Russell Vaneekhoven RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 aka Ottovar |
EDIT FROM THE JUDGES: Please read this information about playtesting these encounters. We've also added hyperlinks from the encounter's short stat blocks to the full stat blocks in the PRD so you have the information you need to run the encounter.
The Hungry Mountain Dragon
High above Lake Raiteso in central Ustalav a distant roar can sometimes be heard echoing off the cliffs and mountainsides of the Hungry Mountains during the night. The few hardy souls who live in the towering mountains make the gesture of warding evil when they hear the roars or smell the acidic stench wafting in on the capricious winds. Sometimes they raise their fist and curse the day that the scion of the family VonTeado returned to their chalet high atop Mount Azdaj, then slink back into their homes before night falls and evil rises.
Atop this particularly remote fastness is the Chalet de VonTeado. Built of basalt found throughout the Hungry Mountains during the reign of the Whispering Tyrant, the chalet was little more than a fortified cabin to retreat to should the VonTeado family be forced to flee the capital. Hull VonTeado has been ordered to turn the chalet into an alchemical laboratory for the gnomish technicians and uses the chalet as safe house for his wicked obsessions. Every few months he travels to the town of Chateau Douleurs to hunt for and kidnap women who resemble his only true love, the vampire mistress Dame Qora.
Hull VonTeado, driven insane by his unrequited love for the vampire who spawned him and the raging thirst for blood that he has not satisfied arrives at the chalet a half hour before the pursuing player characters. Since knowledge of his vampire status will soon be exposed, Hull will flee on his possession, the alchemical dragon, Draco Noir.
The Dragon Rises (CR 6 or 9)
Encounter 2a.
This tiny chalet is full of the clutter of a mad scientist illuminated by the carmine rays of the setting sun. All of the exterior windows have been bricked up and most of the interior walls have been knocked out. Everywhere there are barrels, boxes, beakers and burners. Directly outside the back door of the chalet Hull VonTeado stands up from crouching, arms akimbo and laughing maniacally. A deep roar and the harsh smell of acid emits from somewhere below your line of vision.
“You thought you could catch me! But you’ve failed!” He turns and dashes down some wooden steps and out of sight. Barely discernible above the roar you can hear him bellow, “Cast off you fools!”
Low Tier CR 6: Move to Encounter 2b.
High Tier CR 9: This room contains a spectre, Froard VonTeado, whose resemblance to Hull is uncanny.
Encounter 2b.
A colossal airship, at least 75 feet long, is moored at the end of the descending ramp. It has been crafted to look like a giant dragon, long, lean, and black, with tremendous wings spread behind it in a raptor’s dive pose. Tears in the wings and several holes in the hull, however, suggest a minimum has been spent on its upkeep. The ramp leads to a large door in the side of the alchemical dragon just before the tail. Inside the beast, Hull’s canine teeth grow longer as he screams at someone to, “just go! Don’t worry about the mooring line!”
The Draco Noir was once a proud airship, but times and its current owner have been tough on it and it shows. Hastily patched tears adorn the wing membranes, scratches and dents on the sides of the vessel show where an pilot displayed more eagerness than skill in guide the vessel to berth. Even one of the horns on its prow had been shorn off.
The inside of the vessel mirrors the outer, with the added stink of unwashed bodies wafting through its drafty hold. Near the bow (front), a large steering wheel like those found on sailing ships guides the craft in front of a tall stool with a harness bolted to the deck. In the middle of the vessel sits the dark heart of the beast. The alchemical engine somehow uses concentrated acid to power the flight of the craft. Five gnomes occupy the tall stools surrounding the engine from every side. Each stool sits before a panel of gears, switches, levers and other mechanical triggers that must be constantly used to keep the craft in the air.
In the very back (aft) of the vessel is a 10’ by 10’ area with 10 large backpacks (parachutes) hanging on pegs on the wall. There are two backpacks in the bow as well. One backpack lies on the floor with nothing but layers of silk or some other light material stuffed within. Small 5’ trapdoors can be found at each end of the vessel, allowing for an easy way to jump off.
Craft Alchemy 10 / Knowledge (Engineering) 10 - The casks of acid are not secured and could slide around if the pilot isn’t careful.
Knowledge (Engineering) 15 - The massive alchemical engine and the stools are a single unit set on a steel plate. The plate itself cannot be damaged by acid, but the deck below has been exposed and is slowly rotting away.
Knowledge (Engineering) 15 / Fly 10 – The massive wings of the vessel look like they can expand out, probably as an emergency measure to glide should the engine fail.
Boarding the dragon:
Once Players have slain the spectre, they have 4 rounds to get to the air vessel before it pulls away from the chalet. Even as the dragon dives away, PCs have one round to grab the mooring line and climb onto the dragon in flight (Climb DC 10).
In Flight
Once in flight, the dragon weaves and dodges in an attempt to throw the PCs to the deck and the unsecured acid casks spill acid onto the deck (see Hazard 2), causing smaller holes at first, then larger holes, then finally whole gaps. Within 20 rounds of flight, the areas of acid saturation will eat entirely through the deck. Gusts of air will start tearing the dragon apart and the engine will stop. The dragon will then fall for 10 rounds and crash. Any creature still on the dragon when it crashes takes 20d6 falling damage. Also, the alchemical engine explodes doing an additional 10d10 of fire damage to all within 60 feet of the engine.
Exit the dragon:
If the PCs end the fight soon enough with the gnomes unharmed they can fly the disintegrating ship back to the chalet.
If the PCs are on the ship after 20 rounds inb flight, or any one or more of the gnomes are incapacitated, the players have the option of using the parachutes to exit the dragon.
Without the parachutes or other methods of slowing/halting a fall, creatures that fall take 20d6 damage when they hit the ground.
Both Tiers
Gnomish Pilot (1) and Technicians (5) (CR 1) LINK
Gnome Fighter figure
XP 100 each
hp 8, Alignment CE
– Strapped in their five-point stools, the gnomish pilot and technicians spend all of their time keeping the dragon in the air. If any one of the gnomes become incapacitated, the vessel is no longer in control and will begin a sharp spiral towards the ground, ending is a fiery crash in 10 rounds.
Low Tier (CR 6):
Hull VonTeado, Vampire Spawn (CR 4) LINK
XP 1200
hp: 26 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 271)
High Tier (CR 9):
Hull VonTeado, Torturer Vampire (CR 7) LINK
XP 3200
hp: 42 (GameMastery Guide 270, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 271)
Froard VonTeado, Spectre (CR 7) LINK
XP 3200
hp: 52 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 256)
Hazard: Once the dragon is underway, the following hazards are in play:
Hazard 1- Moving Deck (CR 1): On the first and every successive round, each PC and Hull must make a DC 15 Reflex save or move 10’ in a random direction and fall prone. This falling effect does not cause attacks of opportunity (but standing up next to Hull will). Remedy: prone creatures or creatures that use a standard action each round to brace themselves may ignore this hazard.
Hazard 2 – Acid Casks (CR 3): On the first round the barrels of concentrated acid (2 forward, 4 aft) roll around the ship shooting streams of liquid acid and spewing noxious vapors. On the second round, and each successive round, all creatures in the vessel take 1d6 acid damage and must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or take 1 point of Constitution damage. Remedy: creatures may move out of the areas marked on the map to ignore this hazard.
Development: Returning to and searching the chalet yields a note written to Hull VonTeado from Dame Qora commanding him to take the dragon and meet her at a small homlet in the mountains of Virlych to “…begin the next phase of our plan.”