Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells

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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Dark Archive

Random question time:

How would you pronounce Jeggare?

I've been saying "Jegg-er". But I realize the A is probably meant to be long like "Jegg-air".

But I've kind of been flirting with the idea that it's pronounced like a Spanish word "Yegg-ar-ray"

Dark Archive

My players have finished All The World's Meat. After successfully interrogating Verik, they discovered that it was Vimanda's idea for him to defect and start giving away meat.

Next session, they plan to knock on the Arkona palace doors and start asking questions. How should I handle this?

It's important to note that in one of my player's backstories, he's specified that his sister is married into the Arkona family (married to Vimanda's cousin). So it will be difficult for me to have the Arkonas blow off the party.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

It's a little thing, but I really don't like how the ability scores are aligned

I feel it should be ordered vertically so that all the physical stats are in a column and all the mental stats are in another column. Like this

Dark Archive

When you pick an ancestry, you gain two fixed bonuses, one free bonus, and one fixed penalty. Are you permitted to put your free bonus in the same ability score as your penalty to cancel it out?

It says in the rules you cannot put your free bonus in the same ability score as your fixed bonus. But it doesn't seem to clarify if you can put the free bonus in the same score as your fixed penalty or not.

Dark Archive

This shipment was made on June 7th and was expected within 11 business days.

It has been 13 business days and I still haven't received it. How can I be sure that it is still on its way and not lost?