Half-Orc Warrior

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112 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

If an NPC has 2 racial hit dice and 7 class levels, does he gain +1 or +2 to ability score modifiers (as normal for level advancement at 4th and 8th levels)?

Does it matter if the class levels are NPC class levels?

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Hi folks. Not sure if this is of interest to anyone (or if it's already being done), but I thought I'd share my index of Pathfinder Minis & Pawns (mostly pawns) in the hope that others will add any products they own so we can expand the index.

I've posted the file to my dropbox and it can be accessed here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/693kw3zrlhl2i3u/Pathfinder%20Minis%20Master%20-%2 0Jan-02-2018.xls?dl=0

Anyone who wants to add an additional product please send the updated index file to fenris_wolff@hotmail.com and I'll then update the master file.

Hopefully we can flesh this out to cover all the Pathfinder products.

I'm running the Second Darkness adventure path and in module #2 the party recovers a significant quantity (50+ lbs.) of noqual skymetal. A sidebar in the module states that it's worth 50 gp per pound.

The question is how much skymetal is required to make weapons, armour, and shields?

The sidebar also lists the Item Cost Modifier for crafting items but it's in thousands of GP and doesn't appear to relate to the weight of the noqual (i.e., light armor has a cost of +4000 gp which if based on 50 gp per pound would be 80 lbs worth of noqual--there isn't even that much noqual to be found in the entire adventure!).

Is there a rule somewhere that spells out how much skymetal is required to craft items? Or does anyone have a rule of thumb?

Under the core rules for Negative Levels and Energy Drains it states:

A creature with temporary negative levels receives a new saving throw to remove the negative level each day. The DC of this save is the same as the effect that caused the negative levels.

But under the Energy Drain Universal rules it states:

If a negative level is not removed before 24 hours have passed, the affected creature must attempt a Fortitude save... On a success, the negative level goes away with no harm to the creature. On a failure, the negative level becomes permanent.

So which is it? We just had a couple characters gain negative levels from a wight attack and need to know if they get to save every day until they pass or if after 24 hours and a failed save it becomes permanent.

p.s., This may have already been discussed elsewhere but I couldn't find a thread on point to this particular question.

Experienced DM looking to start up a new Pathfinder campaign in the Mississauga area. Looking to play once a week, either weeknights of weekends. Players of any experience are welcome. Looking to run one of the Adventure Paths.

Just starting out so no players as yet but feel free to invite your friends.

You can contact me at: wolfe.jon@gmail.com

I'm confused by this:

Mythic Lich: Spell Resistance (Su): A mythic lich gains spell resistance equal to 11 + the base lich's CR (before adding the lich's mythic rank to its SR from the mythic subtype).

Mythic Subtype: Spell Resistance: If the creature has spell resistance, add its mythic rank to its spell resistance.

So let's say we're talking about a base lich with a CR of 20 and a mythic rank of 10. The mythic lich template means it has SR 31 (CR 20 + 11). But what about the part in brackets? Is that saying that you then add the mythic subtype for a total of SR 41 (SR 31 + 10 MR)?

For the Form of the Dragon spells, what is the DC of the breath weapon?

Is it the DC of the spell?

Or something else? (e.g., the DC of a normal dragon's breath weapon = 10 + 1/2 dragon's HD + dragon's Con modifier)

I have a PC trapfinder in our game who is an "Uber-Trapfinder", as in his base modifiers are above +30 for both Perception and Disable Device, he has the Trap Spotter rogue talent(so can auto search for traps within 10 feet), and he has the Master Explorer ability (from the Pathfinder Delver prestige class) that allows him to take 10 on Disable Device checks (so he's effectively +40 right off the bat).

Granted, we're in a high level campaign but traps have become a complete waste of time and I don't bother designing or wasting any time on them at all anymore since the Uber-Trapfinder can pretty much auto detect and auto disable them as a matter of course.

I'm not looking for ways to nerf his abilities (since he did pay for them) but rather ways to make traps useful and/or a threat at least some of the time (even if I need to use alternative trap rules or Rule Zero to make them a factor).

Again, I can live with a lot of traps being found and disabled automatically but every once in a while it would be nice to have a trap that could actually have an impact in the game.

Any suggestions?

I can't find descriptions of the following mythic powers from Mythic Adventures. If anyone knows where they can be found, please advise. Thanks!

