Thassilonian Ambassador

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RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 14 posts (16 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Slightly above fanfiction


This book is not good. I haven't read the previous book starring these main characters, but I have no interest in finding out either. The protagonists in this story are wholly one dimensional and lack any flaws or negative qualities whatsoever. I also never felt they were in any serious danger either as they were instantly healed after every combat. Speaking of combat, wow is there a lot of it in this book. I'd guess at least 75% of this book consists of fight scenes. And while the descriptions of these scenes were ok, they felt like complete filler to pad the length of the book. All of the secondary characters in this book are completely forgettable (except Cyrelle) and served as either love interests or monster food. The book is also filled with some cringy dialogue, obvious infodumps, and even outright contradictions. I gave this book a second star since it was my first Tales book that features a gunslinger and the villain's class which I won't spoil here. The gunslinger also has one great scene involving fey which was very smart and original.