Bloodless Vessel

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Goblin Squad Member. 400 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.

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Print Edition Unavailable

Poorly Done


Here are my thoughts for what they are worth.I have been buying every character sheet made for D&D since they were first produced. I still have all of them in every variation. I like the Pathfinder sheet in the back of the Core Rules. I hate the Player Character Folio. It is the worst product of this type I have ever bought. The layout is poor and the paper is hard to write on. The pdf is not even fillable on the computer. The main sheet is on the inside of the folio and is folded so if you want to view it you have to fold out the folio. Awkward. The rest of the sheets are on the inside which is ok. I found the inside sheets lacking in many areas. I did not care for the layout but that is my personal preference. The sheet for skills did not even have any extra spots to add any skills. Craft, Perform, and Profession only had 2 spaces. If you have more than 2 of these you are out of luck. No room to add them. Prepared spells has almost no room to write the name of the spell. I did like the two sections for Adventures and Background. Those add a lot to the folio. If they are filled out they add a lot to your character both at creation and later. I would give this 1 star but the adventures and background sections are well done and raise it to 2 stars.