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My friend who is brand new to Pathfinder and no idea how to play wants to build a sorcerer. What is the best/most updated guide out there that explains really well how to play/build a sorcerer for someone new to the game?

Going to do an adventure where the party stays at level 2, and it will be a lot of dungeon crawl. We have 1 player who is stuck to Rogue, so there's that. If we wanted to optimize, what would the other 4 party members be?

We might not need a combat healer since we get to start with wands of cure light wounds that someone in the party is bound to be able to use outside of combat to heal us up.

Just looking for people's thoughts and advice :) We were probably just going to do something like fighter, barbarian, paladin, ranger since the caster classes all suck at level 2, right?

One of my players wants to switch to a new PC, which I'm fine with. Since it's the start of a new adventure arc, I'm going to have the new BBEG's minion encounter the party and slay his old character (the player is in on this, but the rest of the players don't know about it). The player and I both think it's a cooler way for the PC to leave the world (rather than just retiring), and it gives the party bonus incentive to defeat BBEG.

Any advice for this? Should I just do it cinematically, or is that railroading too much? If I don't do it cinematically, how do I actually ensure that he died (all my dice are rolled in front of the players). The players are all level 4, and have a paladin who could try to save the character with lay on hands.

I have to create 4 NPCs for a module campaign I'm running in 2 weeks, and I'm not sure how to do that since I'm a new DM (and I wish the module would have actually just built these important NPCs for me since they take part in battle!).

One is a level 4 expert (sailor). One is a level 2 commoner. One is a level 2 warrior. The last one is a level 6 ranger. All take part in battles in the module, possibly directly with the PCs, yet it doesn't give stats for them...

Halp! Thanks :)

(1) In the pathfinder world, do they just say "8 o clock!" "See you at 2pm!", or do they have some weird in-game language for hours? same question for "days" and "weeks" and "years".

(2) What does it mean if an iron gate has a hardness of 10 and 60 health total? mechanically, how does a party go about destroying it?

GMs: Do y'all thing its OK to cheat the health total of monsters/NPCs in a campaign where all dice are rolled in front of the players at the GM is supposed to avoid fudging?

Here is the scenario so we can deal with specifics instead of abstracts:

The PCs are in a climactic battle with the BBEG. He has 100 health. All dice and damage are rolled in front of the players. BBEG has disabled or killed all of the PCs except one lone fighter. One more hit by the BBEG could easily finish off the fighter and TPK the entire party. The fighter swings his weapon, and lands a solid blow, bringing the damage total on the BBEG to 90 (PCs have no idea what his life total is). If BBEG takes his turn and rolls decently, your party will TPK. Would you then "fudge" the health and say that the fighter's swing defeats the BBEG and hand wave away that last 10 health?

Same scenario except the PCs do massive damage in first 2 rounds to BBEG and deal 100 damage to him immediately before he's really had the chance to do anything cool or challenge the PCs. Do you fudge his health up to 130?

(1) I enchanted my +1 STR composite bow with +2 magical bonuses. But now I'm at +2 STR. Is there any way to have a bower fix my bow so now it's +2 STR composite? I don't want to start from scratch in building a whole new bow and pay to have it enchanted again...

(2) if my bow is enchanted with +1 flaming (1d6 fire damage), can I do things like shoot an arrow at a pile of hay or a roof to set it on fire? If it has Shock for 1d6 shock damage, can I send it at the water to electrocute everyone in it?


Want to be a catfolk bard who focuses almost exclusively on buffing and roleplaying. Have a few weapons just to have something to do between spells. Here's some of the important stuff:

(1) 25 point ability buy. (14S, 14D, 13C, 10I, 12W, 16CH) [16D, 10W, 18CH after racial bonuses].
(2) "Lingering Performance" feat since I have no idea what feat to get.
(3) chose "dance" as a performance, but I really have no idea if that's a good idea or if it matters what performance I get. I'd almost rather get something else, but it seems like it's the only performance that you can do before battle w/o alerting nearby enemies + maintain during battle super easy.
(4) spells? uhh.. grabbed some random stuff
(5) how does it work with spells after level 1? do i have to find a spellbook to learn a spell? Or do I just automatically learn spells when I level up?
(6) Sound striker archetype.
(7) 'Adopted' is a trait, so can I choose 'human' and 'bonus feat'? What would be the best racial trait to take?

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

I'm a newish DM, and I've never run a campaign with an evil PC. I've seen lots of advice on here to avoid it at all costs, and to simply disallow your players to choose "evil". However, I have a player who insists on it and simply won't play unless I allow it. And I want her to play, so...

I told her she could play an evil PC so long as she doesn't attack any PCs, keeps her alignment/motivations hidden, and generally works to finds in-character justifications to join the group of do-gooders and kill evil guys.

Is this a bad idea anyway? Any advice?

I really want to run crypt of the everflame, but I tried to buy the flip-map for it on this website and it says it's out of print: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8otw?GameMastery-FlipMat-Dungeon

Does anyone have any idea where I could get it? I checked eBay also, to no avail.

