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Thanks for all!
I'm understand all other information, but I'm little confused about skills and feat, that's why I'm created this thread =)

zza ni wrote:

i'll start off with explaining how to calculate the skill ranks it have by itself (as opposed the ones he get from his master) from the information given.

since all this will make a wall of text i will separate the answers into sections, calculating skills will be in the following section, the answers for the other questions will be on their own sections to keep things clear.
to find out the skill ranks of the animal we need to use some reverse engineering.

let's take the green sting for example.

stats: Tiny vermin, hp 4 (1d8)
- it has 1 hd, aka animal level, so if it had an int it would get 1 level worth of skill ranks, BUT-

Str 3, Dex 16, Con 10, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2
- it has no int. so it can have no skills (before turning into a familiar)

skills :
Skills Climb +7, Perception +4, Stealth +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth.

now tiny animals can use dex instead of str for skills

so climb 7 is dex +3 and +4 racial bonus and 0 skill ranks.
perception is +4 from 0 skill rank, +0 wis and +4 race bonus.
stealth is 15 from +8 for size, 0 ranks, +3 dex and +4 racial bonus = 8+3+4 = 15,

so far we can see that as a being with no int score it get no skill ranks at all, BUT when it turn into a familiar it get an int score.

"A greensting scorpion familiar loses the mindless trait and has an Intelligence score appropriate for its master’s level."

in this case depend on the master's level his int would change based on the familiar table in here. in your case 8 levels of witch
-the level of barbarian while increasing it's hp won't add to the overall 'master level' to form the outcome in the familiar progression table.

in the table we can see that when the master class level =7th–8th it get:
Natural Armor Adj. = +4 (it's nat ac is 4 higher then that...

Thousands thanks and respect for you!

Now I'm understanding all what you write before. =)

zza ni wrote:

beside the starting feat\s and skills of the normal animal\vermin (and any extra skills he might get from rising his int or for being a familiar like some archtypes give) a familiar doesn't gain new skills or feats from the master leveling up. (normal familiar, there are some exceptions but they make it clear if they do).

a familiar does has an option to use any ranks in a skill the master has (ranks only) and then apply his own modifiers. if the ranks are higher then his own.
he still only treat skills as class skills by they were his own class skill (animal\vermin class skills) - so ranks a master have in a skill that is class skill for the master but not the familiar won't give it +3 for ranks in a class skill.
(say a wizard have ranks in knowledge arcane, the familiar would use his total ranks, but since it is not a class skill for him he won't gain +3 like his master when calculating the total bonus for the skill. and use his own int modifier)

About feat, I mean if we open his base stats in bestiary, he has a weapon finesse feat. But in the familiar section we can see next: "Use the familiar‘s Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is greater, to calculate the familiar‘s melee attack bonus with natural weapons.". So this feat do not function, and my question is: can the player take another feat, or familiar doesn't have any feats including feat from bestiary?

Sorry, my English is bad and I may not be asking the right questions. Sometimes with Google... =(

About familiars own skills - I know that he use his own skill ranks or masters (whichever is better). But what does you mean: "his own skill ranks"? From where he it takes? If we open scorpion stats, we can see: Skills Climb +7 (+3DEX+4 racial), Perception +4 (+4 racial), Stealth +15 (+8 size bonuse +4 racial and +3 DEX). I cann't see any own skill ranks at this skills... How many skill ranks does it have (familiar)?

About familiars knowledge skills - thanks. In my case he know arcane, planes, history and nature: 9 masters ranks in this skills and familiar own INT (-1) = +8 skill check. Right?

I'm starting 8 lvl witch+1lvl barbarian, and I'm confused when reading familiar section. My familiar is tiny Scorpion, Greensting.
I have a few question:
1) Does a familiar gain skill point when master (witch) gain lvl up? Or familiar is always stand at 1 lvl, and gain skill point at this lvl depending on type of creature?
Intelligence Vermin have skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die.
Familiars Hit Dice = master HD (in class that gain familiar ability).
So... It have 8 skill points or 1 or doesn't have?
2) Does a familiar gain feat at 1 lvl?
3) Does a familiar gain access to masters knowledge skill (without class skill bonuse), taking masters ranks?

