Female Sorcerer

Pamela Aguan's page

14 posts. Alias of BlueFireDragon.

Welcome to the game, everyone. As you get your message, just go ahead and check in here and introduce yourselves to the group. We'll take two days for you guys to talk and arrange possible connections between your characters and finalize your backgrounds and characters. On Wednesday, I'll post the real starting post in the gameplay thread, and we'll get started for real.

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Sandpoint is a quiet, peaceful town nestled right on the Lost Coast of Varisia. Originally settled as a spot to get away from the city life of Magnimar, this village has become a regular stop for traders and travelers throughout Varisia. It’s relaxed way of life, laws, and tolerance for religion has made it a place for traveled people to settle down, while rumors of ruins, local devils, and special food and drinks draw adventurers and sightseers from all over throughout the year.

As the seagulls caw, and a gentle breeze sweeps through the town on this fine, clear day, Sandpoint is buzzing with excitement. Today is the 22nd of Rova, the beginning of the Autumn Equinox and the much-anticipated start of the Swallowtail Festival. The Swallowtail Festival is a religious festival for Desna, involving lots of food, games, and releasing of butterflies, and it is often celebrated by most even if they do not particularly follow Desna’s teachings or ways.

Any festival is bound to draw visitors, and caravans and travelers often time their visits to purposefully coincide with them. However, for Sandpoint, this festival has another purpose this year. For the last five years, the people of Sandpoint have attended services within temporary wooden huts after a tragic, mysterious fire claimed the old church building along with the life of the head priest of Sandpoint and his daughter. The people still don’t like to talk about that period of time that they call the Late Unpleasantness.

After five years of hard work, however, the people of Sandpoint have finally finished the construction of their new cathedral. A beautiful stone structure, the building clearly reflects the effort and dedication they put into it and makes quite a statement among the mostly wooden homes here in Sandpoint, even more so than the old ruins at the edge of town. Large, expensive, stain-glass windows adorn the walls, each representing one of the six main deities of Sandpoint and shining brightly in the sunlight. And today is the very day that the cathedral is to be commemorated and consecrated for use.

On the first day of this extended festival, the people of Sandpoint have been busily preparing, even as travelers and merchants begin to arrive and set up their stalls. Banners and steamers hang from buildings throughout the main thoroughfare. The overall mood is quite celebratory and festive, with few unable to keep a smile from their face. For those that live in Sandpoint, the beautiful day greets them with anxious approval for the happenings, while those from out of town receive a slight sprint in their step as the fair-weather beckons them on.

As travelers come up to the wooden bridges along the eastern side of town that make the boundaries of the town proper, they are greeted fellow travelers and a small sign with a small mirror attached and the inscription in common:
“Welcome to Sandpoint.
Please stop to see yourself as we see you.”

And with that, they enter into the small, quant town of Sandpoint.

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“Listen my hatchling, for now you shall hear
Of the only seven slayers a dragon must fear.

First beware Pride, lest belief in one’s might
Has you discount the foeman who is braving your sight.
Never Envy other dragons their wealth, power, or home
For dark plots and plans will bring death to your own.

Your Wrath shouldn’t win, when spears strike your scale
Anger kills cunning, which you will need to prevail.
A dragon must rest, but Sloth you should dread
Else long years of napping let assassins to your bed.

‘Greed is good,’ or so foolish dragons will say
Until piles of treasure bring killing thieves where they lay.
Hungry is your body, and at times you must feed
But Gluttony makes fat dragons, who can’t fly at their need.

A hot Lust for glory, gems, gold, or mates
Leads reckless young drakes to the blackest of fates.
So take heed of this wisdom, precious hatchling of mine,
And the long years of dragonhood are sure to be thine.”

