Erdrinneir Vonnarc

PSY850's page

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First of all, YAY for interest!!

Now lets get to the questions and comments.

Black Dow: I'd love to have your fell caller along as it is a very flavorful class and trollkin are lots of fun too.

Yokaiboy: Gobbers are a bit of an interesting dilemma I hadn't had to address previously. I believe stat wise they would use the goblin as a basis, while flavor and archetypes will trend a bit more towards gnome with a bit of halfling mixed in for good measure.

Stormcrow: I decided the wizard archetype didn't suit the flavor of the gunmage so well. Instead I did it up as a magus archetype which better matches the 6th level casting and the more martial aspects of the class. I might be amenable to letting you use the wizard version if your looking to make more of a spell slinging artillery type, though it may need some adjustment.

The steamjack rules port over fairly well without much messing about, basically big constructs/golems which are a bit smarter but are fuel reliant. As to the warcasters(and warlocks if anyone is interested in them) they will still be prestige classes, though the prerequisites are a bit different than initially published(same for most of the other prestige classes)

Firearms are one of the biggish reworks from a pathfinder point of view. Instead of them being fairly rare and mostly unknown/unexpected weaponry, they are fairly prolific. This plus the differences in powders(IK uses a binary blasting powder instead of black powder as we know it) makes the rules a bit odd. I tend to favor the IK version of firearms though reloading is adjusted a bit. This also means they target regular AC instead of touch in most circumstances.

I hope this answers your questions and gives you all hope for the future. Any other or new questions feel free to ask

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I hope it's not a farewell, there is so much intrigue and fun to be had and written about in the nation of cheliax. Even if it leads to or even begins with the boys escaping from the house of Thrune deciding they were more trouble than they are worth. There is also the possible joy of whatever happens in Ustalav if/when someone discovers radovans heritage.

Just so many stories left to be told. I'm still hoping to read more of them.

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Soooooo, Varian and Radovan are headed back to Egorian. Are we gonna see that book(or whatever book comes next for them) anytime soon? Many of us I am sure are wondering this and looking forward to any glimmer of hope concerning a continuance of this fine tale of friendship and adventure. Has anyone seen or heard any news concerning such an event? Can we get some info/news from Dave himself or anyone with paizo in the know on such things?

Just putting this out there and hoping =). Love the Tales line in general and look forward to more.


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Count me in as looking forward to this summer when varian and radovan return!!! Cant get enough of those 2.


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Best thing I've discovered lately is really something to grab for melee types as you get into mid-high levels with some spare loot money, a +1 adaptive composite longbow. for those silly situations where you cant get close enough to stab the bad guy in the face, at least you can still hit him and apply your full strength mod, no matter how buffed you end up.


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see this is why I like slightly more gun heavy settings. Where they have figured out ballistic protection and add it to most armors so that gun specialists arent shooting at touch ac's. it also brings down ammo prices making them a little more managable for the characters.

To me the advanced firearms aren't too broken but I'd say if you allow your character to get them deffinatly put more unique challenges up against him and your party. Like others mentioned this should include monks and whatnot types with nice high touch ac's, but it should also include other gunslingers with thier class bonus's set up to defend against firearms. If any conversations or roleplaying happens with these brigands have them be after the shiney new legendary weapon(s) that your character has as it will be pretty noticable and recognizable letting rumors spread. Unless of course he only ever uses the new shiney out in the wilds when nobody who will be left alive will be around.

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the grit mechanic is a little more important to gunslinging than it initially appears. Mostly I'd way with the ability to avoid or recover from misfires. Gunslingers also have access to thier own version of weapon training letting them add dex to damage of thier shots, which can scale pretty well with level based bonus's and items. Also the ability to extend the range your shooting at touch AC is hard to beat.


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DrDeth wrote:

Actually, archery builds suck from a teamwork standpoint. Sure, they deal out great damage, but what role do they fill?

A wizard is a controler, who can cast utility spells during times of non-combat, channel the foes down to one area so that the have to go thru the Tank, or unleash massive hurt. The archer? Can unleash massive hurt.

The Tank stops the foes from getting to the squishies, absorbs damage, and can unleash massive hurt. The archer? Can unleash massive hurt.

The skill-monkey can be invaluable during non combat with great skill rolls, disarming traps, finding loot, and often acting as a face when you REALLY need to get past that guard without killing him.... oh, and when he's lined up just right- unleash massive hurt. The archer? Can unleash massive hurt.

The Leader/healer can buff the party to a fair-thee well, doubling the effectiveness of the whole party, he can also heal everyone up, raise the dead, and oh yes- when buffed or with the right spells- unleash massive hurt. The archer? Can unleash massive hurt.

The archer can do just one thing. Really, he brings almost nothing to the party as a whole. Sure, he has the potential for unleashing massive hurt, but D&D is more than just killing the foe.

Personally as a player who uses ranger archers quite a bit to be mildly offended at this. My rangers are at least competent in melee combat as any prepared adventurer should be, are just as good at scouting as any other class, moreso if in a favored environment, and has utility spells and always keeps a few handy wands around for buffs and healing. They arent usually socially capable really but thats not really his job, his job is keeping an eye out for double crosses and ambushes while the silly city folk try and talk about things =)


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The closest thing I've seen for the buster sword is from the old arcanis setting. It was a gladiator weapon called a grand blade and had a more fancy name also. Was basically an exotic version of a greatsword with beefed up damage of 2D8. The same could work in the current rules with a large sized bastard sword.

For a gunblade the best rules I've seen for it is the combined weapon rules from the 3.5 version of the Iron Kingdoms. Same style of flintlock style weapons but with a different design principle. Instead of firearms ignoring armor, they did better damage with higher crit rates. The higher damage made the combined weapons there more dangerous than they would be with pathfinder guns. But the rules there were if you hit with the melee weapon you could make a free attack with the gun at either flat footed or touch attack, I cant remember which off the top of my head. I wouldn't have any issue applying the same rules to the axe musket or any other house ruled melee gun combos.


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I believe corrosive is a really popular for dealing with creatures with regen and as resistance or immunity is less common that fire or electricity. as to the enchantment as a whole I'd say it depends on how much trouble your having hitting with all your minus's. if your hitting regularly, go with some elemental damage to boost your killing power, and if your having some trouble hitting regularly go with raw enhancements for better hit with a small damage boost.


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The Sturm Quote from the first page is just perfect. I'm actually reading thru the dragon lance chronicles for the first time right now.

As for worst paladin I've ever seen, There was one guy in our group who only ever played paladins and monks. he was a decent player, knew the rules well and usually didn't get in the way of the party, except for 2 things

His monks ALWAYS had a vow of poverty for the overpowered goodness involved.

And his paladins were always not of a faith related to the game world at all. They were christian, and by christian I mean crusades era preaching everywhere he went including to the party. At one point he even went out of his way over a month or so worth of weekly gaming sessions trying to convert the NG cleric of elhona. The last session the cleric finally had had enough and told him to bugger off, so the paladin player takes it as on offense and declares a duel must be held to the death. The cleric refuses so the paladin just attacks anyways. He forgot to take into account though that said cleric was well liked for keeping the party alive so a round later he had 3 axe wounds, broken kneecaps from the dwarf rogue, a pounding headache from the monks flurry, and 10 arrows protruding from his chest thanks to a pair of rangers.

The player was very upset over this and wanted to see some consequences, but the DM pointed out that everyone else had RP'd perfectly, even down to the LG monk stopping what he saw as an unprovoked attack. since the rest of the group was CG or CN nobody else really needed a reason besides being very annoyed.

Afterwards he was asked to refrain from playing paladins anymore. =)