And now I need help to calculate familiar skills.
My witch have different skills, but we do not need all.
Acrobatic: 3 points
Climb: 1 point
Swim: 1 point
Fly: 5 points
Perception: 9 points
Stealth: 0 points

The Greensting Scorpion have next racial, size modificator and stats:
Str 3, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 2
+4 climb
+4 perception
+4 stealth
+8 size mod to stealth
+3 class skill bonus to Acrobatic, Climb, Swim, Fly, Perception and Stealth.
+3 Dexterity

Does my calculating Scorpion skills correct?
Acrobatic: +3 DEX, +3 class, +3 master (witch)= +9
Climb: +3 DEX, +4 racial, +3 class, +1 master = +11
Swim: +3 DEX, +3 class, +1 master = +7
Fly: +3 DEX, +3 class, +5 master = +11 (I know - he doesn't have a wings=))
Perception: +4 racial, +3 class, +9 master = +16
Stealth: +3 DEX, +3 class, +4 racial, +8 size, +1 scorpion skill = +19

Thanks for all answers =)

I meant: what types of attacks and damage return to the cursed creature?
A normal physical attack, such as a barbarian, will definitely return.
But will touch attacks return?
And how does a combined attack of physical and elemental damage (like a magus spellstrike) reflect?
And other examples...

Looking at the answers, I realized that all the attacks delivered with the STR (some time DEX, like from Weapon Finesse feat) modifier are reflected.
It doesn't matter if it's a spell or an ability. You just need to return 50% of the total damage.

Sorry for my bad English =)

Thanks again for the answers! =)

zza ni wrote:

nice! if you got feats to spare, 3 feats get you an animal companion at your level. a big tanky beast should always be welcome.

1 = +2 bonus on all Knowledge (nature) checks and Survival checks. +4 when\if ranks get to 10.
2 = gain companion at level -3. (limited list)
3 = rise up to +4 for companion level. no more then your level.

One player from our party have big cat animal companion =)

But when I'm writing about "survive", I mean our strange party, where 1 witch, 3 rangers and 1 archer-druid (without Wild Shape) =))))
We all looks like tanks meat pack with bones lol =)))))

zza ni wrote:

do notice :

1: it's a major hex. can't be taken before 10th level (which explain it's awesomeness compared to normal hexs)
2: it has a will save to negate (once when used. not every round)
3: it's duration is round/int bonus point of witch.

at this level it should last a fight. BUT if not-

-4: Unlike a lot of other hexs - it say nothing about only using once per 24 hours on a target - you can keep trying to get the target with it as long as you care to.

Yes I know about 10lvl, will save and duration. Now I'm playing human witch 8 (STR patron)/barbarian (Dreadnought) 1 and looks like on this picture. =)

I hope I'm survive to 10 lvl =))))

zza ni wrote:
Noganov wrote:
zza ni wrote:

as the hex say nothing of the type of damage it deal - it deal untyped damage (which kinda explain why it also bypass dr and such).

all the hex care was, did the cursed person deal damage with a melee attack - as in he rolled an attack to hit the target (notice. it doesn't care if it was touch attack or normal ac attack. all it care is if it was melee attack).

if it was a melee attack and damage was dealt. the cursed attacker take an amount of untyped damage equal to half the damage that his own attack did (round down i suppose as always).

note. it seems that since there is no specific difference pointed out. ability damage dealt is also reflect back at half price. same for non-lethal damage.
probably not rai as this can lead into knocking out constructs and undead and dealing ability damage to things that have no score to reduce from (con damage to undead\constructs for example or strength to shadows) "This damage bypasses any resistances, immunities, or damage reduction the creature possesses.".

you mean if attacker is magus, who deal 19 dmg from scimitar and 60 dmg from shocking grasp, he take 50% from summary damage back (38 dmg?)?


very much so. what more the shocking grasp specifically use the melee attack crit range instead of spell for the damage so it's more so part of it.

but if you notice i also said that a melee touch attack will also be reflected. so even if he didn't use his sword but touched him for X cold\fire\electricity etc damage. since he used a melee attack (not if he shoot him with ,say scorching ray) then half goes back.

want more? combat maneuvers can be done in melee (and in rare cases at range. aka ranged trip. ranged disarm etc).
since combat maneuvers are called out to be attack rolls. and since most of them are melee (except for rare ones as mentioned above) a maneuver that directly deal damage (like a grapple check to deal damage. or overrun with a feat\ability that add damage to it etc)...

