
Padawan09's page

Organized Play Member. 137 posts (197 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 7 aliases.


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So as for that "heaven forbid" part.... here's the work out of the possible stacking methods.

List is based on a lvl 8 bloodrager.
Size=lvl4 abyssal bonus, INA=Improved Natural Attack, RS=Rageshaper(assumed to be +1 die)

#1 Base:1d8>Size:2d6>INA:3d6>RS:4d6

#2 Base:1d8>Size:2d6>RS:3d6>INA:4d6

#3 Base:1d8>INA:2d6>Size:2d8>RS:3d8

#4 Base:1d8>INA:2d6>RS:3d6>Size:4d6

#5 Base:1d8>RS:2d8>Size:4d6>INA:6d6

#6 Base:1d8>RS:2d8>INA:3d8>Size:4d8
(this last one assumes d8 progression here happens like stated in INA for d10 type weapons)

So as we can see, in half the methods (1, 2, 4) INA does absolutely nothing. In methods 3 it actually brings your damage down (by only .5 on average, but taking a feat for less damage! Maybe you feel too powerful... here's you're out :p). Last but not least it's obvious that RS applying first gives us the best benefit, whether we have INA or not (without gives us 4d6 as large vs 3d6 if large applies first) INA also pushes our damage into the ridiculous category!

So cheers to those of you who have DM's that allow monster feats on PC's that qualify (make sure you stack your bonuses right!)

For how rageshaper works at level 8... Since as written it increases by one -die-, not one step, size, etc. At 8 you would have 1d8 base that becomes 2d6 as large, then +1 die to make 3d6.

Or stacked the other way, 1d8 base +1 die for 2d8, then becomes 4d6 from size increase.(Assuming it advances as other 1d6 NA's not as a weapon)

So the two real questions are...
1. What is intended by "one die"?
2. In what order do these abilities stack onto each other?

And heaven forbid we try to add improved natural attack and figure that mess out...

Any other way that would let me actually target multiple, specific points on a building?

I have tried to find the answer, but have only succeeded in confusing myself.

Is there any way to set multiple delayed bombs? Despite the discovery saying only one can be active at a time, I have seen multiple posts referring to setting multiple delayed bombs. I'd really like to make an alchemist focused on taking out structures and the like, but only having one at a time makes me think it won't be worth the effort.

Human Commoner 20

I'm good for that, want sure if we'd wait for a new Wilkens first.

Human Commoner 20

No worries Lexi. Vash pretty much said ask there is to say. I studied psychology for two years and though it's nothing compared to experiencing it, I learned just how bad it can be. But we're all here for ya, ready to make more puns ;)

Human Commoner 20

I bet I speak for the whole group when I say that there's no need to apologize for being in the hospital. Especially since it's still Sunday and you says you'd post on Monday ;)

Human Commoner 20

Whoops... The part about "do they deserve...foul goblins" should be italicized, didn't catch that I forgot to edit the code back in.

Human Commoner 20

DM: Would Thistle remember anything that happened in the real world during the 10 year imprisonment.

Human Commoner 20

Funny... I've always heard "better late than pregnant" >_> (i'm an awful person :P)

One question before I reply IC, am I able to tell how large the group of goblins is?

Human Commoner 20

Haha, my teeth will be safe then... I'd pronounce it "nuke-lee-ah" if I slipped into my accent :P speaking that word though.... Do you pronounce it "nuke-ah-ler" like a certain infamous presidente? ;)

Human Commoner 20

Outsidah! Stuff him in the cah and get him outta heah wicked fast!

Translation: outsider! put him in the car and get him away asap!

Human Commoner 20

Just as a side note... Improving= improvising, not getting better... Sorta forgot they look the same when written haha

Human Commoner 20

Haha, I know what you mean. I pronounce most of my r's, but my "Mainah" accent comes out when I get excited and start talking fast. I use "wicked good" a lot XD

Human Commoner 20

How heavy is your accent?

Human Commoner 20

I'm guesting you're talking about boffing yes?

Human Commoner 20

I guess Maine is too far north in that case ;)

Human Commoner 20
Krazzix wrote:
Please say LARP, please say LARP...

Please say bizarre fetish, please say bizarre fetish! ;)

Twilsemail wrote:
What's LARP?

I think I see what you did there haha.

Human Commoner 20

Hmm... So he does! I must've been thinking about humans for some reason. Will add in a new language.

Human Commoner 20

Dareon: I'd like to suggest The Bear and The Juggler too a worthy cards you found ;)

Human Commoner 20

Just want to let you know, my hours will be weird for a while since i'm training in the evening shift 2-10, and will eventually change to graveyard 11-7, so I might post at very strange times ;)

Human Commoner 20

Hmm... With the age categories of Tiefling's, he would have probably left at around 100 years old.

