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Some kind of eingeneer, with a lot of helpful devices and weapons for every situation, building and upgrading constructs to protect him/ride them. Maybe a build, where all his wealth and power goes into creating and gearing some kind of a "tank", that he is riding around. Gnome on a giant mecanical spider with razor-sharp claws and heavy repeating crossbow, mounted on it...
Interesting question - why don't feats have groups, similar to weapons? Because when you have the feat, that works with, say, axes, it works with all of them, no matter how they are named. Be it the Axe, the Great Axe, or some Headchopper, that still counts as an axe.
Phoebus Alexandros wrote:
Maybe that's because they are already made situational and rulings like this are making them nigh unusable? It is almost impossible for anyone except fighter to make room for some of them in their build, so, in return, we often have an utterly boring combat - fest of full-attacks, buffs and saving throws.What is it good for? Restrictive ruling for expensive feats gives you nothing, except cutting build ideas. Why not read ambigous rulings in favor of the user (be it PC or NPC)? ![]()
I could swear, that I saw somewhere in the rules, that you can make a heal check to find out, how much hp someone currently has, and maybe other details of their health (diseases, poisoning, etc).
So, if DM says "You see an unconsious wounded man", which check and with which DC should the party take and which action should it be, if they want to know more about his state? How quickly can somebody understand mid-combat how soon will die a friendly NPC that is bleeding out? I understand, that DM always can rule something on the spot, but prefer to have some RAW, to now the base, from which it should start. ![]()
Carbon D. Metric wrote: Aside from that once you hit level 3 crafting poisons only takes half the time it normally would This also stacks with the Master Alchemist feat (You can gain access to this at level 6) that allows you to create a number of poisons equal to your Int mod as well as speeding up the process of making any alchemical item (Not just poisons) by a factor of 10. Why does Master Alchemist becomes avaliable at lvl 6? It requires 5 ranks in Alchemy, which means, that it is possible to pick up as a lvl 5 feat, isn't it? ![]()
avr wrote: Both are the unnamed 'ability bonus' type and do not stack, per FAQ. Are you sure about that? Because Monk's ability allows to add CHA modifier on top of the usual AC (including DEX bonus). And Oracle's ability replaces the DEX bonus in the basic AC. Sounds like two different parts of AC (like Armor class and Natural armor both can have enchantment bonus).![]()
Let's suppose you are riding a very fast mount. Naturally fast creature, like a cat, or buffed with something like Cheetah's sprint. The speed of the mount allows it to make very long and very high jumps, because it gains enormous Acrobatics bonuses on running jump checks.
What do you think? P.S. This should also be usable for riding something like a giant spider, crawling on the seiling. Or staying on the flying mount without appropriate Ride skill. ![]()
bbangerter wrote:
Wait, so, if I start moving and get tripped, I don't lose my move action immidiately? What about other actions, interrupted by AoOs? Can I continue attacks (or doing something else) from prone position? ![]()
I thought the same way, but the party objected - they said, that if you try to move in the round, you lose your right to take 5 ft. step, because it becomes "unrealistic" - you already started another movement and failed.
So, imagine this:
P.S. If you wonder, why didn't he start with 5 ft. step - he needed to provoke that AoO. ![]()
Smallfoot wrote:
The party are three level 4s, half-elf Dex Fighter, human Bloodrager and ratfolk Alchemist. Nothning special in equipment, a few +1 weapons and armor, cloaks for save throws and potions. Also the ship has a few NPC cremembers, but almost all of them lack the magic weapons to pierce gargoyle's DR.I was thinking about two possible routes: 1) Kapoacinth just picks a new class level, gathers some allies and goes for revenge. 2) He makes a pact with some dark entity, which helps him survive and grants him some powers to fuel his anger and wreck havoc upon the ones who did him wrong. The second part works well with the templates above, but they look quite strong. I think, I'll have to wait for PC to gain a couple of levels, otherwise even the wrathful template (CR+1) may massacre them. ![]()
So, my party has just started the River into Darkness.
