Axe Lord

PathPaladin's page

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None of those links work :(

I believe that PDF must be included, as almost every gamer affected will be able to use that option if they choose. Don't make the only option to have customers pay more money for something they did not do.

As an additional option, Pay to Print sounds good for the next step up; those who want to invest in the game, and don't mind paying a little more. Is it possible to have all cards on the "list" available for P2P, and let the customer choose from "Just effects gameplay" to "I want everything to look perfect please"?

What I am most concerned about is if the following expansions are of the same "quality" play testing and proofreading; are all customers just going to have to shell out $8 more for every coming expansion too?

The problem is, most cards don't specifically say "Can assist another player with a check". But a lot of them can.

Read the pages MikMik suggested, and look for the text "Your Check", "At your Location", or "A Check" on a card.

"A Check" can usually be used to assist a friend in any area.

And, in advance, you can't use your weapons or attack spells to help kill a monster. You can only play cards that add "buffs"; increase the outcome of the same category or trait the active player is using.

You can cheer him on, or send an ally to help, but you can't actually fight his fight for him on his turn. ;)

Correct, the Activated player, the one who explored for example, usually gets to pick the attack type or skill check used. Then, other players may "assist" (buff) him, but not with another weapon or attack spell, they may only assist with things like blessings, buffing spells, or allies that would add to the same type of attack/skill the activated player chose to use.

Make sure to look for the specific text "Your check", "A check" (which usually can be used on anyone, anywhere), and "At your location" when seeing if a card can help a friend with a check.

A good rule of thumb is that if a card says "a check" (specifically notice the "a"), that stands for "A"nyone "A"nywhere. ;)

Most the time, unless the card says otherwise. Casting a Strength spell on "a" friend won't help if he's using Ranged combat for example.

Ya, room on the card is the problem (although they seem to be able to fit some on LotR and MtG cards).

I had to explain to new players all the time "That is because she is casting a blessing"; "that is because he can shoot a ranged weapon to help you"; and so on.

Just a teny-tiny "Bless" or such before the ability would go a long way towards far more game flavor.

I would gladly pay postage, or even a small fee for corrected cards. I am cringing every time I have to look at my new cards/game with hand written corrections on them.

"Duct Tape holding up a bumper" is the perfect analogy, as said above.

My latest friend to try the game, about freaked out when he saw the writing on one card. "You wrote on your cards!".

At this time, all the playthrough videos have many situations that don't occur, in which there are many questions (such as more than one hero being at the same location for one example).

Tutorial videos (like Mage Wars did) would really help a lot of players (and also get a lot of people off the fence about buying the game too).