WOOOOOOW!!!!! This is amazing hex 0_0 !!!!!!

Thanks for answer! =)

zza ni wrote:

as the hex say nothing of the type of damage it deal - it deal untyped damage (which kinda explain why it also bypass dr and such).

all the hex care was, did the cursed person deal damage with a melee attack - as in he rolled an attack to hit the target (notice. it doesn't care if it was touch attack or normal ac attack. all it care is if it was melee attack).

if it was a melee attack and damage was dealt. the cursed attacker take an amount of untyped damage equal to half the damage that his own attack did (round down i suppose as always).

note. it seems that since there is no specific difference pointed out. ability damage dealt is also reflect back at half price. same for non-lethal damage.
probably not rai as this can lead into knocking out constructs and undead and dealing ability damage to things that have no score to reduce from (con damage to undead\constructs for example or strength to shadows) "This damage bypasses any resistances, immunities, or damage reduction the creature possesses.".

you mean if attacker is magus, who deal 19 dmg from scimitar and 60 dmg from shocking grasp, he take 50% from summary damage back (39 dmg?)?

Help me plz! What type of damage can reflect Retribution hex?

If attacker is barbarian, he reflect physical damage. Nice!

But if attacker is wizard with Chill Touch, does this damage reflect to attacker?

Or if the attacker have combined type of damage, like magus with Shocking Grasp when using Spellstrike?

Sacred Weapon Damage from warpriest?

What about Precision Damage like Sneak Attack? Can it reflected?

Special ability like constrict?

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Diego Rossi wrote:

As the other posters said, RAW it doesn't work, RAI almost all GM (me included) will say that it works.

Why it doesn't work RAW? Because fighting with two weapons doesn't require any feat, any character with two arms can do it. The feat reduces the modifier.

RAW effortless lace affects:
1) what can be used with Weapon finesse;
2) what feats can be used with the weapon;
3) what spells can be used with the weapon;
4) what weapon ability can be used with the weapon.

It doesn't affect things like the fighter weapon training (i.e. the falcata doesn't move into the Blade, light weapon group), it doesn't allow the weapon to satisfy class requirements to use light weapons, and so on.

Thanks! That's all what I need know! =)))

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SheepishEidolon wrote:
Noganov wrote:

3) The rules about TWF is not a feat for determining effortless lace effect

So... Effortless lace doesn`t work in my build?

Technically / by strict reading / by RAW, it does not work (as zza ni already said). Fighting with two weapons is not a feat, not a spell and not a special weapon ability.

But your GM might still allow it. And if not, there is the Hand's Autonomy feat. Which lowers TWF penalties for two falcatas to -2/-2. You will need the Possessed Hand feat, though.

Yes, I know about this feat, but this is TWO feats!

If I take them, I'm can't take another cool feats, like power attack or quick draw or weapon focus... =(

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zza ni wrote:

while rule-lawyer's RAW say it won't work

i'd rule it should and the one writing the text thought about the feat and forgot that in the raw the penalty is from the game mechanic.

i mean it would be darn weird to say, oh this lace make the morningstar as light as a dagger for when i use my special ability x y z. but when i try to wield it at the same time with an other weapon on my other hand it suddenly stops working and the weapon grow heavy, BUT only when i swing the other weapon. if i don't it goes back to be light.

hack when using weapon finesse and 2wf at once it's both light AND one handed weapon in the same time!

I think like you! If this item make weapon lightly for feats determining, why he doesn't work for TWF!?

Up to GM...

P.S. falcata with improve critical have 17-20 x3 crit =)))

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MrCharisma wrote:

Yup, if the weapon in your offhand is a Light Weapon (whether actually light, or a 1-handed weapon with an Effortless Lace) you'll be at -2/-2.

That's pretty much what an Effortless Lace is for.

But falcata doesn`t a light weapon...

Am I wrong?

I want to believe that the penalty is -2, but some people say the E.Lace do not work with TWF feat, because on the description of TWF (combat feat) no mention about light weapon....

Sorry for my English....

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Hi all!
Please help me! I want to play str slayer with TWF combat style, and use two Falcata, one of they wrapped the effortless lace.

