
Nikki's page

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Ello everyone-

Just a brief comment to, SmiloDan, Wed, Jul 16, 2008, 08:59 PM...

I have run into PCs that are completely tweeked beyond reason. The player invariably lies about it and says, "I was just lucky on the dice rolls. I hardly ever have a character like this one..." or "The DM said it was ok to have this character and tweeked it themselves- in order to survive in their campaign..." Yah right.

I always ask for a DM's reference regarding anyone bringing in a prerolled character unless I know the person OR saw them roll the character in front of me. If necessary I will say I want to make a quick call to their DM and ask.... that usually gets the player response of, "Oh ok... I'll use a different character if you think this one is too highstat for YOUR game...".

If that all fails and/or I see that the player can't even run their character sufficently for the so called "Lucky rolled character", I have them visited by something like an Ice Storm or Fireball of 100 dice or more..... Or fall into a pit-trap where you can hear them screaming for 20 minutes before they reach the bottom (1k dice roll???). lol

Enough said about idiots and liars in my games.