Nickela's page
Organized Play Member. 45 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.
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Valkyn Highwind wrote: Is there any way to boost the number of expansion bays on the build tab beyond 20 that I can do easily on my end? I ask because I'd like to use the ship frames from LPJ Design's Warp Speed! Expanded Starship Creation. The generation ship from that product has 30 bays. Hmmm...no?
Each bay has a custom menu that is built based on previous choices (since some items take 2 bays).
If you look on the expansion bays sheet, each pair of columns has possible choices....sigh. Let me type up a step sheet here.
Man, screw this. I just updated it...unhide the columns on the build sheet for the extra bays... Adding the rows on the build sheet is the easy part, but having to explain my logic on the expansion bays sheet...you've got to add 20 more columns and then create named ranges for each of the choice columns, make sure the arrays point to the right sections of the select sheet and then change the data validation ranges on the build sheet to reflect your 10 new named ranges. I like to use named ranges because updating the range once changes all the formulas in the entire sheet to reflect the new range. Setting it up is kind of a bear. I just need to learn to say no...:P IN THE FUTURE, take this as an opportunity to learn how to spreadsheet better.
Anyway, make sure you add your new frame to the homebrew section on the frames page and let me know how it turns out.
Didn't get in fast enough to edit. :P
Fraction problem is fixed (I think).
Added dropdowns to statblock page to show/hide range and special properties. You'll still have to look up the specials (what does blast even mean?!); had to leave some work for you. ;)
NicodemusReborn wrote: Very cool spreadsheet. Elegant design and very useful.
As a suggestion:
On the Ship Sheet and Statblock tabs, when you list weapons you should also include their range increments (such as S-5, M-10, or L-20) in addition to the damage. It would save the user from having to look up which weapons have Short (5), Medium (10), or Long (20) ranges.
So I'm one of those players/GMs that spends hundreds of hours of prep work, table creation, spreadsheet coding and character creation and sometimes never even running or playing a system.
This is not one of those times. I just recently started a tabletop club at the school I teach at and we've been running SFRPG. Did our first ship combat yesterday and the kids requested to do a skirmish style free for all. I printed out some statblocks for BMC Maulers and set them loose on each other. Long story long, I noticed that default stat block DO NOT GIVE RANGES! Which is stupid. So I'm adding them to my stat blocks.
IN ADDITION, already fixed the Thruster Issue (table mismatch AGAIN, I keep rebreaking it) and am working on the fractional tier calculations. I've got dig into the weeds and find all the formulas that reference the tier field and put an IF it's a fraction, then replace it with a number instead of that stupid fraction character thing. Or do that in one field and call that field the tier field. But a lot of things reference tier, so...might take a bit.
Finished adding in Slime Patch systems and fixed a couple more things I broke with homebrew.
RE: excel version. Short answer, no. I use Google specific formulas and to change it to work in excel, I'd have to rework the entire sheet. If you'd like to run it off line, I suggest using chrome and following the directions at the link below.
Use Google Drive files offline
Aarak wrote: ok yep, working from memory wasn't too accurate so here's a second go. I have the sheet to look at now.
on the Ship Frames tab (this is hidden so you'll need to find it under View --> Hidden Sheets --> Ship Frames) there is a table for all the frame details.
Cell N1 has this formula
Change it to
and then make a similar change to the cells in O1, P1, Q1, S1, T1, etc..
I just copy pasted after the first cell the N2:N should be relative and change for each new column. just don't copy into cells like R1 that read Weapons(Location) those need to stay the same.
This worked for what I was trying to do and I don't think it breaks anything else in the sheet, though Nikela is the man who would know for sure.
Once again thanks to Nikela for the great work on this thing and I learned a couple new tricks for Sheets trying to reverse engineer and find the problem so thanks for that as well :)
Looking into this now. Will update when I've got a fix.
EDIT: SO yeah. When I updated the sheet with fields for homebrew stuff, I changed the named ranges to be the ENTIRE column instead of row 2 to whererever. This slightly broke the lookup. I applied Aarak's fix and it worked perfectly. You are the best beta tester since you found the problem and basically fixed it for me.
Keep 'em coming!
Sheet updated to v1.6
See changelog for details.
On tap for 1.61:
add in slime patch
look at adding NPCs to statblock somehow
fix problems that undoubtably come up from adding in new functionality
Please try to break it. Let me know what needs fixing.
IT IS BEDTIME. Why do I do this to myself? I have school in the morning!
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Fixed the reset button.
