
Niels670's page

4 posts (116 including aliases). No reviews. 2 lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

I'm currently running the adventure from the starter box and I need some recommendations for a follow up adventure or campaign.
the players consist of a group of 10-year-old boys

thanks in advance

for example, the Hell hound has 1 attack listed.
does that mean it only has 1 attack per round or 3 times that attack .... or..?

"Melee [one-action] jaws +13 (magical), Damage 1d8+4 piercing plus 1d6 evil and 1d6 fire"

is this right for at 7.th lvl barbarian with Fury Instinct?

Rage (-1 AC, +12 damage, +11 temp HP, 10/round)

will there be at battlemap pack for Age of ashes?

At 7th lvl. the barbarian gains weapon specialization dealing extra dmg with weapons in witch you have expert proficiency.....
But how do you increas proficiency in weapons from trained to expert?

(2 Actions) SWIPE FEAT 4
You take a mighty swing against two adjacent
enemies. Make a melee Strike and compare the attack
result to the AC of up to two foes, both of whom must be within your
melee reach and adjacent to each other. Roll damage only once, and
apply it to each creature you hit. If you critically hit one target and
not the other, roll the extra critical hit damage separately. A Swipe
counts as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty

its the last part that is not clear to me:
"A Swipe counts as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty"

so does it mean that i make one attack at my full attack bonus or one attack with a -5 penalty?

Does anyone know whether throne of Night from firemountain games have been canceled?
We are curently playing Way of the wicked, and was really looking forward to ToN.

How come that paizo is not selleing maps scaled to use with minuatures, i have seen thst wizards does that with some adventures.... And seeing that they sell map-folios with every avp, the next logical step would be to sell maps thst where scaled to use right away....

so my problem/question is this.

i have a player in my 2nd darkness adventure who is playing a magus (8lvl)

he is using a rapier(+1 keen) without counting arcane pool.

this pc can deal out loads of dmg using intensifyed schocking grasp, and unless i am mistaken the math is as follows.

he crits on a 15-20, using intensifyid schocking grasp that is 16d6 point of electricity dmg + 2d6+str+magic(flaming/frost)
adding up to somthing like 20d6+6 avr 76 point.

have i missed somthing?

even worse if he hade a spell storing weapon he would be dealing an extra 8d6 point of dmg that is about 100 points in total, enough to 1shot most enemys

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my question is a simple one.

will the extra dmg from smite or cavalier challenge be multiplied bye a critical hit?

for example: if a cavalier attacks with a longsword (x2 crit, and crits, will his dmg then be (1d8+ str mod + challenge)x2 or (1d8+str mod)x2 + challenge?

i was recently reading open designs cavaliers creed and saw the following statement: " ....Because it is considered extra damage,though, it is not multiplied by critical hits or other effects"?? so witch is it?

this might be a simple question, but i need to make shure.

it seems like all quests in the 1st instalment of kingmaker gives a 400 exp reward?.... is that 400 exp to each party member or do i divide the exp amongst the party (so a party of 4 will get 100 exp pr player)

same with the exploration reward of 100 exp pr hex...is that 100 exp to each member or divided(25 exp to each member)?

thx in advance

ok as far as i can tell from the core rules sunder(and other combat manuvers) can be used more than ones in a round if you have a iterative attacks from high BAB.

so how to calculate the CMB for the sunder manuver;
do i add my full BAB to each attack?

lets say im a lvl 6 fighter:bab 6/1

1) 1st sunder manuver: bab(6)+ str+ special size mod + other bonuses
2nd sunder manuver: bab(6)+ str mod+ special size mod + other bonuses
for 2 attemps at with the same bonus


2)1st sunder manuver: bab(6)+ str+ special size mod + other bonuses
2nd sunder manuver: bab(1)+ str mod+ special size mod + other bonuses

with the 2nd manuver check having at a lower bonus?

is it option 1 or option 2 that is the right one?

I remeber seeing that someone had made some Audio files for LoF AvP, do anyone know is somthing similar have been made for the 2nd darkness?

looking for handouts, audio files or somthing like that.


School enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependent, mind-

affecting]; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, M (a snake’s tongue and a honeycomb)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one living creature
Duration 1 hour/level or until completed
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You influence the actions of the target creature by suggesting a
course of activity (limited to a sentence or two). The suggestion
must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound
reasonable. Asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act
automatically negates the effect of the spell.
The suggested course of activity can continue for the entire
duration. If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter
time, the spell ends when the subject finishes what it was asked
to do. You can instead specify conditions that will trigger a special
activity during the duration. If the condition is not met before the
spell duration expires, the activity is not performed.
A very reasonable suggestion causes the save to be made with a
penalty (such as –1 or –2).

so im not a big fan of spells that disable pc's for hours, and this spell seems like one of them.

1 save and a duration of 1hour/lvl.... so does the spell function like i fear you can give someone an order, like sit here until the sun goes down, and they have no way(exept for makeing the will save) to get out of this mess...

i for a barbarian or fighter this spells is as good as defeating them, wors than hold person since it works for hours and only have 1 save...

so how to counter it? could a bards counter song save you,...

i recelntly noticed that Green Ronin is publishing a table top version of Biowares Dragon age origin. since i kind of like the dark fatasy spin they put on the game i was wondering if the RPG was any good.

Do anyonw know what rule system they use?

what is the deal with publishing the game as 3 box sets?

and last is the game any good in you opinion? what makes it good/bad?

we are a grupe playing the Legacy of fire avp(reviced to Pathfinder rules) and we have the following characters in our grupe.

Druid(heavy focus on mele)
Cleric of nethys
Fighter/wizard(aming at the eldric knight PrC)
Oracles(with wind Mystery and the air barrier revalation and blindness curse)
Witch (viper familiar with the evil eye hex and fortune hex)

all characters are lvl 2 at the moment(since we just stated the AVP)

we have been trough the first couple of encounters and a few thing became clear.
1: Both the wich and the Oracle suffer a bit in the save department, since they are focused in cha and int to make better spellcasters), the problem with the witch is not that big since int also provides skillpoints.

2: the oracles curse is a HEAVY penalty. when we had one of our first fights with about 10 bad guys in a pretty larger room he got seperated from the rest of the party and his blindness prevented him from spotting the enemy and his partymembers, beeing blind made him spend a lot of time moving around to get targets in sight and prevented the use of area effects bacause he couldent see if allys would get cought in the area, it also prevented him from useing attacks/spells at range, witch where a major problem in this fight bacause the bad guys where using ranged attacks from a higher vantage point... i think we will houserule that the distance of his sight is 60' with the last 30' granting concealment to the enemy untill lvl 5.

the feel of the classes are pretty good, they fell and seem to work different from the rest of the core classes, especially the cures thing with the oracle(witch should be less of a penalty, but still there....also the deaf curse seem to heavy in that it prevent the PC from interacting with most non combat encounters).

the oracle seem to be a lot of fun to play and the fact that it has more spells per day(like sorceres) seem to balance outh that it cant use channel energy... (perhaps some healing revalation that worked like out of combat would be Nice to have), the player playing ther oracle is not the Munchkin type so he might be a little less interested in game balance. the air barrier seems a little to weak thogh, since it grants armor bonus it dosent seem to stack with ordinary armor, and that makes it kind of weak....perhaop if it granted deflection bonus(and a lesser bonus than it does now...somthing like +1 at first lvl with a max of +5 at lvl 17 or somthing).

on to the witch:

the class seems to work ok. its slow spell progression and few spells pr day puts a lot of wight in the Hexes. as far as we can see the evil eye hex workes pretty good and the class seems pretty balanced in power. there is however one problem compared to the other arcane spellcasters. the class seems a tiny bit dull somtimes since most of its ability are suportive in nature and/or debuffs... and somtimes you just want to blast the monsters:), an other problem related to the hexes are the fact that many of the relies on a save or suck system.

one final thing is the witch familiar, since its also a spellbook(sort of) the player took the viper since its som tiny that it can be hitten in a pocket.

