Imeckus Stroon

Nicoli Larvu's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts (13 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:
Pax Nicoli Larvu wrote:
I like the idea of military or strategic outbuildings that offer a strategic buff to the hex it resides. Possibly as a sub-building upgrade to a fort or watchtower.
I really like that, too. One of the really cool things about Vanguard is the Diplomacy system that gives you buffs when you enter an area where a Diplomat has worked to provide them. I'd love to see PFO add something that Social players can do to provide a buff that applies to everyone in the local hex.

Maybe something like a Bar Master for a tavern, Cleric for a shrine, etc.

When their active ingame providing services, they activate a passive buff when they are performing their duties onsite and lasts for 12-24hrs.

Goblin Squad Member

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I like the idea of military or strategic outbuildings that offer a strategic buff to the hex it resides. Possibly as a sub-building upgrade to a fort or watchtower.

Watchtower + armory = upgraded storage
Watchtower + guardhouse = 1 additional npc guard if sponsored by a settlement

Once upgraded to a fort other upgrades become available.

Fort + Hospital/Shrine = healing/regen buff
Fort + Mess/inn = skill recycle buff
Fort + Arena = a few slots for fighter training
Fort + Apothecary = adverse status resistance buff
Fort + Wizard tower = a few slots magic type skill training
Fort + Archery range = a few slots of survival skill training
Fort + Commissary = small market for hex
Fort + Stables = hex wide travel buff (without settlement sponsorship)

Just to name a few possibilities.

Naturally, there would only be two slots for an outbuilding upgrade.

Goblin Squad Member

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Slightly unrelated, but if a settlement manager wants to oversee multiple companies' POIs, could he/she be able to be a member of each company if said companies are all sponsored by the same settlement.

I remember it being said that you can be in something like 3 companies at once, one being sponsored. However, if another becomes sponsored you need to chose one or the other to stay with. Does that still apply to two companies that you belong to, become sponsored by the same settlement?