I've been away for a bit. Work and family stuff. Only have enough attention to do ONE thing at a time and last month was a big one for Vidya and the wife authorized three purchases (AC: Origins, Mario Galaxy, and Destiny 2). I'm working on adding in new items from Alien Archives to this and my other sheet.
Adding new items is pretty simple, but I'll add notation to the reference sheets as well as the instruction sheet so that others can add homebrew, etc.
I will look into NPC skill bonuses as well. No promises there.
Yeah, it's on the list. I'll try to get it done soon TM.
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Back again with another spreadsheet. This one is an item calculator. It allows you to shop for weapons, armor, ammo/grenades, augmentations, computers, and other gear. In the case of weapons, it has functionality that calculates adding fusions. Armor allows you to add upgrades. The ammo/grenades page has a spot for grenade fusions, but I'm waiting to implement ammo fusions pending a ruling or FAQ from Paizo.
All your choices on each tab are added up and summarized on a summary page which shows you how much money you've spent and how much is left. There's even a handy reset button that clears the sheet for a new round of shopping. You may need to enable or authorize running the script for it to work. I promise I'm not trying to hack you. Don't even know how to go about that...
As always, please try to break it. Comments and criticisms welcome.
Nickela's Starfinder Item Calculator
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james014Aura wrote: By the way, does your sheet allow linking tracking weapons? I know the rules only specify direct fire, but the SFS player guide has a ship class with a turret with linked missiles. Any weapon can be linked on the sheet. Did not even occur to me to prohibit tracking weapons from linking. How would that be handled with the tracking? You fire to missiles and when one fails, they both fail? Maybe that's the risk you take with linking...?
EDIT: By the way, weekend work is finished, we're on v1.5 now.
Format work on Ship Sheet.
Created PCU sheet. Made a simple calculator that lets you turn systems on and off and see the PCU total.
Format work on Build Sheet; moved secondary core to below expansion bays.
Added Tertiary, Quaternary, and Quinary Cores. Narrowed choices so you can only pick power core housing as many times as is legal (1 for M, L; 2 for H, 3 for G, 4 for C).
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usagrandprix wrote: Hey Nickela,
FWIW there's a shuttle in the AP that does have an added turret so I think they mean for us to be able to add them and that wording is just a little misleading.
HA! Awesome. So I'll take that as working as intended and not feel bad about leaving it in. Thanks for the bonus research.
Fallen_Mage wrote: Hello Nickela, any chance you could do something similar with Pathfinder to Starfinder conversions? Like a sheet where you put in stats for PF monsters and stuff and it spits out a stat block for SF? Maybe? Haven't read up on the rules for that.
I'm doing some work this weekend on the sheet; been busy with family and work and stuff. Also water heater died, so been mopping out the basement. Also bought a new playground for the kid, so was installing that. LIFE!
Gonna see if I can't add in an earlier suggestion for turning systems on and off for ships that go over on PCUs. Also going to incorporate extra cores and move the bonus core choice down to the expansion bay area.
Thanks for the shoutout in OP. Just popping in to say I like what I see. :) There should be some sort of homebrew database online where we collect all this stuff.
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Tacticslion wrote: DOOOOOOOOOOT~! TIL what dot means. Thanks.
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usgrandprix wrote: I don't think you can add a turret to a ship that does not have one. You can spend 5 BP to add a mount to a turret but I'm not sure that means you can spend 5 BP just to get a turret. Won't be the first or last time if I'm wrong. Rule says: "By spending 5 BP, the crew can fit a new light weapon mount on a turret that has enough free space." I don't see the cost for adding a turret in the rules so I assumed you had to have one already.
Hmmm...the rules do seem a little unclear on this. They don't explicitly say that you can or cannot add a turret. They do say that tiny and small frames have a max of two mounts per arc (or turret) and there are no tiny ships that START with a turret, so I assumed that you could add a mount. I'm going to leave it on until an FAQ expressly forbids it and you can just not add one if you think it's not allowed. ;)
usgrandprix wrote: Where did you get the BP costs for computer countermeasures? Can't find them anywhere. Computer Countermeasure costs can be found on CRB p. 300. I use an on-sheet calculation to determine computer tier based on starship tier.
james014Aura said wrote: It prevents me from selecting a second power core, even though the ship is of a frame that can automatically take another (Huge 2, Gargantuan 3, Colossal 4). You've gotta select the power core housing below FIRST, then come back. It's a bit confusing. I'll try to come up with a better way to do it. I'm considering moving that choice down below or next to the expansion bay section. We'll see.