School conjuration (healing); Level cleric 7, druid 9

Casting Time 3 full rounds

Components V, S, DF

Range touch

Target living creature touched

Duration instantaneous

Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)

The subject's severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multi-headed creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. After the spell is cast, the physical regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise.

Regenerate also cures 4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +35), rids the subject of exhaustion and fatigue, and eliminates all nonlethal damage the subject has taken. It has no effect on nonliving creatures (including undead).

What is the deal with this spell...how often under the rules do you actually lose a part of your body...and dosent the other healing spells mend broken bones(one would imagien that a fighter would suffer a few broken limbs if reduced to negative hitpoint). it just seems like a weaker form of the heal spell so why the high spell lvl?

does anyone have a good answer for or is this just the case of a spell that has not been revised since 2nd edition D&D

ohh i alsmost forgot...the 3 round casting time, that takes the cake and makes this completly useless in combat

perhaps it could be mildly usefull if reduced to a 5th lvl spell considering the long casting time it might still not be usefull

treantmonk wrote the following question: and it never seemed to recive an aswer.

Treantmonk wrote:

So when a Druid Wildshapes his equipment meld into his body, just as they do with a polymorph spell.

Specifically, the description for Polymorph spells is:

Items that provide constant bonuses and do not need to be activated continue to function while melded in this way (with the exception of armor bonuses, which cease to function).

So if your Druid is wearing Leather Armor (non-magical) it is clear that in Wildshape, he loses the +2 Armor bonus to AC that the leather armor provides.

If the Leather armor is magic, so lets say now the Leather Armor has +1 Enhancement bonus to AC and the Druid Wildshapes - is the +1 enhancement bonus lost as well (it is an "armor"" enhancement bonus)

Clearly, if the "wild" enchantment is added, both the armor bonus and the enhancement bonus are applicable, but the description of "Wild" does not indicate that the enhancement bonus is necessarily not applicable when the "Wild" enchantment is not there.

Finally, a Shield offers a "Shield" bonus, not an "Armor" bonus, and the two are specifically differentiated in the rules. Therefore, it seems a "Shield" bonus would tranlate to a wildshaped form and would not need the "wild" enchantment. Am I missing something there? I double checked the errata, no "shield" bonus restriction has been added to Polymorph spells.

i am suspecting that the armor bonus and enchantment to the armor is lost if the armor does not have the wild enchantment.

i also asue that shield bonus is lost(but the Raw seem to have either left that part out or somthing?).

other items like natural armor items, ring of protection and bracers of armor should still work...right?

recently i was reading the ruels for polymorphing and they state pretty clearly that when you asume the form of an animal,elemental,plant(as in wild shap)you do NOT gain the benifit of armor.

but what about shild bonus? it seems odd but RAW seems to only state that your armor bonus is lost

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We recently playtested the cavalier and the question came up; What items can an animal use?

i asume it can use barding withe the reight armor prof feat(light/medioum/heavy)

but what about rings of protection, amulet of the mighty fist/or natural armor, cloak of resiteance and so on... are there any official rould on the subjekt?

- Playing "the crown of fangs" last part in the curse of the crimson throne avp.

-grupe consist of 5 players all lvl 12: 1 cleric with sun and healing domaine, 1 rogue, 1 ranger, 1 wizard, and 1 cavalier(the cavalier player used to be barbarian but his former pc was lost in skeletons of scarwall to the undead guardian in the tower)

- the cavalier i human and have taken the order of the sword he is trained in sword and shield fighting and also have a large investment in mounted combat. he has a horse mount with breast plate barding and an amulet of human bane + a belt of str.

we palyer through 2 encounters 1st with a combat where the pc where attacked by 16 gray maidens (1 lvl 8 fighter the rest lvl 5) this was a suprice battle in the pc's hideout so most of them where not in armor or preped for a fight in this battle the cavalier preformed much like a normal fighter no better no worse exept for the challenge with help him a lot. the major advatage however was his horse animal companien this one is at least as good as the druids and with and ac of 32 its the bedst armored thing in the grupe.
the graymaidens where killed in about 4 rounds without the party taking more than a light hit.

what worries me here is the mount, i feel like the cavalier is getteing a deal that is too good. why is it full lvl and not like the ranger or paladin lvl -3... i dont get that part since besides á few feats the cavalier is the equivalent to a fighter. the druid should be the one with the better animal fighter.

