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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
I would love love love to get a Kyonin sourcebook out there some day...

Obviously I'd be a big fan of that! From Erages, Omesta and Greengold to Iadara and a bunch of untold stories in between, to the Tanglebriar, and what REALLY happened with Treerazer... seems like a lot of fun juicy bits to dive into, and a great way to make the Elves unique to Paizo.

Liberty's Edge

My main thought is to try to gather as much canon as possible (thus Inner Sea World Guide v. Campaign Setting, or my reluctance at relying too much on Elves of Golarion)... from there I'll officially branch out and home brew. But I'm fascinated by the Elves trying to reclaim their abandoned settlements, contemplating what dark forces would be conspiring against all of Elvenkind- some classic tropes like Orcs and Drow- but I figure the real mastermind has something to do with the Abyss. Specifically, I think the Aiudara provide a really cool way for the players in this campaign to see the world, and at the same time gives them a treasured secret they will be charged with protecting. I appreciate the help everyone!

Liberty's Edge

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Good morning all! I am looking to begin working on a sandbox campaign that will kick off in Greengold. Eventually the non-elves in the campaign will earn diplomat status and get a rare glimpse into the halls of Iadara, and eventually, help deal with some large scale events impacting the Elves. My question is: where can I find world information for Kyonin? I know I can always create things myself- and in fact I'm looking forward to doing that. But I'd like to try to find all the info I can before I start. The rich lore and canon of Golarion is part of why I enjoy the setting so much. So, here's what I've found so far:

Elves of Golarion (I know this is old, but seems like the jumping off point)
Inner Sea World Guide
Queen of Thorns (Pathfinder Tales, David Gross)
Memory of Darkness (Second Darkness AP)
Inner Sea Races

Anything else you might recommend for a GM wanting to dive into Kyonin and Elven lore in general on Golarion?

Liberty's Edge

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I participated in a session with FG Con on October 14th, 2017. After not receiving a chronicle sheet or having gotten credit for the game through Paizo, I sent two follow up emails on October 26th and again on November 18th. After receiving no reply from him at all, I contacted the Pathfinder Society email on November 21st. It's now February, and I was reviewing my characters for an upcoming Con, and I noticed I still haven't received credit for this session.

Maybe this is a small thing, but I don't get to play very often- and when I'm able to find the time to participate in a game it would be really nice to get credit for it. If there was some sort of concern, or any reason (I honestly don't know what that would be) as to why I wasn't given credit for completing the game- it would have been pretty reasonable to respond to me explaining why that is. I guess there are GM's out there who just will not do the book keeping that is required in a situation like this- but I was very surprised not to have received any reply from PFS either. I assumed at the least I would have gotten some kind of communication from them. I love Pathfinder, and have enjoyed my time with PFS- but this is the second time I've had to hunt down credit for a session after months of waiting. At least the other one the GM did eventually give me credit for it. I really don't know what the next steps here are if official PFS folks aren't willing to lend a hand. I'm hoping someone will see this and point me in the direction of what I need to do next. This whole process has been pretty aggravating to be honest. Sorry for the rant all- just not sure what the next steps are. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

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Jay Zicht wrote:
Its a game day Module so you do get 2 tables of credit just like the "We Be Goblins" Scenarios. Thanks for stepping behind the screen the more GM's the better

Hello there! I actually was reading this thread for precisely the same reason. I ran my first PFS scenario, and it was Master of the Fallen Fortress. I believe I'm clear on all of the other items, but what do you mean by 2 tables of credit? Thanks!