OttiSnurgsplitter's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1 post (50 including aliases). 5 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.

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An action packed adventure set between the continents of Avistan and Garund in the world of Golarion in the Pathfinder Universe! With gripping sea battles, compelling characters, and an emotional roller coaster contained within; Pirate's Honor is a must buy for Pathfinder Fantasy Fans!
Arriving earlier than expected award this adorable plush with a surprise round where it promptly rolled a crit to my will save vs cuteness!
(had to)
The quality of this little guy is amazing! Good material, firm body, fine detail (the pouches especially [though non-functional]). the screen printed skull and facial features are nice and thick and seem the type to not wear away anytime soon. The earring is not hard and the luster on it and the armband is a nice touch. I'm glad I bought it to add to my gaming shelf.
Because of the earring I would exercise caution around teething babies.
In the interest of full disclosure I have not played this game yet, so my opinions will be based on my interpretations and expectations. I have rolled out a character (using a copy of the core a friend let me read) and am excited to play in the near future.
As far as concept goes I'm thoroughly impressed. Borrowing elements from historical mythology, Yggdrasil takes a realistic approach to how the high fantasy world of trolls, dragons, and giants, might have existed in the ancient world.
As far as the rules go, there are a few things that seemed to have been overlooked in the editing process. At one or two points, the Core Rulebook seems to lead in a particular direction only to blur, and in one circumstance outright contradict itself. Also, the provided character sheet is ambiguous leaving a lot of guess work as to where some information goes as well as neglecting to define other stats that have a clearly marked slot but have no way of explaining of what goes there.
The game mechanics suffer as a result of the rule confusion, which might make Yggdrasil a poor choice for a beginner to the hobby (unless you have an experienced Game Master). That being said there is nothing wrong with Yggdrasil that a couple clarifications can't fix. I just ordered my own copy of the the Core Rulebook, and as previously stated am excited about delving into the world of Scandia!
The descriptions and details of the main character's powers both add to the game setting emersion and slow the pacing of otherwise action packed scenes. There are also times when a character or two seem to go into great detail about their assumptions of the goings on despite their limited knowledge of the overall picture. It would help if the thought process of these characters were detailed a bit more.
Other than these critisms this book is filled with awesome action packed sequences, tug at your heart strings emotional moments, and witty banter that make this yet another must read for the Pathfinder Tales line. Resistance to put it down requires a DC 20 Will save.
Of the three in this beautiful intro arc my favorite had to be the first (Crypt of the Everflame) but each of these modules (Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the Living God, City of Golden Death) are made to show off a little bit of what Pathfinder has to offer. If you're new to Pathfinder it's a great starting point. The city of Golden Death deals with time constraints, situational awareness, and ancient artifacts, wrapped up in the deep history of the Inner Sea region of Golarion. I don't want to give away spoilers so all I'll say is the framers did a good job in finding a way to give each PC, regardless of character class a chance in the spotlight through skill checks and class abilities so fari n the trilogy, The City of Golden Death is no exception.