The effortless lace effect is:

the weapon is treated as a light melee weapon when determining whether it can be used with Weapon Finesse, as well as with any feat, spell, or special weapon ability that can be used in conjunction with light weapons.

The Two-Weapon Fighting (feat) doesn't say nothing about light melee weapon:

Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. See Two-Weapon Fighting.

And finally, if we read the Two-Weapon Fighting in combat chapter, there is a mention of light weapons:

If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. You suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your off hand when you fight this way. You can reduce these penalties in two ways. First, if your off-hand weapon is light, the penalties are reduced by 2 each. An unarmed strike is always considered light. Second, the Two-Weapon Fighting feat lessens the primary hand penalty by 2, and the off-hand penalty by 6.

Now we can see:
1) The effortless lace make effect on feats/spells/special abilities.
2) TWF feat doesn`t say anything about light weapon
3) The rules about TWF is not a feat for determining effortless lace effect

So... Effortless lace doesn`t work in my build?
The penalty is -4/-4, or -2/-2?

Diego Rossi wrote:

Invulnerability (Ex)

At 2nd level, the invulnerable rager gains DR/— equal to half her barbarian level. This damage reduction is doubled against nonlethal damage.

This ability replaces uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge, and damage reduction.


Guarded Life (Ex)

Benefit: While raging, if the barbarian is reduced below 0 hit points, 1 hit point of lethal damage per barbarian level is converted to nonlethal damage. If the barbarian is at negative hit points due to lethal damage, she immediately stabilizes.

You have already taken the damage, reduced by whatever DR you have, converting it to nonlethal doesn't allow you to apply your DR a second time. It is damage you have already received. DR doesn't apply to damage you have already received. It isn't a new source of damage.

So yes, you go down for non letal damage.

I know that DR does not block nonlethal damage after converting from guarded life =) Thanks =)

I was hoping that somewhere the game developers would clarify this situation. But looking at your answers I understand that the comic situation remained as it is... =)

Thanks for all answers =)

MrCharisma wrote:

If it's a home game talk to your GM about it.

The RAI seems to imply that Diehard would let you keep fighting, so if your GM is ok with it you can still make it work.

No, no, no, no =) He think that my barbarian is over powerful =)

I think if I create this build with Flagellant feat - in a future my barbarian will see more and more wizards at the enemy line, who casts debuf spells and withdraw my character from battle. =(

Taja the Barbarian wrote:
Diehard allows you to stay semi-active while at negative HP and therefore does not generally interact with Raging Vitality or the Guarded Life rage powers:
  • Diehard keeps you from fall unconscious at negative HP, so Raging Vitality's ability to keep raging while unconscious isn't actually necessary.
  • Guarded Life converts some of your damage to nonlethal damage, which typically keeps Diehard from coming into effect due to the 'When your nonlethal damage exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious' rule.

Yes, I know about nonlethal damage from guarded life. That's why I'm asking about compatibility with diehard...

Bad... I thought I can create the character, who will become more powerful when HP drop to deathly point. =(

Thanks for answer! Have a nice day! =)

Hello all! I have a question about compatibility next build: Diehard feat + greater Guarded Life rage power + Raging Vitality feat + Invulnerable Rager barbarian!
At the first seems this barbarian will stay at negative hitpoints (Diehard feat or ferocity ability), and "ignore" tons of damage (up to his MAX HP), because he continuous raging (Raging Vitality) and guarded life is always active, and he have big DR/- !
For example: The Invulnerable Rager barbarian 9lvl. PC stay at 1 HP and the enemy will attack at 20 damage. The DR (4) down damage to 16, and G.Guarded Life can convert up to 18 damage to nonlethal. After this attack PC's looks a little beaten, and stay with 0 HP and 15 nonlethal damage, because he have Diehard feat.
All in this build is nice, but what about nonlethal damage in negative hitpoints?
"...when it (nonlethal) exceeds your current hit points, you fall unconscious", and diehard feat doesn't say nothing about nonlethal dmg.

So this character must falling if he have some nonlethal dmg?
I can't see the reason to take Diehard feat! This barbarian will fall in all variants with nonlethal damage, right?

Koraxs wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:
You don't get the Fighter's bonus feats for the Magus Fighter Training class feature. You simply can count your Magus levels as Fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. That is it.

So I take Kensai and he is take 7 lvl.