Thanks in advance!

I'm a new GM and running my first campaign. I have no idea how to do random encounter tables. So, my characters have been exploring this wilderness for a few days now and have reached level 2.
They are setting camp for the night, and I'd like to include a random encounter. But I'm not sure exactly the best way to do this.

If I have it come in the middle of the night, will the players kill me and resent me for interrupting their sleep and whatever spells need to reset?

What classes need a full night's sleep to remember their spells and will get screwed if they wake up halfway through for a 45 minute battle? Clerics? Paladins? Oracles? Wizards?

I need an appropriate random encounter table! What the encounter table would need: Level 2 appropriate pathfinder monsters that would be found on or within a mile of minor roads a few days ride between small towns.

What is the best way to naturally roleplay it happening? I'm just not sure really where to begin, but I want a cool hook rather than just starting with OK, 3 goblins show up, roll your initiative.

I have a 3rd level PC who has always been a cleric. Is his caster level 3? Does his cure moderate wounds heal 2d8+3 damage?

Do paladins, clerics, or any other "church" classes have to tithe a % of their income in Pathfinder?

I am starting a level 1 bard for the first time. His performances say that bad guys must save vs his perform. I have no idea what that means... please explain to me like I'm forrest gump. thanks.

After finishing a major story arc at third level and having basically no gold or items to show for it, our DM has opened up the King's treasury to the group and allowed them each to pick any +1 magic item they want (which is basically anything in the book).

We are all pretty new to the game, and I'm just wondering if there's anything cool and awesome to get other than a "+1 to hit / +1 damage mace" type thing...

specifically for our alchemist and oracle :D (Our archer is getting a +1 bow, our wizard a +1 cloak to all saves, and our fighter a piece of +1 full plate).

Right now, the oracle is going to grab Full Plate +1 (he has the heavy armor proficiency feat). And no idea what the bomb-throwing alchemist is going to get.

Thanks for the advice!

If you're playing on d20 and you use the ruler to measure 6 boxes pure diagonally, it will say you are 30 feet away (5 feet per box) even though you are more than 30 feet away since you are measuring diagonally (you know, Pythagorean theorem and all). So, how does this work in pathfinder? Am I considered 30 feet away since I am only 6 boxes away? or does it add more when you measure diagonal?

I don't quite understand how many spells I get.

It says a second level cleric gets "2+1" spells. What is that +1 referring to?? I also get +1 spell from having 18 wisdom, and the domains say I get 1 domain spell slot for each level. So I get 2 domain spells, 1 spell for 18 wisdom, and "2+1" spells for level 2, whatever that means?
Can I choose the same domain spell twice?


Starting a level 2 cleric tonight in the Shackled City campaign that is planned to go all the way to level 20. We know nothing about how to build a cleric (all new to the game).

The DM has allowed him to take the Community and Travel domains. (Chaotic Neutral alignment)

*** He has 1,650 gold that he has to use on gear, but can't buy any single item that cost more than 500g by itself.

The stats he rolled are: 16, 15, 15, 14, 11, 11

I really have no idea how to build a cleric. So any and all advice on feats/items/spells/skills/race would be greatly appreciated. He wants to be relevant in combat and be able to do some tanking and also dish out some damage.

Also, what's the point of having a bunch of domain spells (like the community spells) which you already have as a cleric? How are they useful?

Finally, what are the best uses for healing the nonlethal damage with the community ability? is nonlethal damage common?


If you take travel and want to dimensional hop, how often can you cast it?
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains /travel-domain

Same question with Trickery + Master's illusion: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains /trickery-domain

These are both Domain spells.

There are skeletons in m campaign and the are DR 5/bludgeoning. I have no idea what any of this means :( does it mean that bludgeoning weapons do 5 less damage? Thanks!

how an i hurt these? What doesn't hurt them?


In your opinion, what are the best two Paladin spells at each level for the archery based Paladin?

As a plot device, our DM is using a colossal beast that chases our party around from town to town and keeps us moving, and is leaving a wake total destruction in our path. The DM has described the creature to look basically like a Tarrasque, but it's not a Tarrasque since we've been able to randomly damage it with things like magic missile and other ranged weapons like normal bow and arrow (though the DM has hinted that it has ~700 health...). The thing only moves about 30 feet a round and we've all just been able to run away every time it comes at us (though not without plenty of dexterity and other saving throws to randomly take damage from falling down gullies or whatever as we run at full speed away).

There are 5 of us and we are all level 2. We've got a divine hunter paladin, an alchemist, a wizard, an oracle, and a melee urban ranger.

Instead of just continuously running from this stupid thing, I want to actually kill it, even if the DM doesn't have that in mind. We are smarter than this giant beast and I'm figuring we can dig some kind of trap or poison it.
The thing has something like 700 health, probably regenerates, and the DM has made clear it will rip us to shreds if we engage it in melee combat head on.

Any ideas?