1) Disorienting Pounce (Owlbear, MA p. 213)

2) Entrap (Ice Devil, MA p. 186; functionally it's explained elsewhere but how does the Ice Devil manifest this power?)

3) Sooty Flame (Red Dragon, MA p. 190)

4) Smother (Water Elemental, MA p. 196)

Is it permitted to create a spreadsheet for all Pathfinder products that lists the classes/NPCs found in each and share it on this forum? i.e., create a reference tool for people to quickly locate NPCs for use in their game.

E.g., Joe Kool, human fighter 5, Medium humanoid, CR 4, source

I'm not talking about recreating stat blocks, listing feats, spells, etc. Just the basics.

How is this feat not broken?!?

For a -5 penalty everyone one of your melee attacks has the chance to stun an opponent with a Fort save equal to 10 + your BAB.

So for a minimum qualifying user that means a DC 26 Fort save every time an opponent gets hit.

Then look at the effects of being stunned. No actions for 1 round and drop everything in your hands. So even if you save next round you're weaponless and have to rearm.

Plus stun is one of the hardest conditions to get rid of.

This feat is so broken. Every combatant with a +16 BAB and Power Attack should be taking this, including monsters. And that's how you know the feat is broken!

Are there any PF random generator tables for weapons & armor?

I like using the Ultimate Equipment random treasure generators but I'd like it even better if they had random tables for the actual weapon and armor types.

I'm pretty sure 3.5 had these but are there any PF versions?

When you add special abilities to armor (specifically the ones that have a "+X" price, not ones with a +X bonus), do the item creation rules for adding additional magical abilities apply?

Or can you keep adding as many additional special abilities as you want at the listed price?

I have a Medium-sized BBEG who wields a longspear. In the first encounter with the PCs they were able to thwart him via the Step Up feat that one of them had. This proved to be a big problem because the one PC simply kept stepping up and that prevented the BBEG from attacking him.

Can someone suggest some effective countermeasures? (tactics, spells, feats, etc.)

I thought there was a feat that allowed you to shorten up on the weapon to attack at a penalty but that must have been 3.5.

Say you are attacked and get poisoned by a spider on its turn. You immediately make a Fort save to resist the poison.

If the poison has a duration, do you make subsequent saves on the spider's initiative or your own?

If you save on your own turn, does that mean you can be affected twice in the same round by the poison? (i.e., if the spider acts first in the round you save on its initiative and then on your own)

If you save on the spider's turn, how does that work if the spider hit you with an Attack of Opportunity? (i.e., not on its initiative count)

Let's say you have 3 attacks per round when use perform a Full Attack and the bonuses are +20/+15/+10.

If you use your second attack to perform a Disarm maneuver, do you use your full CMB modifier or do you use CMB -5 since it's your second attack?

Two questions come to mind when using this monster's Spectral Strangulation ability:

1) What is the range of this ability? This is its primary attack form but the text only says the creature needs to be on the "same plane" to use it. The creature has lifesense so the maximum range would be 60 feet but what's the minimum? I'm using Close range as per magic spells.

2) If a target fails the initial Spectral Strangulation Will save but passes the second Fort save, the text says "the victim acts as if affected by a fear spell for 1d4 rounds." Does that mean panicked for 1d4 rounds or does that mean make a Will save with failure meaning panicked and success meaning shaken?

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Our group ran into some clarification issues last session re: this spell.

Does a flying creature take the fire damage PLUS potentially the falling damage if it fails the Fly check? Or are they treated separately?

If the Fly check is failed, can a flying creature both be knocked down to the ground AND knocked prone (with a failed save), or just knocked down to the ground but not prone?

If the Fly check is passed, can a flying creature still be knocked prone at its current altitude (i.e., with a failed save)?

From the PFRD: A blast of furnace-hot wind blasts downward, inflicting 4d6 fire damage +1 point per caster level to all creatures in the area and knocking them prone. A successful Fortitude save halves the fire damage and negates being knocked prone. Flying creatures forced into the ground by the powerful downdraft take damage as if they fell unless they make a DC 15 Fly check, in which case they remain at their original altitude. Any creature that takes damage from a sirocco becomes fatigued (or exhausted, if already fatigued, such as from a previous round of exposure to a sirocco spell).

Does a character get the +3 trained skill bonus for a skill that the headband grants ranks in if the character otherwise doesn't have ranks in that skill? (I'm iffy on this as the flavour text below seems to indicate no)

Does it matter if the skill is on the character's class skill list or not? (I'm thinking yes on this point as per below)

From Skills in the SRD: In addition, each class has a number of favored skills, called class skills. It is easier for your character to become more proficient in these skills, as they represent part of his professional training and constant practice. You gain a +3 bonus on all class skills that you put ranks into.