― E.E. Knight, Dragon Champion


Rise of the Runelords

Welcome to my recruitment for a run of the Rise of the Runelords. Set in the small costal town of Sandpoint, the characters have come to this quiet place to celebrate the consecration of the town's new temple after the last one burned down tragically five years ago. However, the characters unexpectedly get caught up in the events that ensue, eventually going from goblin slayers and local heroes to becoming warriors of legend and heroes of the world as a slowly brewing evil under Sandpoint comes to fruition.

Who Am I?:
I go by Goblin Mayhem, but you may refer to me as 'O Great Goblin Overlord' should you so wish. My great gobliness shall not mind. I am a regular player and GM RL, but I am fairly new to pbp. Or rather, I will be trying to start on this boards for a second time. I tried the forums out two years ago after moving away from my RL group, but an accident sent me home and back to f2f games. Finding another job that involves me moving away once more, I've decided to try out the boards again to fill the Pathfinder sized hole left behind. Especially with all this free time now.

As a GM, I enjoy RP and having fun over rule lawyering and complicating things. I have a lot of time on my hands now that I'm not preparing for a game each week, and by running an AP, I believe some of the load will be lifting so that I can concentrate on running an enjoyable game. While I am used to GMing, I'm not perfect and can't recite every rule. I'm human, but I plan to do my best. As for commitment, the only game I've not finished is the game I left when I moved a few years back (though I joined it again not long after when I came home, technically), and a game I had only just joined here on the boards right before the accident. So as long as my infinitely wise youth doesn't lead me to do stupid things again, I should be fine.


What to Expect:
While I may be somewhat new to pbp, I've done some research beforehand because I believe one should come prepared. For my initial run, I plan to fully run through the first chapter of the Rise of the Runelords adventure path, and, as long as I find pbp agreeable, on through the rest of the adventure path to the end. I may even end up bringing my homebrew to the forums as well afterwards.

I usually have a loose schedule, so I will be able to check in often for posts and responding. With my current schedule, I plan to try and update with a good post around 8 AM daily (UTC-5 or Eastern Standard Time), besides responding throughout the day. This is that personal sweet spot when I'm off work and before I head off for bed that I can construct a good post without interruption or other duties calling for my attention a majority of the time. While I hope to keep the story moving, I also want players to involve themselves with the world and NPC's, so time for rp will always be ready.

As for worldbuilding, I have some knowledge of Golarion, as I've had a couple adventure set within its confines. However, using my anniversary edition of RotR as a guide, both the world and story may change depending on personal taste and player input. This will be a living world without restrictions based on what may or may not be 'canon' from other AP's or novels. So while I'll be setting out the adventure path for you, don't expect a 'by the book' play. Then again, doing this way will also allow others who know about this popular AP to find enjoyment in the unexpected as well.


Player Expectations:
As for the expectations I'm looking for in the players I select, they are the following:

- Posts per Day: The expection is the same as I will hold to myself; posting at least once daily where you either push the action, combat, and/or story, or you actively engage in RPing by leaving and/or picking up RP hooks to help keep momentum going. Should the set pacing begin to negatively impact your ability to enjoy or keep up with the game, it is expected that this will be communicated whether by PM or in the discussion tab earlier rather than later, just as I promise to do should the reverse happen.

- Roleplaying: I enjoy my players immersing themselves in their characters and the world and hope to be able to adequately be able to help you do so through this format. However, it is up to the players to actively engage themselves in the experience and is expected. I do not plan to run a dungeon crawl where the only thing others know about your character is that he 'hits things hard'. This means character building is necessary. Not character 'changing', but character 'building' through rp. A snobby rich kid doesn't have to have a change of heart and become giving. Maybe he's still snobby and even richer by the end of the adventure, but he needs to be more than one dimensional.

- Format and Grammar: This guide is what I expect in both format and writing style. One of the main reasons I hesitated looking into pbp is that, for better or worse, I am a bit of a stickler when it comes to writing. I'm not the one who corrects people when the end their sentences with prepositions, and even do so myself. But I do enjoy reading a lot and even have some writing experience, so while I'm okay with a moderate level of English, a complete lack of proper use of the English language is grating for me to read. As long as you follow the above guide (which also has other helpful tips for potential recruits), you should be fine.

