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8 posts. Organized Play character for FantasyGamer.


Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Greylurker wrote:

I will be watching this with interest. My group has made it very clear that PF2 is not what they want in a game but an upgrade of PF1 would be welcome

As a DM I am right there. PF2e is just a minis game where you reset health for each battle in the guise of 'to enjoy your character at max potential each time". there is no game of rationing resources like spells and health and their certainly is no epic effects for casters since they were so afraid martials would be jealous.

They forgot 1e had a good balance with spell interruption and I am looking forward to what comes of this.
Likely my new go to after.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Belrithalus wrote:

I am a healer in the party and we had an encounter where most of the party took a lot of ability damage. If I use a heal check to provide long term care to the party do I have to be not adventuring?

If we are adventuring and I provide long term care to the party while we camp will I be fatigued, we couldn't find any thing about it.

are there existing rules we may have missed?

10 years later with rule book in my hand and I needed this.

Liberty's Edge

Kasimir vonVang wrote:
Honestly, just play mutants and masterminds. It does exactly what you want.

and it finally degrades to 'just leave, you make my brain hurt. '

I have played so many systems and Pathfinder 1e is still my favorite and I would much rather home brew this than play another system.
So I understand the OP intent and have tried the same myself. I did find that the slots are quicker and easier to use and it may just be easier to allow slots to be swapped around based on feats,etc.
As far as the caster OP thing, as GM I've always handled this with the expectation that creatures aware of caster will be waiting to interrupt and the caster's power is limited as a result.

Liberty's Edge

Derklord wrote:
    You're way overthinking things. The crafting requirement is chosen for flaMost magic items do not apply a spell's effect to the wearer, they have an effect created independently.
    For example, Swarmbane Clasp's craftign requirement is Repel Vermin, which while vermin-themed, has a completely different effect form the item.

I'm pretty sure when writers invent magic items, they don't pick a couple of spells and mash them together, but rather create the item's effect first and only adterwards pick some more-or-loss related spells for the crafting requirement.

Thanks. I initially assumed so but it's such a vague way to handle things. Given they later released a mighty strength spell in a pathfinder publication it makes it harder to govern creation. I have to just assume the materials to handle such an enchantment are out of this world expensive. I hope 2e handles this better as far as explanation.

Totally fine with the game world letting material help dictate the effect, but I wish they had spelled this out more explicitly.

Liberty's Edge

So I am trying to get my head around the logic of allowing a belt of might to have a +6 option when Bull's Strength is a spell that provides +4. So somehow casters are both more and less powerful than the spell mentions. This would make sense if there is a greater and lesser version of the spell.

Am I missing something or should players just look to create items with their craft abilities that can be more powerful than the spell effects? (I don't really mean that but that's the tone they set and the reason for my consternation).


Hopefully something I just haven't found..

Liberty's Edge

Leon Aquilla wrote:
Treasure. Vault! I'm going to have a treasure vault! TREASURE VAUUUULT!

That is such an obscure reference. And I love. Thought about the movie the other day and just re-watched two nights ago! Totally hear that being said by Dom. lol

Liberty's Edge

Taçin wrote:

Striking runes are a vestigial mark of feedback from those back in the playtest who preferred upgrades to come from items over innate scaling (Automatic Bonus Progression), they're not "overpowered" because the math the game is built around assumes you'll have them at the appropriate levels, but yes compared to other items of similar level they are blatantly overturned.

As I personally run my home game utilizing the ABP optional rule from the GMG (and adjust loot accordingly), they don't stand out to me because I just have them apply automatically (as the game assumes). On a regular game of PF2 however getting striking runes is far and away the No.1 priority of a martial character around level 5, and a inevitable goldsink if you don't want to fall way behind the growing HP of monsters.

This is the kind of reply I was looking for when I run my campaign. I really don't want to make video game like rune replacement the norm. so I would prefer ABP but not in place of the idea of magic. Just additional dmg should be natural to the character gaining more knowledge of lethal hit areas.

Would love to discuss further how your campaign has worked out.
I envision some + weapons popping up but the dmg coming from characters. Some runes also seems ok but should not be transferable in terms of ambience and role play for the world I envision.

Liberty's Edge

Any plans to make an official mana or spell point system rule set? love the idea for some different flavor but understand the need to balance wizard and sorc, etc. Really like they idea of mana and spell casters knocking themselves out from pushing themselves.