From this lvl he count as Fighter 4.
What he have for this? Only title of Fighter 4 and can take combat feats that have in prerequisite Fighter level ...?

Yes! Only for prerequisite for feats, for example: critical feats... OR for the combat expertise feat trees...

Koraxs wrote:

2) How work Canny Defense (EX)?

On each level Kensai can take +1 dodge bonus to AC (but no more than his Intelligence bonus - Int 10 (+0), Int 12 (+1), Int 14 (+2) and so on) when wielding a melee weapon, wearing light or no armor and not using a shield???

Yes! But bonus from CD (int mod) = Kensay lvl.

For example:
Your Kensay is 1lvl with +4 INT mod. At this lvl CD bonuse = +1 dodge.
At 2lvl CD = +2 dodge.
At 4lvl CD = +4 dodge.
At 5lvl CD = +4 dodge, because INT mod = 4.


Thanks for all answers! =)

Diego Rossi wrote:
Upon command, a flaming weapon is sheathed in fire

The quantity of light emitted can be different depending on the weapon (2 handed sword vs dagger), but the weapon is sheathed in fire, not simply searing hot. That fire has the normal properties of a fire.

Are you saying that a one-handed sword with a flaming ability shines like a torch (20ft)? Two-handed maybe a little more (25ft)?

*sorry for my English =)

Hi everyone!
Does the flaming weapon shine like a torch?

Yes, in description of flaming ability we can't see any word about shine or a light. But... It's look like a cazus: fire without light...
I can't find any answers on this question... Maybe somebody help me? =)

Wow! It was unexpected!
Thanks to all for answers! =)

Hi everyone!
I'm little bit confused!

DESCRIPTION of Quick Runner’s Shirt:
Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move and then immediately end his turn, losing any unspent actions.

Do I'm understand correct? This item gives to wearer one additional move action?
Can the character make at one round next action:
1) make 5 foot step from "natural" move action
2) drink the potion as standard action
3) make additional move action from shirt, and then immediately end his turn?

rorek55 wrote:


guarded life only actives when brought below 0. It changes lethal to non-lethal. So, technically, the half-orc falls unconscious due to non-lethal damage. Ferocity does nothing to negate getting knocked out from non-lethal. Which is why, non-lethal is actually a great way to fight orc barbarians. Unless they get invulnerable rager archetype haha.

short answer: I think, in scenario A, he goes unconscious despite his orc ferocity trait.

4-6. He would already be unconscious, but, assuming I am wrong, he would fall unconscious immediately at the start of his turn. (if not when he is hit again)

B. He is unconscious, due to non-lethal.

the way to get around this? Invulnerable rager archetype. The archetype gives DR/- equal to half your barb level. It also doubles this DR vs non-lethal damage. SO, you would be ignoring all non-lethal damage you take due to guarded life. (debatable, but I would allow it)

Yes! I have this archetype. But... Does the DR ability reduce damage twice? First - when barbarian take lethal damage, and second - when it take nonlethal from guarded life?

Hi everyone!
Plz help me in one question, how does worked orc ferocity and Guarded Life rage power together?
I'm playing the barbarian half-orc (8lvl), and I'm little confused!
A) When half-orc with orc ferocity have 1 HP (for example), and take 10 damage - he:
1) take 1 lethal damage (from 1 to 0)
2) converted lethal damage to non-lethal (8HP)
3) take 1 lethal damage (from 0 to -1)
and he can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled? Yes?

What's happening in another round, if he takes 10 damage after his turn again?
Lets continue previous example:
4) he convert 8 damage to nonlethal again?
5) his HP drop to -3 (and 16 non-lethal)
6) on his turn he falling and unconscious but immediately stabilizes?
4) he falling down immediately after his turn and than immediately stabilizes?

B)What's happening if this half-orc have Ferocious Resolve racial feat?
Continues previous example, he:
4) he convert 8 damage to nonlethal again?
5) his HP drop to -3 (and 16 non-lethal)
6) on his turn he....? He falling down, because his non-lethal dmg exceeds his current HP? Or he continues fighting?

Sorry for my English =)

Thanks to all of you! =)

Hi everyone! I'm playing a barbarian and today I'm found spell Blood Rage.

