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![]() Hey all, I have a love for the iron kingdoms campaign setting put together by Privateer press though I don't care much for the different rpg system they switched to. Because of this I have done a little work porting the old d20 version to pathfinder for some fun. In this case I am looking for interest in either running the Witchfire Trilogy(think half of an adventure path) if the group needs an introduction to the setting, or a more custom and open world adventure if the group is familiar. Either way, it will be a semi high powered game, high stat potential and reasonably high magic item availability(though some of this will be the setting specific mechanica) and some spells and items may be inappropriate to the setting and hence be rare/nonexistent. This is just the start of the setting/house rules as I don't want to blot out the sky during an interest check. Anyone familiar with the setting may let me know if they wish to pursue one of the exceptional concepts presented in the tabletop mini's game. If you are interested in some steampunk action but are unfamiliar with the setting let me know and I will either explain some more for you or point you in the direction of some good reference material. Sorry if this was a bit long winded, just wanted to get the concepts across. PSY ![]()
![]() Hello all, I am looking to get a group together for an undefined game/campaign on an as yet undecided night/schedule in an effort to get to know a group to play starfinder with so that I'll have at least some idea what to expect and how you'll like to play. I'm trying to get at least some local players(don't know anyone in my area so far) but I am guessing I will have at least some need for telecommuting heroes =). The local recruitment is on this thread: http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2ucsx?Buckeye-Arizona Please feel free to post, message, or email me with any questions or interest and I will be posting more details as things firm up. Thank you
![]() Hey all, Been awhile since I posted looking for local players, so I thought with it looking like i might be able to pull together a regular gaming night again I'd try for the real deal with some in person honest to god play time. I'm looking to(at least at first) host said event at my house. I live in the Tartesso community just off of Sun Valley parkway and Thomas rd. I am currently aiming for thursday evenings but have yet to discuss things with my employer so this may change/be flexible. I enjoy pathfinder greatly and believe starfinder will be just as enjoyable when it comes out. At least with pathfinder I enjoy slightly high power curve games with lots of magic, items, and wealth to go around. I am comfortable either GMing or playing, whichever is needed by the groups make up. Though I would enjoy a weekly meet up I am more than happy to do bi weekly or monthly as schedules will allow. Anyone interested please contact me here or by email at PSYCHO_DIRE_WOLF@yahoo.com I will also be making a post in the looking for group channel in case too few/nobody is close enough to make the trip. I look forward to talking and potentially gaming with some of you. Thank you
![]() Soooooo, Varian and Radovan are headed back to Egorian. Are we gonna see that book(or whatever book comes next for them) anytime soon? Many of us I am sure are wondering this and looking forward to any glimmer of hope concerning a continuance of this fine tale of friendship and adventure. Has anyone seen or heard any news concerning such an event? Can we get some info/news from Dave himself or anyone with paizo in the know on such things? Just putting this out there and hoping =). Love the Tales line in general and look forward to more. PSY ![]()
![]() As the title says. Swashbucklers finesse only works with light or one handed piercing weapons. Now my finesse based characters usually just have a light mace for bludgeoning at least, and something else for slashing, but not only would that give up all of the swashbuckler nifty bonus's, but it would lose the ability to finesse it as well. Am I stuck either just sucking it up and hoping I deal enough to punch thru the dr, or is there a loophole to let me add weapons to the list? PSY ![]()
![]() Hey all, I had a group gearing up to run Reign of winter, and it became too big to run without way too much re-balancing and with that big of a party there would be too much shadow for everyone in the party to shine. To resolve both issues I decided to split things up into 2 parties in the way it made the most sense to me. To round things out the second group needs 2 more players who are looking for a good time in a relaxed and fun gaming group/environment. We are currently planning on running the game every other sunday starting at 4pm mountain time. Our usual sessions have been between 4-6 hours in length. We play using Skype to talk and Maptools for the Tabletop and combat. the knitty gritty of character builds and such can wait until we meet up and chat a bit. The current party members are a switch hitter ranger with ties to the north, and a sorceress of unknown background. A healing focused party assistant can be on hand if needed so no need for anyone to feel compelled to play a healing class. We have a few house-rules that we think make a bit more sense and help everyone have more fun, those can also be gone over easier in person. I tend to run and enjoy a slightly higher power game. If your interested you can post here, shoot me a private message using the forums, look me up on skype (colemanstrykr), or send me an email at PSYCHO_DIRE_WOLF@yahoo.com I look forward to meeting some new players and sharing some stories with you. PSY ![]()
![]() Hey all, I have the honor of playing as a psion in a game that is dabbling in mythic rules. Now last I heard dreamscarred said that their mythic rules would be out in november. I don't know if that was for playtest or really get them out but I was hoping to use them instead of either bending the rules for archmage to work or switching to a martial class. Anybody hear any more recent updates or know anything more? Asta
