
Nikole Alicer's page

18 posts. Alias of DFang.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Grimor Hazd

Male Half-Orc 132737-1 | Monk (Master of Many Styles) 2 [HP 15/18 | AC (with Mage Armor) 16, 12T, 16F | 6F 4R 6W | Init +0 | Percept +2 Darkvision 60'] (86 posts)
Grand Lodge Khalos

Male Half-Elf 132737-2 | Summoner 2 [HP 15/15 | Spells 1(1/3) | AC 14, 11T, 13F | 1F 1R 2W | Init +1 | Percept +1 LLV] (72 posts)
Dark Archive Zanakor

Male Tiefling Magus (Kensai) 1 (50 posts)

Grand Lodge Dragon Fang
(0 posts)

Dark Archive Ishamael Heartfang

Male Half-elf Magus (Kensai) 1 (0 posts)


Dred 'Scythe' Mardock

Aasimar Male Dual Cursed Oracle 1 |HP: 7/10 |Spells per day: 3/3 |AC 16, 12T, 14F |F1, R2, W4 |Resist acid/cold/electricity 5 || Init +8 | Senses clouded vision, Dark Vision 30ft | Perception +4 (81 posts)
Goblin Snake
Grand Lodge Eidolon - Zatoma

Unknown Eidolon 2 [HP 7/13 | AC with Mage Armor 23, 13T, 20F |with Resistance 2F 7R 4W | Init +3 | Percept +13 Dark Vision 60ft] (26 posts)

Female Sylph - Bard 2 / Fighter 1 [HP: 20/20 | Spells: 1(3/3) | Bardic Performance: 9/9 | Arrows: 29/40 | AC: 17, 13T, 14F | F2 R6 W3 | Perception: +5 | Init: +5] (281 posts)
Even Dice
(0 posts)
Iron Dragon
Grand Lodge GM DFang
(451 posts)
The Scribbler
Jake Bladebound

Human - Bladebound Gladiator | [HP 72/72 | Arcane Pool: 8/10 | Total Weapon Enchancement: +5 Flaming| AC 21, 12T, 19F | CMD 26 | 10F 5R 6W | Init +2 | Perception +1] (45 posts)
Jason Fury

Male Stormborn Sorcerer 3 / Flowing Monk 3 (Archmage T1) | HP: 27/27 | Spells: 5/6 | Mythic Power: 5/5 | AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 17 | Fort: +3, Ref: +5, Will: +6 | BAB: +2, CMB: +5, CMD: 20 | Init: +4 | Perception: +10 | Concentration +8 | Load: 37.5 (Light: 58) | Effects: Mage Armor (108 posts)
Shoanti Tribeswoman
Jean Antonio

Female Human Arcanist 3 |HP: 14/14 |Arcane Reservoir: 4/6 |Create Gear: 6/7|AC 12, 12T, 10F |Saves: +1F, +3R, +3W || Init: +2 | Senses: Normal | Perception: +0 | Concentration: +5 (147 posts)
Nikole Alicer

Female Female Changeling | Witch 1 |HP: 6/6 |Spells per day (Level - 1): 3/3 || Init +0 | Senses Normal, Darkvision | Perception +1 | Concentration +5 (18 posts)

One-eye Rhuk

Male Hobgoblin Barbarian 7 (1 post)
Bugbear Tyrant
Roscoe of Sarenrae

Male Halfling | Summoner 3 [HP 21/21 | Spells 1(4/4) | Summon Monster (3/6) | AC 18, 14T, 15F | 3F 5R 4W | Init +3 | Percept +0] (51 posts)
Activation Cube
(2 posts)

Male Half-Elf || Evoker 3 [HP 23/23 | Spells: 1(5/5), 2(3/3) | AC 11 , 10T, 11F | 3F 2R 3W | Init +1 | Percept +2 LLV] (30 posts)