.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Discussion thread is up and linked to this thread but can also be found here

    Hello Grabradon, Clover Cynosure, Varys, Thorfinn Aelfson, and Asher and welcome to my Giantslayer campaign. Please take a moment and get to know your fellow players and work out any details that you all want to work out before gameplay starts. I will be throwing up the game play thread sometime tomorrow while I'm at work.

    Here are a few things I want to point out before we begin:

    -Your characters will all start out in the town of Trunau.

    -I am only requiring 2 posts per week from my players, though more will not be frowned upon if you wish to do so. I work very long hours and do not have time to be on the boards constantly responding to posts(hence selections being late) and I don't think it would be fair to hold my players to different standards.

    -I have been thinking about using a VTT for combat as I find play-by-post combat, especially with my limited posting schedule, to be really clunky. What are your thoughts on the matter and if we do go in that direction do you have a VTT you prefer?

    -If you are a fan of the glass cannon podcast and have listened to their flagship show please avoid metagaming and if you have not I suggest you do not start listening to their original podcast(called the glass cannon podcast) since it will horrendously spoil things for you!

    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask and I look forward to playing with everyone here.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Sorry for the delay, yesterday got away from me but I will be making my decisions shortly! Thank you for your time and patience and good luck everyone!

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Sorry for the delay guys my day got away from me yesterday. There was a great amount of interest and it was hard to narrow down my choices but I finally have my players selected.

    Will the following people please join my game and post in the discussion thread once I have it live:

    Clover Cynosure
    Thorfinn Aelfson

    Sorry for all other applicants and I hope to see you around the boards sometime :)

    Those of you who were selected I will be sending a PM to just in case you don't see this post.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    ElbowtotheFace wrote:
    Rolling up a Dwarf Monk. I do have a question about the cutoff date, is it Thursday the 9th or Friday the 10th?

    THursday the 9, specifically in 13 hours.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    rdknight wrote:

    Heya Polyfrequencies! How's things?

    @PathfinderPlayer35: I have the same question as Poly. Could my halfling character be one of the Ramblehouse halflings and related to Cham Larringfass?

    Yes I will allow you to be related to Cham

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Zephyr made a really good point via PM that according to the player's guide it is suggested you build your character as a level 1 character and then level him up, per the core rule book.

    I make this point for those of you that are using hero lab and wanting to jump right to a level 11 character this might give you the wrong number of feats and might break things for your character. I'm sorry for the extra work this might cause and if you would like I'd be willing to extend the time frame of character creation past Thursday if collectively people feel they need more time to get their characters completed.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    Hack Anslash wrote:
    Character still coming. Busy week due to the holiday weekend, and then the weekend itself overwhelmed me. We have until Thursday, yes?

    Yeah, Thursday afternoon is when I'll be closing things down and making my selections.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    GM Stargin wrote:

    To become a samurai, a full paladin/champion of Shizuru, is hard.

    Yet that is all young Ryushi wanted. At his own insistence his village parents apprentinced him to nearby warrior temple and the enthusiastic boy become a dilligent young man.

    He did most everything his masters could have asked of him. He made friends easily and worked hard. The touch of Shizuru's approval was obvious in him thanks to the sparks of the divine he exhibited.

    But he was not the smartest, or the wisest in his studies, and the heaviest of armors made him clumsy.

    So it was that his acceptance into the order came down to one final trial. A duel in heavy armor against his friend who had ascended to the order a year prior. All he had to do was land one hit in three tries.


    The final attempt went so badly that his attack was side stepped and he was struck on the back, falling on his face.

    Hao-Jin Aida, who had shattered his dreams with her performance, helped him up and commiserated in low words as he walked stony faced to the side where the failed aspirants sat, sitting motionless as the rest of the trials were conducted as honour and duty demanded.

    He became a guard and trainer at the temple while Hao-Jin moved on to great exploits. His village parents were convinced he was a full member of the order as he went back to visit in his fancy medium armor, and katana, sharing his salary with them. His insistence he was not fell on deaf ears and worse was the polite applause from those who knew what had happened but did not want to harm the family pride.

    Ironically Shizuru's favour of him grew and the temple masters roped him into studying to be a cleric. His heart was never really in it though. Finally, hearing of Hao-Jin's exploits and seeing his first students ascending to full order, he decided to leave. He took monster slaying jobs to ensure his parents were set for life and then went wandering to prove his worthiness to himself. Mixing well paying jobs for honourable merchants and...

    Sounds great! I just wanted to point out, and I'm sure you're aware, but you won't be able to wear the boots and the slippers at the same time. I'm fine with you swapping out whatever the situation dictates though.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    Brainiac wrote:
    I am building a summoner with a phantom eidolon. Would you allow the rare background Seer of the Dead? If not, I'll choose a common background. :)

    Seer of the dead is allowed.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    Zwordsman wrote:

    Was working on the actual character sheet stuff... (stories are more or less written.. though I don't have much "career accomplishments" since I don't really have much in that in mind).

