
Pashaj's page

252 posts. Alias of Hamied.


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Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

How audible is Dashki? Can we hear him at the monastery?

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"Perhaps it is, and perhaps it is not." Pashaj rises and walks with Jengren towards the entrance.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj observes Jengren's conversation with Krafty, with obvious disquiet on his face.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj rises with the sun, and spends his morning in meditation before allowing himself some rations.

He greets Jengren's words with a polite nod.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

I'm still around, I've just been swamped with school starting again.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"We should not delay in contacting Lady Almah."

Pashaj chooses to fast for the evening.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj says nothing, but bows politely, unsure of whether or not the pugwampi will prepare food suitable to his diet.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"I do not." Pashaj replies, not taking his eyes off the baboons. "Sand stir as they will, when they will. So too do those that walk upon them."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj allows himself a smile.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj slides his mace from his belt as his eyes meet the baboon's.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"Have you found faith, Raulzig?" Pashaj addresses the gnome, but his eyes wander up to the large holes in the ceiling.

Perception - 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj holds a troubled hand to his chin. "There is a sign in this, and one that we will not quickly understand." He moves around the gnome in a half-circle. "An object should not be master of heart nor hand. Samuel has said that you were meant to find it, yet what is to be found in this meaning?"

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"These 'Pathfinders' are always finding paths." Pashaj speaks in a long breath, then follows Raulzig and Samuel.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj attempts to assist Zahi with the door.

Strength - 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7


Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"Have patience, Raulzig." Pashaj speaks softly. "There is time for all things worth doing." The priest walks towards the stairway that leads up, wordlessly following Samuel's direction.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"Wisdom comes in strange ways." Pashaj comments, wiping the remains of the slime from his mace. "I agree that we should look in the courtyard after we emerge."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj continues his performance, and moves to the closest slime, again flanking with Calain if possible.

+3 Strength, +1 Enhancement, +1 Competence

Attack (Mace) vs. AC - 1d20 + 1 + 1 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 1 + 3 = 18
If it hits, it deals 1d8 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 12 points of bludgeoning damage.

I realize that I neglected to add the additional +1 to damage for Pashaj swinging the mace two-handed. As above, if he manages to flank, he gets an additional +2 to hit.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj uses a free action to maintain his performance, then moves towards the same slime that Calain targeted (flanking if possible) and swinging at it with his mace.

+3 Strength, +1 Enhancement, +1 Competence

Attack (Mace) vs. AC - 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 17
If it hits, it deals 1d8 + 1 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 3 + 1 = 9 points of bludgeoning damage.

If he's able to flank, add another +2 to the attack roll. Also, I assumed it was a heavy mace, but I didn't ask. Is it a light mace? If so, I'll need to reroll damage.

Pashaj continues his chant as he strides forward, brining his mace to bear against his strange foe.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj's spear falls to the floor with a clatter, as a chant comes to his lips. Gripping his mace, he inches towards the slime.

Free action to drop the longspear. Standard action to begin Sermonic Performance. Move action to draw the +1 mace. 5-Foot Step towards the slime.

All allies receive a +1 competence bonus to hit and damage, and a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj whirls around, his longspear ready to strike.

Initiative - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

I think he whirled too far...

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"A strange room for such a place." Pashaj observes, staying a healthy distance away from the laboratory equipment. "But not the end of our search, it seems." He indicates the stairway that leads into darkness.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"Agreed. There are greater needs in this moment." Pashaj follows after Calain.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"Unless its place is beneath the temple. But let us look upon it."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj tries to get the feel of the heft of the mace, but keeps step with the others.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"I will wield it in honor of the goddess who now allows us in her halls, but when the devoted of Sarenrae once again take their rightful place here, I will relinquish it to them." Pashaj bows and reaches out with an open hand to take the weapon.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj turns to Zahir. "You will have my assistance in this, but as Samuel says, it must wait."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj follows cautiously, his longspear poised.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj murmurs a prayer, and again brings light to Calain's armor. Retrieving his spear, he makes ready to descend the stairs.