Blood Rage:
The targets of this spell become angrier as they fight, the pain of their wounds fueling their strength. An affected creature gains a cumulative +2 morale bonus to Strength and a cumulative -1 penalty to AC for every 5 points of damage it takes (maximum +10 Strength, -5 AC) for the duration of the spell. These bonuses last until the spell expires or the target falls unconscious.

Tell me plz! What kind of bonus does this spell give?
Does it stack with barbarian rage?

VoodistMonk wrote:


Kasatha can still only fight exactly like people with two hands except for a really lame Ranger archetype for dual wielding bows at even worse penalties.

I just wanted to show you the Kasatha so you can see how stupid the PF1 "hands' worth" nonsense is.

Oh.... I'm crying! My hope is dead =(

VoodistMonk wrote:

Have you looked into the Kasatha race?

They start with 4 arms.

WOW! Can Kasatha use twf for two two-handed weapon? 0_0 Or this is question about TWF feat?

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
Noganov wrote:
Melkiador wrote:

It would work if the discovery didn’t also specify that it doesn’t give you any more attacks. If you simply got an extra arm with no limitations, then you’d be able to do something like multi weapon fighting.

From the multiweapon fighting feat:

Normal: A creature without this feat takes a –6 penalty on attacks made with its primary hand and a –10 penalty on attacks made with all of its off hands. (It has one primary hand, and all the others are off hands.) See Two-Weapon Fighting in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

My example doesn't multiattack, because native hand take and make attack, and vestigial hand help native hand to take two-handed weapon.

My question is: can I take two-handed weapon in the native right hand and vestigial right hand, and second two-handed weapon in the native left hand and vestigial left hand, and after this - use two-weapon fighting feat to make two two-handed attack in one round! =)

Lemartes say: "No!"

And so do I.

There are a lot of other ways to get more attacks, and there are 1 or 2 ways to make those attacks do more damage. Which 2 two-handed weapons were you hoping to use?

I hoped to use at this build 2 falchion (because 18-20 crit threat can increased to 15-20), or 2 axe butchering (3d6 for one)... Or mix it!!! =)

Bloodrager (Abyssal) / alchemist multiclass looks so interesting to use 4 hands to TWF with two two-handed weapon =)

Quixote wrote:

You have two metaphorical "hands" you can attack with, no matter how many actual hands you have.

Attacking with a two-handed weapon requires two metaphorical hands.

You can use your extra hands for other stuff, but not for attacking.

That's as simple as I can say it.

(from a game design perspective, an alchemist's discovery is about the same as a feat. Look at Two Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, Cleave...and then look at Vestigial Arm. If the arm just gave you another attack or let you use multiple large weapons, it would be way, WAY better than all those other options.)

Thanks, I understand now!

I thinked this is legal. Looks very interesting have two attack with two-handed weapon per round! But... Ok =(

Melkiador wrote:

It would work if the discovery didn’t also specify that it doesn’t give you any more attacks. If you simply got an extra arm with no limitations, then you’d be able to do something like multi weapon fighting.

From the multiweapon fighting feat:

Normal: A creature without this feat takes a –6 penalty on attacks made with its primary hand and a –10 penalty on attacks made with all of its off hands. (It has one primary hand, and all the others are off hands.) See Two-Weapon Fighting in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

My example doesn't multiattack, because native hand take and make attack, and vestigial hand help native hand to take two-handed weapon.

My question is: can I take two-handed weapon in the native right hand and vestigial right hand, and second two-handed weapon in the native left hand and vestigial left hand, and after this - use two-weapon fighting feat to make two two-handed attack in one round! =)

Lemartes say: "No!"

Lemartes wrote:
Noganov wrote:
Lemartes wrote:
Coolwasabi wrote:
He is saying that is that if you make an attack with a two-handed weapon, you are considered using your offhand for that attack. This is why you are not allowed use spiked armor or similar to two weapon fight with a 2h weapon. You can hold two two-handed weapons and swap which you attack with during a full-attack action. But in most cases you are not allowed to add off-hand attacks with TWF when you are using a two-hand.
To be clear for the OP if you normally have two attacks you can attack once with each two handed weapon. So you don't get any extra attacks for multiple arms. Which by the sounds of it is what they are trying to do.

No, no, no!

Me interesting, can the alchemist with two vestigial hands take (equip) two two-handed weapon and attack with they?
Can I use dual (TWF) fighting with two two-handed weapon, using for this vestigial hands?