    Quick Question.
    For class choices, archetype choices, and Alchemy Item Formula choices. Are you restricting anything? I.e. no uncommon, no rare, nothing from a source book (such as Lost Omens pathfinder society guide)

    There are a few choices I was looking at; such as a few class feats for alchemist, or pathfinder agent archetype feats.

    I'll probably end up regretting this but right now the only banned material is 3pp stuff. Anything Paizo published is fair game.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    Evindyl wrote:
    Also: looks like standard Trait rules, but there are GMs who restrict Drawback selection, just wanted to checkin about that. LOL I usually take Vain or Hedonistic ... and sometimes actually take the additional traits Feat.

    Those are both fine

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    See the spoiler below for a little snippet on Giant Slayer for those of you who want more noncharacter specific adventure knowledge with out spoilers.

    Giant Slayer AP Info:

    Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant’s larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant?

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    For those of you who want a little more information on the adventure path see the following spoiler.

    AP Info:

    The Ruby Phoenix Tournament begins! The sorcerer Hao Jin has returned to Tian Xia to host her decennial international fighting tournament, and contestants from all over the world have arrived to try their chance at winning a prize from her vault of incredible treasures. Before they can compete in the tournament, however, fighters must first complete a series of qualifying challenges on the uninhabited tropical island of Bonmu, where wild dinosaurs roam amid the ancient ruins of a lost civilization. Can the heroes defend their island stronghold, outlast their many ruthless rivals, and survive the perils of so-called Danger Island? Let the competitors decide!

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    Zwordsman wrote:

    I've got interest! The pacing works well for me as well. Though will also depend lightly on time zones if we were wanting multiple rapid in a row situations. But slower is fine for me.

    I'd have interest in an Alchemist-(probably w/ pathfinder agent or some archetype). Otherwise a Summoner-Who would be a puppeteer and Edo would be a puppet. I'll have to sketch up some examples of a story to pick from.

    As a player, I'm the type who likes to b e sidekicks or secondary characters rather than the leads.

    I'll have to add more details when I've sketched up more info later. but wanted to toss my interest out while browsing before I head out today.

    Question. The rival. Is its purpose to be a bad rival, or a friend rival? I would hate to write a comradery rival.. and then have them immediately bad or something. w/out spoilers of course. Are the rivals intended to be antagonistic rivals, friendly rivals, or just rivals with potentials for either?

    This is kind of hard to answer with out giving away spoilers. But basically I'm using the rival as someone you would have somewhat frequent interactions with through out the story so either comradery or antagonistic rival would work and they could start out as one and swap through out the story based on dealings with the party.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    JoshB wrote:
    any issues with firearms or gunslingers?

    No, feel free to make one with emerging guns being the level of availability.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    SmooshieBanana wrote:
    Usually GMs will paste or write a blurb on the campaign so those intending to join it will know what it is about and what to expect. While I'm sure that most people here know what Giant Slayer is, there may be some great players who have never played it and would do well with a description paragraph.

    I will get something up shortly, thanks for the tip.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    Zephyr amir wrote:
    GM Stargin wrote:

    slower posts work for me as well, I've got an idea for a human warpriest of Iomedae, that's basically couldn't quite make it in Paladin school and never got over it though he's accomplished a lot since basically retreating to seminary and becoming a warpriest instead. His personality is basically some low level despair, a lot of weariness, and an ever present need to prove himself driving him on... TO ADVENTURE!

    Any possibility of Free Archetype?

    Should be fine if no as my idea for this guy is that he'll take the Marshall Archetype and be a great off tank, with buffs, and lots of heals for the team. He won't take the medicine skill though lol, a bit of spite at being forced to be 'just a cleric'.

    By 11th level there's a *lot* of class feats to play with so it should work with class feats and no need for Free Archetype.

    Very true, so, what about Ancestry Paragon? These feats are not available through any other selection.

    I will absolutely submit Zephyr as 11th level though, VERY cool!

    I'm sorry I am going to have to say no to Ancestry Paragon variant rules for this, being that it starts at 11th level already and I am newer to 11th level I am going to try to keep things as "by the book" as possible and not want to add to much power. Also I feel like that rule variant would best be applied to every character for fairness and see my above point for why I'm not willing to do that.

    I do look forward to seeing Zephyr updated to 11th level though and I hope my stinginess with the rules doesn't deter you from playing.

    Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    Lazarus the Undying wrote:

    Welcome to the Boards!

    This is Dorian Grey.

    I have Lazarus the Undying just made for Ruby Phoenix Tournament! He is ready to redeem himself against the machinations of Hao-Jin herself!

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Any questions, concerns are welcome.

    Thank you for running!

    Looks good I'll take you under consideration when the time comes. Let me know if you have any questions.

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