Keep 'em comin'. Haven't had the time to devote to this with some stuff that blew up at work, but I'll try to fit in some spreadsheet for fun time this weekend. If you've got a build that's breaking something, please send me the details; either post it here, make a comment on the sheet, or send me a PM. Give me the build you're using and I'll try to suss out the problem.
I've added primary, secondary, tertiary, aviary, and quaternary power cores to my to do list. I'll add extra slots for them in the next update.
baggageboy wrote: I don't think you would be able to get any discount for doing the work yourself. I know it would make sense logically that you would, but I believe it is intentionally not allowed for game balancing. You would be able to effectively increase your wealth by level if you could and the crafting rules as laid out make this not possible on purpose. Cost of creating/leasing/buying and maintaining magic surgery bots is equal to the cost of hiring some back-alley butcher to slap on your upgrades. I like the flavor of uploading and performing surgery on yourself, but that shouldn't reduce the price. Balance, and all that.
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Elegos wrote: I've been print screening personally so I could move it onto something non-internet based. I was just wondering if there was a more elegant solution. I'm having great fun making a slowly growing folder of different starships. If you just want the block and not the rest of the screen, you could:
cmd/ctrl-p and adjust the print setting and print to a PDF or to a real piece of paper in the meat-space.
File>download as>pdf, word file, .xlsx, etc. and you've got that to open on your own system.
on windows, use the snipper tool to just get the part of the statblock you want.
on mac, cmd-shift-4 and use your mouse to select the block. The png saves to your desktop.
on linux, heck if I know. Never ran a linux system.
Also, sharing is caring. You got a link to that folder full of ships? I love to see the stuff people build with them.
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Elegos wrote: Hey Nickela this is great. Is there a way of exporting the finished statblocks? I actually just did some prettifying on the statblock. I'll look into a way to export it. Maybe put a big EXPORT button at the top.
You could always COPY/PASTE into another spreadsheet or onto a new tab. Or onto a Google Doc. It looks like this when you do it.
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d20pfsrd.com wrote: Nickela wrote: So I posted this on reddit, but my buddy suggested I post it here too. I saw all the rules for ships about build points, PCUs, all the systems and thought, "Oh boy, time to make another spreadsheet!" It's my natural response to all life's problems. DATA. I'm kind of obsessed. My wife and children miss me, but now that I'm done, I can actually use it to PLAY.
ANYWAY, here's a spreadsheet I made that you can use to do all that hard math for you. I'm up for suggestions and constructive criticism, all that.
Nickela's Starfinder Ship Calculator v1.3
Make your own copy Hey Nickela! John from starfinderSRD.com here! Would you mind if I made this available on starfinderSRD.com? Do it to it. Give proper credit and all that.
John Napier 698 wrote: Hey, Cap'n, this site has many original ship artwork you might enjoy. This site is awesome. Aaaaaand bookmarked. I'll be showing this to my players and perhaps making some tokens for our digital tabletop.
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I just did a pass (you may have seen me). I appreciate when someone goes over my stuff with the red pen, so I hope I didn't step on your toes too much. I like what I see so far content-wise. Will definitely be pulling some of those ships for my own game. I might even consider offering that shuttle to my PCs. I know my wife will appreciate the firefly reference.
I noticed you're typing those statblocks by hand (or maybe copy-pasting them from somewhere else), so I humbly suggest using the following to create them and copy-pasting the Statblock tab.
Nickela's Starfinder Ship Calculator v1.44
It's in the section on weapons and doesn't say you CAN'T, so I think yes.
Dragonchess Player wrote: OK, for the last few hours I've been thinking about the sort of weapons that might be used at 20th level. Thanks for this. I appreciate seeing some "real-world" examples. None of your had more than 7. I feel like 10 slots on my sheet will cover all but the most insane powergamers.
Dragonchess Player wrote: "Thunderbolt" (could be called "Mjolnir," other than not having a throwing range)
Gravity Well Hammer (with Deafening, Devastating, Knockdown, and Shock fusions; 911,000 cr)
Why isn't there a fusion that makes ANY weapon thrown? That should be a thing. I'm making this I thing.
So, realistically, you would only have 1-3. I'm making an inventory spreadsheet that also calculates the cost of the weapon+fusions and I settled on 10 slots. Most people will use less than 5, but it's easier to frontload the work than to go back and add it in later. I can always hide the rows, I guess.
Oh, and I love that scattergun idea. I am SO using that.
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I am so looking forward to whatever first supplement has more ship stuff. Ultimate Starship, or the like.