He probably wouldn't want to lead the group, but prefer to offer his advice on a situation since he'd realize most groups would have an issue following his ideas of how to achieve a good outcome.

Human Commoner 20

Sorry guys, just got hired for a job and haven't had a chance to log on for very long. Didn't notice the little dot on my phone by the envelope. I'm here! just adding the finishing touches to Maldrek's background.

Human Commoner 20

I'm no hobo! I just.... Don't have a permanent home :P

Human Commoner 20

Oh yep yep... Been a while since I played the MoMS haha, totally forgot that part.

And ok, hopefully a Magic Missile will take it down ;) Just wish I could find a way to make an elemental version of MM.

Human Commoner 20

Haha. And that's without Vash using hasted flurry of blows :D

Has the Tengu between Vash and the sleeping lion been injured yet?

Human Commoner 20

Ok, just wanted to be sure they were random things before throwing a Lightning Bolt at them ;)

Why do we scare you? D:

Human Commoner 20

That's the thing about adding monsters. We beat the big monsters, and if the GM put a horde out instead, we'd run it over in probably 2 rounds if that, we have 7 people in our group.

It's just one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't (IMO) because it's either "Over CR slow play, which gets boring" or "destroy all the tiny things in a giant wave in 2 turns, also boring"... But doesn't matter much to me, I play to hang out with friends, and either way that happens ;)

Human Commoner 20

Yes, Yes, and I generally play casters in the game to compensate for it ;)

Human Commoner 20

Lol... I think you mean the GM will love me ;) And the Ninja(me) will hate me :P
Bah... hard enough to hit things cuz we have so many people the CR on creatures is ridiculous, not getting flat-foot will be awful lmao.

I like having a Summoner... of course I'm biased by the fact I like as many bodies between me and the enemy as possible when I play glass canons ;)

Human Commoner 20

I've got it

Human Commoner 20

Hmm... and flanking doesn't even take away Dex-bonus to AC? Where the hell did we come up with flank = flat-foot then? 0_o

Human Commoner 20

Hmmmm... I guess my whole group has been using flanking wrong... Idk how lmao. I swear I saw something about flanking causing you to be flat-footed. *shrug* As you were then! XD

DOn't forget your haste if you use a full-attack guys!

Human Commoner 20

I hate to rain on your parade Vash, but Crane's Wing is only if you aren't flat-footed, which you are due to being flanked. I made a MoMS in a RL game who combined Snake and Crane, it was awesome.

The breastplate will interfere with any actual spells you cast though. Maybe bracers of armor instead? Though I've never played a Summoner, so idk how important actual spells are compared to eidolon/summon spell-like abilities.

Human Commoner 20

What are the circles above Terra on the map?

Human Commoner 20

I think at the moment dareon scares me most... Because of his puns :P

Now excuse me while I freak out for you well to awe me being a fan boy (and please picture my avatar when I say this).......

Tonight's NCIS is making me freak out at the ending! AHHHHHHHHH! Just when something awesome happens it might not go any further! AHHHHHH!

OK, fanboy freakout over... Lol.

Human Commoner 20

All I can think if is Despicable Me.... "it's so fluffy!!"

Human Commoner 20

I don't have access to themes, so I didn't take any lol

Human Commoner 20

Was it a random person's headstone, or one of the seven graves from the backstory for Smith? (Gotta know just how pissed off he would be ;))

Human Commoner 20

Firefox apparently isn't a fan of your map Lexi :P keeps giving me a untrusted connection warning without the option to add a certificate. time to download IE haha.

Edit: Fixed it, I'm gussing the tents completely block LoS?

Human Commoner 20

Haha, well that would explain why you're on at 1 in the morning where I live XD I'm from Maine (East Coast USA) myself

Human Commoner 20

Can't decide if you mean a card hidden nearby, or that we should use the crow card :P

What time zone are you all in btw?

Darn. Ah well, will keep her for if I see another of these campaigns pop up. GL to the for who got in!

Oooh. Tiefling and Aasimar in the same party... Well be interesting when group 2 comes around ;)

Human Commoner 20

Probably a ship, but a horse is usable more than once if we need to travel more

Human Commoner 20

Hahaha, glad you can't open pits then! ;)

And I'm not a lizard yet... I need to get Form of the Dragon so I can be though ;)

Human Commoner 20

What sort of skill check is it to see what a character knows about various nobles/people?

Human Commoner 20

Sorry folks, went on a last minute trip and my phone died :( I'll jump in now! (Though I'm guessing too late to save the day)