Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Reta Bigbad wrote: Just now remembering about one of their newly found trinkets, Reta pulls out the perfectly well drawn map. "OLD FOOFELAH! OLD FOOFELAH! RETA HAVE MAP TOO! RETA SHOULD PROBABLY GO SHOW TO CHIEF FATWAD. SINCE HE CHIEF... AND FAT." She giggles. Old Foofelah looks at the map curiously. "You is good girl, Reta, to be bringing map. Map is showing where Shinyhat Lizardloving tribe is hiding. You is been getting this from Kettlehead?"
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
The crowd of goblins parts at Poog's shout, revealing at its center Loptop, Old Foofelah, and Rempty. Loptop is trying to prod Old Foofelah into the marsh, while the ancient goblin angrily resists. Loptop looks gleeful and Rempty proud, but as the trio in the middle sees the no-longer-whelps arriving, Rempty's wide mouth drops open in confusion, Loptop scowls, and Old Foofelah triumphs. "See? See? Old Foofelah was telling you girl goblin and blue goblin and other goblins was coming back. Reta!" she goes on in a harsher tone. "You is having toads?"
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"You is no longer whelps!" Old Foofelah scolds. "You is finding you's own food now, not having food carried to you in buckets." Fortunately, most of the Licktoads are sleeping late after the no-longer-whelping festivities, and the young goblins have no trouble grabbing handsful of food out of pots along the way as Old Foofelah hectors them toward Loptop. "Loptop! LOPTOP!" she shrieks, whacking the bole of a sullen-looking tree with her gnarled stick in emphasis. "Is being morning! Girl goblin and blue goblin is ready to find toads ... and also other goblins," she grumbles as an afterthought.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"Wake up!" The morning begins not dissimilarly to previous ones for the young goblins, except this time it is not Loptop shouting at them and rattling the bars of the whelping cage but Old Foofelah shrieking and wakening them with a kick. "Be waking up, no longer whelps! You is not Licktoads yet, and you has many toads to bring back quicker!"
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Poog of Zarongel wrote: "Does Ol' Foofelah know what Zarongel's favorit weapon? Poog wants to smash stuff with that." Knowledge (religion) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 "Of course Old Foofelah knows," the goblin sniffs. "Is dogslicer, like all goblin heroes carries. You is not finding one just lying around ... but Old Foofelah knows where to find darts. Then, if Lotslegs Eat Goblin Babies Many is trying to eat you, you is throwing darts at Lotslegs Eat Goblin Babies Many and maybe you is not getting eaten. You is getting eaten, you is not coming back with toads before Kettlehead." She frowns direly. "If Lotslegs Eat Goblin Babies Many is eating Kettlehead, then he is not coming back with toads." She cheers up considerably at the prospect. *Chuffy B4* wrote: "What about fire? You know where Chuffy get fire?" "Fire is in fire pit," she replies. "But you is not carrying fire in hands or in pockets! Goblins can be using special fire-stick that doesn't burn up fast, but you is having to be getting it from Fat Slorb." Her face squinches up like a dried apple to indicate her distaste for said Slorb. "Darts is in Skrumpnettle's house. Skrumpnettle is stupid; she is not even knowing box of darts is there, but you will be having to trick her to take it away ... or just scare her. Skrumpnettle is weak and easy to scare ... but you is only no-longer-whelps and not very scaring to see." She looks at them doubtfully. Torches can be bartered for with Fat Slorb with a Diplomacy check. The box of darts and shield require Bluff or Intimidate to acquire. Clubs and staffs are free for the picking up, in the form of sticks.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"Loptop will be helping them because he is filthy stinking cheater," Old Foofelah states with certainty. "But you is not to be worrying, Reta, because Old Foofelah is to be helping you ... and blue goblin and other goblins," she adds as an afterthought. "Old Foofelah is knowing where is weapons and shield you can be using in dangerous swamp."
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"Is bet!" Old Foofelah nods firmly. "If girl goblin and blue goblin and other goblins is getting back with more toads faster, then Loptop is apologizing to Old Foofelah in front of Licktoads and saying how sorry he is for not respecting Old Foofelah and admitting to being Lizardloving Shinyhat traitor."
