
Pashaj's page

252 posts. Alias of Hamied.


Ameiko Kaijitsu's brow had been knit with concentration. A half-second later, her face wears a dazzling smile. Sandru Vhiski's grin nearly matches hers as he walks through the creaking door of the Rusty Dragon. As she has done more times than her patrons could count, Ameiko springs over the bar, hoisting herself as her legs swing clear of the oak counter. A moment later, she is in Sandru's arms.

"Ah, civilization!" Sandru says, laughing. "It is good to see you."

Ameiko steps back, beaming. "I do hope you have tales to share from your trip. There have been few enough lately."

Sandru sighs heavily. "My mind is too weary to spin them well. But...strange folk have accompanied me here. One of them will need to see it for yourself."

Ameiko raises an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"And of course there were goblins."

"And of course."

The front door again swings open with a loud creak. Koya Mvashti enters, the dust of the road still hanging heavily on her colorful silks. She smiles at Ameiko, but says nothing as she finds a quiet table in the corner. Without even acknowledging her, Ameiko walks back behind the bar and begins fixing a drink as Sandru dully recounts the goblin ambush and how easily it had been turned aside. Ameiko steps back out and goes to Koya's table, depositing the reddish beverage and giving the old woman a loving pat on the shoulder.

Koya smiles again. "Thank you."

For the three of you not yet inside the Rusty Dragon, you can certainly narrate your entrance.

Hello everybody, and welcome to Jade Regent! This was a tough selection process, but I feel that we've got an interesting spread of characters and backgrounds. You may have noticed that two of your characters seek the affection of Ameiko. I am very curious to see how that will play out, particularly because of the contrast between our paladin and rogue.

But there's time for all that later. For the time being, please check in so I know you're aware that you've been selected.

Also, if you have not already created an alias for your character, please do so.

Hello everybody,

I am planning to run the Jade Regent Adventure Path, and I need five brave souls to accompany the caravan! If you're interested in submitting a character concept, please read the Jade Regent Player's Guide, available for free download on this website. Not only must you select a campaign trait from the guide (and thus be knowledgeable about at least one the four prominent NPCs), but you should begin familiarize yourself with the new caravan rules introduced therein. They will see much use.

- 22 point buy, no ability scores below 10 (before racial modifiers).

- Two traits, one of which must be a campaign trait from the Jade Regent Player's Guide.

- Core races only, please.

- The Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Inner Sea World Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat* and the Pathfinder Player Companions are all fair game for classes/feats/spells. No third party material.

- I am fine with multiple archetypes, as long as they don't replace the same class features.

- You do not need a completed character sheet to apply, but I will want a brief backstory to accompany every character concept, as well as a general idea of how you will build your character (feats/skills/archetypes).

- I would like players to be able to post at least once a day.

I want a balanced party, but I won't be looking intently for Trapfinding. I feel that its perceived necessity limits the rogue archetypes people feel comfortable submitting. If a selected player wants to be skilled at finding and disarming traps, I will incorporate them more heavily. It will not affect my considerations (for better or worse) during recruitment, however.

Beyond your selected campaign trait, I would really like to know some of the history between you and the NPC to which you are linked. How would you describe your relationship with them? Furthermore, this AP features a great deal of overland travel. How might your character take to that?

I should say up front that I have not played more than a few sessions of Rise of the Runelords, and while I have done my research regarding Sandpoint and Ameiko, I recognize that both are nigh revered by the Pathfinder fan base. I will do my very best to portray the people and places in this AP accurately, but if you have a perfect ideal of how this should be done, you may need to set it aside.

I will keep recruitment open until Sunday evening (8/21).

* Ninjas and Samurais are a footnote in the Jade Regent Player's Guide, but they are fully allowed here. Since such characters are almost certainly Tian, I would like to get a sense of how they came to reside in Avistan and how they received their training. Gunslingers need not worry about finding guns/ammunition; I often modify treasure to accommodate my players.

As the morning mist of Lake Lias slowly recedes, the modest town comes into view. Most of the villages you have passed in Canterwall seem almost carved from the surrounding mud, but there is something different about Ravengro. Something charming.

The squish of the soggy moor underfoot continues as you approach. The month of Rova has brought more rainfall than in years past, and the sound of damp earth has accompanied you for much of your journey. At last it ends, for you have reached your destination. Alas, you do not arrive in happiness, but instead to pay respects to your old friend, the late Petros Lorrimor.

Rows of quaint buildings sit aside your path, quiet and uniform, save for an impressive steeple rising from the Pharasmin temple across the creek. Few of the townsfolk are out of doors this morning. Those that are turn their backs as you pass, or shuffle on about their business. None meet your eyes. You continue south through the center of town. Hopefully, you are not too late for the funeral procession.

