Heir Apparent

Olivia Suncatcher's page

32 posts. Alias of bluedove.

Organized Play Characters

Silver Crusade Kishara

HP 43/45 Female Half-Elf Rogue (Unchained) 6 | AC 22 T 15 FF 22 | HP 45 | F +5 R +10 (+2 v Traps) W +4 (+2 v Ench) | Init +4 | Perception +15 | S.M. +10 (540 posts)
Grand Lodge Daeris Moonhunter

Female Elf Ranger(Trapper) 5 AC:20,T:13,FF:17 |HP:40/40| Fort:+5,Ref:+7,Will:+2(+2 vs.Ench)|Init:+5|Senses:Low-Light, Perc +11, Sense Motive +1 (219 posts)
Liberty's Edge Azura ~bluedove

Female Musetouched Aasimar HP 29/29 | With Shield AC 22, T 13, FF 19 | Bard 4 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 |HP 29|Fort +2 , Ref +7, Will +3| Init +5 | Percep +3, Sense Motive(VP Sing) +13 (333 posts)
Scarab Sages Xavier Onyx

Male (1 post)
Sarita Senbi
The Exchange Selima

Female Human(Keleshite) Sorcerer(Sylvan) 2 HP 13/15 | AC 16, T 12, FF 14 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +3(+1 if Thirsty is w/i 30') | Init +2 | Perc +1 (92 posts)
Sanvil Trett
Silver Crusade Zachorius

HP 10/10 | Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 1 | AC 18, T 12, FF 16 | Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4 | CMD 15 | Init +2, Perception +2, Sense Motive +2 | Combat Reflexes + Reach (40 posts)
Priest of Kazutal
The Concordance Paloma Redclaw

Female Human Core Druid 2 | HP 17/17 | AC:18/T:12/FF:16 | CMD:16 | Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +5 | Init +2 | Perc +7 | Speed 20' (134 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Qetsiyah
(27 posts)


Eliza Baratella
"Firebug" Fia
(0 posts)
Cimri Staelish

Female Human Rogue Hell's Vengeance Combat Map (137 posts)

Female Tiefling (Shackleborn) Oracle 1 / Paladin 1 | HP 22/25 -1 NL | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 | Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +4, (+1 vs mind-affecting, +2 vs death) | Resist Cold 5, Elec 5, Fire 5, | (147 posts)
Blaze Oriel

Tiefling (Hellspawn) PyroKineticist 5 (PyroKinetic Knight) HP 61/65 (1 NL / 1 from Burn) Max Burn 9 | AC 24, T 14, FF 20 | Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +4 | Darkvision (60 ft.) |Init +4 | Perc +11, S.M +13 (315 posts)
Chuffy Lickwound
Chuffy Stabbity-stab

Male Goblin Rogue 1 HP: 11 | AC: 17 | T: 15 | FF: 13 | CMD: 12 | Fort: +2| Ref: +6 | Will: +1 | Init: +4| Perc: +5 (37 posts)
Lady Martella Lotheed

Female Human (Illianer) Noble 2 / Wilder 3 (56 posts)
Cyan Wavewarder

Female Aasimar Aquatic Druid / 5 (2 posts)
Modoru Redgrave
GM bluedove

Kingmaker Combat Maps and Art (581 posts)
Old Marm
Grizelda Blau

Female Human Conjurer-4 | AC:13(17 w/MA) T:13 FF:10 |HP 27/31 (4d6)+10 | F +2 R +4 W +5 | Init +8 | Perc +10/+7 (254 posts)

HP 11/11 AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +4 MA )11 (16 posts)
Pirate Bomber

Female Fetchling (132 posts)
Talisman Crafter
Ismene Albus
(49 posts)
Goblin Stickylord
Mogmurch Boom*boom

HP 7/7 | AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +1 (110 posts)
Rexus Victocora
Nicolæ "Tinker" Petulengro

Male Human (Varisian) Illusionist 2 | AC 13, T 13, FF 10 | HP 18 | Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 (+1 vs Illus) | Init +7 | Perc +10 | S.M. +1 (21 posts)
Zenaida Tandelos
NPC of bd
(46 posts)
Heir Apparent
Olivia Suncatcher

Female Halfling NPC Bard 1 (32 posts)
Jask Derindi
Pregen of bd

Rataji (The Disgraced) | Male Human Enchanter 8 | HP 58/58 | AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | AC 11, T 11, FF 10 | Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +10 | Init +5 | Perc +2 | (38 posts)
Vorrea Talminari
Qetsiyah "Kizzy"

HP 40/40 | AC (22) 20 T 13 FF 17 | F +8 R +6 W +2 (+2 vs betraying allies) Female Human (Varisian) Cavalier 4 (Sister-in-Arms) | AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | HP 40 | F +8 R +6 W +2| Init +3 | Per +6 | S.M. -1 (490 posts)
Professor Muhali
Ramie Jae

Female Sublime Kitsune (Human Form) Court Bard 4 / Summoner 4 Portrait
HP: 112|W/Shield AC:35_T:26_FF:28| AC: 31_T:26_ FF:28_ Perception +7| Sense Motive +25(Sing VP), Initiative: +3, Fort: +7_ Ref: +7_ Will: +4(+18 vs Charm/Compulsion), CMB: +6, CMD: 17, Speed: 40
Aura of Friendship (60’ Will Save DC 28)|Acro+6|Bluf+25(Sing VP)|Climb+3|Dip+29|EscA+9|Hand An+20|Intim+21|Ling+10|Ride+10|SpellC +13|Stealth+8|UMD+23|
(159 posts)
Seraphina Medvyed

Female Human (Keleshite) Crossblooded Sorcerer 5 (Draconic/Phoenix)|HP 34/34|F +4 R +4 W +4 (+5 vs Fey, +7 vs Charm/Compulsion )||AC 15 T 12 FF 13 |Speed 30'|Resist Fire 10||CMB +3/CMD 15| |Initiative +2|Concentration +9|Perc +9 , Portrait
Spells Used:
First level: 0 of 7 | Second level: 0 of 5|
(863 posts)
Death Initiate
Seraphina of House Medvyed

Female Human Sorceress (Draconic) 6 |HP 42/42|F +5 R +5 W +6 (+2 vs Evil)|AC 23 T 13 FF 21 (Mage Armor, Shield) |Speed 30'|Resist Acid 5|DR 3/magic|CMB +6/CMD 19| HP 42|F +5 R +5 W +6 (+1 vs Fey)|Base AC 15 T 13 FF 13|Initiative +2|Concentration +16 (+20 to CD)|Perc +9 , Bluff +19, Diplo +10, Hnd An +10, Intimidate +19, Know(Arcana) +12, Ride +5, Spellcraft +13, UMD +19, |
Spells Used:
First level: 3 of 9 | Second level: 2 of 8 | Third level: 0 of 5 | BW: Used
(9 posts)

HP 16/16 (1 NL) |AC 19, T 15, FF 17| Big Cat (Tiger) | HP 16 | Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +3 | Init +3 | Per +6 | (22 posts)
(84 posts)