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Old Foofelah responds with a rude noise. "Kettlehead is not finding toads faster than girl goblin." She jabs her walking stick at Reta. "Girl goblin almost as pretty as Foofelah when Foofelah no-longer-whelp. Almost as clever, too. Kettlehead is not finding toads faster than blue goblin." She jab her stick at Smuz, who flinches quickly, having no idea what is going on. "Blue goblins is extra-good at catching animals. Old Foofelah was blue when no-longer-whelp," she suddenly decides.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"What is Loptop saying?" Old Foofelah demands, tugging at her long, hairy ear. "Why is Loptop disrespecting oldest Licktoad? Old Foofelah is remembering when Loptop was whelp hunting toads. Was coming back with lizard! Lizards is not toads, Loptop! Maybe Loptop is filthy Shinyhat Lizardloving spy!"
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Reta Bigbad wrote: Reta's attention is caught by the cackling, old goblin and she listens intently to what she is saying as she lines up with the others whelps. "WHAT LOTSLEGS EAT MANY BABIES GOBLINS BABIES? WHAT VORKA? RETA HEAR ABOUT SCARY DOGGIES AND HORSIES, BUT NEVER SEE SUCH. ARE THEY REAL, OLD FOOFELAH?" she calmly asks. "Of course is real!" the old goblin snaps.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
An ancient-looking goblin, watching with malicious alacrity, cackles. "Many ways to die in swamp," she chortles happily. "Lotslegs Eat Goblin Babies Many eat many goblin babies. Vorka also eat many goblins. Marsh full of dogs and horses; they eats many goblins. Many ways to get eaten in swamp!"
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"Fat Slorb not terrifying," she replies with disgust. "New Chief only keeps Fat Slorb around to talk to goblins so they don't fall over under New Chief's words. Unless you mans can be talked to death, mans have nothing to fear from Fat Slorb. New Chief...." She hesitates. "New Chief says he has mighty bow, can shoot mans dead from a mile away." She clicks her tongue. "Old Foofelah has never seen this, and Old Foofelah was there when New Chief was borned! Old Foofelah said to leave New Chief in swamp and try again, but no one listens to Old Foofelah. Sad day for Licktoad tribe. Old Chief rode wild pig with tusks and skewered Longshanks on his spear. Got six mans on his spear before stopping to pull them off. Old Foofelah seen it!" She chuckles in appreciation of the image.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
When Gilfroy has repeated his message in a louder voice, Old Foofelah draws herself up in a dignified manner and turns her beady eyes evilly on the others. "Old Foofelah has no slicer! Old Foofelah cannot slit throats! Old Foofelah cannot even reach throats ... except for two short Longshanks," she amends.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
No one's going to inform Old Foofelah of what's going on? Just advancing on her with rope? Not a good way to ensure cooperation.... The goblin begins to shriek and kick up a ruckus as the strange invaders speak amongst themselves in their foreign tongue and then walk toward her with rope and malign intent.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
When Gilfroy shouts the translation of the Warden's question, she cackles. "Old Foofelah can tells you where to find new chief. Longshanks is to be following wall that way." She jabs her finger to the east. "New chief is in Moot House." She sighs. "Would have been easier to find in old days. When Old Foofelah was girl, Teeter Chair was thirty mans high. Had to cut hole in Moot House roof. Licktoad village was full of sound of exploding goblins. Sad day for Licktoads when they do not listen to Old Foofelah about new chief."
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"Why is Longshanks not killing new chief?" Old Foofelah demands angrily, frustrated with the party's unorthodox goblin-village-attacking tactics. "Must kills new Chief, then Longshanks get map. Oh, and must be killing Fat Slorb too. Fat Slorb might also be having map."
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Remember: this is a goblin you're dealing with. Wisdom isn't their strong suit. Sense Motive 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 When he has repeated his offer in a louder voice, the goblin glares at him again suspiciously. "Old Foofelah is not having map. New chief is having map." Her expression brightens into something almost like a smile. "Has you Longshanks been killing new chief?" she asks hopefully.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
The old goblin narrows her eyes at the gnome, either with malice or because the sunlight is bothering her again. "Licktoads have map. Map leads to treasure. But bony men follow goblins back to Licktoad village. Goblin heroes put up brave defense!" She puffs out her sunken chest. "But cowardly new chief is afraid of bony men. He gives away treasure Licktoads rightfully found. We owns map; we owns treasure!"