- Player Conflict: Character conflict is allowed as long as all the players agree to it. Ages will not be asked for recruitment, but I expect a level of maturity and respect from players for each other and their creations.

- Experience: As I am relatively new to pbp, I am more prone to accept people with a sound history under their belt. While having a solid resume is good, though, that doesn't mean I won't accept new players. You'll just have to make your application a good one to make up for lack of experience. However, I am at least fairly competent with the rules and expect applicants to be as well. We all mess up or slip on a rule occasionally, but you should know how to play at least.

As for experience with RotR itself, I am alright with people who have played it before, whether fully or not, as long as you know you won't start meta-gaming.

- Combat and Companions: Combat will be run in block initiative, where players will all take a turn, then enemies, etc. During combat, players are expected to keep track of conditions, abilities, and other status effects that affect them, as well as communicating such effects to both me and other players. As for companions, players will control them, with their initiative being with the players. Leadership will be allowed and is addressed in Character Creation.

- Be Willing to Make and Receive Mistakes: Humans are not perfect. You will make mistakes. I will make mistakes. As such, it is expected that we will work together to fix mistakes or just keep on moving without being immature or judgemental about it.

- Communicate: As mentioned briefly earlier, be able to communicate. Have concerns? Want to praise a post? Have a technical question? Want to run an idea by me? Or, most importantly, are you not enjoying the game? Ask. I'm not secretly hiding within your brainscape and reading every thought that passes through your head. Tell me what's up. I don't bite unless you happen to be the amazing sandwich I just had for lunch. I'm open to ideas as well, so if something strikes your fancy let me know. Don't just sit in the corner depressed thinking 'No one cares, so it won't make a difference'.

- Dice Rolls: I will roll the following dice rolls for the PC's in order to keep the game moving smoothly:
1. Initiative
2. Perception (to notice things hidden or not mentioned, such as an ambush)
3. Sense Motive (against bluffing, etc)
4. Saving Throws
5. Rolls connected to actions

Should a player want to look at something closer, feels suspicious about a character, etc., they may roll their own Perception or Sense Motive check, but if I happened to already roll this, the first roll will stay in effect. (Exm: Characters walk into a destined ambush. None beat the the perception check, but one player decides to watch for an ambush and 'rolls'. Their initial check over rules it. Another player decides to study the massive tree in the clearing and 'roll's a perception check. Since I had not rolled perception to check out the tree, his roll will tell him details about this landmark.) As long as it hasn't already been rolled against, it will count.

As for rolling, if you come up with an idea, such as wanting to see if you know anything else about a subject, go ahead and roll a knowledge check or other relevant check to keep the game going. If it's not needed, or the wrong check was rolled, I'll adjust the modifier and let you know the result. Try to keep such knowledge checks and etc to one per post.

Also, some of my rolls will be done on a seperate dice roller should such rolling need to be kept hidden, such as rolling against an unexpected ambush or lie.

- Maps, Loot, and Info: I'll be uploading a pic of the combat map each round, with designated letters and numbers for squares to try and simplify combat as much as possible, while allowing builds that rely heavily on map placement to work. Loot will be kept on a lootsheet which will be able to be edited by the whole group so that they can claim what they wish along with others knowing who claimed what. Money will also be kept here until someone decides to split it (or try to claim it). Information on the campaign will be kept in the campaign tab, including known NPC's, plot hooks, and gathered intel.

- Reading: While I won't be searching down every rabbit hole to find what is 'canon' or not and be messing with the adventure some, I expect all players to read the entirety of the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide. Emphasis on Anniversary Edition, which is Pathfinder instead of 3.5e like the original. This contains great starting information to inform players just what to expect at the opening of the adventure without unnecessary spoilers.