![]() Hey all, So I'm putting together a campaign based off of Kingmaker. The changes include moving the setting from Golarion to the Forgotten realms. Many other changes and adjustments are in place but putting all of them here would ruin many good suprises. We've already got 2 people signed up for sure with a possible third. I'm here because I'd like to recruit a couple more, get the group up to five. We'll be playing saturday's starting mid-late afternoon Mountain time zone into the evening using maptool and teamspeak 3. I'm looking forward to playing with more of this great community. Asta
![]() Hey everybody, I recently moved out to buckeye and am regretably far from any of the local game stores. Basically I'm looking once again to recruit people for some gaming fun. I'm willing to host at my home and am also open to using a VTT for an over the web game. What I have in mind to start with is a nice high powered game loosely based on kingmaker, and by loosely I mean REALLY loosely. Basically just the concept of setting up a kingdom and using the city/nation building and mass combat rules. If someone happens to already have a game going in my area I'd be happy to join also. Any questions or comments please either reply here or send me an E-mail at datkeson@gmail.com Asta
![]() Hey all, I've been having scheduling and travel problems with my old gaming group so I'm looking to either form or join another one. I live in the west valley and currently have somewhat limited transportation options but am willing to host the game for a weekly friday, saturday, or sunday. Meeting elsewhere isn't a huge problem but the closer the better usually. There are between 1-3 of the old players that may join in also but large parties dont intimidate me since it's what I started with so come one come all. Worst case scenario we end up with a group big enough to split into 2 groups. Asta
![]() I did a little searching on this and mostly found a "by rules as written no but houseruling sounds great" What I want to ask is for any dev's or PFS mods opinion or if theres been a clerification or errata or if not an opinion on if it should be changed to allow a magus to take spell mastery. It's a great if somewhat limited feat for those wizards worried about losing access to thier spell books. To my mind it could be very handy for a magus who doesn't prepare a large variety of spells on a normal day anyways. On most given days where my magus is expecting a fight and wants to bring the pain he's got alot of copies of shocking grasp prepared with an assortment of metamagic applied to them, maybe a few long range spells just in case, and some buffs. Basically I'm hoping to be able to take it as a little bit of insurance against not having the book available for whatever reason and allow me to still function as close to normal as possible without using a bunch of my arcane pool on knowledge Pool. I know any errata on the spell to make it comprehensive and allow all arcane prepared casters might be tricky, and just listing the classes would just mean new errata any time a new prepared class gets added to the game. If I can get some sort of official response besides sorry not RAW that would be great but if not I understand. Asta
![]() So I have this mild obsession with TWF rangers as it was the first class and build I ever made when I started playing 3.5 back in the day. I have seen the math and I know it's a little wonkey and 2h fighters always seem to win unless the dual blade wielder is a rogue. My question to all you mathletes out there is this. How many Rogue levels do I have to add to ranger to get enough sneak attack dice added in to make me keep up with, and then exceed all those fighters and barbarians running around with a greatsword. I know there will be alot of issues possibly waiting on getting those free twf feats from ranger but thats not the big problem so lets jsut assume fighter so feats come as they come and not at X ranger level. Thanks in advance for whoever looks at the math and figures out the expected damage or whatever, I just havn't wrapped my head around that aspect of optimization yet. Asta
![]() So I have a Build in my head for a rogue that when he actually decides to fight mostly throws daggers. The catch I have is trying to keep up with a high damage party without spending slightly exagerated millions on magical daggers all with returning so that when I actually throw from range on a full attack I'm not stopping after 1-2 throws. I'm not trying to min-max even though there is a little of that in the overall character build, just trying to play to the flavor without falling behind. To this result I am mimicing a magic item from a particular drow elf's not quite evil counterpart Jarlaxle. I couldn't think of any way to do all if the bracers abilities, mainly he has the ability to snap the daggers out and then change them to longer blades but I'm not overly concerned there, Just an endless stream of enchanted daggers flying out and then dissapearing as the magic fades. So I am enchanting a pair of bracers(hiring a cleric, sorcerer,wizard or whoever) with a Major creation spell, to handle the creation of the daggers. A component needed for the creation is also a dagger for each bracer(totaling 2) of whatever material the daggers will be made of. This will determine the duration of the daggers loitering about, basic metals being 20 minutes per level making it 3 hours, or 9 rounds with rare metals like adamantine or mithril. Now comes the tricky part, enchanting them as they slide out to be thrown. My instict is just to treat them as ammo of the bracers so the enchantment would be treated like that of a bow firing an arrow. In that case you just pay for the enchantment like any other weapon, and a double weapon to be able to use it with 2 weapon fighting. For an example lets figure out the cost for a nice set of early to mid level bracers. Adamantine Daggers with a +2 enhancement bonus and distance added in for good measure. 2x adamantine masterwork daggers 6002 Gp
Heres where I am stumped. I know Item creation feats are needed, I know it'll be more expensive than a pair of enchanted adamantine daggers. I'm guessing it will be a wondrous item, but will also require craft wondrous arms and armor. I'd like some input on how to figure out total pricing, both for creation and for buying them like they are any other wondrous item that your local uber wizard might have in stock or not in your large cities. Thanks in advance Asta