Is there an electronic creature statblock template available?

I'm trying to duplicate the current statblock format with Word and it's driving me CRAZY!!!

In particular, replicating the lines above and below Defense, Offense, etc., is really a pain in the butt.

Has someone cracked this or is there a template available somewhere?

Has there been any thought to compiling all of the pre-gen stats for the iconic Paizo PCs found in the various AP issues?

I think it would be very useful to have the iconics' stats laid out from levels 1-20 so anytime you're running an adventure you could pull out an iconic of the appropriate level and bam you're ready to go.

This is something I wish WotC had done with their iconics.

Ropers can extend up to six sticky strands from its body at a time and they can be severed with any amount of slashing damage.

Is a Roper limited to 6 strands or can they continuously replenish severed strands?

I'm trying to figure out the difference, especially in the context of using one of these spells to conceal a campsite from casual observation by creating the illusion of a pile of rubble from a wall (not necessarily with creatures present at the campsite).

I'm thinking you need Mirage Arcana. Permanent Image/Silent Image will create a pile of rubble, but I don't think they let you conceal things with them (who needs Invisibility if they do?) or make your campsite look like something else (see Figment).

Hallucinatory Terrain is natural terrain only so that won't let you make rubble from a wall. On the other hand, I think it would work if you were creating a grassy field to hide in (probably requiring you to make a Hide check as per Mirage Arcana). This is also a Glamer spell not a Figment.

Mirage Arcana is a better version of Hallucinatory Terrain that also lets you creature structures, so rubble of a wall would probably fit here. Also, creatures within the campsite could make Hide checks to hide within the rubble.

Does this sound right? Thoughts?

Permanent Image: This spell functions like silent image, except that the figment includes visual, auditory, olfactory, and thermal elements, and the spell is permanent. By concentrating, you can move the image within the limits of the range, but it is static while you are not concentrating.

Silent Image: This spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature, or force, as visualized by you. The illusion does not create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. You can move the image within the limits of the size of the effect.

Figment: Figment: A figment spell creates a false sensation. Those who perceive the figment perceive the same thing, not their own slightly different versions of the figment. It is not a personalized mental impression. Figments cannot make something seem to be something else. A figment that includes audible effects cannot duplicate intelligible speech unless the spell description specifically says it can. If intelligible speech is possible, it must be in a language you can speak. If you try to duplicate a language you cannot speak, the figment produces gibberish. Likewise, you cannot make a visual copy of something unless you know what it looks like (or copy another sense exactly unless you have experienced it).

Because figments and glamers are unreal, they cannot produce real effects the way that other types of illusions can. Figments and glamers cannot cause damage to objects or creatures, support weight, provide nutrition, or provide protection from the elements. Consequently, these spells are useful for confounding foes, but useless for attacking them directly.

Mirage Arcana: This spell functions like hallucinatory terrain, except that it enables you to make any area appear to be something other than it is. The illusion includes audible, visual, tactile, and olfactory elements. Unlike hallucinatory terrain, the spell can alter the appearance of structures (or add them where none are present). Still, it can't disguise, conceal, or add creatures (though creatures within the area might hide themselves within the illusion just as they can hide themselves within a real location).

Hallucinatory Terrain: You make natural terrain look, sound, and smell like some other sort of natural terrain. Structures, equipment, and creatures within the area are not hidden or changed in appearance.

Glamer: A glamer spell changes a subject's sensory qualities, making it look, feel, taste, smell, or sound like something else, or even seem to disappear.

1) Can a creature grapple via an AoO?

For example, if someone provokes an AoO because of movement and the attacker has a special grab ability that enables it to grapple as a free action after a successful attack, can it use this grapple as a result of a successful AoO?

2) If a creature has multiple attacks and a special grab ability that enables it to grapple after a successful attack as a free action, can it make multiple grapples with each attack?

For example, could a kraken grapple multiple different targets with multiple successful tentacle attacks?

I think the answer to both questions is Yes but I'm looking for what other people think. The players in my campaign think it's overpowered and there should be a limit of one grapple per round (possibly multiple grapple attempts, but once successful you can only do it once).


