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First of all, YAY for interest!!
Now lets get to the questions and comments.
Black Dow: I'd love to have your fell caller along as it is a very flavorful class and trollkin are lots of fun too.
Yokaiboy: Gobbers are a bit of an interesting dilemma I hadn't had to address previously. I believe stat wise they would use the goblin as a basis, while flavor and archetypes will trend a bit more towards gnome with a bit of halfling mixed in for good measure.
Stormcrow: I decided the wizard archetype didn't suit the flavor of the gunmage so well. Instead I did it up as a magus archetype which better matches the 6th level casting and the more martial aspects of the class. I might be amenable to letting you use the wizard version if your looking to make more of a spell slinging artillery type, though it may need some adjustment.
The steamjack rules port over fairly well without much messing about, basically big constructs/golems which are a bit smarter but are fuel reliant. As to the warcasters(and warlocks if anyone is interested in them) they will still be prestige classes, though the prerequisites are a bit different than initially published(same for most of the other prestige classes)
Firearms are one of the biggish reworks from a pathfinder point of view. Instead of them being fairly rare and mostly unknown/unexpected weaponry, they are fairly prolific. This plus the differences in powders(IK uses a binary blasting powder instead of black powder as we know it) makes the rules a bit odd. I tend to favor the IK version of firearms though reloading is adjusted a bit. This also means they target regular AC instead of touch in most circumstances.
I hope this answers your questions and gives you all hope for the future. Any other or new questions feel free to ask