2 nd encounter was with sabina merrin a 14 th lvl fither and her dragon mount... this one was a bit special since the pc knew what they where going to face and had time to cast spells and prepare a bit. also since sabina wanted the dragon to die she landed it in the middle of an open plaza and it was at that moment that things got totally crazy, the rogue was luring the dragon to land with the cavalier beeing ready to charge it from his mount, using his challenge in the 1 st round and charging with rideby attack and spirited charge and all the charge stufff from order of the sword he dealt the dragen a staggering blow(3d8+24 power attack + 45 str/mount str+ 6 weapon+4d6)avarage 101 dmg pr hit and lowering the beasts ac by not beeing near it at the end of the charge(the strange and mystical effect of demanding challenge), he tried to byt did not trip the beast(had it been a human or somthing like that it would have been a different story) anyway the fight ended before it had a change to begin when the cavalier brought the dragon down to ´40 hp with his 2nd charge and a good role with the dice(critting with the lance is almost instant death, dealing 5d8+4d6+40 for power attack+ 75 for str and mount str and +10)

over all it seem like the cavalier is very good in some battles, and the mount is just to good for the class...ald the BS about not beeing able to use it in dungeons is just a reduce animal spell away or a hafling druid with a pony.

on the oath part i think they are to random in their effect using strange systems to give bonuses, some are to hard to get and some to easy.

I understand that artwork has been reused in order to save money, but as we are curently playing through the curse of the crimson throne, it is really giving me problems that some of the major artwork in the pathfinder core book, is the same as from the adventure path, since my players now know what a gray maiden looks like, they cant help but paying attention when they see one mounted on a black dragon in the core book... and since they are fairly inteligent ppl, it should be simple for them to put 2 and 2 together and figure out that the rider must be non other than the queen handmaiden. anyway i gues this is just a rant, but a pice of advice to other gm's might be to be carfull what part of the adventure art you show to the players, perhaps hold back on the graymaiden stuf

as the titel reads, why not make an adventurepath that ends around lvl 20... its is a shame that the best of paizo's adventures end at lvl 15. i remember when they made dungeon magazin, both the schackeled city and the kyous adp, was from lvl 1-20(21).

as the subjekt reads, i was a little disapointed when i discovered that none of the feats in the 2handed weapon chain made it to the final cut, especialy the overhead chop, it was a favorit for the barbarian player in my grupe, and a way to even out the balace with the figher

where they somhow to powerfull or ...

if anyone has any answers pleas let me know.

this is not an effort to be over dramatic, and im not saying the barbarian is a useless class... was just wondering about thous feats, i think i might house rule the back in anyway:)

how does the paldins smite worke when he crits. is the extra dmg mulitiplied on crits

I have scanned some of the magic items in the beta rule set and a lot of them seem to use some strange item slot.

Phylactery of Positive Channeling.

the iten description reads:

Phylactery of Positive Channeling
Aura moderate necromancy [good]; CL 10th
Slot phylactery; Price 11,000 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This item is a boon to any character able to channel positive energy,
increasing the amount of damage dealt to undead creatures by 2d6. This
also increases the amount of damage healed by living creatures.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, 10th-level cleric; Cost
5,500 gp.

what item slot is phylactery?

also headbands use the "headband" slot where as helmets use the head slot...how many headslots are there?... where masks seems to use the head slot too, eyes, like eyes of the eagle use the "eyes" slot.....

how many of these items can be used togther?... can the cleric use both a headband of wisdom and phylactery of channeling at the same time?