Keyra Palin

Nightowl's page

7 posts (18 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Thanks, it works fine.
Added my roll under campain "Ollibolli's Shackled City AP"

Where do I roll the dice?
And how do I reference the result, that you can see it?
(or just a copy?)



"Fantastic, Mr. Krewis, eh Krew. I already had doubts, that this travel will become very caotic and boring, but with such a gentleman I think it will become a pleasure." Dari is lucky, that she can get some information about Cauldron already before they will arrive and, that there is an other woman on the wagon, who also travels the first time to that city.

She looks to Hanathan. "What are the odds! I'm sure Mr. Kr..., sorry Krew, can tell us, where to find a good and save place for the night." With a smile she turns to Kylar Krewis. "Where should we stay?"

I'm ready to rumble ;-)

Hi Olli,
when the adventure will start? What is missing?
Where is the link for the game?


Background story is ready and pasted to the character description.
Only the town Dari is coming from is missing.
Which town with a monastery would be ok?

Hi Olli,

I decided to play a tomb raider (rogue 1) like Lara Croft.
I'm just typing the character details into a document to send you a copy. I'm not sure, if I'll have finished my background story tomorrow, but I can tell you the details on thursday.

My charakter is Dari Lamancha
