I'll admit, when this title came up in my Campaign Setting subscription, I rolled my eyes a little. But what is under the covers is a surprising little treasure! 6 creative and thorough characterizations of hometown life across Golarion, each with its mix of rumor and excitement that can be easily adapted to be any campaign.
The towns are creative and vary wildly in setting. We have Solku, Seelah's hometown surrounded gnoll-infested desert; Trunau, the lean survivor community in one of the last non-orc settlements in Belkzen; Pezzack, besieged by the Chelish Navy, filled with hidden tunnels and insurgent bards (!); Diobel, the harbor town next door to Absalom and a smugglers' paradise; Falcon's Hollow, a cruel, company owned logging town in Darkmoon Vale, and Ilsurian, the closest thing to a peaceful hometown you'll find in this book.
If I have one minor complaint, it is that there aren't enough adventure hooks per town. Yes, I know there is a small sidebar of adventure leads per town, but a full page of "Things for your characters to do in ..." wouldn't have been out of place. Greedy, I know.
So! Stay your skepticism. A surprisingly strong book for any GM's Golarion home campaign.