More ship models and manufacturers, more frame type, more GUNS, better descriptions for guns, different types of guns. Guns that shoot other guns that shoot bombs. Maybe a gun that shoots a ship that has guns ON IT. I don't know. The sky's the limit. Or not, because outer space.
Also, some internal starship layouts. Gimme the grids, baby!
Maybe some sort of expansion on crew members and their abilities during combat.
I'm thinking it's 15, right? It would require an item that doesn't exist (yet), but I like to future proof my designs.
A level 20 non-existent thrown weapon (let's say a spear, venus gospel) can take:
all 10 level 1 fusions (anchoring, called, defiant, durable, glamered, hybridized, illuminating, ominous, returning, trailblazer); all of these can be put on the same weapon, I think, and the only one with limitations is returning - requires thrown (hence the final fantasy spear)
5 level 2 fusions (let's pick venomous, spellthrower, merciful, holy, entangling); these will also fit on my spear. I guess I could replace holy for any of the other mutually exclusive duos, but this is just a hypothetical.
Is this realistic? It would cost 3,620,250 credits. I think. That's insane right? How many would a reasonable person cram on, max.
Am I even interpreting the rules right? I've been staring at tables all day and I think I might be going slightly insane. I'm seeing fusions everywhere. Fusions are confusioning. Confusing. Ugh.
Euan wrote: For the spaceship ship sheet, it would be great if there was a place to track current shield levels.
I play online, and we're thinking of using this as our 'current' starship sheet. It's just so handy! Any thoughts of customization in this direction, or should I munge something together myself for our needs?
I live to serve. Done.
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Euan wrote: This is brilliant. I just spent a couple hours (admittedly I was also learning the system) building my first starship. I plugged it into your spreadsheet, and found errors that had crept in my accounting for PCU/BP. Helped me clarify my thinking.
Thank you so much!!
You are very welcome. I like to think I'm doing Triune's work.
Currently, I'm working on something now to do the same thing with weapon fusions, augmentations, armor mods, and other item things. Who has time to do all that math? I'll make a post in homebrew when I'm done, but here's what I've got so far.
item calculator
I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around fusions, especially multiple fusions on the same weapon, so it's helpful to work out that confusion with a spreadsheet. My current problem is limiting the dropdowns so you can only select:
fusions that your weapon is allowed to have (e.g. ones that only apply to B/P/S, etc)
a single fusion from ones that are mutually exclusive (e.g. holy/unholy)
taking the selected fusions and adding to either critical effect or special as necessary, but leaving a blank otherwise
Fusions is hard!
Hithesius wrote: I really should have noticed earlier, but this doesn't display Systems correctly in the statblock. Or more accurately, it doesn't seem like it displays anything at all. The "Systems" part of the stat block should at least say what the computer, sensors, crew quarters, armor, and defenses are, and that's also where security features and computer countermeasures would go. Right now I don't think that part of the statblock is actually doing anything. Welp, it's because I put the sort inside of the filter instead of outside the filter. OBVIOUSLY. Can't believe I didn't see it. I think I fixed it. Try to break it again. This is how progress is made.
Patrick Newcarry wrote: Quoting the Docs website:
"You need permission."
Can you make it public?
Or should I just say please?
Derp. I'll actually share them all this time. I had a lot of things I made and forgot to hit SHARE LINK on them all.
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Someone suggested this type of stuff goes in the Homebrew forums, so here goes.
I made some condition cards so I don't have to look up a table and cross-reference 2 or more conditions every time someone gets Blinded. Seriously, like 5 conditions reference Flat-Footed, not to mention Blinded which ALSO mentions Prone.
Starfinder Condition Cards 3x5
Starfinder Condition Cards 4x6
I also made some quick reference cards for ship combat with stunts, actions, and combat order, etc. to hand out to my players.
Starfinder Starship Role Cards
As with all the stuff I have posted/will post, I welcome constructive criticism. If something doesn't work, isn't right, or is worded poorly, let me know and I'll fix it. Wizard or not, I am only human.
All my Starfinder Resources
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Not designed for excel, sorry.
I use formulas that are exclusive to Google Sheets. You can try making the sheet available offline. It should still work even if you don't have internet.
Work on Google Docs, Sheets, & Slides offline
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sunderedhero wrote: The maneuverability disappears on the statblock and ship sheet if the "turn" rating goes above 4. (Like a Dreadnought with Mk9+ armor)
The Mk9-10 mono- and duonode computers aren't showing up in the drop down list
Tiny size ships(Racer, Interceptor, and Fighter) are letting you pick a quality level of crew quarters, but according to page 298 tiny size ships don't have them.