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
The old goblin scowls and tugs at her long ear. "Short Longshanks should not mumble when he speaks to Old Foofelah," she grumbles, although her tone quickly reverts to a pathetic whine. "Old Foofelah cannot hear when Short Longshanks whispers." When Gilfroy repeats his question at a shout, she replies, "What trouble could Old Foofelah cause? Old Foofelah has no dogslicer." She spreads her hands to show that she is unarmed. Assume Gilfroy and Malan will translate for everyone, so no point in using spoilers for Goblin.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
As the doorway fills with more onlookers, they block the daylight coming through, and the goblin dares to uncover its eyes a little bit and blink at the intruders. It is the oldest and most decrepit goblin anyone there has seen, although it does seem to be unarmed except for a walking stick lying next to it on the ground. As Melon said, the interior of the hut does stink of rotting food overlaid with a strong cloud of cheap perfume.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Navior wrote:
Oh, it's on now. Bibbo and Tucko didn't yell loud enough for Old Foofelah to hear what they said, but she saw them mumble something that made her audience laugh at her and turn away. Laugh at her! Old Foofelah! The oldest goblin ever! Burning with anger, she points her finger at Tucko. "You hasn't seen fireworks up close enough yet, goblin," she mutters. casting snapdragon fireworks at Tucko 1d4 ⇒ 1 fire damage and Reflex DC 13 to avoid being dazzled one round
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Finding herself, against all odds, once again still alive (at least the DM hasn't told her if she's dead :) ), Old Foofelah crawls to her feet and decides to even old scores and add to the general confusion. "Birdcruncher traitor try to kill Licktoad Chief!" she shrieks to the rubbernecking goblins. "He bring disguised dog right into Licktoad settlement where he can pet it and walk it on string! And then he light fireworks and destroy Licktoad Moot House and Teeter Chair! Only Old Foofelah's brave actions save Licktoad chief!" Bluff 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Old Foofelah demonstrates the techniques that have assured her longevity thus far by focussing solely on getting herself out alive. Escape Artist to get out the door or any other crack or gap in what I am sure is a well-engineered and not-at-all-ramshackle construction 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"Reta, what dog-loving Birdcruncher traitor say?" Old Foofelah demands. When Reta relays the message, Old Foofelah scowls at Pussl. "That just what dog-loving Birdcruncher traitor would say when he is found out. Old Foofelah is watching you, Birdcruncher traitor. And your little dog, too!"
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Old Foofelah turns her beady little eyes on Pussl suspiciously. "Birdcruncher traitor is trying to kill Licktoads and steal fireworks for traitorous Birdcrunchers!" she sounds the alarm. "Not enough they take Rusty Limbbiter, now they is wanting fireworks, too!"
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Poog is dazed, thankyouverymuch, before he kills us all by channeling again. With an uneasy look at the cleric, Old Foofelah realizes she is going to have to take an active role in this battle or be taken out by collateral damage. Moving quickly down the southern wall of the cabin, she points at the frog over Chiggo's once-again-prone body. "You dies quick, froggy, before Zarongel kills us all." Elemental ray: fire Ranged touch attack 1d20 + 5 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 5 - 4 = 12 Damage 1d6 ⇒ 1
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Just when I thought Old Foofelah would get through this adventure without taking any damage. You've called down the wrath of Old Foofelah on you now, Poog. As the negative energy washes over Old Foofelah, she clutches at her shriveled little heart, afraid death has caught up with her at last. When she finds that she is in fact still alive, she jumps up in anger and screams at Poog, "You keeps Zarongel away from Old Foofelah! Old Foofelah has defied the gods longer than any other goblin!" She opens her mouth wide in a shriek that quickly grows so shrill no one can hear it -- except, apparently, Poog. cast ear-piercing scream on Poog, Will DC 12 to take half-damage 1d6 ⇒ 1 and avoid being dazed one round (okay, just to avoid being dazed, as you can't get lower than 1 point of sonic damage)
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
"You has already eaten last goblin, Vorka," Old Foofelah tells her. "Old Foofelah was there when Vorka was born. Vorka had potential, not like new chief and dog-loving Birdcruncher traitor. And now Old Foofelah here when Vorka dies," she says matter-of-factly.
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Old Foofelah climbs up onto the chest of fireworks and has a seat. "You is not needing to come to this sad end, Vorka. Should have welcomed Old Foofelah. Licktoad tribe has new useless chief you could have eaten. And Fat Slorb, too." Climb, if needed 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 She sighs, from her perch. "If only you is showing Old Foofelah more respect."
Female Goblin Sorcerer (elemental: fire) 1
Old Foofelah strolls unconcernedly into the cabin of the boat. "I is remembering you, Vorka. Is you remembering Old Foofelah?" she asks politely, as she moves down the southern wall of the cabin and begins poking through the cannibal's belongings. Not sure where the red chest is, but she'll go toward it; Perception to see anything else of interest in the room 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21