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IejirIsk wrote:

main source of when to fudge... rule 0.

What is "Rule 0"? I've heard some people say that it means 'Whatever the GM says is correct and he can veto or change any rule.' I've heard others say Rule 0 is 'have fun', and i've heard others say it means 'don't be a dick'.

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It doesn't matter what number you choose. 17 is as good as 15 is as good as 20 or 25 or 23 or 30. Just choose one number and make sure everyone does the same. As long as everyone does the same, any number can be chosen (generally between 15-30).

the important thing is to stop sweating the details. Just go play. You are worrying FAR too much about the details and trying to squeeze every point of power out of your character. Relax. Go read the entire core rulebook. Play the game a little. None of these choices you've discussed will make or break your campaign, and you really should just focus on playing whatever sounds/looks cool to you, not what we recommend that you play.

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Eddiember wrote:

So I'm have been Roleplaying for a while now and decided to start a Pathfinder Game with a group of my friends. I asked them to start at level 7 characters (Since we always start at level 10 or level 3) and to take it easy on me. Most complied and made fairly straight forward characters while still being able to do some of the insane things experienced players can do, which I didn't mind (Why block them from having fun) but one particular player is turning my first DMing experience into a laughing stock.

He is a level 7 Witch Lawful Evil Witch (I thought I could trust him). I started with a pre-built adventure just to get feet wet before I threw them into the campaign I had prepared and to see what kind of stuff they could do so I could prepare. During the adventure, the Witch used the Slumber Hex against an Orc, who passed his Will Save, however, The Witch still said the Orc still falls asleep for 1 round. He said the same thing about Misfortune. When I asked how he said something about his feats allowed him too, however research and hours of searching afterwards reveals nothing that causes that.

Your issue is not trying to figure out what causes a monster to fall asleep for 1 round even if it makes its save. Your issue is you need to take control of your game. You shouldn't be on here asking us where the feat is. You need to ask him to open up the book and show you the exact page where it says he is allowed to do it and to explain exactly how it is done. If he can't do that, then it doesn't work. Period.

That's a rule you need to apply to all of the other rules issues that are bound to come up with that player.

Regarding the Dhampire, you're clearly not evaluating the killing/blood issue correctly since you haven't even thought it important enough to give us the most useful piece of information: who are these people she is killing? Random villagers/peasants? If so, she's basically a serial killer and is clearly chaotic evil, especially since there's plenty of other targets in the world that are actually evil she could be killing instead. Or is it baddies that your group is killing anyway? If so, then it's fine. Maybe she is a "Dexter" and is killing murderers/bandits/thieves/baddies just to take their blood? Closer call, but then I'd change to Chaotic good or chaotic neutral.

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First thing, I don't think you understand how long term care works :( your cleric can't give long term care and sleep in the same 8 hours.

Also, you should have healed him. It's petty for you not to. You can both show your disapproval for what he did and still heal him with your 2 leftover cures. It's just bad for the entire party for you to refuse to heal him, could cause animosity, and sets the standard for "do anything i don't like and you won't get a heal", which is a bad precedent to set.

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Here are my ideas, if you've ever actually played an Archer Paladin, please let me know what you think:

Level 1: Divine Favor and Bless

Level 2: Bull's Strength and Litany of Righteousness Just memorize this spell as many times as possible :P

Level 3: Fire of Judgment and Blessing of Fervor (Oath of Vengeance paladin only)

Level 4: Fire of Vengeance and Burst of Glory and Order's Wrath (Oath of Vengeance paladin only)

Honorable mentions for good RP scenarios: Abadar's Truthtelling, Honeyed Tongue ; Zone of Truth ; Forced Repentance

While I've never used them, the Fire of Judgment and Vengeance spells seem really strong because that are swift actions that punish an enemy for attacking allies that aren't you. And since you're sitting in the back firing arrows, that seems like it would happen quite often...