For example: Can I took in the right hand and the right vestigial hand first weapon, and can I took in the left hand and the left vestigial hand second weapon? After, can I use TWF feat to attack from two weapons at one round?


Ok. Thanks!

Slyme wrote:
If you have 4 arms and the two weapon fighting feat, you should be able to wield and attack with 2, 2 handed weapons. They would both be at a -4 to hit, so it might look and sound kind of cool, but your accuracy will be terrible.

2 native hand (orc for example) and 2 "Vestigial Arm" discovery from alchemist...

Vestigial Arm (Ex)
Benefit: The alchemist gains a new arm (left or right) on his torso. The arm is fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The arm does not give the alchemist any extra attacks or actions per round, though the arm can wield a weapon and make attacks as part of the alchemist’s attack routine (using two-weapon fighting). The arm can manipulate or hold items as well as the alchemist’s original arms (for example, allowing the alchemist to use one hand to wield a weapon, another hand to hold a potion, and the third hand to throw a bomb). The arm has its own “hand” and “ring” magic item slots (though the alchemist can still only wear two rings and two hand magic items at a time).

Special: An alchemist may take this discovery up to two times.

Lemartes wrote:
Coolwasabi wrote:
He is saying that is that if you make an attack with a two-handed weapon, you are considered using your offhand for that attack. This is why you are not allowed use spiked armor or similar to two weapon fight with a 2h weapon. You can hold two two-handed weapons and swap which you attack with during a full-attack action. But in most cases you are not allowed to add off-hand attacks with TWF when you are using a two-hand.
To be clear for the OP if you normally have two attacks you can attack once with each two handed weapon. So you don't get any extra attacks for multiple arms. Which by the sounds of it is what they are trying to do.

No, no, no!

Me interesting, can the alchemist with two vestigial hands take (equip) two two-handed weapon and attack with they?
Can I use dual (TWF) fighting with two two-handed weapon, using for this vestigial hands?

For example: Can I took in the right hand and the right vestigial hand first weapon, and can I took in the left hand and the left vestigial hand second weapon? After, can I use TWF feat to attack from two weapons at one round?

Coolwasabi wrote:
He is saying that is that if you make an attack with a two-handed weapon, you are considered using your offhand for that attack. This is why you are not allowed use spiked armor or similar to two weapon fight with a 2h weapon. You can hold two two-handed weapons and swap which you attack with during a full-attack action. But in most cases you are not allowed to add off-hand attacks with TWF when you are using a two-hand.

It's a pity =( Thanks!

Scott Wilhelm wrote:
They can't. The creators pointedly ruled in the past that vestigial arms do not give you any more actions. Wielding a 2 handed weapon is 2 hands worth of actions; wielding 2 of them would make 4. You could wield a weapon in each hand and a shield in another one. You could have a 4th weapon but you couldn't use all of them in a single Full Attack. You could keep a long sword in 1 hand, a Rapier in 1 and a light mace in your 3rd as you battle a mixed group of skeletons and zombies, picking and choosing which weapons for bypassing DR.

So... Character cannot equip 2 handed weapon in main and vestigial arm and manipulate it?

2 handed weapon needs two main (native) hands?

Hi all! I'm looking for official answer about "Vestigial Arm" discovery. In this threat I cannot find answer: can the alchemist with two Vestigial Arm use two weapon fight using two two-handed weapons?
For example, 1 round:
attack with falchion at right hand and right vestigial arm
attack with greataxe at left (off hand) hand and left vestigial arm?

Only 2 two-handed weapons in 4 hands! This is legal?

Sorry for my English ;)

HumbleGamer wrote:

Is it a p1 feat?

I can't find that one on nethys.

Yes! We play in PF1.

Hi all!
Look! We speak about Snake Constrictor!

My Ranger have "Boon companion" feat, and she is 6lvl.
Constrictor is 6lvl to (see a ranger feat).

In the druid's animal companion list we see:
middle constrictor (1lvl) and large constrictor (4lvl+).
At 1lvl attack is bite (1d3) plus grab.
At 4lvl attack is bite (1d4), and snake add's special attack: constrict!

The TS ask: does the 4lvl constrictor have/know a grab?

Does the constrictor at the 4lvl make bite+grab+constrict?

P.S. Sorry for my English :)