Count Lucinean Galdana

Ohrns's page

Goblin Squad Member. ***** Venture-Lieutenant, Colorado—Fort Collins 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 36 Organized Play characters.

3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Colorado—Fort Collins

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It was a great group of candidates, each of whom brought a unique personality and presented cool Mandates. I look forward to the continued focus on exploration for the Society - Congrats to First Seeker Elect Sarmak!

3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Colorado—Fort Collins

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This isn't something for the Boon Store, but this seemed like a logical place to post the idea.

It always seemed weird to have items on a Chronicle Sheet that you can buy from the Core Book anyway - like a Static Arc Pistol on a 1-2 sheet. It can be cool story-wise, but you can buy it anyway and say it was acquired from the story, so I never saw the point of listing it on a Chronicle Sheet.

Instead, items that are the same level as the tier you completed could be listed at a 20% discount (or smaller - whatever doesn't break item level balance).

For example, a Zero Pistol, Frostbite Class (Core, Level 5)

On a Tier 3-4 Sheet: Costs the List price of 3060 credits - the advantage of buying it off the Chronicle is being able to get it at Level+2

On a Tier 5-6 Sheet: Costs 2448 credits - the advantage of buying it off the Chronicle is the discount, as you are already able to buy it at full price anyway

The goal is to make every item on the Chronicle Sheet special and actually significant for being listed.

3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Colorado—Fort Collins

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gary Bush wrote:
Ohrns wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
Ohrns wrote:
My most memorable table was a family of 6 with generics. Two 10ish year- old boys, their father and his two brothers, and their dad/grandpa. A three-generation table!
Did they all have the same shirt on? I saw a 6 person table that everyone had the same shirt on.
Not that I remember. Our table was right next to the HQ stage next to one of the muster points.
That is where I noticed a 6 person table with all of them wearing the same shirt. Look like a fun table.

That must have been us then! Funny what you remember and what you don't. I remember each of their personalities and the pregens they played, but am drawing a blank on faces and clothing. Funny how the mind (sometimes doesn't) work!

3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Colorado—Fort Collins

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I GM'd multiple sessions of SFS 6-06 and the SFS Special at Indy.

My most memorable table was a family of 6 with generics. Two 10ish year- old boys, their father and his two brothers, and their dad/grandpa. A three-generation table!

All were first time Paizo players and used pregens. The three brothers' goal was to introduce the two boys to roleplaying. SFS was the bait, I played the hook, and they planned to reel them in!

It was a great table - lots of banter between brothers and uncles/nephews, support of each other, and a really good time by all. 6-06 was a perfect intro to SFS with a great cast of memorable NPCs, diverse encounters, and ways for PCs to (literally, in one encounter) take center stage shine.

They took pictures of the various encounters and of each other having fun during the session, and all grabbed Organized Play numbers. After the session they debated who the best First Seeker candidate cast their votes.

No memorable single event or encounter, just a really fun and rewarding table to be a part of.

3/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Colorado—Fort Collins

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd love a way to obtain items up to CL+2 without having to luck out on a chronical sheet. It is frustrating when your Envoy gets access a Heavy Weapon that is their CL+2 on a Chronical Sheet, whereas the best your Soldier encounters are CL-level Small Arms. Spend those saved ACPs to help that equipment-strapped Soldier with:

Black Fifthday Sale: The character may buy a single SFS legal item up to CL+2.

Apostae Contact: The character is able to purchase SFS legal <Specific Weapon Type> up to CL+2.