Irabeth Tirabade

Nerdevac's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 15 posts (37 including aliases). 3 reviews. 5 lists. 2 wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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Our Price: $3.99

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A intriguing infiltration adventure


Had a blast with this one. It combines espionage and a healthy amount of roleplaying and combat with the standard fetch scenario we're used to as Pathfinders.

The challenges and atmosphere are welcome for more experienced adventurers, but new players should stay away for a level or two. This is definitely not an adventure friendly for new players (in fact, they may feel unduly punished and feel like the GM is out to get them):

The only reason our group managed to avoid the gaze of the basilisk was a lucky saving throw by my paladin, who of course waltzed valiantly (*cough*stupidly*cough*) across the runes on the floor. He quickly alerted everyone else to avert their eyes, and they managed to walk across unscathed.

The golem at the end hits like a mack truck, and when the level 3 paladin at full health is nearly downed in a flurry of full-round attacks, you have reason to be concerned. It could easily obliterate a lower-level caster or injured group member in a single turn.

As a paladin this adventure is a bit challenging from a roleplaying perspective; it calls for you to do some fairly unscrupulous things, but I had a hilarious time roleplaying the paladin's awkward reluctance, and our GM hammed it up with some of the NPCs who wasted no time in making him blush.

Our Price: $3.99

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Unique and incredibly fun


Our group had an immensely entertaining time with this one. It takes a unique approach, and actually has a fairly compelling plot once you reach the end.

There seems less focus on the fighting this scenario, which I definitely appreciated, and I could see several situations where individual characters would have abilities that could shine.

I will say our party of melee-oriented fighter types struggled with much of the skill-related challenges, but we still had fun.

Sidenote: the most enjoyable "on-rails" adventure I've had.

Print Edition Unavailable


Non-Mint Unavailable

Absolute love


Bring your sense of humor to the table in this one, as it will surely enhance your love for these ridiculous goblins. The pregenerated characters that accompany this module are perfect, with just enough of a back story to give them the perfect flavor.

My players jumped right in and loved everything. I particularly enjoyed trying to roleplay goblins with a straight face as everyone cackled in glee around me.

You won't be disappointed!