Character Creation:
Your character is one of the many visitors to the consecreation of the Sandpoint Cathedral. Whether just a traveler or a local, the Swallowtail Festival that marks this date as well is a large event that draws people for various reasons. As such, your character can be from a variety of backgrounds, and an equal amount of creativity from such a large canvas is hoped for.

Your characters will go through the entire first book, and, as long as pbp doesn't horrible disagree with me, through the rest of the ap. As such, your characters will be reaching all the way to 20 by the end, so have that in mind as you do so. Also, each person may only submit one character.

Level: Characters start at 1st level, will reach 4th by the end of the first chapter, and 20th by the end of the adventure.
1st Level: During the first level only, players will be allowed to mess with their character's skill, feats, etc. to fine tune the beginning.
Ability Scores: 25 point buy.
HP: Max health at the first level. Players will get to choose whether to use half-rounded-up or rolling for hp after 1st (and stick with that choice).
Traits: 2 traits, one of which must be a campaign trait from the Rise of the Runelords
Money: Max for class.
Crafting: Allowed for items at or under 200gp in value that can be made successfully while taking '10' on a roll.
Races: All paizo. While I'm allowing all paizo races, more obscure races might find it more difficult to be selected unless their backstory can back up their choice.
Classes: All paizo except for Occult Classes and Gunslingers. For Gunslingers, however, the archetype using crossbows instead of guns will be allowed. Unchained versions as well. Rogue archetypes carry over.
Alignment: Any non-Evil.
Skills: Will be using the Background Skills option.
Allowed Books and Feats: Generally just paizo as I have access to them. Make sure to reference obscure items. The leadership feat will be allowed later on, but with a max of one companion.
Homebrew Rule - Boon and Bane: This is a custom rule of mine, but one I hope helps flesh out characters and roleplay. Each character must choose an emotional boon and bane. Out of greed, gluttony, lust, envy, wrath, pride, and sloth, choose the one your character would most likely fall to should the temptation arise and which one they would most likely resist. Such as Bane: Greed, Boon: Sloth. For all emotional based saves, any save that draws on that emotion gives you a -2 for your Bane and +2 for your Boon on your save.

Apperance, Background, and Personality: The most important part, tell me who your character is. What makes your character unique? What drives your character? What secrets does he/she carry whether they know it or not? Why are they traveling or living in Sandpoint? What part of them is hero potential?

I don't need a novel length backstory, but I will mainly be selected based on this, so don't skimp if you want to be picked. Make a character you want to play as. Remember, this will be a long-term investment, so make sure to put some real thought into it. And make sure your skills, class, feat, etc, match up with it as well.

I will also be tying your backgrounds into the story at points, so leaving hooks or things your character doesn't understand fully is fine. Also, if you have any ideas about your character that you would like to see, we'll go over that if you get selected.

Using the Five-Minute Background is not needed, but will help in fleshing out your characters. Warning: It takes much longer than five minutes.

Statblock: I would like my players to follow the statblock template on my profile page. This makes reference much easier, especially for GMing, since this is the template most premade creatures follow. It doesn't have to be on the toe strict, but at least following the outline it gives.


Things That will Increase Your Chances:
1. Reading and following the directions here correctly.
2. Having a fully fleshed out character. If you're not sure if a certain idea is allowed asked, but only fully prepared characters will be thought of for selection at the end.
3. Good backstory and interesting character. Doesn't need a novel length history to be an interesting character.
4. Strong ties to the main story.
5. Good history on the forum boards.
6. Include a small section letting me know who you are, your experience level with Pathfinder and pbp, your favorite pbp game you're particularly proud of, the way you like to play, or anything else you want me to know.
7. Send me a PM with the message "Goblins Rule" to prove that you want to be in this campaign enough that you read all this.


Thank you for reading this far, and I hope to see an interesting character from you. The deadline for applicants will be Friday, June 15th, at 8:00 AM, EST (GMT-5). You have until then to completely flesh and stat your character. I will then take the next week to select five applicants to be members of this campaign. Good goblining to you all.