Irabeth Tirabade

Nerdevac's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 15 posts (37 including aliases). 3 reviews. 5 lists. 2 wishlists. 23 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Silver Crusade 3/5

Secane wrote:

More so after seeing D&D 5th ed's Adventurers League factions' logo artworks.

Really wish a little more could be put into the new factions artworks to give them a polished feel.

Agreed. Wizards did a really good job with those, and they looked great on the big banners at Gen Con.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Players were able to pick up the pregens for the various ACG classes at Gen Con, so I imagine they'll be available shortly after the dust settles.

Silver Crusade 3/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I was able to approach just about any GM and ask questions while we waited for players to swarm the tables, and that camaraderie was fantastic. Everyone I talked to was really approachable.

Players--thank you for your positive reinforcement. I've always enjoyed GMing PFS to be able to help weave a story, but it's still incredibly rewarding to have someone say, "That was so fun! You were my favorite GM of the con!"

To my tier 7-8 table of the Legacy of the Stonelords made my night. I couldn't have asked for a more resourceful and coordinated crew.

To the players who ran in my Silver Mount Collection table on Saturday afternoon and stopped everything to debate moral ambiguity

related to pilfering Nigel's incriminating documents--even though you weren't members of the Dark Archive

for fifteen minutes, you made me realize why I love good roleplaying and why it matters so much.

And finally, to the lovely marshals who supplied us with an endless supply of bottled water and kept everything running despite the inevitable chaos of have my respect and gratitude.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This was my second Gen Con, and all of the players who sat down at my tables and all of the GMs at whose tables I sat were excellent.

I don't know if I just got lucky, or if it's a reflection of the people who come out to play at Gen Con. :) Either way, I'll take it! So much fun.

The collective energy present in the Sagamore during the slots (and especially the specials) was palpable , which just makes it an exciting atmosphere. Thanks so much for involving the community and letting us help out. It will keep me coming back, for sure!

Silver Crusade 3/5

Ooh. Fancy! Thanks for putting this together!

Silver Crusade 3/5

Really excited to see plenty of awesome season 5 offerings with the introduction of season 6. Last year's scenarios ran across the seasons, and I think this gives a more uniform feel to the events we'll be running.

Can't wait to GM! :)

Silver Crusade

I've never GMed or played in a home brew setting. I just don't have the patience or time to create my own world.

Silver Crusade 3/5

spikesparrow wrote:
During Bonekeep level 2 ** spoiler omitted **

Death in a blaze of glory, for sure. In fairness, it was a hilarious way to end the evening--even if it meant we were done.


Silver Crusade 3/5

Congrats! :D

Silver Crusade

Awesome stuff--worked like magic! :D

Silver Crusade 3/5

This was a *great* event, and I want to thank our local PFS leadership and 1d4Con staff for a wonderful experience.

I know several people that left feeling invigorated about PFS, and it wouldn't have been possible without the efforts of the VCs, VLs, volunteer GMs and enthusiastic players who showed up and had a great time.

Can't wait for next year!

-Keith W.

Silver Crusade

Papa-DRB wrote:

HERE are the ones that I am using.

-- david

Thanks David! Huge help! :)

Silver Crusade 3/5

I second this! Should be a lot of fun.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Amaaaazing advice, everyone. This is a huge help. :)

Silver Crusade

Is_907 wrote:

So, I launched our RotRL game last night, and it went smashingly well.

My three players all seemed to enjoy it, and we gamed for roughly 3 hours (minus some toddler interruptions) and they made it through all of Burnt Offerings part 1 and some of part 2 (misc bits of the Local Heroes stuff.)

Funny thing is, my wife is playing her rogue as a very Robin Hood-esque character. When she first saw Aldern Foxglove, hiding behind barrels while his hunting hound died, she figured he was a rotten egg, so she robbed him when he schmoozed on the party after his rescue.

Awesome, right? She ended up anonymously leaving some of the gold she robbed with a needy family (the family that will, soon, have a goblin in the closet ;D ).

So, I haven't read Skinsaw Murders, but I'm vaguely familiar with the plot. Any tips or advice on how to play this into Aldern's character and the next time they run into him, even in Burnt Offerings?
Or should I just play it off as "Oh, I was robbed, so I can't reward you as richly as hoped."

Looking for some cool ways to hook that action back into the game, as it's the kind of roleplaying I want to encourage!

(In other news, I also had a shortage of magical items in Sandpoint, so the wand of CLW they wanted to buy was completely absent. Had a great RP bit from another player interacting with Ameiko, where I integrated the Lonjiku confrontation, and Ameiko ended up giving the party a wand of CLW.)

This exact same scenario occurred in my game, though Adlern managed to catch her in the act, and his attitudes toward his saviors immediately changed. Her friends told her to apologize, but her apology was a bit hollow, and now they'll have to deal with an agitated noble until they can turn things around.

I can't wait for next week, when they'll see him again at the Rusty Dragon.