From the PF SRD:

Grab (Ex) If a creature with this special attack hits with the indicated attack (usually a claw or bite attack), it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Unless otherwise noted, grab can only be used against targets of a size equal to or smaller than the creature with this ability. If the creature can use grab on creatures of other sizes, it is noted in the creature's Special Attacks line. The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself. A successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless the creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction damage as well (the amount is given in the creature's descriptive text).

Creatures with the grab special attack receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to start and maintain a grapple.

Format: grab; Location: individual attacks.

One of the PCs in our group has a glaive that he mounts a pennant/battle standard on. Effectively it functions as a Lord's Banner magic item (Advanced Player's Guide p. 307) but size-wise it's more like a Knight's Pennon (same page).

If an enemy wanted to target the pennant for destruction, what rules would apply?

Since it's an attended magic item I'm thinking the Sunder rules apply. That said, the attacking an object rules might actually make it harder since it's a relatively small target (and therefore high AC).

Either way, it's cloth so it's going to be pretty vulnerable (anyone know of any way to improve its toughness?) with no hardness and few HP. I might consider it a +2 weapon (since it gives +2 bonuses) and therefore give it +4 hardness and +20 hp, but it's still not going to survive a dedicated attack (not saying that it should since a standard bearer normally isn't in the front ranks).

Also, could it be targeted with magic? e.g., disintegrate?

Is it possible to use a program like Snagit (or whatever) to clip pieces of art out of products you've downloaded from Paizo?

I can't seem to make it work as every time I try to highlight a region it only gets the background not the wording or picture layered overtop.

I'm thinking it has something to do with the way Paizo products are formatted but it could just be that I'm an idiot and don't know what I'm doing.

The reason I ask is because I like to clip artwork or magic item descriptions or whatever for use as a DM in my games, which is sometimes easier than transcribing a description from scratch.

I'm having problems bookmarking Paizo messageboard threads. It seems like every time I book a thread, when I try to come back to it I get a different Paizo page (usually the product page).

Am I doing something wrong?

Is there a Pathfinder conversion of the Dervish prestige class?

This secret society is mentioned in the description of the Netherlord monster found in Fell Beasts Volume 3.

Where can I find more information about it? My searches have turned up nothing to date.

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In the Age of Worms adventure path series there are some references to a couple prior events:

1) The Fane of Scales (a temple that fell to earth as a comet)

2) Malgarius (a demon lord in the form of a fiendish tree that explodes and wrecks destruction upon the surrounding city)

Where can I find info on these events?

What is the proper pronunciation of the word, Aaqa? As in, the Wind Dukes of Aaqa...

Am looking for an advanced version of Ilthane the Black. My players didn't slay her at Diamond Lake and will be encountering her in the near future when they're around 14th-15th level.

Has anyone advanced her and is willing to share your work?

The truedeath weapon augment crystal (Magic Item Compendium, p. 66) comes in three levels of power. The first level costs 1,000 gp and allows you to deal an extra 1d6 damage to undead with a masterwork or magical weapon. The second level costs 5,000 gp and allows a +1 or greater magic weapon to function as a ghost touch weapon. The third level costs 10,000 gp and enables a +3 or greater weapon to deliver sneak attacks and critical hits against undead.

My question is... should the cost of these be upped in the Age of Worms campaign due to the fact that the majority of the opponents are undead and therefore these crystals will be more effective than in an average campaign that is not undead-focused?


Is there a picture of what the symbol/glyph of law looks like? It's referenced in the "Gathering of Winds" adventure (Dungeon #129).

There was a website that had a bunch of useful files on it for the AoW adventure path. These included compiled statblocks and piks for the first few adventures. IIRC, it was a black-background webpage with purple font.

I've lost the link. Does this ring any bells?

How about we list a compendium of all the AoW sources of info? The ones I know of are:

- Dungeon magazines #124-135
- Age of Worms Overload, download from paizo.com
- Ecology of the Spawn of Kyuss, Dragon #336
- Worm Bound article, Dragon #343
- Wormfood articles, Dragon #333-344

Any other sources?

I have a couple questions about Kings of the Rift.

1) How come the Ominous Fabler doesn't have Disguise as a skill? He only has the Ring of Chameleon Power, which basically grants a +20 of Disguise checks. At this level, PCs will have awesome Spot checks so shouldn't the Ominous Fabler at least have some ranks in Disguise?

2) Shouldn't the Raam have the undead type rather than the giant type?

(I apologize if this is in the wrong forum; this is my first post here.)