Light spell on Calain's breastplate. Pashaj will refresh it as needed.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"It may take great strength to move it." Pashaj sets his spear aside. "You have my aid in this, Calain."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"Look." Pashaj raises his a hand. "In the floor, at the foot of this paragon. There is some device, it seems."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"It is my guess that he is one who would wish his deed known before his visage." Pashaj studies the statue. "Yet another has a deep hatred of the face he wears. I, too, wonder."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj, satisfied with the upkeep of his spearhead, follows the group wordlessly.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj holds his tongue. There are times for quiet, and times for words, and this time was of the first kind.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"Hummmmmmmm." Pashaj brings his chant to and end with a resonating hum, and pulls loose his spear. He looks to the Pathfinders, then to Jengren. "These are those who know such things, if they are given a moment to know it." Breathing deeply of the foul air, Pashaj crouches to his knees and wipes his weapon clean.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj will continue his Sermonic Performance as a swift action. With a move action he moves within 10 feet of the nearest enemy and attacks with his longspear.

Attack (Longspear) vs. AC - 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
If it hits, it deals 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 points of piercing damage.

Pashaj surges forward, and filling the room with his chant and thrusting his spear at his foe.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Initiative - 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

As a standard action, Pashaj begins his Sermonic Performance. Everybody gets a +1 competence bonus to attack and damage rolls, and a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear effects. He then moves as close as he can to the insectoid creature, stopping at 10 feet away (longspear range).

Pashaj had been silent a moment ago, but his voice breaks into a sudden chant as he strides forward, spear poised to strike.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

With a muttered prayer, Pashaj presses a hand to Calain's armor, and bright light once again issues from it.

Casting Light on Calain's armor, which now sheds normal light in a 20-foot radius.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj takes firm grip of his longspear and follows a half-step behind Calain.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"A swift foot and swift blade can lay low many a foe, but there are threats which cannot be met with steel. Stay your eagerness." Pashaj speaks lyrically, but keeps his eyes on Digweed. "Tell us what you know."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj turns his head to Digweed, giving his full attention to the pugwampi for the first time. "What curse or creature lurks there?"

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

"I am one called Pashaj. It is good to meet." Pashaj bows courteously, but his wary eyes still track Digweed.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj will remain with Samuel as Digweed shows them around, barring any interruption.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj and Samuel are still with Digweed and separate from the rest of the group, correct?

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj is definitely not keeping watch. He's transfixed on the defaced carvings.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj hums, deeply troubled by the defacing of the likenesses of Sarenrae's priests. He turns to Digweed. "The scratches are deep. Do you know who has done this?"

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Having given his direction to the pugwampi, Pashaj will accompany Samuel.

Pashaj studies each of the carved facades carefully. "Those who write their stories in stone intend for them to live long. We who dwell here should learn what we can of them. These pictures stir thought as the desert wind stirs the sands."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

I have somehow missed the updates in the discussion thread. If I had seen them earlier, I would have let you know that I was fine with a second cleric. Pashaj is built with the Evangelist archetype, so is currently behind on Channel Energy and only has a single domain. That said, this pair looks very cool. Looking forward to playing with you two!

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Pashaj taps the butt of his spear upon the ground before addressing the assembled pugwampi. "You have defiled a holy place in your ignorance, and risked great wrath. Go now, to every corner of this temple, and pick up your leavings. Make it as if you had never touched these halls if you wish still to be welcome within them. And then, I will tend to your wounds as best I can."

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

Its the claim of godhood that bothers him. He's worried that Calain is seeking to take the gnolls' place as a false deity, not having truly achieved divinity.

This is just one area where I am excited to see how the dynamic plays out between the two. Obviously, they see things differently, but they also have things in common. Both Calain and Pashaj have a background of servitude, but they were both freed by somebody that recognized their worth.

Male Human (Vudrani) Cleric (Evangelist) 1

I'm loving this too, though Pashaj sure isn't.

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