Ferious Thune wrote: The closet I think you’re going to come is that you can start a full round action when you only have a standard. It then finishes on your next turn. However, it takes your standard action from your next turn as well (2 standard actions total), which effectively defeats what you are trying to do, since you wouldn’t be able to attack the round it finishes. I’m not seeing anything other than quickening the spell that would let you use it on the round that it is cast. Ok, one last dumb question. It says "once per round, you can make a melee touch attack against a target within 15 feet". I assume, this can be an Attack of Opportunity as well? So, what is the threat range of the Lash? Is it 15 feet? 5 feet? Or it doesn't have a threat range at all and I need to hold a weapon in another hand to threaten anything and make AoOs? ![]()
Ferious Thune wrote: A full round cast and a 1 round cast are two different things. Spells that are a full round action still take effect on the round they are cast. Spells that are a 1 round action are the ones that take effect just before your next turn, but they can also be disrupted up until then. A spontaneous caster using meta magic is casting as a full round action, not a 1 round action. So it doesn’t get you any extra duration (other than what extend would normally give you). Thank you for this information. It isn't present in my rulebook, but I found it in the wiki. What about another approach to this then: I've read somewhere here (can't find the rules for it now), that you can delay finishing your spell, like delayed action. So, can I delay the last words of my spell until the start of my next turn? Of course, bearing the risk of losing the concentration while doing so.![]()
blahpers wrote:
Interesting, so, actually, I can use any metamagic to get extra round of use, because it will make casting this a full round action and full-round spells go off at the start of the next round. I think, I'm getting myself a lesser rod of extend spell! ![]()
I'm bulding my gnome hunter and ran into a few unclear parts in the rules: 1) Hunter favored class bonus for gnomes. It has some weird phrasing: "Add DR 1/magic to the hunter’s animal companion. Each time the hunter gains another level, the DR increases by ½ (maximum DR 10/magic). ".
2) Lightning lash spell. Looks like fun - my hunter is small, so traditional weapons are not so strong on him. But a few mechanics of the spell are unclear. a) Duration. Do I effectively lose 1 round of duration each time, because I cast it as a standart action and can't attack at the same round?
What do you think about Vicious Stomp on the AC? As I understand, natural attacks are treated as an unarmed strike with lethal damage, so he should get another AoO when the enemy falls and it will also grant me another AoO through Paired Opportunists. Also, a little question about the numbers in the rules. Our Core Rule Book says, that spells like Bull's Strength grant +6 to certain ability score. However, d20pfsrd says, that they grant +4. I assume, there were some kind of patch since the translation of our book. Where can I read about it? ![]()
LordKailas wrote: I am curious what method you're planning on using to increase it's int to 3. Animal companion gets to increase one of its ability scores a few times, if I read this article correctly: Animal Companion LordKailas wrote: That being said, even with an int of 3 you still have to rely on tricks to get your AC to do what you want. How many tricks does AC get with Int 3? Because "Handle animal" skill stops descripton at Int 2 (6 tricks) and considers creature with higher Int intelligent enough to understand speech. It's important for me, because I want to use Skirmisher tricks, to which Hunter gets access, and I need to know, how many of them I can choose. The main problem with Snapping Flank I would call a +9 BAB requirement. Hunter will get there very late.
As for the raptor feats, the charge ones are a good option, thank you. But I couldn't take Power Attack first, because lvl 1 Velociraptor has only 11 Str. I'll get back to it later. I started with Light Armour Proficiency and think about some more defensive feats also. ![]()
Well, thats a really cool idea for another character, but now I'll have to stick with Hunter. The problem is, we play in Russia and we have on hands only Core Book translated. I've pulled the Hunter class from the wiki, as well as some feats, but I don't think, that my GM will approve so much material from other books in our first game. We need to get more familiar with the basic concept first.
Greetings, guys. Me and my friends have just started our first Pathfinder campaign. I've decided to build a small, dinosaur mounted warrior with some nature magic abilities.
The plan is to use Dex-based build, utilizing Weapon Finesse, to avoid Str penalty of the small race. We play with 15-point buy, so the final stats are (race mods included): Str 10
General playing strategy is to utilise shared teamwork feats to boost hit chance and damage. Planned feats:
Now a few questions:
Are there useful Mounted Combat feats for such build? I don't think, that such character would be an effective lance charger. And I read, that I can't Pounce with my mount and Ride by Attack at the same time, thats why I chose tripping. What are some useful spells for this build? I consider different buffs, and temporary Improved Spell Sharing, to buff before combat, and then swap the feat to fighting one. Would really love to hear your opinions on this concept, as I have mostly theoretical experience and don't really know yet, how all of this stuff would work in real fight. |