![]() .... and back to the OP.... General Rule-o-thumb... Two Weapon Fighting (and monk flurry) only works well if you have a full attack action or have a way to overcome a huge hit on your damage output, such as Pounce ability, when moving up then getting a single attack. If you have no way of moving and full-attacking, or if you have to activate magic items before becoming the uber-slashing dervish, or really..., if you dont have a way to get to Pounce. Then Two Handed Weapon is the way to go for maximum DPS. ![]()
![]() sorry all, Fortification, technically, has nothing to do with armor or even matter, it is a magical force... This suit of armor or shield produces a magical force that protects vital areas of the wearer more effectively. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the wearer, there is a chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. So, RAW actually applies here. ![]()
![]() if there were 5 feet of separation from each AoE, a creature moving between both of them would be required to make a save in each AoE... there is no difference between that scenario and a scenario where both effects share an overlapping border. There is no zone of extra-entangly area where the effects overlap, just another save. ![]()
![]() Okay, so what I am reading is that TP effects such as DD, Teleport and Plane Shift cannot work because conjuration-transportation must be to a surface capable of supporting it... What about the Astral plane? Can you plane shift to the astral plane? Which is odd since the astral plane is the medium through which conjuration transportation uses to get from point A to point B. How about the Plane of Air? Just to be ornery, what about the Plane of Water (as it is a "sea without floor or surface"). Which further implies you cannot dimension door into water. If my shadowy dancer or monk uses his/her ability to dimension door down a hallway and onto an illusory floor or pit trap, will the spell fail? ![]()
![]() One word. Illusion, illusion, illusion... from the old days to now, illusions force the DM to react to unexpected events,and "force" the players to pay attention to the DM (story, stragic info, tactical info, background and cultural bias, etc). Mosts DMs worth their salt encourage that level of gameplay because it tells her/him that the players are fully engaged in his/her game. Running away from a group of baddies, find an intersection and cast ghost sound down the other hallways. Throw a few 10 foot "pits" on the floor behind you. turn a corner and cast ghost sound to make the sounds of a noisy ambush awaiting the creatures. make a bag of food appear. make a bag of coins appear. Make a "celestial hound" guard the hallway... then cast summon monster to create a real celestial hound (surprise!). ![]()
![]() Rock of Trapfinding - get a semi-spherical boulder weighing 40 pounds or so and roll it ahead of you (not approved for sneaky-sneaky parties). Vial of stabilization - hold a test-tube sized vial of cure lt. wounds in the mouth... then chomp down on the vial doing 1-2 hp dmg. but healing 1d8. Works for bleeding effects too. ![]()
![]() I would say go with what you want your character to hunt... When I DM, and someone wants to bring in an Ooze-bane ranger (for example, haven't seen this one yet), I'll try to throw an ooze at the party every couple of sessions. Then, I might drop some hints that Juiblex's minions are in the area looking for some payback.. etc... same goes for Billy the Exterminator or Chancie the Gardener... RP it up! ![]()
![]() Design an NPC class. Design/stat a witch's "Patron" not already developed. Design a set of encounters based off the previous years winning RPGSS submission that can be used as a supplement (Congrats to Mike for Doom Comes to Dustpawn!). Design a cursed item. (And to grab ahold of Wild Gazebo's suggestion above)... Create a rival pantheon that travels to Golarian to take over! ![]()
![]() Hey all, thanks for your comments! I've already begun re-writing some of the sentences based on your good advice. Witchbole Willow name... this name was chosen as the tie-in to Treerazer's prison, named Witchbole. The trees only spawned from the corrupted bones of the elves that fell in the wake of the massive stalking fortress. Thornburst 1/week... thanks all for pointing this out... ouch! ![]()
![]() Heya Bob.. It's obvious that you put serious forethought into your monster and I wanted to vote for it, but I couldn't... why? Well, I am a huge fan of all things HPL, and an icky ball of protoplasmic, unimaginable, vile, indefinable, undescribable, unnamable (yet named, always... terribly... named) horror was a shoe-in for me. So you had me until the name. I know, I know, I must be one of those irrational people who needs to chill out or whatever, I'm just telling you that due to very personal losses to the disease, I could not get past the name. IMO, the only thing that sells with cancer in the title is vaccines and diet books. Just my two cents (or no sense). I am sure if you enter next year (barring a Mayan apocalypse or two) you will again be a contestant and I will, no doubt, vote for you. Peace ![]()
![]() Heya Jacob, I enjoyed (and voted) for your (The) Unfettered. I never noticed the gun-noll, but if there is a picture there I could have seen it subliminally :) Gnolls and leucrottas have always been all-time favorite monsters of mine, so an org "ranging" about in a wasteland with consfiscated guns struck a chord (although in my homebrew it would not be the gnoll riding the leucrotta)! ![]()
![]() I was born and raised in Sacramento, CA, and just like the Credence song, I have actually been stuck in Lodi, which is about 45 minutes south. (Lodi's not that bad really, the locals are nice). I started playing the "Elf" class in Basic in the classroom of my 7th grade English teacher. Then moved onto AD&D, Top Secret, Boot Hill, Gamma World, and Champions (insert trademark symbol after each). I used to know my THAC0 (to hit armor class zero), now I can barely spell it :). I have been lucky to game with some of the best players in the game, and had that one in million DM who was born with a set of polyhedral dice in his hands. ![]()
![]() Hey Congrats once again to all here (and to all who have gone before!) This is my second year entering and both times a little voice (in Aklo) kept reminding me of how sharp the community here is and who was I to submit an item? Luckily, I have no ranks in Linguistics... And I played an Elf.... When it was a class :) Cheers ![]()
![]() Thank you all for your comments... I expect you all to continue to tell me how you really feel in future rounds :) For costing, I was concerned that the effects of the Mantle were potentially a "game-changer" and priced it accordingly. Although not specifically designed as hero-centric or villain-centric, I did have a concern that it may appear as more of an adventure prop for a BBEG.. The mind creates, the fingers type, and what comes out sometimes loses a bit in the translation. Again, thanks for the critiques and keep them coming! ![]()
![]() martinaj wrote:
Submit! Should the Mayan Prophecies be true, this will be the last Superstar anyway... [/JINX] ![]()
![]() gbonehead wrote:
I believe they are labeled Tea or Cake or Death Organized Play Characters