A murder of crows passes overhead, but strangely, they do not caw as such birds are known to do. You hear only the beating of their wings against the still morning air. Yet, hidden in the rhythm of their flight, the faintest hint of a whisper comes to your ears. Is something calling to you? Before you can be sure of the noise, it fades, and the black silhouettes of the crows become smaller, eventually fading into the distant fog.

Your attention turns to a small congregation of people, gathered at the edge of town. They stand somberly around a casket. Some of them hold their heads down, while others look off towards the horizon. As you come closer, you make out the lithe form of a woman in the embrace of a portly, well-dressed man. The others have noticed your approach, and nearly all of them take a step backwards. Some avert their gaze, while others stare openly. The heavyset man has seen you as well, and the warmth that was present in his jowled countenance moments ago has flushed away. The woman, who has been all but buried in his shoulder, turns.

Wiping her tear-stained cheeks, the woman scans you and those that stand beside you. A reluctant but courteous smile comes to her reddened face

"You've arrived just in time. I am Kendra Lorrimor. Petros's my father..."

Her expression contorts with grief, and she looks away, trying to regain her composure. The heavyset man places a plump hand on her shoulder and stares hard at you before speaking.

"Welcome to Ravengro, strangers. Would that you traveled here for happier events."

Hello everybody,

Welcome to Carrion Crown! We have plenty to talk about, but for the moment, I'd like for everybody to check in.

Two quick things:

1) I plan to start the actual storyline on Wednesday, after we've discussed a few things in here. There won't be a laundry list of regulations regarding this thread, but I do expect all discussion to be respectful. I'll get more into the use of the discussion thread vs. the campaign thread a little later today.

2) I will be out of town July 26th-30th. I fully expect to have regular internet access and to post every day, but I wanted to give you fair warning that things may slow down just a pinch during that time. It does not mean I'm neglecting the game, and things will be back to normal in August.

Looking forward to playing with you all!

Hi everybody,

I will be running a play-by-post game featuring the Carrion Crown AP starting next week, and I need players! I plan on leaving this recruitment thread open until Sunday evening (7/17), at which point I will review interested players and make selections. I am looking for five players that can post at least once a day.

I have experience with play-by-post games and with DMing, but this will be my first foray as a play-by-post DM. I am well read on the AP and on Ustalav, however, and I am confident that we will have a grand old time.

22 Point Buy - No stats under 10, please.

Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Inner Sea World Guide and Ultimate Magic are all fair game for classes/feats. Though it may sadden applicants, I'm not planning to allow the variant classes from Ultimate Combat despite its imminent release date.

Anybody who is interested should check out the Carrion Crown Player's Guide. You will start with two traits, and one of them must be a campaign trait from the guide. All of the races discussed therein are available for play, but players considering changelings, dhampirs and orcs should work extra hard fitting their more exotic characters into the storyline.

I'm particularly interested in your character's connection to Professor Lorrimor. Beyond the description under each trait, what was your history with him? Were you close, or was your relationship mostly happenstance? Furthermore, how might your character fit in misty, xenophobic Ustalav? Does anything besides the Professor's death draw you here? Will the paranoid citizenry fear you, or trust you? How might you react when confronted by that which lurks in the dark?

I'm really looking forward to seeing some character concepts!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm trying to familiarize myself with the Words of Power rules from Ultimate Magic. While I think I mostly understand the system, there seem to be a few important spells it can't yet replicate. The ones that are jumping out at me are Restoration and its greater and lesser variants. Purify (a level 4 word) removes negative levels, but I can't find any means to cure ability drain/damage as a word caster. Am I overlooking something?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hey everybody,

We're about to start a Pathfinder campaign (DM's homebrew story...not an adventure path, as far as I know). The other four classes are looking like:

Fighter (don't know specifics)
Ranger (melee...maybe trapfinding)
Sorcerer (Sage archetype)
Witch (Elemental patron)

I have been planning to play a bow using inquisitor of Desna from the beginning of discussions about our class composition, but I'm worrying now that it won't be a good fit. Primarily, I'm concerned that we're not going to have enough access to divine spells, both in terms of breadth and spell level progression. Do you feel an inquisitor can be the sole divine caster in this party, or should I consider a different class?

I realize the witch could have access to some of the important divine spells (i.e. Restoration) by selecting the Healing patron, but I really don't see her going this route. It sounds like she's most interested in playing a blaster with the occasional healing spell prepared. Our sorcerer is crazy about item creation, so we will have wands at some point, but that doesn't grant us access to a lot of "necessary" divine magic.

Cleric would seem to be the perfect solution (nice to have wisdom and charisma in this party composition too), but I'm a bit cleric'd out and I'd really like to avoid playing one if possible. I would be willing to switch to oracle or druid, but I worry the former will run into the same breadth issues the inquisitor does while the latter will never have access to Restoration.

What do you guys think?