If you have 4 of the same weapon in the same arc and you link the top two then try to link the bottom two, the top damage value will disappears. PIC In general having 4 of the same weapon causes issues with the weapon output on the statblock and ship sheet. PIC
Changed maneuverability so anything >4 is still clumsy.
I added those compys on a previous update, but forgot to increase the size of the named range ICM collection was calling from.
Took away the choice to have miniature cabins for your fairies, gnomes, and sprites.
Okay, so the thing with 4 of the same weapons inspired me. to make a few changes with visibility of linked weapons. I added some indicators to make it more clear which weapons are linked.
Let me know if anything else needs updating.
Should... should someone make a spreadsheet?
Woof. That was a doozy. Getting arrays to link and also making it look nice on the sheet was tough. I learned how to use a new function!
Try to break it now. Let me know what else I need to fix.
sunderedhero wrote: Nickela wrote: So what do you guys think I should do for this? If your turn goes up, does that change the name of your maneuverability? Honestly I have no idea....
Nickela wrote: Or maybe... should I note it by saying perfect (turn 0 + 2 from armor)? That how I would do it for now. Making some changes now. I decided that the build sheet reflects BASE STATS while the stablock and ship sheet reflect AUGMENTED STATS. So a fighter with perfect maneuverability and heavy armor actually has augmented average maneuverability.
Still have a couple of things to fix, but I've worked through much of the list. Keep the bug reports coming!
sunderedhero wrote: Any modifiers to "turn", like from the heavier armor, isn't being adjusted. So what do you guys think I should do for this? If your turn goes up, does that change the name of your maneuverability?
For instance, you start at perfect (turn 0). You armor up your ship and it adds to to turn. Which one of these do you have?
average (turn 2)
perfect (turn 2)
Or maybe... should I note it by saying
perfect (turn 0 + 2 from armor)
sunderedhero wrote: Very cool, but I found a few things:
The sheet won't let you link array weapons
The bonus to piloting checks from "maneuverability" and "thruster speed" are being added to the ships AC and TL in the "pilot bonus" spot.
The "Misc Mods" box isn't being added into the AC/TL calculation.
Any modifiers to "turn", like from the heavier armor, isn't being adjusted.
The "critical threshold" isn't being modified when the ship's HP changes do to higher tiers
If you link two weapons that have a "x10" damage it won't show up once they're linked
Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into it this evening after putting the kids to bed.
Again, I like to give options. I started with just the ship sheet like in the back of the book as the default printable output, but then I was looking at the stat blocks for the NPC ships and thought, "what if a game master, sorry, I mean STAR MASTER, wants to generate NPC ships or something?" I tried to emulate the book's style as much as possible without paying $40 for a font.
btw, Jura size 10 looks pretty close to whatever font Paizo uses, for anyone else interested in making their own sheets or tables.
You could also always just hit delete to get rid of the choices you've made JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE. But, I'm all about options.
Deadmanwalking said... wrote: Backspacing the entire entry is an available option and does remove the choice and point cost. Derp. He said it first.
S. J. Digriz wrote: Awesome!
Possible bug: Once I decided on an option in a category (for example, Mk I armor), I could not reset that one category to have no option selected. Perhaps include a blank option at the top of all of the lists.
You're right. Not making a choice is still a choice.
Can't do blanks. The data validation automatically filters out blanks. Would you settle for a '-'.
He makes a little 'meh' face. lol.
In the process of adding non choices now. Some (like drift engine) already had an N/A or NONE. Others, like frame, you have to pick, so no weaseling out of choosing one of those, mister.
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Next project; create an inventory/buying spreadsheet that helps with calculating item mod prices. Onward, to data entry!
DrBloodbathMC wrote: Great Job! The only thing I want to note is you missed the MK 9 and 10 computer systems, unless something is buggy on my end. I DID!
I will add those ASAP. There's that whole page break there...
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Goddity wrote: Only problem I see is that the second power core line doesn't seem to work. Gotta buy that expansion bay power core housing first.
Can't have you just sticking a power core in an empty cargo bay.
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So I posted this on reddit, but my buddy suggested I post it here too. I saw all the rules for ships about build points, PCUs, all the systems and thought, "Oh boy, time to make another spreadsheet!" It's my natural response to all life's problems. DATA. I'm kind of obsessed. My wife and children miss me, but now that I'm done, I can actually use it to PLAY.
ANYWAY, here's a spreadsheet I made that you can use to do all that hard math for you. I'm up for suggestions and constructive criticism, all that.
Nickela's Starfinder Ship Calculator v1.3
Make your own copy